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, . , �� ,-� <br /> . ' � � �' '� <br /> . 4 <br /> • � � ' . , 1 ' • < `1 <br /> , ' .. h•: <br /> • . . , � ' ; . . � � . . . ... . . � . � . � ��'. <br /> . . . ! _ <br /> ! � ' • • -}" <br /> 97-�.�0��4 � - . ��- _- <br /> LOANNO. 1559200)53 � . t� ; <br /> � ii Lender exercistis tiii9 G}�u�a�a'+�Si S�!��':S 9�sr�°s st�*[..s�arrAlarati�n.The noUce shatl provide a Petlod t . _ . - ---•-- _ <br />�. � of not less than 3�days from the date the nottce is delivered or mailed wiihin whfch Borrowar must pay all sums secured k .. _ <br /> � by this Security Instrumer►L If Borrower fa;is to pay thess sums prior to the expiration of th{s p�riod,Lender may irnlolce : _ <br /> � any remedfes psrmitted by this Security Insvument without further natice or derrtand on Borrower. ; , <br /> ; 18.�orrower's RIgM to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditfons. Borrower shall have the right to have � . <br /> � enforcement of this Security Instrument discortUnued ai any time prior to the eadler of:(a)5 days(or such other period <br /> = as applicabte law may speci#y far reirsstatem�r�t)before sale of the PmPerry pursuant to any pov�er of sale coMained in �_ � - - - - --- <br /> .� <br /> � this Securfty Instrumar�or(fo�er�try of a Judgmer�er�forcing this Security InsirumerR Those condittons are that 6 <br /> � Bonower.(a)pays Lender all sums whlch then would be due un der t h is 5ecu ri ry In s Wm e rt t and the Note as ff no f ' ��� <br /> acceleration had occurred;(b)cures any defaun of any other covsnants or agreements;�c)pays aU expenses incurred � � <br /> �, fn enforcfng this Securtty Instrumertt,inciuding,but not limited to,reasona6le attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action � • . .�{ <br /> as Lender may reasorva�ly require to assure that the lien of this Secur�y In�irtement,Lender's rigfits in the Proparty and , , , , _ <br /> BoROwa�s obitgation to pay the sums secur�i�v Lti,'s Security Instrumer2�a11 cortdnus unchanged.Upon : � . ;� <br /> ; �einstater��t by Borrower,this Sec�c�iiy Instrurra,�-:and the c�:'.gatfons secured hereby shall remain fully etfective as if - . _ <br /> no accefera2;an had occurred.HaYe�cr,Yhls r���t t�reinsiazQ slrafi rsot appty in the case of acceleration under . <br /> P�9�Ah 17. ' . ` ,. <br /> . 19.Sale of Note;�rtge of Loan Servim7. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together vMh thfs Security . �� ' �� <br /> �_ ,.�. .. : <br /> Insvument ma be sa.^�J one or more times 4vi��L,prinr notice to Borrawer.A sale may result in a chang$fn the eniity .�:�,::� .:- , <br /> ) Y , <br /> (known as the'Loan��rvicer'�that collects mortihly paymems due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument There ,i;.�;,; , ..r-,�"t�' <br /> •. also may be one or more changes�f the l.oan Servicer unreta4ed to a sate oF the Note.If there is a change of the L�n �.�; � ; �. <br /> L � <br /> Se r v icer,Borrower w�1 be g t v en�y�n n o U c e o f t h e c h a n g e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h p ara gra ph 14 atoove and a p pficaEz��aaw• , `. ;°,'Q%�.°,, `�',:�' <br /> ,._ . ''_ 1 i�. •k.• .. <br /> • The notice will state t���ams anai�ddress of the new Loan Se�vice�and ths address to which payments shoutd� . .:f'��:4, '���__ <br />� � made. The notice v�r:a��contain arry other irtformatfon required by ap�i:,�ie law. : , .�,'', "- �...�r,,��-_ <br /> `� 20.Hazardous Sau'�.��nces. Bo�rower shal nat cause or permit th2��ence,use,disposal,st�raga,or releasa of < . � �:','"���'' r'� <br />,.:�•; any Hazardous Subst2�nces on cT�irs the Pro�Oerty.8orrower s.hall not do, nor allow anyone else 4o do,anyth(n a:f�:in ' . . '• '_:`�` � <br /> 9 9 � ,�aJj}+�`:_�-- <br /> _ ' the Property that is In violation o#any EmrfronmentaJ Law.Tha�recedfng two sentences shall not apply to the pr�a.�.e, t� - �Y;t�:?�� m� • — <br /> '`` use,or storage on the Property of s�nall quar►tities of Hazardaw Substances that are generaliy recognized to be . •�•��'_� �,,,lg <br /> approprtate to normal residerrtial uses and to maim�nance o'r ihe Properry. � � � s'�`' � ,,-.:. <br /> Borrowar shall prompUy give Lender written notice of any investigati�n,�!a(m,demand,lawsuit or otheraction by '��° • :. �',,;jA,,- <br /> � � any gavemmernal or regulatory agency or private paRy irnoSv�ag the Pr���and any Hazardaus Substance or <br /> � Emrironrr�ntal law of whfch Borrower has actuai knawiedge.�r Horrower��ms,or is notifled by any govemmer±*,a9� . • i: , •:;�" -��`�' - <br /> regulator�s a'iRhority,that any removal or other remediatlon o`,s�y Hazard�us Substance aftecting the Property is ��•;;�:,�'�;;:: ..',�4 �� <br /> �,+iF',5 •' — <br /> • necessary,Borrower��tl prompUy take all necessary remed���ilans a�a�ordance with Emrlronmental Law. ,''� , �,;,� ;;r� � _ <br /> I' p � `�,�'` .��,t��. <br /> ` As used in this�rra�raph 20, Hazardous Substances°are t�osa s��r�es deftned as toxic or hazardous s :� �� '�,. ;�;:���.�•,� �.,;:.�' , <br /> substances by Ernironmental Law and the foflowing substanc�s:gasofine,urarosene,other flammabia.�T tox(c �� ��,'�',f��''�� :��� ""j <br /> cs <br /> �� .a.:�;;r.;. �� , p,� <br /> patroleum producis,toxic pesttctdes and herblcides,vola�le s��venis,matedats contairtfng asbestos�r#ormald:.��z�3. ;',..�,.:,.�;�o.,��={ ' <br /> ,5����c;. .:. ..,;; <br /> and radloactive materlals.As used tn thls paragrap9�20,°Emr�ranmental Lauy'means fedaral laws and Iaws of th� ,._,. ,�y; . <br /> _ :ti,_. <br /> jurisdiction whete the Propertyr is located that relate to hsa�th,safery or environmental protecUon. � ��;t <br /> PtON-U6VIFORM COVEIVEWTS.Borrower and Lender turther covenant arad agree as tollows: •. "����' �y .�"" <br /> .,ir:���� <br /> 21.Accaferation;Remedie�.I.ender shall giore nottca to Borrowep p�ioeto sceeter�4ion tol tor r ing Borrotiy��'s . �:"�" '�'� =-- <br /> breach o!an covenant or a reemertt in this Securiiy Inatrumer�t(but not �or to acceleretlon under ra ra h � <br /> f► 9 pr Pa 9 P . ";�.: ��''`j:.�-• <br /> 17 un tes9 app l tc�b le I ew pro v l des o t he r w ise).T h e n o t i c e s h a l i s p e c i t y:(a)t t�a d e t a u l t;(b)t h e a c t l o n r e q u U e d t o :.�;��� <br /> cure the defauit;(c)a date,not less than 30 days irom the d.�te tha nofice ia given to which the ��,�.;:�--—�_. <br /> deiault must be cured;and(d)ttu�t tetture to cure/he defa�cd�on or betore the date spectfled in the notice msy • ---- <br /> � reautt in acceler�ntton o4 the sums secured bythis Security►t�strumerea and sale o!the Property.The notfae shali .•"' " ' '�'� 7�:w"' <br /> �: � <br /> fuRher intorm Borrower ot the rigM to reirtstate after accetera2lon ac��t�ea right to bring e court actfon to assert �.,-�� ��� � ��+�;�+� <br /> the nornexisZence ot a detauit or any other detanse of BoROwer to a�-�r+atton aad sale.It the definuti ts no! . ...���..;r� ��`�:�. <br /> cured on or betore the date apesified in the rtoUce.Lende�ai�3s option rraay requ�immediate paymen4ln tul�o? � .;�,,�.,� �.::.� <br /> all sums secured by thts Security Instrumertt vriEl�oie4 turCCn:��amand and may ir��c�ce the power ot aale and any .,'1,�,�` '�� � �,''. ,-n_:_ <br /> ather remedies permitted by appQcable law.Lender shal��c�t�led to coltect atl expenaes Incurred In purauing •:. �• � ;� <br /> tine remedies provlde�In this paragraph 21,Inciudiag,bu"�n�rt limite�to,resaonable attomeys'tees and cosis of , . _ �:� ��;;; q4.�'. <br /> titte evidence. .';.� ��, �,,, �;. <br /> ff the power of sate is irnoked,Tneste�ahali r�cord ffi Rotic�oi d�fau�t In es�c+�county in whlch any part of • � �``'' �� <br /> the P+r��r3y la tocated and shaLl msil co des of such�+a��zx�the manner resc�ibed b a licable law to �'���";;. <br /> P P Y PP ;rr;;;�', <br /> Bwrovr�v and to the other pera�ns prescribed by applie�Qi�law After the time required by applicsble law, °'�++���:�� � � <br /> Trustee shall�ive�t;Lb11c notice oi sale to the peraon�a���n the manner prescribed by applicabie law. Trustee, �, __ <br /> � without demand oen�'mrroarer,ah�l1 sel0 the���seRy at�;:b1ic aaction t�the higheri bidder at the time and place � .• � .� � -- <br /> and under the term�designatcb in the rtotice o?�ate tn���or more par�cels and tn any order Trustee determines. � � � � 4 -�, <br />• Tr�stee�y postpone sale o!all or sny parcel otthe�¢�1ty by pubttc annourtc�+.r�$n4 at the tlme and place of ����,: � . . <br /> any pe�s�sly acheduted aate. Lender or its designee re�y�purchaae the Property�aC any sata. . �•;:�":.`;; . <br /> tB�receipt of payme�of the price b�d,Trustea sP:a�7 deliver to the purchase�Truatee'a deed conveying � +�� " , <br /> 4he Property. Trie e�:�sis in the 7rustee's��!shafl be p�ima tacte evidence of the truth o!t[r�r..�atem�ents made .'�,." <br /> therein. Trustee sf�C1 appty the proaeeds o8 ttt�ra�le t�e tl�e tollowing order.(a)to all costs ar�r.cpenses o? . .___ <br /> , . , ��:,— <br /> NEBRASKA-81HOLE FAMILY-FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRIiPhTJl.T FORRI!302t1 fl/30 � ' <br /> ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(�L PAGE 5 OP 8 + . . — <br /> �� '�� . <br /> . .� � ' . _ � . - ' � <br /> ' . . . � ._ - . tL: <br /> � - . . . . . � • ' . � � � ' �.� <br /> � - • - � � � ' � �.._.L�� � . -` �F C.. <br /> . .....r—� ---,--�--.-.�, j. <br /> �..-_--�-,- . . . .. . .,. ... . . <br /> . . <br /> _ __ �. . . .. _ , . . . <br /> . , � :, . . . , . • ' ' '",•'. . � ' • � <br /> . ' .� . • . . _ , .. � . . . � . . .. .. . . � , . _ ; � ..' . ' , _ .�:. � , .. .+� . � .� . .. '. <br />