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. . . .:� . . ; . . . . . . . . . . :n.• . . .. . _ <br /> ` . _ � i - , , . � . �•.�, '. � , ' .. .y.. <br /> . � . . ' ` . - . . . � � � . . � � - �� <br /> . � , .. ' . - � - . � . .. . . . <br /> _ , . . .�. _ ' " . . . ' ' ' . � ,. .. ' . . . . " ', � . , . ... � � ' . ' . . . _�_` _.__�.__'� i ' ' ' �' ,� ^Q_: <br />`l: ' 9�-� ����� � � � � ; - - � <br /> , � ° ��-- <br /> LQAjN1�Q. 155920U753 � � i <br /> ` E , ,. �� <br /> A!{(nsura�ce poltctss ace�renswals shall be acceptable to Lertder and shali indude a standard rr���*�"'9e dausMe.�Q� L___—___ , _,_ _ <br /> Lender shatl have the dght to hold the poiicias an�renaw�ls.Ii Lender re�uires,Horrovrer shati prorr�,u; �..�-fs--��-� .�-- _ <br /> all recetpts of paid premtums and renewal naticea In the eveM of loss,Boreower st►all give prompt notice to the i. . � <br /> ` Insutance carrler�nd Lender.Lender may make proaf of loss ff not made promptly by Borrower. . . . <br /> � UNess Lender and Borrower otharwise agree in wrfting,insurance proceeds shali be appfied to restora4fan or repair � <br />�:� of tha Property damaged,ff the rastoraUon or repalr ts economlcally feasible and LendePs security is not lessened.if the .. : � <br /> restoratlon of repair is not economlcalfy feasible or Lender's security vrould be lessened,tha insurance proceeds shall � . • <br />.- be ap�lled to the sums secur e d by t h ls Secu r i t y I n s tr u m e n i,v�r h a t h e r o r n o 2 t h e n d u a,w i t h a r►Y s x c e s s P a i B L o Bflrr°�n+$r. ` ' - - - <br /> If 9orrower abandons the Property.or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier �� �, � <br /> h a s o f f e P e d t o s e t tl e a c l a f m.t h en Lender ma y collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair .. <br /> ' or restare tlie Property or to pay s�ms secured by this Security Instrume n t,w h e 2 her or n o t t h e n d u e.Th e 3 0�1 a y p e r i o d . • :, . _ <br /> wfil bsgin when the nottce is given. ., ;:�;�-�,:�� .' <br /> Uniess Lender and Bor�ower otherw�ise agree in writing,any apptica fi S;��2 o�r c�han ge the amour�it�of the�end or : t�1��.�� � <br /> � pastpona t h e d u e d a t e o f t h e m o M h 1 Y p a y m a n t s r e f e r r e d t o(n p a r a g r a p . . <br /> � payments. If under paragr�oh 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's rigM to any insurance polides and .��� <br /> �'; proceeds resultlng ftam damage to t he Prope r t y p dar 4 o the a c quisition shali pass to Lender to the e�dert of the sums , � �`;� ; _��} <br /> secured by thls Securfity Instrume�t immediately prtortca t�a acqulsftion. . �°:-�-_.:,.. <br /> 8.Occupartcy,Preservation,Meirctensnce arre!Fa��YecSian ot the Rraperty;Borrotirer's L,aan Qapplication; . . «�,;-�:' ,;,- ;, <br /> ` Leasehotd�. Borrower shall os;cupy.establish,and us�tha P��arty as Borrower's principal res.dence withln sbdy days = �._ �_ . . � <br /> � : � as Borrowers rind � • � --=� � <br /> •., after the execuUon of this Security Instrumant and sha"�c�r�sL.,to occuPy the Property P F P� :.,F:. . ..��._,x�� <br /> � resldence for at least one year after the date of exu��Y,u��s Len der o t h e�v u t se agr e e s i n w ri t i n g,wh.�h conser�t .�:�`�,. :. ._; ,,-, , � <br /> shall not be unreaso►rabiy withheld,or unless e�denuating circumsiances exi�which are beyand 8orroti�e�'s cordrol. �_..-_.-. <br /> .:P.^ �.:�;; <br />;:�ti: Borrower shali not destroy,damage ot impair the Propercy,ai,a��w t,irue FropertY to de4eriorate,or commit waste on tha ��� _� .,. .w�.�--_ <br />.;.,., �eedtng wfiether civii or begun that�u� -,��.. -- '.,:.-:�— <br />; �: Property.Bo�rower shaji be tn default ff any forfe'►ture actfon et�� , _ <br />��'�=� Lenders gaod faith judgment could resutt In forfeiture of the Fe�a{�-d'ty or otherw(se materially impair the lien created t�y � .. •� <br />�'� � this Security Inst�vmern or Lende�s security irrterest.B�rrov�er may cure such a defauit and reinstate,as�arovided in , ,, ,_ _ <br /> ''•- paragraph 18,by causing tha atxton ot proceeding to�a dissNssed wfth a rufing that,in Lenders good s��1h :.'�:.• .� ��h . <br /> ;r� determinatton.precludes fo�eiture of the BoROVre�s imerest in t�e Property or other materlal impainnern of the Uen � . .ty _ <br />;rt� �^�. . : <br /> creat e d by t h Ss Secu r f ty�n s t r u m e M o r L e n d e�s s e c v rf ty I M e r e s�I�a R O�v e r s h a i l a l s o b e i n d e f auYt ff Borrower,durin g the y�,� ,. ' ' <br /> '�"` loan application process,gave materlallyialse or iRaccurate i�stion orstatementsto Lender(orfailed to pro�ide :. ;�,z3 ��;r..,��} <br /> ,,;�;. �:r>.�.. s,�. � <br /> Lenderwith any matertal informa t l a n)(n c o n n e c d o n w i t h t h e l o a s��v i d e n c e d b y t h e N o t e.(n c�udin g.but not limfted to. , 'f. .,.�;.:.�'' ,��: � . <br />• , r e Qresernattons concemin�BoROwer's occupancy oF the Propa�ty as a princlpal residenca If this Secu�tnsirument is � ,{ �.y.`;<',,.: �jr .: - <br /> � on a leasehoid,BoROwer st+ail comply with a l l tho provts tons o f t he lease. l f Borro w e r a c q u i r e s f e a t t t t e a��e Pro pe r t y, �f�?:� ;=�r;#.•�,; ` � <br /> '� 4i�s teas�h�:d and the fee title shall not marge unless Lender agrees to the merger(n writing. t ;r <br /> �" �•.�:.;, ..:: <br /> �."'� 7.R r o 2��3 l o n o!L e n d e r'a R i g h t s i n t h e P r o p e r t y. i f B a r r o w er taDs to perfomn the co�enants and agreements ��:;��?� . : <br /> ;�:'� � <br /> �f: c o n t a i n e d i n t h!s S e c u r i t y I n s U U m en t,ar tisere is a le g a l proceeding that may signHtcanUy af�e�ct Lender's rtghts In t t r e3 � � :.tE�, <br /> � �..; Praperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,pcobate.for condemnatton or ferfeiture or to e�orce taws o r ' . <br /> �..�.; rege�atlons).then Lender may do and pay forwhatever Is necessaryto protect the vatue af the Property areti Lende�s ,� ; ,�. �s • <br /> ,; dghis in the Property.Lender's a�ttons may tndude paytng arry sums secured b a tien which has rforiry overthis -� ^ <br />- - Secaarlry�nsirument,aPPea►ing in co u R,pa y ing rea s o n a b 1 e a tt o m e y s'f e e s a n d e M e r i n g on the Pro pe rt y to make ;�,,,4 y <br /> .:ti repatrs.A tthoug h L e n der may t a k e a c U o n u n der thia p ara gra ph 7,Lender does not have to do so. �; <br /> �� ' A r ry a m ounts disbursed b y Lender underthis paragraph 7 shall become add�tonal debt of Borrower secured by ;�'� •,••;:...::. <br /> th►s Securiry Instrumeni.l�ntess Borrower and Lender agree to otherterms o!paymer�.these amourrts shall bear "Y ��� <br /> .� �; (Merest from the date af dts6ursemerrt a4 the Note rate and shall be payable,vyith irterest,upon notice irom Lender to � �, ,:��_,�_ <br /> � '` 8omower realu6s41n9 paYinerrt. ��-�. _ <br /> �;c,;:.� •- <br />;;::�„!:� e.M��e�+a Insurance. tf Lender required martgage ins�rance as a condidon at making the loan secured by t�s .+ r �•-� _ <br /> Securlty Ins:ntmertt,Bonower shali pay the premiums required Yo malrrtaln the mortgage in5urance In effect(f,tor�.� �___._,._ . <br /> `i reason,the mortgage tnsurance covetage�equired by Lender Iapses or ceasesto be in�'�.Borrower shall pay the �� ����-�„-= <br /> � � premlums requlred to obtafn coverage substantia8y oquivalent to the mortgage Insurance�tc-�slously in�`act,at a cost �_�. _ '� f�-��:_ <br /> su6stantlalty equ(valeM to the cost to Borrower ot 4hs mortgage insurance prevlousty in efse�irom ar�s:"emate �>. , ,�- �':�,;:_ <br /> Is not availabte <br /> � mortgage Insurer approved by Lender.If substantiaily equlvalent mortgage Insurance coL��s . '��- """ r,.. - <br /> ' Borrower shall pay to Lender each morith a sum equal to one-tweiRh of the yeady mort�c��l�surance premium befng � , , �:y�,a.,,±� �.� _ <br /> �:.. . <br /> � � . patd by Borrowervfien the Insuranr,e coverage lapsed or ceased 4o be in effect.Lender v���xe p t,use and retaln these •� ,; ,. ,..,'`;�� _ <br /> ; payments as a loss resasve in lieu of mortgage insurance.Loss rese►ve paymeMS may no longer b e required,at the <br /> �! opaion of Lender,if mongage Insurance caverage pn t he amou n t a n d f o r t h e�l o d s t h a t L ender r e quires)pravided b y '�:;�:,.: . <br /> ; an insurer aQpraved by�nder agaln becomes ava0able t{nd Is abtalned. B�ver sha11 pay the premiums�oquired to ":�'�.� , . '.-�:. ,; <br /> in�ccord��ith�an�+tten agreement�be ween Borrower and Le dier�or ppitcabte��rir moRgage Insurance ends ' :=�K�-:'.:m;K�,�-.-� . <br /> . ,.� � ' �i��\.�A�:�i:. . , . _ <br /> 9. Inapection. Lc.�Q�or its ageM may make reasonable eMries upon and inspect�ons ot tha Property. Lender `_'.'t{Y.,;�' <br /> •5 shall give Borrowar noi��at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying r�asana6le cause for the(nspection. ;� : � ,.�'����,"�•:' � <br />. . J�`�..� .l.)), .. <br /> .5�. �.:T_��i'L4;�� ` _ <br /> � 'w�^�'�TL:�:'� ,. <br /> . NEBAASK�-SINGLE FAIIAILY-FN�JlA/FHli1AC UNIFORM INSTRUMENf . . f,. � FQAM 3028 9/90 _. ':.���' <br /> ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028t�90�1 PAt3E�Qi6' .S� � ;,�'� . '. . . - <br /> � ' . . .. . . . . ' - - ' ' r- <br /> • � ' - . � , . . �. . . . � � ' ' .1-- <br /> . • T�,�—•-�- '........�.....^.-�— .---�--, ' , , ....- . .- . <br /> ._...__•--,..—.,......,, , _ .. . , . ...r. • ..s.. � . _. . . .. _ .. , . , � <br /> __ . . , _ _ . ' . . -:ti�. . '. _ - ' • . <br /> � � _ � . , _ ' � � < - � . . . :f.- • _ +- ..t� <br /> ' .. _ - . . _. . ' ' _ .. -. � � .. . . . .. . . . . � . .. . . - �� ' . ., � _. ' '' . .. � . .. � � . ,:l'' .� . .. . <br />