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. . ... . . � - . <br /> � � � � < < . � . .. - . ' . . .. ' - • y . •4. � --_. <br />�... . . - n . . '- . —c �' ...t._,v - � . .�..� . .. . . __ <br /> .:.c_. ...,.... �.—_�.�. ._ . ..... . ... ._ .." _ _ .. . ., _ . . . .. . .. � , .. i\ '*` �i_. <br /> ����O�`"'+�� LQAN N8. 1 5 5 9 2 0 0 1 5 3 i . : � _- <br /> � 7FiIS SEClJF9iTY}AiSTAUMENT combines uniform covenartts for natfonai usQ and norwnifiorm cover.anis with �. ` � , ' ,,� �^'.� ,� --� <br /> � iimited va�atlons by jurfsdiction to co�stitute a unHorm securiry instrumertt cavefing�ea!proparty. "� <br /> ! UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower and Lender covenant and agree as foUows: ( �: <br /> � 1.Paymer94 04 Frincipal and Irtterest;Prepaym�r�t art�9 Late C��. Boreav�ar shall promP�Y PaY�en due - --- -,-. -- -- -.- <br /> the princtpal of and Interest on the debt andenced by the Nate and any prepaymerit anr9 fate charges due under the <br /> � Nota � " � <br /> � 2.Funde 4or Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or fo a written wahrer by Lender,Borrower shall p�y �� _ � <br /> �- to Lender on the day morithly payments are due under the{Vote.urnil the Note is pald in full,a sum(`Funds°)for:(a) . � , � <br /> yea�ly taxes and assessmer�ts which may a4tatn priority over this Security Instrument as a Ilen on the Propeity;(b}yeady �� _ _ <br /> � leasehotd payments ar ground renYS on the Properry,if any; (c)yeady trazard or properry insurance premiums:(d} .--- — - -- - <br /> yaaily ftood insueance premiums,if any,(ej yearty mor�gage fnsurance premlurt�,ff any.and(�any sums payabie by � � � . — <br /> � Borrower to Lender,In accordance wiih the provisions of paragraph 8,in tiea of the paymert of mortgage insurance � <br /> premiums.These items are called°Escrow ftems.'Lender may,at any tlme,callect and hotd Funds tn an amount not to i; . � <br /> exceed the m�dmum amouni a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may requlre for Borrawer's escrow acxount � 'x <br /> under ths federal Real Estate Settlement Prooedures Act af 1974 as amended irom Ume to time,l2 U.S.C. �2501 et � � � <br /> seq.(°�ESPA°�,unless anather�rs that aPPlies to the Funds seis a tesser amourtL If so,Lender may,at any tim�,cr.�'?�f . ,, __--_- <br /> � and hotd Funds in ar►amaurrt aet�exceed the lesser amount Lendar may esdmate the amount of Funds due an�`:� . . , �;::-�_., <br /> hasls of current d�a..�d reasonabte estimates of expend'�tures of future Escrovl tiems or otherwisa in accordance v�itF� � � �.,�:;a- <br /> ,� aPPlicabte law. � �.z, ���"'z16" <br /> ,.. .. , .. . ,�`= <br /> � TOt�E�nds shalf be heid in��nstltution whose depesits are insured by a federal agency,instra�mer►tality,or er�triy • r-..,T---,_= <br /> (�ndus��ur�O.endBr,if Lender is s��n an ins�tution)or in any Federal Flome Loan Bank.Lender shatl appiy the Funds to � ���h<.� "*= .:�_r - <br /> °,rs� r.�'.a:-;C=?. _ <br /> pay ti,��a�row ftems.Lender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds,annualty anatyzing the • ,:•.;"; .�..��- <br /> escrrnv arxount,ar verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays 8orrawer tnterest on the Furtds an�applicabte law '.'' :..��=. <br /> : Rermits Lender to make such a charga.Hativ�r, y q F � � '�"' <br /> Lender►Tea re uire Borrower to pay a one-time a:4-�arge for an . '��, • q_�_-___ <br /> _ ;� inde}ter,deM real estate tax repoRing service used by Lender in connedlon wtih this loan,unless a..�d`z�ble IaHr � ��., 4;� <br /> rou�fl�othsrwise.Unless an agreemer►t is made or applicable taw requtres irrterestto be pafd,Lender shall rtu2�e �. •���``� <br /> ::i.�j:�:L:., ....s�':-::r�. <br /> P .":��:���iMr�:Y��' ��"_r <br /> " ' requ:�l�pay 8orrower any interest or eaenings on the�:nds.8orrawer and Lender may agree in writing,h��ar, �:�.:_,;,s;jr;:,;��;-.�<._ <br /> `���; that ir��:�st shall bs pald on the Funds.LeRder shali gfira to Borrower,without charge,an annual accourttlng��GM • �,�;,.,:�,;��:; .4 ; <br /> � Funds,shawing ce�;ss and debits to the Fe�s and the purpose for whicfi each debft to the Funds was made.T4►e � .. �.. .�.r. ..'�; ~, F� <br /> � Funds are pledge��add�ional security fc�a'�sums secured by this Security lnstrument �� •` � -. �� =�" �; . : <br /> � If the Funds hei�b Lender exceed the amourtts rmitied to be held b applicable t�w,Lender shatl accou�to '%�� � -' ��- <br /> '� Borr¢�er far the sxcess Funds i�accordance with ths equdremertts of applicable law.If the amourR of the Fus�held . `:-'``�:��-�'V��{..: . <br /> ' { by Lc�ra�ar at any time ts nut si...��ra.-;t tfl pay the Escraw Iterns w hen due,L en der rteay so no i ff y Borrower in e�r i�c� ���,:f�� '� ° <br /> ;:� and,fn such case Borrawer shafJ Fay to Lesc,c�rzr ttie amount necessary to make up the deflctency.�°���t�°nalce � ��. <br /> up th0 degiciency in no more than twc:lve rn��i5ty paymeri2s,at Lender's sofe discretlon. �' '� <br />. .:�� , Upon paymetrt in full of all sums sec4�l����is Security Instrumeirt,Lender sl�all pmmptly e�...'�r,��8ar:a�r�erany `� ;�=:�,��;, `, ;:-.�`�,.��.' <br /> ,,., <br /> Funds held by Lender.lf,under paragrapts 2a,l:ander sh�B��quire or sell the Property, � ` ���"� <br /> Lender, r..�:��o�:s�ion r F., •.. <br /> ar sale af the Property.shali a�a�y�wny FunCs�►etd by l.e�at the Ume of acquisi3Yan car sale as a c.�.�st ag�irr�:��.,s �;. .�' •;�� <br /> . a�T',.::>.. .. <br /> sums secured by thls Securlty I��vmern. � L{r'�%.�. <br /> 3.Applicatio�n�9 Psymle�ta Unless����bla law provides othenerlse,all payments recefircd�y Lender under �'�� �� ���r�;;�.. <br /> . paragraphs 1 and 2 sha11 be applled:flrst,ta�^y prepayment charges d�under the IVote;second,to amourRs payable s� ' <br /> under paragraph 2;thfrd,toJrnerest due;fioL�,to pNncipa!due;and tas�to any late charges due under the�loia l.�` ���-��._ <br /> 4.Charges;Ltens. Borrowe.*:.�i Qay a�i ra�es,assossmerrts,charges,flnes�rrc�icnposiUons attributable to the ,�;�;��: <br /> Property wh!ch may suain prlor(ty over this Security Instrument.and leasehoid payments or ground rents,ff any. '" ��=� <br /> Borrower shall pay these obligatlons tn the�wnner pravided in paragraph 2,or ff not pald in th�t e�nner.BoROwar shafl ---- <br /> pay thet�on tlme directly to the person o.�c�I�aymerrt.Banower shall promptly►fumish to L.and�al:rtotices af „���-���--- — <br /> amounts to be pald under ttds paragraph.lf�ar�ower makes these paymerrts dUectly,Boma�+r�r�l�nall prompily fumish 40 ---- — <br /> � Lenda.•recelpts evidencing the paymerits. �f- r ��'` <br /> �3��wer shall prompUy diacharge any tien which ha�iWT�ority over this SecurftSf la��.�ment uNess Borrower.(a) ' - ---� <br /> •.�ti:_=.�� <br /> agrees in writing to ths payrrter�t of the obiia,,;�ri��secureb:.y the Ilen in a manner�cc�abte ta Lender,(b)coMesta in � �; ,f<::.\;=---�-_ <br /> , good taith the flen by,or defends against erl�ment ot the Uen in,le��*�rocaedings whtch tn the Lenderis opinion � <.- ���� <br /> �'� , operate to prever�*he en#o7cemeM of the lien;or(c)secures from the t�J��er of the Ilen an agreemertt satistactory to ' -����.--.�,. - <br /> � Lender subordinati�ng the Ilsn to this Secu�fty instrument ff Lender determines that any part of the Pro�erty is subJect to "-���"�` <br /> � � a Iten which may attain prlority aver thls Sscurity Is�strumerrt,Lender may ghre Borrower a notice Wenilfying the Ilen. • .;:- �''�� <br />� , Borrower sha!!saUsfy the lien ortake one or more ag the actlons set forth abwe withln 10 days of the gfving of notice. _ `��� r <br /> 5.Hazar�9 or Property InaurBnce. eorrouve�shall keep the improvements naw existln or hereafter erected on the . . _ ,�. ,,_�` <br /> � P�operty insured against loss by flre.hara��d�ir�ciuded within the term'extended coverage�and an�+other hazards, � y,i�t��:�:;;' <br /> , inctuding floods or flaoding,torwhich Lertdoc nss�uires insurance.This insurance shall be mairtt��1n the amourits and : �:���'- �� -.`t;,;i;i'��,-_ <br /> torthe pedods that Lender requlres. The ins:�nce carrler praviding the Insurance shall be choser fby Bortow2r subjeci �.,��,+�;a�;'r�;,�?-�t; � <br /> to LendePs approval whlch shall not be unreasonabty withheld. If Borruwer fails to malrnain coverage descdbed abave, _ � �;�,;.,,�,,;;;�,�,.ti:,.�.__ <br /> Lender may,at Lender'a optlon,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rtghts in the Property in accordance with • �_^•�� <br /> � Para9raPh 7. .. . .. _ _ <br /> �.��:�..` <br /> :�,�;=-.� _ <br /> NEBAASKA—SINGLE PAMILY—FHMq/FHi.MC 6lNIFtS�clW INSTRUAAEPJT FORM 30289/80 � • <br /> , ISC/CM1IDTNE//0792/3028I��L P�w�2 OF 8 ' � • _ <br /> .}.�.�.y! ' • . . <br /> ,f --�_--�..._..—.,.,,,.,_,. ,--�-- r: <br /> a <br /> •.�j:(.;r . . . 'F f;.�_ , .t:,: . ...{1..� �' <br /> , ' • � . . . , � , . 1;i.r � i <br /> . . , . ••.�' � . r <br /> . - • . , .. ' i <br /> _��_ , ._c -. � ,• ' - . . . _ .-�-----:..:_.:._ ._._..._�:..�_. - • � �'� . .. - . 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