; . . �..
<br /> - � : .:;_ � .
<br /> - �,::.�;..;�::•
<br /> , . . _ = 92--�`4s�`�.:
<br /> �����.w:�ea����e�o:d r�aa:;��e��c�a�e,.�..R���,�,:,;..,
<br /> Mt Latler.:�q�i+at)Povided b��aiiier a�o!�1r,�1�ild�e��p�.�c4tae�arail�ble a.a b obuinea:so�,v�er���� ,;.. ;
<br /> �6 p�iii�'�►d�d 1a a���i�a�oe i'i d�aA.ar fd�ide ifo�eaare.�ttie r�i�p�t lota�o��e -:;
<br /> i�lieir�ocyaii iRiieolwd�oe�h abt.wtiedE�eeewe�t 6et�re4a lanuwe�ad 1�eMdet arappliaUle liwr:_ . ;;;.
<br /> :., !.�ii�qi�:f,erder a its��►�.�ea�c�r�ie�rie��poa�d�of tho PmpCRyY j�de��WI�+�e '.
<br /> �oeia�ec�qtiaalMtiiaapoforpqotlaa���+c�na,�7ie��maie�leaosetarl4eiaspoction. _ ' . ' _ ` . . �
<br /> .:. 1R G�.7!ro piuoeeds af ary a�iatl ar ct�iad kK�.��or aoasequmtW.in comieectios wifk ary
<br /> ' ,��oo�derttat ar a�er ttki�ota�y pR of tt�e Puapaty,or f�c�oiveya�oe in lieu of 000de�mdon.a�e hereby a��ped aid ,
<br /> -- `_-����i;�det_—---- -.:,�.._. `�. .. -; : . .
<br /> -� �. , �Ciia aeat of i 1o1aI ta�ioa td�e PiopntY.tht qeooeac s1nIl bt applied to tLe sua�sea�od by f6is Secur�ty tn�uomeiN.::::.__.::
<br /> '„_::��rliiellier ar aot�a dre.�rith any e�,�io Rai�In th��►qrE af:p�tial talciub of tLe P�opaty In wl�ich tLe fsi�
<br /> a�tet valre ot tbe Prupe�ty imme�atdy b�far We talcioa is eqnd w c�g�t�aa t�amount of t6e sums socuznd bg�is ` .
<br /> Sac�uity�nnnent immedl�dy 6do�e dre q�i�.�u�iest Bon�a�er�ad Isuder WAecwis�rg�ee ia+vritm�b W�suma sacatd bp. �: '
<br /> �Sa�ih►i�a�a+eac sl�tt ba ni�oed b�►t�amouat af t6e pmaoo�mylt�ptied bY ttti Cdtowte�fr�ctkb: (a)�e��aW � .
<br /> �of the tumg�o�pd immed�dY beface tt��.dtvidod by(b)dit f�ir a�zt�et v�lue of tb�Piopaty umedi�r ,:'.
<br /> befa�e t6e 4Eia�My 6dr�o�aMll 6e p�id to HatoMer. In the tva�t ofi:patfat t�iciag of d�Rmpe�tX i�t whkfi tbe faic..
<br /> atirictt vai�e of d�c Propertg.b�medLld�befae d�e taidn�is tess dm t6e amount of tec sums socumd immedlKdy befae tbe ,.:�'
<br /> lai�ia�,nnias Horro�er�:�``�{ider atl�ewise��cee ia�Wiit�ae uotass appticaDllc��,a�nse p'°Ndes.tbe Ptoa�x�s�ll
<br /> be applied a die sums sacai��d�t6is Sccurky Insuu�:�!baber a aatli�sai�^i�c�;�e a due.
<br /> If tbe Ptnpatyia�b�i�tiaed bY Bacmwa.o�i�aRet t�otia bg�irieciiq�er that tbe c+oodea�oor aRas to odoo�n
<br /> a�rand or seltle��int fci`,¢f��. Bma�er faiis to,t�Ab, `.:Wd�4iiA;�,�1!�aj►s aRa tLe�te the natioe is;ivan..
<br /> �=:,.
<br /> -:�s�isau�£aoato-�taoda�Y t�g�ocoo�*"�#�.�a�t!'as�=;��`?��s�ai�'���Y ar ta i6esar�s`--
<br /> ,_.��.;:.
<br /> ;,;'`�,�pctuad 6y 16is Sa�ri�y -y�ioeot.�vhetha a uot i�eii;,� �� . � ':~�,,;�:,•.,:,.r. . �
<br /> ':'`;�, tTNess Lesder�d Hoitorrar cth�a�v}se�roc"ta'�iida�•`�o!is spplic�tion'Eef:1���'R�P'v sG�U nat e:tand ar
<br /> �� t`"�`po�tpoue?IO!€.dik�sd�te of tLe mootWy paypaegt�tefeno�to 6��I aod 2 or�i�i�(iiplir�of wrh paymedts.
<br />: � 11 ��ii�ler 1VK lt[ieaiei;Faiieara�e Ey l�der 1Wla�e'�s�er ' �Qf�.,�„��ar payment or mo�ifia�tiao ,
<br />' qf amo�i�'�f We s�s sai�rod bY this.Sa�ritY ln�un�:��ry►L,ajde��`suoo�in ir�of Borm�wer si�al! .
<br /> ` t�ot apaateto nles�e the liab�7iry of ibe ori�ed Hona�t;��aa�?�'ssuoc����`inee�+est.i�eeder sbap a�6e rs�q�irod tn �- -
<br /> � ' ooaana�oe p�oaeedit�gs sg�inst aay aieoasor ia intetat or''refu.ce to extrnd tim�•:�,�iayment or o�lxrwise mo��uooKizstja�
<br /> of t6e sums saaued 6y Wis Soauity I�t by aason o��F;�emaid ni�!`e by the oriprol Bomowe�[or Borcowt.r's� ..
<br /> sYooasars in.inte�est.Amr forbpranoe by Leader in eaacising a�}r•i�t.or r�naay shal!not tie a waivtr of or p�oclude tbe .
<br /> pta�cke of my ri¢t or rar�edy. � ��?': r � :j ;
<br /> 12. S�oioea�es�d A�ipi�o�;Jai�t s�d.Seatsl I.�y, ��-The oovem+nts a�d�oan�s af tfiis
<br /> Sxurity Insdva�a�t sb�ll bind aad brnefit the suaoe�ai��+d ascigt�s of Le�:pi�,(3�rrnwer.subjoct to tbe p�ovisions of .
<br /> p�rasr�ph 17. Ho�rotver's c�ewetauks ancl:agrarne�s�s3�11 be joiat u1d sav�+..�`;.�,�rto�er, who c�►signs this Sexvrity ,
<br /> ,...
<br /> • Insaument bat does not eaaa�te the No�;isa)is co-signing this Spca�ity I�tr�i��cki:�e.g�ant�a0 oonvry tlut
<br /> Borroka's;(ci��est in ihe Property under�-�Ite temis of this Srcuric�r�T�iir��:���.i��t�t pe�soi�l�obligatod io�ay the sua� . . •
<br /> socuted'by'6ms Saurity In�niment:and(c)�Sroes tha[Lender and airy othtr Stit�it�;t�Y agroe to extend.aadify.for6ear a •
<br /> molco arty ao�'ortunodatians with reg�nd to the temu oP this Security Insuubsea�.�t��ote without that Borrorver s oonseM.
<br /> . !3.Ilw�.Clqu�e9.If the Man secated by this Sec�trity lnsatm�t is.SO��.+t;d a law which sets maxirtwm laaa ct�rges, .
<br /> and tlwt L�i:�finalty intetpnxed so that tde interest or other loan"ic��.=s`�aitected ar to be ootlectad in oonnection with�ire'
<br /> Iwn oxabd ii�e penmittod timits.[hen:(a)any such toan cdarge sh�t��c�b,y.the amaunt aeoessary ta roduoo tho c6a�:; , ,
<br /> ta the pe�miaed Gmi�and(b)any sums already collec�Qd from Barimo�cei v4fi�Ji ci�.�r�eded permittod limits w11!bo rafuadod iv
<br /> .';�nrmwer. ltMer mry choose to matce this refubd��.rodncing the principa}_ir�ed under thc Note or by making a dine� , '`t;;
<br />, ptyment to Bormwer. lf a nfund roduces prtttc�r�.:_ti� reduction will be"tf�+ted su a partlal P�Y� �� �Y .
<br /> p�rep�ymetlt chuge under the Note. ,,:••;�.'-,:`.:,;:.�;'�:,. :, ',,S ` ' ;
<br /> , , ` 14.SWIri�.My notice to Batro,�z�sinN:ir�f'r�i't�air.y`s this Socurity'Insnument sl�all be.gi�e±�try delivering it orby�1a�'�'
<br /> ,�, ,it.by finst eJ�s mail unless ag�li�61e��i�res'�;:���'i�.other method.The tr�iii�:'shall 6e directod to the Yn�ty Add�ss ,'
<br /> ;�rsi.�,�ny.Qtt�err addresa$a�tiMCrr4 design8tes by noi�ar.iii.��:nder. Any notice"ttt,:Ti�i�i�°r shall be given by�tt50 class maii to
<br /> `';.;��;s(;�9 st�tod `.�or any other addras'�designates by aalit�'��'J3'orrower. Any notice povide�D for in thls " .
<br /> ���;���st�l}be dcemed to 6ave been given ta Borrowet nr l.ender wf.ea:given as provided in this pvrigraQh.
<br /> !':'::•:ii'�'�s�iii6 l,�w; Severa6ility. This Security Instrotne���all 6e gavemod by federal law �nd the 1aw ofihe
<br /> �'.��i�?��iCcx�;jiu,�syµ�iicb t!��#sa��eAy ls lacated.In the evet�t that an}jTni�ision or claqse of this Serurity In�romrnt or the Note
<br /> ."'.��'�ts v�fi'xi�qHcabte'�;ia;:such mn11ic1 shall mt�eat�lher prm�sions of thjs�..�ity Instnttnent or tLe[�tote which pn be
<br /> ;,.g�r�eFfe`st�i�d�jut the�+s�,iiFting prov3uAa, To ttus;erid+��e+�n�ti;iaibr�s of this Ssaasri.ty lnstzucnent and tt►e Notb ue doclarrd
<br /> totAeseva�r� ,',. `j ,. : -.,;.,:. , .:,,,� . . ..i•.:.r :,�.�..
<br /> li.�iqnnrr�s's,Ca�y�,�orrov►�ex.�3�It j�given ane confrntr�aa���,03 the�°,`oyv;and oE'chf's�S�curity/nstrummt.
<br /> ' �.I.'' ,i;. ;:�:, �: . '� . .�' :t`` ���. ��! i0Iw�302s !!!0
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