4- - — -- - -- ---- - ._.
<br /> ,=t��., _ . . __---�---� - - - - - --. _ _ _. _ , .�._. ... ..
<br /> �.�<<t_ - - ..-- .. . . ; 92� it�77�s
<br /> _- .�..:; .
<br /> - �`.s.�B��.,.��,Iyie}+,�+iit�;�eir�.i..�a�ea 8a�olri�r tL.0 teep t6e�mp�rveemt�e�►ai�iqs a�end�tler ee�eaea m trc
<br /> �.ti�-!w!Tw i�1t!!�'�`�fC.���dlC 1l1��Gltf�dOd CdYR�'w�il�t Of�1Et�{V�I�i„i�ll�dl�
<br /> '�OO�t��OOdl1��ft�f��.E01�.�lli Idl�IIC._��fi 1�6YRIOG i���!.`�40d l0 i�IG iW00p�f}alld fQt f�IC�lpdi
<br /> -� :*1'�!J'lOf�lli(�9.�1ia�0SP1a110C CfflliplWidfOg t�C A�IIT�tICt 511i11 6C Cl1Q6eA hSt BaibNR StIbJOtK t0 LlIIdGf�S iQ�Yal
<br /> �r�ich sl�tf nat 6e na�a�4abtY�riW�et�.tf Hocno+�ar S�t tu u�aiauin mv�r�ge descn`bad�bove.t.ad�may,at i.arda's
<br /> aAba.�e�ias+a�w p�eet La�dei s ri�cs ia t(�P[ope�ty ia acaa�d�nae w�itb p�r�p6 7. -
<br /> �A1!i�raeoe potiFiec am�ats slpq 6e.a�o�oe�t�Me�o I,eoda and sWll indude a sw�d�cd mattg�a cl�te. 1�1e1
<br /> s�U barre t��K in bnEd tbe poticiea�nd e�s_If 1.tader�equires.Boaower st�t!P�q�Y 8&ve W Lader al��ereiPt�of
<br /> _-_..._pid�c�C�wd��ootioes.In tho zreat of foss.B�a.sbalt tdve peiomot mtioe tall�e iem[aeoe�rie�aod.ls�dei. . , ��.
<br /> i+ader mr!►arTre Procf of Ioss if not mde poaroptly by Bonower: - - - , . .
<br /> [Tdesa t,oder ad Bo�mw�+a dhawise aane ia�,imuwooe pt0000ds styll be applied to restoation uF nep�is otiAt .
<br /> Prapa�tg�?�nd.�f�o�ie�s�otaitlon or�ir is eooeomie+Uy fas�'bk aad I�dix's seauity is aot lacsened.If tbe�tian a
<br /> np'v ic mt eouoomialty f�sibie a lsader's sa�rity w�ouW be iessened.t6e i�uneae pcnoeeas s�lt b��ppliad to tbe sw�
<br /> �ecu�e�d b�r tNs Seaadgr�wh�a nat then dn�wide aaa►�ess pdd o�Bort�w+er jf Ba�i�nw�er a6�od�ms tbe
<br /> Pmgaty.or daes trat�aswet vrjthin 30 d�ys a natioe fcam La�dec.tt�at the iaa�uaarx prr�a b�s nEf'aed ta swk a�1aim, then
<br /> t�eoder may ooltect ti�insrraoo�:piqoeeds. ie,ade:ma�r us�t1�o`ptnaeods�o �epir or a;stooe du Propaty or w paiy swna
<br /> seaaad b�►dds Sa�shY t�unment:�rbdbrr ae aot then du�T'At�daJt 1��Mr�l begin whea iL�notioo is g�vea.
<br /> = ifi�s L�nder md.Horr�o�rer a�ba�rise.�.iji!rircitinB* �Y�PP��of pcooeeds w prindpal sh�p aot eata�d or
<br /> -:,..;? po�epone tbe dne da�e o�drc.,moalhlY Paymaks r��w in puasrap�hs i and 2 or cUa�ge tbe a�mouot of t6e payments.If
<br /> - _t`��ooder prag,n�h 2t t6e P�opeRY is�Pi�d bY.�e�e�:?Bacu�rer's ria5t to any i�oe twlicies aad prooeeds iewltirg ftom
<br /> - ��0.��9 P�������,;v l,endec to t6e extent qf tbe s�s��qai'�x!bY t6is Socarity In�neot
<br /> �-i:. � . ,.:• i. �"" .. _ _,� . . : _:��titi.
<br /> �` .� :
<br /> ;" �'�� .�,`;�• -- ..�::,:- : :- . .� ,:-,: � :' _;,.., `
<br /> �r,•: ;. . .;:�. ;:.; ��
<br /> - ,f`,: := �i:tk,.iiii�ii�c,�`*.,�.11�i��a�oe�M�li,��.��'�R!�7����..'����!l�+��+1�ar�el�oii. ;.
<br /> �.�tbns Secui��l�i���s���IOa� �•and me th� � ±�E's r�de�� after the eza.wla►of i
<br /> ����� � �'��
<br /> siw!!cpM44tne W ��er'"s�Ynir�;ay�ssQe for at lesst one year`�.ar.
<br /> tbe d�te a��A�xup�oc.y.unlass I.eni�:;aitJ�vise � ��`,�
<br /> �8f&�i���'.i�itfi oor�nt sh�U�wt�;�o�6[Y�rrtbad'd-p�.�s
<br /> e:ta�j��'circumstaooes exist w�k;?.�b�Yaod;��prioq�'�:�r�rol• Ho�rratver sbal! 'So�#R�iaY..�e,or�unp�ia tbe
<br /> _ Pmpe�ty.atb�v tbe Pt+opaty to. ` `°�e,or aof�irt.�vaste on�the Property.Barmwer�hajY 6e irr 3t8����any fairleitu�e . .
<br /> ;-`;:.,:actiou or pmoaading,wlK[her civil'�bir'p��nn�1.is�an tl�t ia Lsa�dePs good faitb judgna�oould n�At;�s�'�fwtciputi of the
<br /> �����;`;`;PRopesty ar dhe�wise materially ita�ax:i$e lien tra[dif by this SacCuiry Ituwmeat a Ler�der�s�eurity i�ri�t.Borrc�may
<br /> :�,;�soc�i�s.deE�lt and reimtate.u�vided iA par�gr�ph 18.b!►a�nia8 tbe xtion or prooeqd►i�io be t�;ssed aiii�g►vliag
<br /> ? ;,Kr�t,.iut��ir�r's gopd�ith determimpon.procludes forfdt�a of tt�e Bo�ruwer's " � �1 .
<br /> _,c ' iutCitst!}i'tlte �z uthu� ,
<br /> ,ttqe ca�tod by this Socurity Iaununent or ��.�
<br /> :��;�' •��: �'.r. l.ender's " i+�tnGCt. ,�;} � ... ,,,<��
<br /> `,.:":,�.;,:r,,�_ �?�t`.y. �'"er�al�:. �'�`!�e�ud1� .1 ,,,,_ :
<br /> ��c'baa..appliption process,g�ve mm�tte�ialty false�inaoc��.lrn�tion ar st�tteme�..i�T�{�ei�.fp�,f:,:
<br /> W Pnur?�ic�r�iCr wu�asy matetial infom�etioa)in ooanoctlat witle tbe layt�c�ed by:,+�Kote inciai�?out j�.����.J� `
<br /> �,4'.r • ��W�v.:��(.�S;a�� ��
<br /> to.r�p�aitii�ns ca�cemiag Borrnwer's occup�nc.y of tta Pnnp���s a princip�t i+a�de�or;�E't�Secuaty Instrame�iti�a�� .
<br /> Ir�seh�;;�C+nwer s�ll compty anth aU tbe pravisians of dra`D'ease. If Botrawer a�..�ee titk w tbe Prnperty. tLe ``�`::;
<br /> . �` .leasdiold aqd tbe fa tide shal!rwt mcrge unless I,ender agras to the rrxrger in writing. :•,:`;�;,•>:-
<br /> - .�:� .. , , , .
<br /> �. 7.Prahctla�ot I.ende�'s R�hts In t1�e Properiy.if 8orrawer fails ta perPorm tLe a�v�ts and a�ements oont�inod in .
<br /> `�''� this Secudty.t�ument.or thene is a legat pnocoed7ng that may significantly affecf t,ends�:x"n�Tits ia the PmQerty(such as a
<br /> p�aoeoding in baNuuptey.probate.for condemnuion or forfeimre or to enforce laws ot a�it�as),tden Lenckr mry do and
<br /> pay[ar wh�tever is noassary to pmtoa the vatue of the Praperty and Lender's rigl�ts:nrio�t�e�8roperty.Ler�kr's actions mry
<br /> irtclude pAyina any �ps secured by a lien which has priority over this 5ecarit,q�t, apppriag in 000rt. prying
<br /> ralso��bk attomeys'fces and e�Keting on the Property to m�lce repairs.Al��a�i�tay t�ice xtiun urder this paraaraph - -
<br /> 7.L,ender das�wt hava to do so. . :;.: ��;.
<br /> Aay.._`aa�ounts disbursod by .I.n�dnt.under this paragnph-:7.:sball b�oo�;�l,i5�11;�:oP Borrav��r seat�d� `�tfu�s+ , ;�
<br /> �'J..
<br /> Savrity.�oatpimrnt. Uniess Bonnvy�a;�ai�.l�rnder,�ra to Mperi�ia�,:of paymer2�:�t;�e�s�awsi;w sl�al!bea�',�tarts��U�
<br /> date of. '"� ��l:sement su the Note `tiii:�,`t;ad�'i�ic:� ' ��i�se npon notice f�ai� �'r . w
<br /> rd�� ,r�3,e.. rest. � t�,tdRr'in,�itiv u rai��8
<br /> ppynfei�z,- '�;,::��' �..::'�":`_.�..', ' .. �. •::, .::
<br /> � .
<br /> ;"� ,. .. . . .�:: � ��.> �
<br /> -- �. �'11�ort�e I�a�ea If Lea�:����s incurance as a cordition of matal�.!�e taan socurod by this Savrity
<br /> .�;':;1��;.Qorrower shall pay tbe pcEm}�s�ttv r��.i�a�to maintain the moAgage irisura�e'i�'tffoc�. If, far any rason. the
<br /> matg�.�yuranoe ewernge requirad lSy�Lender�gs�,oi c�ases to be in eifect.Barrowec s,�iall pay the pnmiums roquirod to
<br /> o6nln aovC�ge su�ja!!y equlvatent to the�ensurs�ac�sevionsly itacffec�.at�cost substanlialty oquivaleM ta tht
<br /> cost to Borrower af tt�maitgage insura»a preti��p•i"n'��;:i�m 2in�it�:mortgage insurer�pproved Iry[.cnder.Ii -
<br /> substantially equiratea!•�ratgage iasurance oovewge is na ati�f:o�,,.'8umaw�sitall pay to Lcndcr each mdnth a sum cqu8l� `��
<br /> oaatv�•efftfi of the yeariy itwrtg$ge i�vr�t,r�ce premium being paiei iiy l�i�rrower when the insurance caverage lapsed or ce�d tn �.�
<br /> 6e in effact.Lrnder will accept.usc;-aud,ii�3n ttuse payments as�,,�v.ss reserve ln lieu of mongage insurancr. I.oss n�i,rc��
<br /> �. . ' iarn 3021c.�9iw
<br /> , v.neaa+s . •
<br /> „r•_,., �,_;:a, .. �i.
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<br /> .1i,1 •7}+ . . � .ti:i,� f( �'t- � :i�SG���. , - '; . �, '.4`�,�yA�
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