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<br />.. . ' __ _ . . . . _ ' _, .Y.133�_
<br /> ( ' —
<br /> --- , 92... ��ss
<br /> . a �m�
<br /> 17.11ra�tv sr�e�Hle�'�j�����e■I��iri Ms��wa'.If alt or p�tt of tLe PmpeitX. a�Y -
<br />`'s;>;� is�oW a aaa�fa�nd(a d a�nreac a Larinwer i�.sQW ar uancfaee�asd�ortaw�ar ism a�irtai pe�soa)witl�o�t
<br /> . i,po�8er•s priac wiiAim co�au�E�ader t�.at its op�d�4n.�W��� in ta11++�all r�ms'+aDCUrod by d�s .
<br /> ...` S�e'qKit�r IestnaraaR.H�r,d�is optinn sW!uat be rivar�ed i�Y Lmde�ittiadse is pcnh�i�!try taderal vi►+i9 af tie dMe - _
<br /> � atlhis SQatRity in�u�t�ot• : .''..;.:..,:..' . .
<br /> . .�f i.coder�u�aCisea ilds apioci;t�eader sTr��i�rt Bosto��er mdoa ut�ooderxion-The natine s�ti!p�ovtdt apeciod of aot .
<br /> " �ess�#hto 3D dtys fcum tbe dat�e We�otioa tis ddR!etod ar.m�`led�►ithia wt�ich BoR+ur�et nr►st pay�di�seatrod�
<br /> • . Seauity Iasuumwt.If Hormxa Gits to pay Wc�e sums pior w tbie expicatiaa of this pedad.L�der may� .
<br /> . �tm�ttad by tlus Sepuity insuumeet rritho��t fu�tl�et ootioe or demaod a�Boc�ow�et
<br /> --- --- -i�. ��e,�'s Bi�t N �eta�tata If Bum�mats aeRain oonditioas. Botrovv�r stull fiave tfx rigtN to Nsve
<br /> - cato�oe�omt=u�`��Y�.�-����ic►tt�tarlit�_ofe�*��y�-{�r�sh dl�paiod as
<br /> appi'ieable taar s�r speat'9_tor�)6efa�+F sab of the PmpertY P+��K ��Y Porvet af sak ooatainod ia this
<br /> Secu�ty instnanear or{b)aqaY of�l���s��Y Instrum�t.11�ose ooad�tions�ro that BotmweR:ta)Prys
<br /> Lender all s�s w�hich then wrould be d4e+r�der tbis Seaui�Y In�wne�and tbe Note as if oo soodaation ind aoatc[od;(b)
<br /> �y�r def�ait d a�y ather covea�lMS ac ageamems;(c)PKYs a�l expa�inamed in enfacina tlns 5oauity!Iastcvment.
<br /> inctt!d&d�.6�E mt 6mitod to.reason�Dle at�r's�faes:�nd(d)Eatc�such actioa as tender m�y.�ona6�y reqwro w�sac�e
<br /> i6u t�c lieioi of this SecuriiY i�w�.l;edde�'s ri�fits in d�Pc�oQatY a�e�d Rotrower's w p�the 9aans senurod by
<br /> �is.Sew�ity ins�rwneat sbal! aootioue.�md�- �P� �t bY B0�°wer�Seaccity_In� aad tLe
<br /> o6lig�tioos secuna heeeh�r sb�l!�in fully effective as if m�ocdaatlon bad oocu�ed.Howevtr.this c+�UE to�s�b�it
<br /> aot spply it��e c�sc c�fr aoo�aatiun w�der p�ua�raph t7.
<br /> t!S�le�t l�iMti�c.�E t�Sdnritar.The Nate ac z prctbi nKee�st in tL�Nooe ttogdbier wit6 ttis Sa�titY
<br /> �uamont)ma7►6e sioid aor;�r�ae t�mes w�thout p�iur aotic�e ta�8gtl�ov�reec.,A s�le ros}r tes�dt jn a chsnge iu tbe aitity(kmwe
<br /> : as t6e`imn 5etvices.')tb�t aolia�s mo�ty VaYmeots� t��e;vxl tt�ss Se�it�ris�u�►e�.Ttxt�e also may be ooc _
<br /> _ <�. ac mae d�aa�es oEtbe L�c�Servioer uncei�teci to a saic of� Yk�{'i�?YS a d►�ge of tbe i aul5ttvioer.Botmwet wiU be
<br /> - _givw.�iu+ms�4eeartbe a�e ia a000rd�oipe�rids p�.l���tiiv���+PN;�e�".T�•10doe,�n'11 st�te rhe mme aad �.:4�,� ;�
<br /> . ._ �-addt�gf Hw iidip`Lo�e 5e�viar�d tiie�iiddress w afiiefit p�1dM�.�loiri�be ma�d�e.Ti�e���t alsa c�itt:m�;,a�_;:= =`:.:'.
<br /> ���S�Borrm►rer shall nat c�use oF'�ec�t'tbe;�ce. use disposal•stor�ge.oi reftase`o�a��,�` •F%`r
<br /> , � ' . '::_�
<br /> uo or in tfie Pmpert�r. Bamwer shall nat`tbt:aa�alla�v tityaae else to d'o. �;me::::,•�;_ �
<br /> p�Ai�t:�'�iolation of aay Eavi�ment�l Lanr-The peeoediqg'�iMa seataioes applY ��.
<br /> shal!mt w as�;.t►r°��,�,•.
<br /> _ st�eun the��'mperty of sa�p qu�ntities of Har�rdous Substanes�t?ati�generalty r000gnizcd ta be app�npriate w nolm�l�"'=,:�-`'�
<br /> :�esidRabial uses aad w araitxenarce of the PnopeRy y y �����,.
<br /> �;�sraN�shall.gromptfiy��ive I.ender wnurn nalca o�aay mv�ion,elanu.�.l�wsj�it aF ot6er action 6 aa "
<br /> gp,a�l ar ngulat��or private pany imcolviag the Prope�ay aad anY H�s Sub�C or Enviroruaau�t law �
<br /> "`•'�� ot�'C�ich BorrOv�has �cr.owledge.if Bonn�er f�uns.ot is tatitied by any govetnmetdad oi'regW�tory aattiotitY.t6�t , �.'..- f�:
<br /> ,4��,:`:.� �EY.�nw��1 bc c111"it�r remediation of any I�latardoas Substuioe affecting the Property�s t�aeess�rq,Hai�scYer stnfl PromptiY talco--<_,:,:_ .
<br /> =.:;;_'��,�.:��5���in acmrd�witir.Em+ira3imental l.aw. . ;�,. ,�_: ',`.:• ,
<br /> . : � -..:. .:�Itis;:�iss ttis puagtaph 20. 'Hu�dafs Sa6�:�a�those su6staaces definod as tosic or�rardous sabstanas�►Y:�:;:;:"�
<br /> ��f�v�r���+1��law and the t'ollowi su6staoc�es: , kerose��e. dher flamm�bte oc to�ue pe6royeum p�vc#racts. tosir;:"�
<br /> pe�;,,"}'[[x.!�.."'�icides.volatile solv�ents.matetiats���"�bestos or fomr�ldehy6e.aac!radio�ctne an¢eri�ls,::i!F.s�used in. :,:.. .
<br /> th�.�r;t�g;�'i::3�«•"Envirane�al Law" �s feder�1�rs;.�1�taws Qf.the jarisdidion wl�ere tl�e_P�operty-c���stad thaG.�'..'t
<br /> tel�ite.i�t��,�Y or eavironmmtal protect�on '`;,: �:r::�� "�:<,::>: _ ,,;; ; �
<br /> ��iV�T��M COVENANTS.Borrow�er and � ,f��rc�s�eur and agree as f9ltows: � . '
<br /> 2�i�1�ao�pon:Reaaiks.l�'a�{I gire�j�:�$onm�eir prtor t+��ation tdlar�ia�Bar�nii:s's M+arcM A. -
<br /> d a��OVei�ut.or a�reemed ia!1�SecasJty In�ttsl i�,(b a t n o t prtor t o a�t i o n uoder p�r a�a�i 17 anteAs
<br /> Apptie#ble Wir�tovides ot�vtse).17�e notke sbs�l��s (al t6e defaalt;(b����ctiaa eeqaired to care tbe de[adt:
<br /> (c l A a a t e.�o t i e 9 s�thao 30 da ys trom tl�e d��aa�is ghee to BomoWer.��►rl�fi tLe.de�t must be cw+ed:s�d
<br /> (d1 tMt fiilae�,�caoe the defaatt on or toe#3+r��e�a te specitkd in the ndke nwy nsatt.��s�eieeation of tLe smas
<br /> s4or�pi by Ws Sceudty it�strwaeot iwd s�'�f,f��jperty- The notice s6s11[arther iaios�t�lRonu�rer ai t6e r�t to
<br /> � r��t aRer aouelaatba aod tbe rlgl�t to a��actioa to Assr�t tbe oo�existenee o�s ddaWt oc Aoy otber
<br /> delip�ir t�aw�ro�rer to a�cekration wd sale�i�+diet�ir�ii.is not cancd an or 6dh�e tl�e d�te spedfM��ir::l�ee adio�
<br /> t.i�de'�.a�daa optioe,msy �aire ima�tate Pa►yan�qit;I'ic 1i�ti�d.ab�'�.m4�secare�.Isy thia Seaarity I�tr#amt�witLuut
<br /> b 1�►w.�le�r, 1.1�'.
<br /> fi�e#9i�l8tnqiw�swnd nwy involce t6e poRa ot sak#�i��tq�dcef s�e�pe+Taitt+�ck Y aPP� �
<br /> a�1gi��,t�s.+�I�rll espenses iecumed in pursuin���,mmaS'r�es p�sid�in this pau�grApb 21.�dt�,.fiiii€:iii�i�_� '
<br /> `ti}..tisu�p��aif�ictieys•fas and casRs dtitle eviieAio�. �.:, � . •., ,.: ;;.,�,,�,,,.�.� ...
<br /> ; , ..l��e�m'�t ot ss�le Is ipvoked,Tn�stee si�,s�t's�'S notice ot dei�uN in+!�f,�wu�tj�in�w6ich+ii�;�.i�Fi�;,.,�r .
<br /> �li�4y is bcated aud si�.u»atl oopies o��k.aMt��i�'ixie nwnner prescrlbea�ih�aPPll�bk taw to BamnR�aAd to
<br /> iie'�+dher peraoaa Pr'acribei fi►Y�NP�ka�1��:�T,t�r fi�etf�e t�quired bs r�ppt�r�aR.Trastee sball stve pd�lic�otice
<br /> . d stk to ihe.person�and itti'ilie masaer�'lt�g oqplicabk law.Tr�tee.witi�out demand oe Bonower.sb�ll sdl
<br /> .��� fMe P�+apeety st�qb1k�uction to tLe wig�fi ii�tAde�r s�t6e tlme,nd place and under the te�ns desipn�ted in t6e nattce ot
<br /> ' stle ia oee ar mdre p�reeis and in any otifli�i'nstce ddermines.Tn�tee m�� PostPone sale ot all or any p�e+�e!of t6e
<br /> pt,operty by pablk announcement at tt�e tt[ne and pial�,of any previoust} schedukd�k. l.ender or its desi�e m�y
<br /> p�rr�ase tbe Pt�apaty at anY sale .
<br /> _ ' . ' Fatn 301A 9/8f! '
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