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_ � y. . , _ <br />.� 20��0�4�3 <br />5. CHII,D SUPPORT: The Defendant is ordered to pay child support in the amount of <br />$1,214.00 per for four children, $1,037.00 per month for three children, $897.00 per month <br />for three children, and $606.00 per month for one child, commencing April 1, 2009, and contintiing <br />on the first of each month until the children reach age 19, become emancipated, marry, die, or until <br />further Order of the Court. The attached Child Support Calculation is offered and received by the <br />Court as Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by this reference. This is based upon Exhibit 1 and 2, the <br />hourly wage of $15.80 for t17e Defendant and $12.95 for the Plaintiff talcen times the number of <br />hours worked in 2008. The Court evaluates tlie testimony of the parties concerning hours worked <br />and determines that the credible testimony is that the parties work at JBS Swift on a reduced <br />schedule during the winter hours and then make it up every year in overtime during the suinmer <br />hours when the beef-processing industry works at pealc productivity schedules. Said payments are to <br />be made through income withholding and shall be sent to the Nebraska Child Support Payment <br />Center, P.O. Box 82890,.Lincoln, NE 68501-2890, for disbursement to the Plaintiff. <br />6. Delinquent child support shall accrue interest at the following rate of 2.254°/o. <br />7. Each party is ordered to furnish to the Clerk of the District Court and the Child <br />Support Enforcement Hotline (1-877-631-9973), their address, telephone number, social security <br />number, the name of their employer, and the name of their health insurance carrier, if any, together <br />with the number of the policy and the address at which claims are to be submitted. Each party shall <br />also advise the Clerk in writing, of any change in such information between the tixne of the entry of <br />the support order and the payment of tlie child support judgment entered he�ein in full. Failure to <br />comply with the.provisions of this paragraph shall be punishable by contempt. Neb. Rev. Stat. � 42- <br />364.13(1). <br />8. Notice is further given to the Defendant that if he fails to pay any child, spousal <br />support, or medical payment, as such failure is certified each month by the Nebraska Child Support <br />Payment Centar in cases in which court-ordered support is delinquent in an amount eqt�al to.the <br />support due and payable for a one-month period of time, the obligor may be required to appear in <br />court and sllow cause why such payment was not made. In the event the obligor fails to pay and <br />appear as ordered, a warrant shall be issued for his or her arrest. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-364.313(3). <br />9. DEPENDENCY EXEMPTIONS: The Defendant shall be entitled to claim two of the <br />minor children as dependents for income tax purposes so long as he is current in his child support <br />2 <br />� <br />