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_'��� -- .�+' � .-_-� �:��._ <br /> _,.�.�- <br /> ._�_��- ' - - - - <br /> _ -- -_� _. __ _ _..- - --�-•�-- <br /> . .�, _ <br /> , , �,.... _..T_ . . <br /> . .: _. <br /> �--� . --- — - _. - <br /> , - ..s, ;� lia � +�.�.-. — <br /> � - . " „•r . +�� __ <br /> � I wr�aP, ,, ._� <br /> �f .F�� �.�r�!,"i <br /> _._ a. � ' _- ..���_. <br /> � ,..__. -----� <br /> _ ..�__..,..,.,.rr;,rrr� <br /> 92 w r�� <br /> - -- condemnution or othcr takin of uny part of the Pro�rcrly,or for wnvcyunce in lieu of condemnaUon,;,re�re�by assi�neMd an►i <br /> Y <br /> xhnll be paid to Lender. <br /> =�? In the event of u total takiqg of thc Pro{xrty, thc procccd� xhull hc Applied to thc sums ucared by tbiti Sccurity _ <br /> - Instrument,whether or na thcn due,with uny�xcess paid�o BoROwcr. In thc event of u partiul taking of the Property in <br /> � whlch the fair markct vuluc of Ihe Propeny immedintely 6cforc the tuking i�eyunl to or greAtcr thun the amcwnt of the sums <br /> �,-�� securc:d by this Security Instrwntnt immediately f�efore ihc tuking. unle�:s Bormwer und Lender otherwise agn:c in wdting. �, <br /> ,,�; the sums secuc�ed by this Security Instrument xhall be rcduced by the nmount of the praceed�;muhiplied by the following <br /> fraction: (a)the totAl amounc oP the sums securcJ immediutely befare thc taking,divided by(b)the fair murket velue of the <br /> Property immediatcly beforc the taking. Any balan��e shnll lx:paid to Borcowcr. In the event of u p:utiul taking of thc <br /> ,��� Property in�vhich thc fnir murket value of the Property immcdiotcly before thc talcing ix lesx thun thc:unount of the�ums <br /> ° sccured immedintcly before the t�king, unless Borrowcr end Lendcr othenvise ugree in writing or unle�s upplicublc luw <br /> -�'�`"�'�"'�'�~''�� aherwise provides.the proceeds�hall be upplied to the sums secured by this Security Inxtrument whether or nut the suma ure <br /> �.�--��:�-�;..::� then duc. <br /> ����� IP the Propcny ir+ubandoned by Borrower,or if,nftcr notice by Lender to Borrowcr that the candemnor offers to makc <br /> ��� an awurd or settle u cl�im for damages,Borrowcr fails to reapond to Lender within 30 dayw ufter thc date the nutice is given, <br /> —�r_m:�:� Lender is nuthorized to rollect und apply the pruceeds,at its option,either to re4toration ur repuir of�he Prupeny or to the <br /> -- -- .;-,,,=,�,z_� sums secured by this Security Insicument,whether or not then due. <br />— Unleas 4ender and Borcower otherwisc:ugree in writing, any upplicution of prucer.ds to principal shall nut extend or <br /> ���--- postpone the due dute of the monthly puyments referred to in parngrnph+ 1 und 2 or change the amount of Yuch payments. <br /> ��x�_y�� il. Borrower Not Released; ForDearance By Lender Not a Weiver. Extension oF the time for paymcne or <br /> r� �s�u�. modifiration of umortizution of the sums securcd by this Sctiurity Imuu�nent granted by Lcndc:r to any succescor in interest -� <br /> �:°21i-: •. ., of Borrower shall not operntc to releuse the liabiliry oF the originul Rorrower or Borrower'.s successorx in imerest. Lender <br /> �i'- ��-�• °��%�F�>r..y.% <br /> E..;. .,�.� „;-;�,.�r;.w shull not be required to commence proceedingti against uny sucressor in interest or refuse to extenJ time for payment or <br /> .--� � ;��_` otherwise modify umortization of the xums securcd by thiti Security Instrument by reuson of uny demanJ mude by the original <br /> _ �.�:.__��...._ - <br /> --- ;,..�..._:�,�,� Borrower or Borrower's�ucceaeon in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a <br /> �,,•,,�,..��. <br /> :���t;;,�;n,>��.._•,, .�•� wuiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> __—- '-°�=�' l2. Successors And As4i�ns Bound;Jolnt And Several Li�bility;Co-si�ners. The covennnis und vgrcements of this <br /> _;�;,��,,;. '.� ,� Security InRtrument shall binJ und beneft the sucresson and axxignx of Lender ond Borrower,subject lo the provi�ionti uF <br /> ,� - � parngraph 17. Borcower's covenstnts and agreements shall be jant und severol. Any Bunower who co-tiigm this Security <br /> �.. inswment but dces not execuce the Nute: (u)is co-signin�this Security Instrumem only to mongage,grunt und convey that <br /> .,`,� ';.�;..� .::. <br /> - • - ... Borrower c interest in the Property under thc terms of this Security Inxtrument (b)is nut personally oblig�ted to pay the sumti <br /> � .:��:;�,�:..� ,s„��;.`�, secured by this Security Instrument;und(c)ugrces thut Lender:uiJ any other Borrower may ugrce to extcnJ,maciify,forbear <br /> — - w make unv accornmodalions witb regard to the tertnr of thi�Security Instrument or the Nutc wi�hout thut Bortower's <br /> tt,4 ;��:�+k:x:,�zw;yit con.r•ent. <br /> - "� '°p�"``'-"_= �'-' 13. Lo�n Charges. If the lo;m secured by thi. Securiry In.trumcnt is subject to u law which .ct� muximum loan <br /> , ..a:;....;: <br /> _-„� � ' ' . ,, churges,und that luw ix finully interpretecl su that the interc,t ur othcr la:ui charges rollerted or to 6e collec[ed in connection <br /> :�� � with thc loan exceed thc pemtiued limits,then: (u)uny xu�h loan rh;uRc shull be reduceJ by thc urnount neces�eary to reduce <br /> the churge to the p�rtnitted limit;und(b)uny sums iJrcady collccted from Burrower which exceeded pertnitt��1 limits will be <br /> -=.,r?, ` reiunded to Borrowcr. Lender muy rhoose to makc this mfund by r�ducing the princip•rl owed undcr thr Note ur by making a <br />--- �` ''"`�'"' • direct payment to Bormwer. If u refund reduce.principal,the reduction will be treated ati a psutiul prepayment wi�haut any <br /> "- • -�:�►����� � ° prepayment ch;ugr under the Nute. <br /> ���s � ° 14. Notices. Any notirr tu Borrawc�providrd ti�r in thi� Sccurity Instrument xhall be givcn by Jelivrring it or by <br /> � � • -�- . mailing it by�rst elass mail unlrss vpplicable luw reyuirex we uf•rnutlx;r method.The noticr yh•rll be dirc�ted tu the Property <br /> �-� Addrexs or uny other address Burrower designute. by notice to Lendrr. Any noticc tu Lcnde�sh�ll Ix given by fint class <br /> ' �� mnil to Lender+addrc�s,wtrd hrrrin or uny other uJJrr++Lrndrr Jr.ignute+by notice to Borrowcr, Any notice pruvided for �_ <br /> ° � in thix S��;urity Instrumrnt sh•rll lx dccmeJ ta have becn given tu Borrower ur Lender when given u.. provided in thix E <br /> °•. ;:,• ��• . . ;• paragruph. <br />,«' �:Yy� : `�'' I5. Governing; tieverability. Thi� Sccurity Inytrument yhall lx govemed by federvl I�w :u�d the law uf the <br /> _: . jurisdiction in which Ihe Property iti I�xateJ. In thr rvcnt that any prvvisiun ur rlausr uf thi.Security Inx�rumrnt or the Not� <br /> -�` conflicts with applicublr law.,urh a►nflict+hall not•rffcct athrr provi.ionx uf thix Security Instrument or the Notr which run _ <br /> � ' ^ bc givcn rffect without tlx contlirting provi.iun. 7o thi�rnd thc provi.iun�of thi.Security Intiwment unJ tlx No[e ar+e <br /> . . , . ..*, derlomd tu tx:severable. <br /> � ° . 16. llorrower's Copy. Bi�rrower.hall Ix givrn ont runfunnrJ ropy uf the Notr:md ot'thi.�urity Instrun�ent. <br /> , 17. 71�nsfer of the 1'roperty or a Beneticial lnterest in Burruwer. If uU ur uny part ut'thr Pn�perty ur:u�y interest in <br />- �: ,P._��-°� '` it iy ru�d ur U•untiferrcd(or if u lxncticial intercst in Burruwcr i+wld ur�ran,frrred unJ Borrowcr is not a n:►turul per�onl <br />"�..,_ �r�-• without Lender's prior writt�n cun.ent. Lrnd�r may,ut il+uptiun.reyuirr imm�Kii•rte paymcnt in t'ull uf all +um�secunrd by <br />_ , , this Security Instn�mcnt. Howcvrr,this uptiun�hall nut bc exenixed by Lender if cxrrci�e i�prohibited by t'edcrol law uti of <br />- . - LL• � .t the clote of this Sccurity Inxtrument. �= <br /> ., _� :'. •'. If Letxier excrciser thi�uptiun.LenJcr.hall givr Hurruwrr nutice of accelr�utiun. Thc nutirr+hall pruvide a Fxri�xl of <br /> � • not le�s than 30 Jayti frum thr Jatr Ihr nutire i+delivercd ur mail�til within which Burruw�cr mu��pa�all wm.xcured by thi+ � <br /> ._ .r Serurity In�trum�nt. If Rorrow�r Fail.tu p•ry thr,r ,unt�priur tu thc rxpir•rtion �,f thi, �xri�xi.Lrnder may invokc any <br /> .. ° rem��liex pemiiucd by thi.S�curity In.t�umem withuut lurthrr nutirc or demanJ on Bi,rtu�rr. - <br /> lli. Burrower's Right tu Reinstate. If Burruwcr mrct. crnain randitiun.. Sarrow�rr .hall havr thr right ro huvc ,� <br /> � �� cnfunrmcnt��f thi.5ccurity In.trunirnt Ji�runtinurJ at am•time prior to dic rarlirr uf: lal S Jay+lur w�h othcr perivJ u+ _ <br /> i� <br /> . timglc Family�-F'annk J1�e/bYeddk\tac l�IF(1R11 1%Sl'Rl�1E17'•-Vndami l'o�anun. v�40 �ryipe a�,f n/wx�'+� <br /> �' .. • — <br /> . • :k' _ <br /> ► - ' T _ - . -� - - - - . , , . ._ <br /> , . -:......::'....p�._ . aca..�wn.-.. . ., . � ... . . .. . . . ... • :Yiv�y�R/'""'.w�':._ ,. ..i�.�;47:�t11S�R' <br /> . <br /> �_r] • . .. . u . . <br /> t .. . .. <br /> Y . , - .� .. , ., � . <br /> • '„i.�,Ta� ' ' � .- <br /> —F <br /> ' . . <br /> ♦ ' . <br /> � ' � <br />