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<br /> pedoda that Lcnder requirea. The in�urancc curricr providing the insuruncc sh�il be choscn by Borrower subje�t to Len�er's
<br /> - upproval which shall not bc unrcasonabiy withheld. If B�nowe�•fails to muinta�n coverage described abov�,Lender may,at
<br /> _ Lendcrk aption,obtain coverage to protcct i.endcr R rightc in the Property In accardance wi�h par�graph 7.
<br /> -" Al)inourw�ce poHcies and rcnewala t�hall be acceptablc lo L:nder and sholl include u rtendurd murtgage cluuse. Lender
<br /> - shall huve the righl to hold the poUcieR and renewalx. If Lender rcyuirex,Borrower xhall promptly give to Lender all receipix
<br /> _.�
<br /> -_='�- - " -- ' of psud premiuma und renewul notices. ln thc cvcnt uf luh.r,Burcuwcr shall Zlve prompt notjcc tu the insurance cerrier aid
<br /> ---- - L,ende�. Lender mny make pcoof'of locs if not maJe promptly by Boaower.
<br /> • Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance pracecda shull be applied to restoration or repair of
<br /> the Property damagsd, if the restoration or repair is ecunomicully feavible and Lender's securi�y is not Icssened. If the
<br /> -�- �.. restaad�n or repair is not economicully feASible or Lenderk security would be lessened, the insurance ptoceeds shall be
<br /> =-a _�_==�s��;'-,� npplied to the aums secured by thia Security Instrumcnt, whetlter or not then due,with eny excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> -_-__- Borrower abandons the Ptoperty,or dcec not answer within 30 duys a natice from Lender that the inKUrance corrier hac
<br /> -" ___—_:��L,� offered ta settle a cluim,then Lender may collect ti�e insurwK:�pru��eeds. Lender may usc thc proceeds to repair or restorc
<br /> — - the Property or tu pay suma secured by this Socurity Inawment.whether or not thcn due. The 30-dey perio�l wil�beBin wben
<br /> --_----= tl�e notice is given.
<br /> - - Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any applicAtion of proceeds to principal shAll not extend oc
<br /> posSpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in psuugraphs l nnd 2 or change the umount of the payments. If
<br /> � under parag�aph 21 the Pmperty is ucquired by Lender. Borrower g right to any insurance policies und proceeds resulting
<br /> fran damage ro the Property pdor to the acquisition siwll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> _ � ' �n�trument immedi+uely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> " �}`�`�"'�'��•�' 6. Occupancy, PreservAtlon. MalatenAnce aad Protection o� the Properly; Borrower's Loaa Appticadon;
<br /> �{"^''�• J� 4easeholda Borrower shall occupy,establish.und use the Property a.s Borrower's principnl residence wlthin sjary daya s►fter
<br /> a�^:r��•;;�� �� the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue ro occupy the Propeny ac Borrower's principal reaidence for at
<br /> - ±��,--�-'s�-�°.,;�~; " leost one year ufter 1he date of occupancy. unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> �s�',��:_���: <.,���+f'�• . unreasonably withheld,or unless eatenuating circumsq►nces exist which are beyond Borrower's conuol. Botrower shall not
<br /> - " �b � � " ' ��: destroy,damage or impair the Property.allow the Propeny ro deteriarate,or commit waste on the Piropeny. Borrower shall
<br /> '.",� �""' ,-t.^��� be in defnult if any forfeiturc action or procceding,whe�her civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> s ,,,��;_,;..,;� , could result in forfeiNre of the Piroperty or aherwise materiully impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or
<br /> Lendere security interest. Borrower mAy cure such u default ond reinstate,as provided in Ewragraph 18,by ceusing the acdon
<br /> '• '` ��,�.•�.�•�.t��?�'�. oc proceeding W be dismissed wi�h a ruling that,in Lender's goad fai�h determination,precludes forFeiture of tlie Borrower's
<br /> - �'�:' "�'�••��� � �• interest in the Propeety or other materiul impuim�ent of the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> �.r�,ct.�::�
<br /> ,�� - interesG Borrower shalt also be in defuult if Borrower,during the low� opplication process, gave materinlly false or
<br /> - - .:;t ;, . .�;,,;�- istscc�tsrste utfonnation or slatemenis to Lendtr(c�t failed to�n►vide I.ende�wi�h any materinl informtuion)in conneCtion with
<br />__ ,' '�,_s�{�r,��, ,,�, the IoAn evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming BoROwer� occupancy of the
<br />_- a,j--�-�••� • •� b Propeny as a principol residenee. If this Security Insuument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with al) �he pn►viaiuu�
<br />- .. , ° of the lease. If Bortowcr acyuires fee title to the Propeny,the leasehold und�he fee tlde shall not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> v^� Qw `,;,;.. . to the merger in writing.
<br />�, .��:�• 7. Protection of l.eader's Rights In the Property. If Borrower fails to perfurtn the covenunt+ und agreements
<br />� .. �� contained in this Security Inswment, or there is u legal procceding thut may signiticantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br />,,_.:. �F''. , Property(such iu:n praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br />_'^ " ' - Lender may do and pay for whntever is necessury to protect the value of the Ptoperty and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> ��� " � ' ' Lender's uctions may inclvde paying any sums secun:d by a licn which has priority over this Security ]nsuument,appearing
<br /> �'1°'� `�'`"'�''`�' ' �'""` " in court,paying reu.wnuble attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repai�s.Although Lender may take action
<br /> .. �., �!�k-.;
<br /> �,� w�der this parugraph 7,Lender dces not havr to do so.
<br /> , , � �y�� My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragruph 7�hall become udJition;il debt of Borrower secured by[his
<br /> � _� Security Instn�ment. Unless Borrower and Lender ugree tu dher terms of payment,the.+e nmounts shrll bear interest from the
<br /> L � �,'� date of di,bursement at the Note rute and shall be payable,with interest,upun notire from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> �},�.. �.,��.,._...... �
<br /> �� �� '�� � �.' ' par S t Mortgage Insurnnce. If Lender reyuircd mortgoge insurance a,a condition of making�he lo;u�secured by this
<br /> �� ' ':-�-°. '�" "��' Security Instrument, Borrowe�shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortguge insurnnce in effect If,for uny
<br /> i ` '� �' .' '"' reawn, the mortguge insurunce covcrage reyuired by LenJer lapx, or rea..e+ to bc in effc�t, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �,- ' prcmiums reyuired to obtain cover�ge subst�ntially eyuivulent to thr mungagc insunuice pr�viously in effect, at a ::ost
<br /> ° " ��.. . xulnt�ntially cyuivulent to the wst to Borrower of thc mongugc in�ur;mce prcviuu.rly in effect, from t+n ultcrn�tc mortgagc
<br /> r•- insurer s�pproved by Lendcr. If substantially cyuivalcnt mongugc imur:mce coveragc is not 3vailuble. Borrower shall pay to
<br /> �°'""= Lcnder each month u sum e ual to one-twelflh of the earl mun u �insur�u►ce remium bein �id b Borrower when the
<br />�;F "� ' '�.. y Y " Y 8 F' P R P' Y _
<br /> `�, �, �,,-�.�, insurunce covernge lupsed or ceased tu be in rffec[. Lender wilt siccept,uK unJ rrrrin thrse p•ryment+�.,a Ioss rescrve in lieu
<br /> ` " of mortgogc insurunce. Luss reserve payment,muy no Ivnger be requircd,at the option of Lrmler, if mungage insurance
<br /> '"���`'"° coveroge(in the amount und for the perial thvt Lender reyuirr�)pr�wided by:u�in.urer approvrd by Lendcr again b:comes
<br /> , �'.
<br /> . nvuilabb::uid is obtaineJ.Burrower�hall pay the premiums myuirrd w maintuin mongugr in,urunce in effert,or to provide u
<br /> , „ . loss reserve,until the rcyuircment for mortga�te in�urarKC enJ. in arco�danre with uny writtrn agr��emrnt between Borrower
<br /> . and Lcndcr ur applicablr 1•rw.
<br /> . 9. Inspection. LcnJer ur its ugent may m:ilcr nuwnahte cntries upon und in+pection+ot'�he Propeny. Lender shall
<br /> ' give Bormwcr,wticr at thc time uf or pri��r tv:u�imprrtion.cpecifying reation�ble cause fur the inspection.
<br /> � � , ` LU. CondemnsUiun. "Thc prcxreJ�ol any awurJ�>r clai�n for drmages,Jir�tit ur ronx�yucnti�l,in ronnrction with su�y
<br /> j Smglefamily..EaanlrMnelFYeddleMocUNi1FOR�11\tiTRI'�1EN7'..UnifurmC���en:nt, 9/90 i�wgr+,�/n�w.�esl
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