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<br /> -�� — • a Iicable lew may apcxify for rei�statemeny before sale of the !'roperty purszuont to any pc�wer qi'salc conteincYl in�his
<br /> — --= Security insuument;or(b)enoy of a juagment enforeing this Security Nawment. 'I�oce�ronditiona ure tha�t Bonower. (a)
<br /> r ��� paya Lcnder all sums whlch ihcn would be due under this Secu�y �netrumr.nt nnd the Nota as if no ucccicratlon had �.
<br /> accumed; (b)cures any default of any othcr covenants or agrcoments;(c)pays all expenses incurred io cnforcing this Sccurity
<br /> Inspument,including,but nd limited w. re�.conablc nttomcys'fces;und (d)takes such action as Lendcr may Rasonably
<br /> n` – requtre ro assurc thut the licn of thls Security In4�rument,Lendcr c rights in thc Pmp�:ny and Barowcr's obligaUon to pay thc _
<br /> � sums ssecured by �his Secudty Insnvment shali continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemenc by &xrowcr, thia Security
<br /> ' Inswment nnd the obligatlons secured hereby shuU remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this
<br /> riQht to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under parograph 17.
<br /> • 19. 3nle ot Note; Chao�e of I.oan Servker. The Note or a partinl interest in the Note (togc�her with this Security
<br /> ---�-_=----= Insuument)may be ax�ld one or more dmes without prior notice to Borrowcr. A sule may resuit in u changc in the cntity
<br /> ' ����������`� (known as tha "Loan Servicer')that collectc monthly payments due under the Note nnd this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> ��M� � may be one or morc changes of the Loan Servicer uarelated to a sale of the Note. If there is u change of ihe Loan Servicer,
<br /> �a�s:.�
<br /> •'.� Borrower will be given w�itten not�ce of the change in uccordance with parugraph l4 above nnd applicablc law. The notice
<br /> , will statt the name and addresa of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> '",•�r�R.� also contain any other information required by applicuble luw.
<br /> .�____�_�{jv. ZI►, HAZ�ardous Subctsweea Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposai,stornge,or release of any
<br /> �e,�'J� Hazerdaus Subslances on or in the Properly. Borrower shall not do, nor allow smyone else to do. �ny�hing Affecting the
<br /> �*���� Property that is in violatlon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sente�ues shall not apply to thc presence,usc,or
<br /> �•+r�a� �,. storage on the Pivperty of small quantities of Hazardoua Subs�ances�hat are generally recognized to be appropriate to namal
<br /> - ���lu:;�•;.,a�'_;� residendal uses and to maintenance of the Properry. –
<br /> �.�.�:�"y,:.
<br /> .--.+ti: �;,,,,��� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of uny investigation,claim,demand,lawauit or ahcr action by nny
<br /> ,--��� n'-�" .. governmental or regulatcuy agency or privute party involving the Property and s�ny Hazw'dous Substancc or Envfronmental
<br /> `"`"""' " ' '"' ' Law of which Borrower has actual knowlcdge. If Borrower lesuns, vr is notificd by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> '�`' ' ` " ' ' authoriry. Ihat any nemoval or other remediation of any Hazordous Substanee affecGng the Property is necesswry. Borrower
<br /> ��'�` . �' '�'��, shall promptly take ull necessary remedial aetions in ucwrdance with Environment�l Law.
<br /> ��a��-� �`� As used in�his paragraph 20,"H:izurdous Substances"zue thasc substances defincd as roxic or hazsirdous substances by
<br /> �s6�'`�� °�� �" Environmental Law and the Following�abstances: gasoline.kerosene.other flammnble or toxic petroleum produc�s, toxic
<br /> -n 1�.:��ci'�:;��• pesticides and herbicides,volacile solven�i,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and rudioacdve materials. As
<br /> -:� �� .a � used tn this pan►grAph 20,"Environmental Law"means federul laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the PropeRy is locoted
<br /> v- �'�'<`'=,�� ,���'�:-%" dwt relate W heaUh,sufety orenvironmental prWection.
<br /> �`= '.�.�tr. h .
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CQV ENANTS. Borrower nnd Lender further covcnunt und agree as follows:
<br /> ���._ � � 2L Acceld�atlon; �emedks. Ixuder slwll give noNce to Borrower prior to pcceleratioo followiog Borrowe�'s
<br /> ''�'-'� `" breach o!any covenant or wgreement in this Security Insl�ument(but not prfor to acceieration under parn�mph I?
<br /> _. ,. • . ,
<br /> - ���� . unless Applicable law provides otherwLsel. The nodce shall speclfy: (a)the defAUlt;(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> J'� � defaulh(c)a date,not less t6aa 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by w6ich the deiAUlt must be
<br /> ;:'"� cured:and(d)that failure to cure the dePault on or bePore the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration oP —
<br /> � � �• the sum�secured by this Security Instrument�nd s�le of the Property. The notice shall further intorm Borrower of
<br /> ... t6e right W reiastate atter pccekraliae and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-extstence of a dePault or
<br /> `� • ' �ny other defeose of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the dePault L4 not cured on ur before the d�te specifled in - -
<br /> - • the notice,lxnder at its optton may require immediate payment in full of WI sums secured by 16is Securi�y Instrument
<br /> -� • . � wiWout furthcr demand and may invoke the puwer uf sale �nd ++ny olher remedies permitted by applkable law
<br /> � �� •�► Lender shall be entitled to cdlect �II expeases Incurred in pursuing tbe remedles provided io thlY par�rapb 2l.
<br /> � " iocludipg,but not limited tq reasonable attorneys'Pees and cos�K uP tille evidence.
<br /> ��• ' If the power of sale is invoked,'IY�ustee shall record a nutice uf default in eac6 caunty in which any p�+rt oP the
<br /> •y.�,,.• • PropeHy Ls located and shall mail copies uf such nutice in the maoner prescribed by applicable law to Borrovrer and to
<br /> -• ��" � � the ot6er persons prescribed by opplicpble law. After the lime required by applics�ble I�w.'I�ustee shall�ive public -
<br /> � , notice of snle to the persons and in the manner prescribed by sapplicable law Trustee.withuut demand on BorruMer, ��
<br /> 1
<br /> " ° slwll sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at 16e time and place und under the terms desigoAted in
<br /> . .Y�'(5 � the noNce uP s�le in one or mure parcels s�nd in any order'I�ustee determines 'll�uwtee may p�►stpune sale of all or eny
<br />��F ._, p�rcel of the Properly by public announcement�t the time and place uf any previuusly sc6eduled sWe. Lender vr ifs
<br /> desi�nee may purchase the Pruperty at any s�+le.
<br /> . Upon receipt oP payrnent oP the price bid.'Irustee shall deUver tu Ihe purcha.ce�'I�astee's deed conveying We
<br /> ,, Propeny. Tlte recit�ls in ttie 7Yustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth oi the slatements made therein.
<br /> � ' 7YWStee�II apply the proceeds of t6r sale in the fulh►wioY urder: (a)tu all wsts and expenses uf exercisio�1he power �_.
<br /> a� "1;y�Nt'`. ° .
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