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�1�� � �r :_ _ �l� � .,. . _ .e..�.�� - <br /> .: .., ""°" _ ""`°` - - <br /> -_ _ ��";��.- . --_ =----'� _ , ---_ - <br /> -_ <br /> -��- — - -- — �..-._---__._.---------� -- - � - - <br /> -_ - — �� ,,- _ - � <br /> � v« . . �;���.^. . ,. .�{4���;_ <br /> .._ . -- <br /> _ ��-. - ----- - <br /> ,. � �0'73Q3 <br /> �=z�---� _-�. 92_. . <br /> S. Hazprd or Properly losur��e. Borrower sluill kcep thc im�rovementr now eaiating un c�reaftcr ercctod oa thc <br /> --- _ Propeny insurod aynin►t lo,�by firc, twzarda includat within Ilx terni "extended covcrage" urd any other tw•rards. including <br /> ftaixls or Iloaling,far whic!� l.eixier rryuire�insurunce. Thiti iruuurarxe slwll be maintain�l in the umnuntb unJ far the periods <br /> �hyt L.ctxicr rcyuires. 'fix intiuranc�r.�rricr pru�iJfn�thu in,uruncc tilirll bc cho+cn by&�rcowcr suBjcci �o l.cnder'x upproval <br /> which stwll nut tx:unruw►nably wfthhcld. If Eiurruwcr fuil:+ to mainwin wveragc deKribeJ atwvc, Lender may, ut Lender's <br /> — — optfon,obtaln wvcragc ta protccK Lcndcr's rights in thc Pmperly in�icr��rdance with(+arngruph 7. _ <br /> -` All insuruncc pulicics wid renewais :;iull tx�ucceptable tu l.cnder anJ shall inciude u stundard mongage claux. l.cnder <br /> I+ xhall h•rvc the right to hold thc poticies and renewals. If L.erulcr rcquires, Borrowcr�hull pruxnpdy givc to l.c�ulcr all reccipts of <br /> paid premiums nnd renewul nouces.ln the event of loss. &►rrower shall give prompt nwice to the insurxnce cu�ie�und Lender. <br /> I.ender may rtwke proof of lo�if nut made prampUy by Horrower. <br /> Unless Lenier cuxl Borrower otherwise ugree in writing.lnsurwice pnxeuds slwl l be appliai to rertoration or repair of the <br /> _ - _ �.��� Pro�ny d�muged,if the restorauon or rep:sir is econamice!!y feasible and L.en�er'c c�rurity is rx►t lesscned. If thc restoration or <br /> ---- .,� re�ir is not cconumically feASible or I.endcr'c sccurity would br: lessened, the ituura�uc pruccals shall bc applied to the wms <br /> ----=--- r,e�:ured by this Security instrument, whether ur nat then due, wilh nny excess paid ta Borrower. If Borcower ubandons the <br /> -.a,-;�-��,_,�� Praperty, or does not sinswer within 30 days u notice from L.ender thut the insurunr.e cnrrier hus offered to setde a claim,then <br /> � Lender rn�y collect the insurance procceds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or re�tore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whcthcr or not then duc.7'he 3U-day periai will begin whcn thc noticc is given. <br /> �a�-�a� Unless I.ender and Burrower atherwise agree in writing, any upplication of praceeds to principal shull not extend or <br /> �— ---' postpone the due date af the monthly payments referrc�cl la in psuugr�phs 1 urxl 2 or change the amount of the puymenls. If <br /> �:,,:--:.-.T�.,� <br /> �,,,��" under puagroph 21 thc Property is w:quired by [.encler, Borrower's right to any insursu�ce policies nnci praceeds resulting from <br /> _ �— -+��`� damuge to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lcnder to the extent of the wms secured by this Security Ir�ctrument <br /> � � '��� imm�.�diately prior w the arquisition. <br /> - . . � :�,;.r�p 6.Occupancy.l'reaervation, Maintenance and Protection oP the Property;Borrower's Loan AppllcaUon;Leaseholdc. <br /> __ ' - ,ry Borrower shsdl occupy,establish,and ux the Pruperty us Bnrrowcr'�principul residence within sixty days aRer the execution of <br /> _ . �-�;':.`:,.._ . <br /> - •4 • • Y,�• this Security Instrument und shall wntin�e to occupy�he Property as Borrower's principal residence fur at least one year afler <br /> _ ° ��K►•a�' the date of occupancy,unless [.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent xhull not be unreawnubly witl�held,or unless <br /> ,� •� ' ' cxtenuating circumstunres exist which nrc beyond Borrower's control. Borrowcr shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> - � • Araperty, ullow the Property to deteriorate,or commit wuste on the Property. Borcower shull tx� in default if su�y forfeiture <br /> � '`�"���'� "`�� action or ruceedin whether civil or criminnl, is tx: un that in Lender's ood fnith 'ud ment could result i� farfeiwre of the <br /> � � --_,�-,�rt' P 8• 8 B J 8 <br /> = .----:;r:,_-�-•.:��: FruEKrty�r�Irrwiec�tmiC�iul�y i���yri� iliC Ii2ii ii'�it'w'��tliia.`�i�'iUii�Iii52iiiiiitiii Ji Lriitjr��a xxUfiiy I��iC1'CSi.Burr�wct��urr <br /> • ° ' cure surh a default and reinstute,us provided in parasruph 18,by cuusing the uction or proceetling to be Jismissc�with•r ruling <br /> �.�� n ' that, in l.cndcr's goad fuith detcrniination, prerludeti forFeiture of'thc Borruwcr's interest in the Property or othcr matcrial <br /> • '� �"��'~'°" impainnent cf the lien creat«1 by this Security Instrument ur Lender's security intereu. Borrower sh�ll also be in default if <br /> - ;;�`•�• . • Horrower,during the loan upplicntion pnxess,guve nwteriully fulx or inuccurute infornwtion or statements tu[xnder lor failed <br /> " .:'_? �� ai provide lxnder with Any nwteri:►I intiorn�ution)in connection with thc lo:u�evidenced by the N�te, incluJing, but not limited <br />; "�, l, w,representations conceming Bor�•�,�er's cxcup:mcy of the Prnp�:rty a.ti a prie�cipal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a <br />;,�. ` ;, , , . leaxhold, Borrower shull comply with ull thc pruvisions of the leuac. If Borrower acyuires fee title to the Pruperty, the <br /> ,�y,,..^ . �,.��,.,.,�..,,. les�sehold:md thc fec titic�hall not merge unless I.ender agrcc�to the mcrger in wrilinb. <br /> ;���. - � ._•. ; ��� 7.Protectton of Lender's Rightsi in ti�e Pruperty. If&�rniwer fails to perform[he cuvenunts und agrec:mc:nts cunt�ined in <br /> �.' ° �� " ' this Securiry Instrument, ur there ia u legul pr�xceJin� that muy yignificuntly af'fect LsnJer's rightti in the Pmpehy I+uch as u <br /> ��_ ;r�;;-t.• tt,y,, pra�tx�ling m bankruptey, probate, for condemnation or torteiwrc ur to enforce luwti or regulationsl, then Lencier may do:uid <br /> '"` � �� " pay tiir whatcvcr is ncccssary to protect thc vrlue uf thc Prnperty and Lender'ti rights in thc Pruperty. Lc�uler's actions ttwy <br /> --y _x..,t.a ._ � - <br /> , - include paying :u�y sums u�:ur�J by •r lien which h;a.� priurity uver this S�:curity Instrument, uppc;uing in cuurt, paying <br /> � <br /> ' '''�' ' � rcasowble attorncys fc�� :uid entering on the Propeny tu make repair:. Althaugh LenJer muy u+kc action under this paragraph <br /> t �.or ry _;,� ° ti 7, I.cnJer da:s iwt huvc tu Ju w. <br /> � • � Any sunuunts disburseJ by Lender unJer thi, pura�!r�ph 7 tihull Ixcumc aJditionul Jebt ��t' Bc�rrower ,ecur��1 by this <br /> �_ '•-�"-- °� � , Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unlcss Born>wcr ;uui LcnJcr agrcc tu uthcr tcmi��►f p•rymrnt, thcx� anwunts sh•rll tx::rc intere,t frum tl�e <br /> . , • dute of Jisburscment at thc Notc rote and shall lx puyablc, with intercu, upwi nuticc 1'mm l,ender to Borrower reyuesting <br /> 'y, ...�•�_ ' � pnymcnt. <br /> - � � $.Mot4gage InswrAnee. If L�nder reyuired murtgage intiuranre ati a conJition of making thc luan,ecured by this Security <br /> � ' ��' Imwment, Borcower sNull pay thc premiums reyuir�d h� muintuin the murtgu�c intiuctncc in d'ft�t. If, fur :uiy rca.wn, the <br /> -'",; murtgage insur:mce ruvcrugc rcyuinrl by Lcndcr lapk,ar crux�to Ix in cltcct, &�rruwcr tihall pay thc pr�mium� rcyuir��!to <br /> , .';�uw,.•. • obGun�uveragc substturiiully cyuivalent to th� m�mg•rgc in�ur.mcc prcviou,ly in�fiert,at a c�iyt sub,wnti•rlly eyuivulent ki the <br /> cost to Bon•owcr uF thc nx�ngagr in.unmrc prcvioutily in cl'fect, fr�nn:ui altrnrrle nwrtgugr in.urcr appruved Ny Lender. If <br /> .w.�- . �-- '. substuntiully rquivulent munga�;e in,uranrc c��vcrog� i+ n��t availublc. I�rrniwcr.hall pay to Lcnder cach nwnlh u sutn cyuul w <br /> ' onc-tweNth��f the ywrly�nurt�agc insurunce premium f+cin�puid hy &�rcuwcr whcn thr in.uranrr coverage lap��l or ceax�d tu <br /> .� ., ° , J be in et'fect. Lender will�and rctain thcx r•rymm� a lo.� reti�rvc in Gcu nf mongagr insuranrc. L�►,• r�s.:rvr , <br /> .� .. Fwm 3028 9190 <br /> ray.��n 6 <br /> � <br /> e� �., �:,:�r�•_.�.tiit6a•.1�---__- ---'-�--t�.�.�r...���r� .�.._ <br /> _____ ^�_ _—°�_....c_.__ .�._—_�_.�_.-,_:-.._.,-,-_.._...—.__ __ -•-.++-� � ..�u...._u=:v�...t_ <br /> ___ _ _._ ._ _ . __ ___ _'_ <br />. __. _ -- -- ..; _ - — .. . ._ _ '—".. _ .. _ '_ ' ""_'"'_ __ <br /> •��� u� - - � - . <br /> • ' , . <br /> � ,�" � • <br /> �yr. -3� ^�. <br /> � .. . <br /> 3 <br /> : . � <br />