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<br /> �; puyments may nc�lon�er be requi�d. at thc option oi Lender. If mortgogc insurance covcragc tin thc umount wkl for the period
<br /> ___ tl�at Ledtter roquircs)providod by on insurer upproved by Lendcr e�ain becornes nvailable aad is obu�ineci. Borrower shali pary
<br /> - - tiie premiums re�uireai to ma�ntaft�mottgal[e insuran.e in effect,or to provide a loss rc.cerve, until the rcquirement for tanrtea�e
<br /> i�ice ends in accordance wlth �ny written ag�eement brtwcen liorrower and Lender or npplicable law.
<br /> - 9. b�epectioo. Lencler ur its agcnt rtwy rnake re�sorwble cntriea upun and inspcctions of the Propcny. I.ender stwll give
<br /> - Borrower natice at the time of or prior ro an inspc��tion specif�ring�eaconable cause for the inspection.
<br /> ��_ - --_ ------ -- - - 1Q. Conden�autiai. The praceeds of any a�vurd or clnim for d�ges. direct ar conseyuential, in connection with any �:
<br /> , - condemnation or other rokio�of aoy pan of the Property.or for cunveybnce in lieu of condem�wtion.are hereby assiQned and
<br /> >;� ehall be paid to C.ender.
<br /> , In the event of u tWal taking of the Property,the pra;cxds shall be upplied to the sumx secured by this Security liulrument,
<br /> whc�her or not then duc, with any exccxs paid to Barrowcr. [n thc event of a partial takinb of the Praperty in which thc fair
<br /> —�:��� m$rket value of the Property inunodiately before the taking is equal to or greater tban the arnount of the sums secured by thia
<br /> Sxurity ltuseument lrnmediutely before thc taking, unlrss Borrower and I.ender otherwise agrcr in writing,the sums secured hy
<br /> � -�'�`''-�-a�`�.:� this Secur�ty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the procee�ds multiplied by the fallow�ng fraction: (u) the total
<br /> e,����,:s_��.,m
<br /> -____8_.-u;�� amount af the sums secured immediuteiy before thc taking, divided by (b)the fuir market value of the F'roperty immediotely
<br /> — �-= before the wring.Any b:ilance shall 6e paid to Borrower. In the event of u partiul tak9ng of the Property in which the fai�
<br /> mtuket value of the Propeny immediatcly before�hc tuking is le�than ttie amount of the surns secured inunediately bcforc thc
<br /> ����-°°- wlcing. unless Borrower s�nd L.ender otherwise agrec in writing or unless uppliwble law utherwise provides.the proceeds shall
<br /> — -� be applied to the sums secured by �his Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �z�a���
<br /> -- � [f the Property is abandoned by Horrawer.or if,ufter notice by Lender to dorrower that the candemnor offers to make un
<br /> _ _ ����� +�.:�'' uward or settle a claim for damuges, Borrower Fails ta respond to l.endcr within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> .,`>:�r���'�� Lender is uuthorized to collect an�i•rpply thr prexeeds,at its option,eithe�to resloration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> �r�: � �� - ;
<br /> � � F� secured by this Security Instniment,whcther or nat then due.
<br /> •- " �• � .. Unless l.ender �nd Borrower othenvise Agree in writing, uny Application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> '_ �7�. ` postpone the duc date uf thc munthly payments referred to in pamgraphs 1 wul 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />- � •w4i��-�,,,,,' j 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By Lender Not a Watvea Extcnsion of the timc for paymcnt or malificution
<br />'�^ Y���•�=�� ,-°� of am�rtizs►tion of�he sums secure�l by this Security Instrument grnnted by l.ender to uny successor in interest of BoROwer shall
<br /> ��• .� +�.,?,�'ti;� , not operate ro release Ihe liabiliry of the uriginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to
<br /> � 6� ;°`'"' '`�''' wi�unence procet-dings againat uny suceessur in interest or refuse to eatend tirne fur payment or utherwise modify amoniration
<br /> ' �.?,, - '�"�I ,"���� of t s ms c red b t is c rit 1 s m nt b re • n uf an mad b the ori inal Borrower or Burrow r's
<br /> ----.
<br /> ��!� •• h e u s c u y h S e u y n t r u e y u w y d c m a n d e y g e e�
<br /> -- - - ::,�_. ; -� '• '°°`° surr�ssors in incerest. Any forberatanc�e by I.encier in eaercising uny rigix or ren►eiiy shnli no[ be u waiver ui ur pra:luue the
<br /> •• ` exereise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> . 12. Succes.wrs and Assi¢ns Bound: Joint and Severs�l Liability; Co-sfgners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br />• ° ' d' Security Instrument sli�ll bind and bcnefit thc ,urressors and ussigns of Lender iuid Borruwrr, subjcct to the provisions of
<br /> � � • q ° par�gr�ph 17. Borrower's coverwnts ;tnJ ugree:mcnts shall bc joint un�1 severul. Any Borrower whu ca-signs this Security
<br /> ;��• " ��.�, Instrument but d�es not execute the IYute: (u) is co-signing this Security Intitrument only w rrwrtgage,grant anJ convey that
<br /> ._ �;,,��,�;.�_ , Borrowcr's intcre,t in thc Property undcr thc trrms uf this Scrurity Instrument;(b) is not personally obliguted w pay thc swns
<br /> scrured by this Securiry lnstrunknt;und(c)agrc�s that LenJer and any uthcr Burrower m�y agrcc tu cxtend, modify,Wrb�;ar or
<br /> ,,,� x,�, muicc:u�y:�ccommudations with regural tu tlutcrms uf this Sccuriry Instrumcnt ur thc Notc without that Borrowcr'x consent.
<br /> ; .t"�`�"'��` „ •Y:.. 13.l.os�n CtpirRec. IP the loon xerurcd by this Srcurity Instrument is subject to u law which sets maximum loan char3es,
<br /> ��.; , �,._ und that law is tinally interprete�l sw that the interert ur other luan rh•rr�c.r��IlccteJ�ir to ba�rollect��cl in ronnection with the `
<br /> '�� �-.tic Iwnexreed the permitted limits, then: (u)uny such laan chargc tih•rll he r�du�cJ by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> '�� . �':�_. , to tlte permitta! limit:and Ib)any sum+atr.�uly cullecteJ frum Burruwer which�xr��J�rl pc:miittc�l limits will lk r�funcieJ to =
<br /> , '.,�,_, &�rmwer. L.enJer nwy rhuusc to makc this rcl'und by rcducing thu principal uw�K! under the Notc ur by m•rking a Jirect �'
<br /> � ��~ ment tu Horcuwrr. lt' a re(unJ r��lures nnri rl thr r��luction will tsc trcvteJ :u •r
<br /> �� pay p ' p• , partiul prepsyment withuut uny
<br /> . °�,:.� prepayment charge under thc Nu�c.
<br /> ° •' l4.Notices. An noticc ta BuRC�wcr ruvidcJ tiir in this Sccurit Insrrurncnt shull tx �vcn b dcliverin u or b nutilin
<br /> , ` � ��.. r� y P Y 6� Y 8 � Y S
<br /> , it by tirst cluss muil unless upplir:�ble Isw r��yuireti u.e ut'•rnuther nicdkxl.TI��nuticc,Irrll lw Jir�wteJ�o the Pruperry Addrrss °
<br /> ° or any othcr :Kldress Borrow�r Qcsignutc+ by natirr w LcnJcr. Any noticr tu Lrndcr .hrll (x givcn by tirst clas� mtil to -
<br />'� ' Lcnder's•rddres.�: uuted herein or ;uiy othar�nldrc�s Lcndcr Jc,igrwtc.r by n�nir�w Burruwcr. Any nuticc proviJal I'or in this °r
<br /> ''� •{'�'�'". �: Security Instrumcn[.hall lx dcemcd tu have Ixen givan to&►rruwer ur L�nder when gi�cn;u provided in thi�p;uagruph.
<br /> � - � , lS.Governing l.aw; Sererability. Thi� Security Inslrumcnt ,hull bc guvrrncd hy Icderal law anJ the luw of thc
<br /> . ' �"`��'�'` jurisdiction in which the Property is Icxat�wl.In thc r�•ent that any pruvi,ion ur cluu,r ol thia Scrurity Imtrumcm or thc Note
<br /> ^ .�'j-'A�.'� , amflictti with applicable law. ,uch anillict,hall not affcct uthrr provi.iun+nf chi+Sccurity In�trument ur thc Note whinc�un be
<br /> " . givrn el'tetit with�iut the r�mflicting provi,ion. T�►thi.end the pr��vi.ion,uf this Securiry Instrumrnt und thc Note urc declured
<br /> ,. ' to be scverublr.
<br /> , . � ' 16. Borruwer'x Copy.&irn�wcr�hall fx givcn�mc cimliirm�til c��py uf dic Nut�anJ��f thi�S��urity InStrununi. -
<br /> Form 3028 9180
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