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. �� <br /> ' , ' ;. , .. <br /> , , . . <br /> � .. � . ..._ .._ _.. , a'.�l4Yw1 J . <br /> 1 .. . .. � . � ��---._. <br /> I • ' ' DEED OF fFiUST Pape � � <br /> . 12=23�1998 <br /> I Loa�Nv 3760F39 (�on4lo�ued) "' ��.��.:�� � ., :- <br /> 1 _ --------._.. ._ __------=__—_.._ , <br /> --____...—.____..___-��,___;—=::�----- __�.__._...._. .. --- ---�-- - <br /> .._..---..�_ __ , <br /> poeaeeeion ol Ihe Property or Ino oou0o:lon, recolpl�nd eppl!co�lon ot ronte, bsue3 or profle. Truatdo or londer ohall be •nlllled ro , : <br /> � �xercls�wvery r1�h1 proNded ior in the Note or IM Rd�t�d Uooummte w by l�w upon Ih�ocaurrenco of eny�v�nl 01 ddautl,Incfutlinp Ihf r <br /> rtyhl lo�zsrcis0 h�powar ot aels; � , <br /> (b) ComrtKnce�n acllon lo(or�close lhl�O�d of Tru�l a��matp�p���pPWnl s recNvar w tpoclACally�ntorco eny ot IM Covonant� , �, <br /> . horpot;and _ <br /> Interest�'Inslhe Propsrty lo be eo d�whlCh noflC�Tru3les 61�rCaus�to ba duty iil�d itot nCOrd In th�tpprop kt�i C'�fAC�s of ihe Countyrin f -- <br /> � whloh th�ProperlY Is locnted;end I � <br /> � � (d) Wilh respect to�II or eny pAA af the Personal Propertyr,L�ndar shali hovo all the ri9hb and nrtwdl�4 0}�socured perry under Ihs <br /> �' Nobraska Unitorm Commerciei Code. , _ <br /> � � Forecloeure by Power o!lide. If Lander elects to forecloso by exerclse of lhe Power of Salo hereln contalned,Lender sh411 nollry Trustea antl <br /> " ' shall depOSll wlth Trustee thls Deod ot Trust end Ihe Note end such recelpts nnd eNdsnce o1 expenditures made end secured by thls Deed of _ <br /> Trusl as Trustee mey requlre. <br /> (a) Upon recefpt of such notice from Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded,published and delivered to Trustor 8uch NoHca of Detauit , <br /> end Notice of Sale as ihen required by law antl by thls Deed of Trust. TruEtoe stioll,wlthout demand on Trustor, afler such Hme os may <br /> then be required by law and afler recordaHon of such Natice of Oetault and atter Notice o}Sale haviny been plvon es requlred by 18w,sell _�r� <br /> the Properly at the timo and place c}salo flxod by It In su�h no!iq of Sais,6lther es 4 whoie,or in ssputt�lots a parcas or Iferr�as _;_ - <br /> Trustse shall deem axpediont,and In such ader as It may determine,at Fvbilo auction to the hiyhest bidd�r tor c�sh In I�wful monsy of l�—"" <br /> fhe Unfted Statee payabfe at the time of aate. Trustoe she11 ddiver to such purcheser or purohasers thxeof Ib 9ocd�nd auMclard daed a ;�;;,,� <br /> o�act�she�be conclt�p o pr ot odthe huthfulnessytheroonf.a�Any perso��i�dir►p withou�mitatlon Trustor,Trust�a�lender, rt ay , _ - -- - <br /> purchase at suCh sale. ��� <br /> (b) As may be pe►mifted by Iaw,arter deducUnp all costs,Mes and exponses of Trustee and o}thls Trust,includiny cosb cf evidence of � <br /> tltle In connoction with salo,Trusteo shail appty the proceeds ot sale to p9yment of (q ali sums e�ended under the terms of this Dead of ,___ <br /> Trust a under the terms of the Note not then repald,inCiudirp bul not iim'rted to accrued IntorOSt and late charpes, (N)all other sums then �.;� <br /> secured heroby,and (Ilq ihe remalndet,If any,to the porson a persons lepally ontiriad thereto. �,.�;: <br /> (c) Trustee may In tt�e manner provided by lew postpono sale of ali or any portlon ot tho Properiy. ` <br /> ' � Remediea Not E7ccluaive. Trustee and Lender,and each of them,shall bo endtled to enforce peyment and peAormance of any Indebtedness ��y;.: <br /> 7t <br /> or abligatlons secured by thls Qeed of Trust end to exerclse all riphta and powers under thls Dsed of Trust. under the Note,unaer any ot the � <br /> Related Documents,a under any other aqreement or any laws now a hereattgr in(orce;notwithstandlnp, some a all of such lndobtedness �:�____ s� <br /> and obllgaflons cecured by this L�sed of Trust may now or hareatter be otherwlse secured,whether by mortqape,dsed of Uust,pbdye,�len, �yN°` <br /> essbnment a otherwlse. Nelther the accoptance of thls DeBd of Trust na its enforcement,whether by court actlon or pursuant to tlw power of • _���x��3+� <br /> .. . . <br /> '•�•� �•• '� sate or other powers contelned In this Oeed ot Trust,shan preJudlce a In any manner afPect Trustee's or Lenders dyht to reallza upon or .��:�� <br /> �._.� �n}Q.�o any n�hw security now or here4fler held by Trusteo or Lender,It Delnp apre9d that Trustae and l.ender,and eech of them,shali be , '•?.�:� — <br /> � entlHed to enforoo thls Deed ot Trust and any oti�er security now or nereaiiar heid'oy Lei��+�a+=ss.o w�r`�'Z^'h�S�S L�������4 tI1HV Ot ,�[.��s����# <br /> elther of them may In their absolute dlscreNon dete�mine. No remedy conierrsd upon or reserved to Truste9 or Lender, 19 Intended to be ����,_ <br /> . excluslve of any other remoW In this Doed of Trust or by law proNded a parmitted,but eac�slwll be cumulaNw and ehatl ha In tddltlon to ��_� <br /> � overy other rem�dy plvon in this Deed ot Trust or now or hereaRer e�dstinp at Iuw or in equity or by btatuto. Every powee a reawdy plvsn by the �, -- <br /> Note or any of the Reiated Dxumenls to Trustee or Lender or to wh�h elther of them may be otherwiso enNtled, may be i�cerclsad� ' <br /> concurrentty or Independenity,ham time to time and as often as moy ba dsemed expedlant by Trustoe or lend�, and elihsr of them may :�� <br /> . pursue Inconststent remedles. Nothing In thls Deed of Trust shell be conshued ss prohibltiliy Lender hom swkl�tip�deACbnCy IudOtnent - <br /> aptinst the Trusla to ths extent such acllon ls permltted by law. ' <br /> Request For Hotit�. Trusta,on behalf of Trustor and lender,hereby roQuests lhat 4 aoPY of any Notice of Default and a copy of any NoUCS ; <br /> of Sate undsr Ihss Daed of Trust be malled to them�t the addresses so1 forth In lhe 11Bt pantpreph of this Daed of Trust. <br /> Watv�r; Electlon o}R�m�dies. A welver by eny parfy ot�6roach of�provfslon of this Do�d of Trust shali not consHtuta n walwr of a <br /> � praJud�ce tlw part�Is dphts otherwlse to domand shict compltana wlth that provfslon or any othsr proNsion. El�tlon by Land�r to pu�sua nny <br /> " remedy proNded In thls Deed of Trust,the Nots,In any Raated Docurtwnt,or providod by kw sh�ll not wcdud�pursult o4 any otha rartwdy, � <br /> and an el�cdon to m�ke�xpendllures a to taka tctlon to pertam an obNpaHon o1 Trustor under th(s Ooad ot Trust atla�faiWre of Trustor to __ _ <br /> perfam shell nol aNect Lenders►�phf to dectl�ra a tNfault and to ucarclse any of ib remadles. ����� <br /> ��pmey��Feei;Expenses. If Lender Institutes any sult or acllon to entorce any of ths terms of this Deed of Tnist,Lender slull be mtltbd to �-----_-- <br /> recover such sum os the court may adJudpe reasonabb ns attorneys'fMe at trial and on any�ppaal. Wtw�her or not nny court sctlon b ���°----- <br /> Invohrod,aH re4sonabW expenses Iraurred by Lander whbh in lend�a�s opinion aro necessary at any 21me for the proteaHon of its Int�nst or tM �..�__,��e <br /> ' entorcement of its rlyhts shnil become a part of th�Indabtedne�s payable on demand nnd ahall b�tr Int�rsst�t th�Not�nto hom ths dab W �.,�— <br /> � exp�ndliure untll repald. �Aensos covered by this paragrsph Include,without NmitsBon,howewr subJ�ct to�ny Amib un�r�ppticabb kw, E...- <br /> Lenders cttuneys'fees whelher or not there ly a Iawsuit,Includinp attorneys'tees(or bankruptoy praoeedinps QnCludinn eBorts to modityr ot — <br /> vacato any automatb stny or InJuncUon),appeals end eny anticipated post-Judpment callecdon servfCe�,the cost o1 rAarchlnp roco►ds�obtdn�n0 ��'Y__—r -_ <br /> �a pI1C�able law.'Tru�a�atso wUl PaY any9COUrt c sb,'In�ndd ttonpo�II other sums p oNded by t�aw,�ta the Trusteo,to the extent permitted by ���-���. <br /> Riphts ot Truitee. Trustee shall have ell of tho dphts end dutles ot Lender as set forth In this aecUon. '_.�y _ <br /> POWER$AND OBLIS3ATIONB OF TRlP9TEE. The followinp provfslons ndaflnp to the powera nnd obllpalions qf Trusteo ero pflrt of ihls Deed ot %.�_; �%�—�� __� <br /> Trust. ' � • ..n. <br /> powers of Tnt�tee. In addttfon to ali powers of Trustee artslrp as a matter ot taw,Trustee shaA have the power to tako the fdiowinp acllons Y ��„ �w� K_ <br /> wilh respect to the Property upon the written request oi Lender ind Trustor: (e)Joln In prepariny and filinp a map or pl�t of the Real Property, .u_�,,,,�,,, �r�-•,. <br /> includinp the dadieadon of stree�s or othar dphls to the publ�: (b)Join In prenHnp any a4sement a creaUny any reatrlcUOn en tha RMI PropeAy, :�!�;�?•�_;�.. ,..;�� <br /> and (c)Ja�n In nny subordlnutlon or other afl��nt aftectin�this Deed ot Trust pr the interest ot Lender under thls Deed of Trust. _ <br /> TNStee. Trustee�hell meet all qunllflCntlons requlred for Trustee under appl�abla law. In addltion to tha�iphls and remedle�6et torth above, � . <br /> wilh rospect to etl or eny pM ot tha Property,the Trustee shntl have iho riyht to forectose by notice and 6a�e,and Lender shall have the rl0ht t0 ,L, . <br /> foreC1o58 by ludlCisl Ioreciosure,In eltha cuse In accordance wilh and to the tull oxtent providvd by appllCBble 14w. - .. � <br /> .''iucces�or TNStee. Loader,ut LendePs oplion,may(rom tlme lo tlrr�8ppolnt a succes5or Trustee to eny Trustee nppdnted heraundor by an . � . <br /> ' " fnsirument exeCUted and acknowtedped by Lerydar and recorded fn lhe ofAce of tM recorder of FIALL County,Nebraska. The Instrurtwnt shall , <br /> contain,in additlon to all other matters requlrod by stnte law,Ihe names of the alyinal Lender,Trustea,and Trostor,tha book and papo(or <br /> computar system rokronce)where thls OeYd of Trust Is recorded,and ttw name and address oi fhe auccessa trustee,nnd the Instrument shaN „ <br /> ' Conve aace of he Property�halbs�luCCeed to WI ttw t�te,�power a d duNes contterted upon�Trustao lo hbtDued of�an bY apPl'fcabie �. <br /> __ ____ law. Thls proCedure for subsfltuHon of Vusies shall povern to the exduston af nll other provlslons tor substitutlon. <br /> _._—.—_ <br /> -. . ... �-`---��...��r,� �.....ti.n _ _ <br /> NOTICES TO TRUSTOH AMD OTHER PARTIES. Any notico under this Ueed ot 7rust snan oe m wrmny.may uti w a�m v���.w��•��o•«���-^ -:,- -- -- - - <br /> be eNecdve when actuslry dolive��ed,or when d6positod wlth a nationally reCOyniaed ovemight courier,or,If maliad,sh811 be deemed offeCtivo when _ <br /> deposlted In the United States mall flrst clau,ce►tiNed or repistered mail,pastaye propa�d,directed to ihe addresses shown near the bepinniny of <br /> this Deed ot Trusl. Any party may chanpe Its address tor notices under this Ceed of 7�ust by plvinp famai wdtten notlCe to lhe olher partles, <br /> • speciryring thal the purpose of the noHce Is to change the pariy's address. All coples of notiCes ot toreclosure trom the holder of any Ilen whi�h has <br /> priority over thls Oeed of Trust shail bo sent to Lenders address,as shown noar the beptnning of thls Daad oi Trust. For noNce purposos,Trustor <br /> agrees to keep Lender and 1'rustoe intormed at all tlmos of Trustor's current address. <br /> MISCEIlANEOUS PROVI£IONS. The tollowing misoellaneous prov�slons are a part of Ihls Deod ot Trust: � <br /> - , � !lmendmenta. This Deed ot Trust,together with any Related Documents,const►tutes ihe entire underslandlnq nnd apreemeM ni the parties as <br /> to tho matters set forth in thls Deed of Trust. No altaration ot a amendment to thls Doed of Trusl shnll be etlsctive uru�^.�pivon In vnitinp nnd <br /> ;lgnod by the party or parties sou�ht to be ahargod or bound by the alteraflon or amendment. <br /> , �dj peapovem�d by eiM conf atruesl ln+eccordmce with tho lawa ot�the St�itel�NabrW�u In the St�te of t�e�raks. Thls Oeod of Tniq , <br /> � <br /> � ' _ _ _ <br />