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<br /> C�pflptl HMdinp�. Capllon hoedlnpe In this Deed ot Trust ar0 for convenlenca purpos�s only and are not to be used to Interprot ar deflne lhe
<br /> Rrovtslom���h!e D�xd of Truat
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<br /> -_ :, IIMtp�r. Th�r�shall bo no merper ol the Inlsrest or ostets c�eatod by this Ooed of Trus1 wlih any othw Inttire�l or sst�t�U lhe Prope�iy el�ny
<br /> � � tlma hN�by a la th�berMfi!ol ls�der In�ny c�tcity,wilhout lM wridon cans�ni o1 Lenda. -
<br /> � 9Aulti PaAI��. All ob11 Uons ot Trustw under this Deed ol�'ruet eh�ll be Jolnt�nd aeveral,and��l raferenas to Trustor ehail mesn esch�nd
<br />" �wry Tr�uata. 7h13 msani that MCt�Of fh�dorrowY�s�Mrp baow{�rG:i�on:iba!ur Cf Gb':���on�in 1hf��e�sd af Trust.
<br /> ' 6�v�►�biitfy. If a courl af compN�nl Jurhdfollon Md��ny provf�lan ol thN DMd of Trurl!o b�InvaNd a urwniorc�tblo ts to any po�rsson or
<br /> ckcumst�na,such Ilndinp ohaN not nnMr that provlston InvaMd o►un�ntaa�bis as to my olh�r psROns a cir�umstar�u. If t�a�bM,�ny
<br /> �.��k�.�- , tuch ofhndinp provislon�txll b�darm�d lo ba modfMd to 1»within Ih�Ymib of antorcNbWtY w va8��ty:hm�nva�II fhe ofhndirp provMlon
<br /> cannot b�ao modltl�d,It thalf hr IMClcen�nd aN dlwr provfslon�of thls DMd ot TrWt In�N other nap�ct!�hoM nmaln vaAd and�ntor�oabM.
<br /> '� • SuCG�won�rtd Awipn�. Sub�ct lo th�IlmitaUons stated in thls Dsad of Trust on tnn4fa of Trustors Int�uat,lhfs De�d ol Trus1 shall be
<br /> z' bindinp upon�nd Intxe to the b�ne�l of ihe ptrtie�,thNr aucces�ors and tssipn�. �f owMreh�P of th�Propxty b�comes vested�n F pw6on
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<br />_- - Ind�btsdnoss. •
<br /> . .-, . , Tlnw Is of tlw Eawnc�.Timo b of IIa ossano�In tM pertorrrwnc�of lhls Oood of Trust. ��J
<br /> ��•�.:��_ �.. . • -
<br /> `� yyptyen and Con�enta. Lender shiM not be deem�d to have watved any dphb under thb Deed ct Trust(a und�r tPw ReI�Md Docummts) __
<br /> ^� ",: .•:�,• ` unbss such walver fs In wdtinp ind apnad by Under. No d�y or ombsion on lhe part of Lend�r In�cordsinp any�ipht sh�M opKate u a -�-
<br /> :�" � �� w�IVer of such�ipht a�ny oth�r rfphl.A w�wt by any paRy ol�protAslon of thls D�ed o17'nist e►wll not consfHut��waw�r af or pryudla th�
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<br />-=}���",-t�'��� partys Apht otherwfse to dem�nd stACt complknc�wllh that provlston a ury othar proNSion. PM prlor walver by Lend�r,nor any courco of _
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<br />`;.�,r=, " transncNor►a. Wtwne+rar conssnt by Lender fs nqukad In thb M�d oi Tnnt,the pranbnp of such consent by Lend�r In�ny instana a1wA not -
<br /> ���-,�'�°'� consHtule conrinulrW conaent to subsequent InsLncss where such consant b n quksd. _
<br /> - - WMver of HortMStswd Fxessptlos�- Trustw her�by nleaa�s and walves aM rlphm and beno6ts r�f the homastand exomptfon lawi ot lho SIUe oi -
<br /> __:,•,����r,,'•_ N�6raakn af to�N Indabl�dness co�ir•ed by thfs Ds�d of Trutt.
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<br /> On thie d�Y�a�rrN,th�undwaqMd Notary Publb,pw�onalry oppNU�d KEL.E1f LIENEMANN�nd D01lQLAS Q LIl.Nl:MAMIl,lo rt»known to
<br /> -- be tM IndlNdueb dASCrfbed In and wha sxecuted the Dwd of Tnnt. �nd�dcnov�ied�d ttKt thsy tipnW th�DMd of Tnn!a th�M irN and
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