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. ; . ^�_;. <br /> ;�,. , . , � — <br /> _..,W. , . � - <br /> ...I'�l . .l ' 'R��r � ` "A <br /> _ , .. ..'w.7.. , � .. . . ..�^,�' - - ` �':Y.��w.(t =. <br /> x� <br /> . " . , . _ ,. {' . . .,,��+r��r <br /> . .. <br /> .. ..,. . _.... <br /> - -- ---------._............ <br /> � �EED aF TRUST Peya 4 , � �' °„ <br /> � 12-23m1�fl6 <br /> ��»r� �ao 37�oafl (ConUnued) �� �1.�1.�„� _.___- � , <br /> p0ym9nt9 on Ihe Indebt8dnas9 eoouretl by Ihls lype o1 Deed of Truct; (o)N tex qn thla type ol D�d of Tru�t chflrqsa�lY�peln5l Ihe Lander or <br /> Ihe holdor of Iho Nofe;antl (d)a spocifia tox on all^.r any poAlon of the Ind�bt�dnsae or on plym�nlo ol pAnclpil�nd Int�rcrsl mrd�by , . _ <br /> Tro�tor. �.: <br /> 3ub uH►t T�xe�. H�ny hx lo whbh thle Natlon�Fp�Ns If�n�ct�d abHqwnt to Ih�O�I�of It� l5bd ql Truff,lhh�wnl�haA havi Ih� „ <br /> pro�bNow�uni�s�Y u�ta�Wl�h:r (a p�y:tl��a»a 1a o��bacom,zyd xlnquanl,orati cont�t,ub b�x es p ovldsrd abo eV n�lhe Toxos ind � <br /> � Ll�n�wCtlon and dlposlb wllh L�nd�r ach a o�uMCNnt CoryaaN�un1y bond a o1Mr NouA►y aNfactory 10 UndM. ! : <br /> � 8ECl1RITY J10REEMLHT;FINANCINO BTATHNIENTa. Th�loliowinp provl�loM rNaHnp to Ihis[�d d Trt,nl is�aourlty aprs�m�nt an a ptrt oi I ` <br /> -, thb De+�d o1 Trunt. <br /> ,� Securtty Apreement. Thls Instrument shtll constltute a aecurily epreement to ths extsnt�ny of Ihe Property consNtutl�s Ilxtures ar other <br /> � peroonel property,end Lender sheil heve all of lhe ri9hts ot e soecured perty under the Unllam CommerClal Code as emend�d hom tlme to <br /> i Nme. , " , - <br /> SeCUflty Intersal. Upon request by Lendor,Trustor ahali execute flnanclnp statemenh and lake wlwtavd other acUon la rcquosted by Londer L��j:- <br /> j to peAecl end continue Lender's security IMerest In the Runts and Persanal Property. In nddltton lo recadlnp thls Doed o}Trust In the renl ' ._�,;,-, <br /> i property records,Lender may,et any time end without lurther authodtatlon hom Trusta,81e axeCNad aounterparts,copies or reproductions o} `,;�,:_-_ <br /> thls Deed of Trusf es a flnancing statemenl. Trustor shall retmburse Lender for ell expensos Incurred In perlectinp or contfnuinp lhls securihf __ <br /> interesl. Upon dotauit,Trustor shall assembio the Persanal Properiy In a mflnner and at a plaCt� rNSOntbly convenlent to Trustor and Lender -=-- <br /> and make It available to Lander wlthin ihree(3)days aflar recelpt of wrilten demand Trom Lendor. '� , <br /> AddnNes. The maliinp addresses of Truytor(debta)and Lander(sacured party),hom which WocmQiion concerninp the soaudly In:aest ' `rc��_:_ <br /> grflnted by this Deed of Trust may ba obtained(each as required by the Unitam CommerCial Code),are as stated on the Nrst paqe of thls Daed __ <br /> of Trust. - <br /> FURT1lER ASSURAHCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The followinp provlsions retatlny to furthe►ossurances nnd attomey-IrFfact are a part of thls '�'�>'; __—. <br /> • Oeed of Trust. "':•�• <br /> FurthEr Assu►ances. At any Ume,and from time to Hme,upon request o4 Lender,Trusto`vNl make, execute end dollver,or will ca�+se to be �".��;���,�� <br /> made,executed a detivered,to Lender or to Lendar's desfpnee,and wtwn requested by Leoder, cause to bo 6ted, recaded,reflied, or ��`�x'�-=- <br /> �r. . � �i9�,..>.. <br />,�� rerecorded,as the case may be,at such tim0,and in such olftcss and places as Lender rney deem appropriete,any and all suah morfpt0es� ,:_�,,}. . _ <br /> deads of trust,se�udty deeds,seCUrity agreements,flnancing stetements,conflnuelton alatoments,Nsiruments o4 turthsr assuranCe,Certiflcatas� ';;•.,. +qr_c:°` <br />_. :�,'� ��--- <br /> and other documenls as may,In the sole opinfon of Lender,be necessary or deslrable in order IoeHecluate,complete,perfect,continue,a � ,i " •,p�;o,�1:� - <br /> �'�� preserve (a)the obllgations of Trustor under the Note,this Deed of Trust,nnd the Related Dceuments,end (b)the Ilens and sa:urily interesb ; -, , <br /> • ' r�'�.t created by this Deod of Trust on the Properly,whather now owned or hereatter ecqulred by Trusta.Unless prohibited by law or apreed to the �^�," <br /> ��' Sil•.,t. <br /> ;.i„.. ' '�:,,_��.�_' <br /> `:.;,�.�• cantrary by Lender in wtlHnq,Trustor shall reimburse Lender tor all cosb and expenses Incurred N ccnnectlon with the matters referred to in • <br /> �-+ J ,.,�;�:-^, <br /> thls p8ragreph. {�`` ���'� <br />:,. '` :� Atlom�y-In�ect. If Trustor falis to do any ot the thirps retsrred to in the precedlnp panprep4 LenGr may do so tor and in th� name of ���' `i: ,, <br /> _ _ _____� T.19�n.,n�1 at Troatcu'a e�mense. Far such purposes,Trusta hereby Irrevocably appdnts Lenderu Tnnta'e attomeyan-4act for ths purpos� _ ,, <br /> .: -�--.-..--� ° of making,execuHn9. deliverinp,flling,recording,and doinp all olher thinps as msy Ce ne�4 a�iraoie,i��Lo���r'6� .r^rlr.:ar.,!o . <br /> '`����, 'r accompllsh tha mtttera refertod to In the precedirp paraqreph. .i , <br /> � FULL RERFORMANCE. if Trustor peys all the Indebtedness when dus,and olhawise perfams a�lhe obii�adons Imposed upon Trustor under this . <br /> Oeed of Trust, Lsnder shall execute and delNer to Trus!oe a request for tull reconveyance and shill Axecute and deuver to Trustor aulta6!e ;1 ,_ <br /> !'� slatements of terminflflon of any financlrp statement on Ale evidencinp Lendar's securfty Interast in Ihe Fents and the Personat Property. Any <br />'�'� reCOnveyance fae roqulred by law shall be pafd by Trustor,if permiHed by epp tl c a trle taw. �y ' <br /> ` � . <br /> O�FAUIT. Esch of the(ollowlr�g,et the option ot Lender,shail constitute an event of defautt('�venl of Detault�under lhls Doed ot Trush •.� <br /> Defsuit On Indebtedrteas. Fellure of Trustor to m8ke any payment when due on the IndeDtedness. � �`� <br /> �,.± OetwB on Olher PAyments. Fellure ot Trustor wlthln the tlme required by thls Oeed of Trusl to mnke eny peyment ta texe�or insurarwe,a �i - <br />�. ., any other paymeN necessary to prevent Nlinp of or to ettect discharqe o}nny Ilen. � ' <br /> Compllance Detault. Fallure oi Trustor to comply with any other ferm,obllp4tion,covanant or conciiNOn cantainad In thb Daad of Trust,tt�e <br /> :'_ � Not�a In any of Ihs Helfltsd Doouments. �— <br />�' •', ,. FM�e Sht�nl�nU. Rny tvaRanty.reprosentntton or aLtemenf mad�or tumbhYd to L�nder bY a�^��M of Trustor under lhi9 Wsd ot Truat, ,:s= <br /> - � � � the Note or the Related Documonb b faFSe a misieadlnp in any materfal rospsct,either now a at IM ti me made a turnbhed. � <br />'� "'' ' "" "' OehcUw GoItalKMtvtbn. Thls Doed of Trust or any of th�Related DxurtMnb oeu�s lo bo In lull forco md�fhct pnctudlnp hlluro of nny �` - <br />-;� ' ' cGlateral dxuments to create e va�id and pertecled security Interest or Iian)at any 8rna 4nd(or anyrea�on. ---- <br />��7� � .�'.' De�th or IneWvency. The death ot Trusta,the tnsoNer�cy of Trustor,the appointment of e rcodv�+r for any put of Trustors property,any - <br /> assipnment tor the benefit of credltors, any type of creditor workout,a the commencement ol arY proceediny under any bankruptoy or <br /> • � � insotvoncy laws by or eyainst Trustor. _ <br /> „e.-r�a.-,.j.:_�, <br /> " Forecbwre,Forteituro,etc. Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedinys,whelher byJudk�l proceediny,setf-hNP.ropossoss�on = - <br />�.�-^• i or any other method,by any creditor ot Trustor or by eny povernmental apenoy apalnst any ol the Pro�aty. However,this subsscflon atwh not <br /> toreteiture proceed n9 P ov ded t at 7rustorypives Le derwrltteninott�e o�uCh clelm g d uh n�lshes r�heserves a s+urety}bond fa ttwucialm <br /> ' � satisfactory to Lender. �� �F. <br />— � • &e�ch of Othar Apreement.Any breach by Trustor under the terms of any other epreement betwean Tructa and Lender thet Is not remed�ed �� �_¢{ <br /> i ;; wltnln any qraca peri�d provlded thereln,lnctudlrp wlthout Ilmitatlon eny apreement conceminp �nY�nd�btedness or other oDIlpaUon o}Trustor . . ,.• ���' <br /> to Lender,whether exialln8 now or later. � �?��i���r��� <br /> '',, ,�'Se tY�ti t <br /> "v!d.. 't5 �rll�.. <br />— dies pr b TMo tmes InCOmpetenl,a�revokes d sp tuose he val�ld�lty ofwor Ilabil�ily under,pny Ouarenry'of lyhe Indobfedbness�Lender�t b optlon, -���^�°��"=%-}�� . <br /> s'� •ht;_,:��;�M <br /> mey, but shall not bo requlred to,pormit the OuarsMOr's ostafe to assume uncondNlon�➢y the ob118elions nri�ing under the Quaranty In a '�'..��,,:r,.�.:. , <br /> manner saHsffictory to Lender,end,in dolnq so,cure the�vent of Defeutt. `�'-�����'`~:���.� _ <br /> Insecurity. Lender In good feuh deems Itselt Insecure, :'��'"��',��' ' <br /> �..�:�::.,;,_.. <br /> Dclstinp Indebte4nesa. A dofault shall oCCUr under eny Existing Indebtodness or undor any InSWment on Ihe Property securing eny Existtnp �„�;�: <br /> Indebtedness,or commencement ot eny sult or other ectlon to forodoso any e�dsHrty Ilen on Ihe ProparlY• . , <br /> Rtpht to Cure. If such e tallure Is curebie and it Trustor has not baert plven e notlCe of a breach ot the same pro�Aslon ot thls Doed of Trust � � -• <br /> — � within Ihe preceding twefve(i2)months,if may be cured(er.d no Event of De!sult will heve oocurred)ff Trustor,aRer Londer sends wiitten • • , <br /> notice demandiny cure of such tailure: (a)cures the fallure withln ten(10)dnys;or (b)If tfw cure roquires mae than tan(10)days,immedlatety , <br /> initlat�s steps suMclent to cure iho taliure and thereetter conNnues and compietes ell reasona6u and necessary steps sutAcient to produce •� <br /> _ - COmptlnnce a9 aoon fls reasonaory pracriwi. - ___ -_ - <br /> � RICFITS AND REMmIE3 ON DEFAIA.T. Upon the occurrenco of any Event of nelauft nnd at eny fimo 4h�reafter,Yrusteo or Lender,at Ib opflon, <br /> may exercise any one a mae of the followlnp riqhb and remadles,in addlHon to any otMx rtghts a�,ned�es proNded by law: <br /> AcCekra4lon upon (kfauit;Additbnal Remediss. If any event cf detault oCCUrs as per lhe terms of the Note secured hereby,Lender rt�ay �� <br /> dectare all indebtodness secured by thls Deed of Trust to be due end payoble and the same sha�Ihereupon become due end peyable withoul . <br /> nny presentment,demand,protest or not�e of any klnd. Therentter,Lender may: , �• , <br /> . , � (a) Eliher In person Or by flgent,with or wlthoul bringinp any flction or proceedinp,Or by e r'eCelver appolnted by a Court nnd without . <br /> regard to the adequacy ot its securiry,enter upon and take possesslon of the Proporty,or any prA thereot,In Ib own nnme or in lhe name <br /> or Trustee,and do any acts whlch It deems necessary or deslrublo to preserve the velue, msrketnb�ity a rentabllity ot the Property,or pert <br /> I of the Proporty or Intorest In Ihe Property;Increase the Income hom the Property or prolect the secudty of the Property;and,with or without <br /> _ I taking pnssesston of the Property,sue for or otherwiso coliect the rents,Issues and profibai 4he Property,inciuding those past due end <br /> j �npald,and appty ths same,less costs and expenses ot operation and collectlon,indudirpetiarney�feas,to any Indabtadn�,s::ccumd - <br /> I by lhis Oead o!Trust,all In such order as Lender may determino. The entering upon end teking possession oi the Property,the coliec8on <br /> of such rents,lssues and profits,and the appllcaHOn thereof shall not curo or�vNve any deta�l or noHce of deMuit under thls Deed of Trust <br /> Ia Inva!idate eny act done In response to such default or pursuant to such notice of delauit;and, notwithstandiny the conUnuance In <br /> , � , , - <br /> �a �'__ � � I , _ . .._. . . . <br />