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F� <br /> ..:.�., , �--�. <br /> ,.xw�:i - <br /> , � <br /> ,,,��` ,.. ,;,.. <br /> -.�Opv: .. , ....F,,k„»�,,, <br /> . .�1�1k}}. . � . �) . � . . _ ' ���. . . . ^sT�i�t+e¢r�J;. <br /> . ..a+r�Yi�lo�5r.w�..... •, •' . ....:-., . .. .. . .. .. � _ .yr,t,. — <br /> . .-. _'- ' . . : ,�,...�.� <br /> _ .-'__-,.q�.nq.�'"'�x".`-,.�qY4�Nqa.e..__.__ ' ... _ . ., .: _ ... ..... ` <br /> _'.�. .. . .. .. . � . s..a.-..,�r <br /> 1:,�:'?�+.:�- <br /> 7. �mireont Domsln.Londor la horoby nsolpncd oll compcnontlon,nwardo,dncncp��and othcr pnymcnt❑ or roliol Ihcrclnoltnr "Procoode"1' � , <br /> In connectlon with condomno4lon or othor 4oldnp a4 iho Property or part thorr,of,or lor convoyunco In liou of r,ondmm�oflon, Lond�u nhnil ' �. _- <br /> teken or domufled,Londor aPsafl hnvo the optlon In Ite aolo ond abnotuta tlfscrotlnn, to opply oll eucPi procacdo, altor deductin��thorofrom F <br /> ull coete and expenaee Incu►red by It In connection with nuch Proceede, upon eny Indabtcdnoae nocurnd horuhy ond tn aucli ordar u9 � _- <br /> �Lender may determine,ot tu epply all such P�oceetls,ofter euch deductlone, to thd reatoretlon o} the Propeny upon euch conditlons ae f ' <br /> �Lendor msy determino. Any oppllcotlon o1 Procaode to Indebtednass ehell nat oxtond or poetpano tho dua dota of ony paymonte undor i• ; <br /> �the Note,or cure any de}eutt thereundar or hereunder,Any unepplled fund��hell bn peld to Truetor. j <br /> � B. Putorm�nc�by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrence o}an Evo�t o} De?eull heraunder, or If nny act le teken or lepal proceedlnp � � <br /> �co�nrnenced which materlally a1(acts Lcndcr'c Intcrost In tho Property,Lcttdsr mny tn im��vn dlscretlon, but wUhout obllpetlon to do oo. [ <br /> ��nd wlthout notico to or dema�d upon Truator end wlthout rolsaNng Trustor lrom eny obilpatlon,do e�y ect whlah Truetor hae eflreed • __ <br /> but tells to do end mey also do eny other act It deams neceaeery to protect the eecurity heraof.Truetor ehell, immedletely upon demend <br /> - therefor by Lendur,�uy to Lander oll coete end nxAensan Incurred end eume expended by Lander In cannactlon with the exarcise by .. <br /> Lender of tha farego�ng riphte, topether with Intereet theroon ut the deftult reta provlded In the Note,whlch shell ba edded to the <br /> ��••^'�� �fndebtedness secured hereby.Lendet shall not Sncur eny Ilabllity bacauce o}enythfnfl It may do or omit to do hereundnr. '" � <br /> ^� 8. H�:�rdoua Mat�rl�is.Truator aholl kaep the Property In compllance with oll npplicable lev�s,ordinances ond roqulationa retatfnp to <br /> , Indu�t�al higlen�a envlronmental protection(collectively roferred to herefn ae"Environmental lawe").Trustoi ahell koep the Proporty , « <br /> free trom ell aubatence�deemed to be hazardoua or toxlc under any Envlronmontal lawe(collectively rofer►ed to herein ae"Hazerdoue » <br /> Me;arinls').Truatot hereby warrente end reprosente to Lender thet there are no Heterdous Materlal on or under the Property.Trustor • <br /> hereby apraos to Indemnify end hold harmloss Lender, Ita dlrectore,offlcera,employees end agente, ond any succeasora to Lender'e :},T�.. <br /> Intereat,from end eflainat any und nll cleims, demege�,lossee end Ilabliltlos ednlnA in connection with tha presenco. use, dispoaal or .�, ;.j:.u,;;,,. <br /> tranaport of any Hazardous Materlate on,undcr,from or eboui the Property. THE FORHQOINO WARRANTIE�ANO NEPRESENTAYIONS, . ��+�+'=b`" <br /> . , •� ;:'�'-i::�x�t`ze�°�r:._�., <br /> AND TRUSTOR'S OBLItiAT10NS PURSUANT TO THE FOREC301N0 INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF <br /> TRUST. �����'�'� <br /> ' .� 1 O.Aasignm�nt o1 R�nts.Truetor here6y esalpna to Lender, and ptente lender e eecurlty Interast In, all praaent,}uture and efter '°"""'"°� <br /> 'Pf�-;F —- <br /> ° � dsing ronte, Isauea end proiite oi the Property;provided that Truator ehe'I, untll the occurrence of en �Event ol Defaui�heraundcr,havo �}'�_,�-_ -- - <br /> �, tho riyht to cotlect and �otain such �ente, lasues end profite ee they become due end peyebte. Upon the occurrenca of an Event oi ��.Y <br /> • Default,Lender may, aither In person or by epent,with or without bringinp eny action or proceeding, or by e recelver eppolnted by e <br /> ,�� court and without ragard to the edaquacy of Its security, enter upon nnd take possession of the Prope►ty,or eny pen thereof,In Ite own _-- __ _ _ Y <br /> ,, neme or In the neme of the Truatae, end do eny ecte which it deema necesaary or deairable to praserve the v�lue,merketebiifty or --�• <br /> rentability of tha Propeny,or uny part therdof or interest thereln,or to incroase the Incoma therefrom or proiect the eecudty hereof end, �u� � _ <br /> � �� w(th or without teklnp poasession of the Piroparty,sue for or othervvise colisct the ronta,Isauee ond profRe theroof,includinp thoae past � �,�,`.=� <br /> �_ dua end unpaid,by notltying tenente to make payme�te to Londer. Lendor mey apply rente,Issuoa end profite,leaa coete end oxpenaea ���= <br /> .�,_._. <br /> of operatlon end coilactlon Including ettorneye'feea,to eny i��de6tedneas securad hereby,al l in suc h or der es Len der m a y d e t e r m i n e.T h e <br /> , entering upon nnd taking posaossion of tha Propany, the collectlon of such ronts, isaues and profita,end the eppUcatlon thefeof ee <br /> aforesaid,shell not cure or watve eny defaul:or notice ot deteuit herounder or invelidate eny act done In �eaponae to auch defauit or '��`'� <br /> •� pursunnt to such notice of detautt and,notwithatandinp the continuance in possessfon of the Ropercyr or the collectlon, recelpt and �� � <br /> � ,i'. applicatian of rente, tssuea or profite, Trueteo and Lender shell be entitled to exercise every right provided for In eny o} ths Loan <br /> _ _ .• - - � i .� �,��..r <br />- ��; Inatrumente or by taw upon occurronce oi ony evenc oi ueiauii, i�ii,iud{��b �.::c�t :�:::to'.%a th.,r.glt..Q !.'•-f_.__ _h��nw�s of aele. �,. -•',_, <br /> � Further,Lender's dghte end remedl6s under this peregreph shali be cumulative w�m,and in no way o Ilmltation on,Lender'e rlphts end <br /> • •� remedies under eny assignment of leaaeo end rents recorded egainst the Property, Lender,Truatee and the receP�er ehsil bs Ilable to _— <br />� �'��� account only for those renta actuolly recelved. � _ <br />- 11.Ev�nt�oi D�t�uit.The foliowing shell conotltu4e en Evont of Defauit under this Deed of Truat: f <br /> y (e)Failure to pey any insteltment of principal or Intereat of any other sum secured hereby whon due; '� � e <br /> �� (b)A breach uf or defeult under any provisfon contained In tho Note,this Deed oi Trust,eny of the Loan Instrumenta,or any <br />.i. ..�i�.; other IIR�or encumbrence upon the Propeny; �-. <br /> '" '"� (c)A writ of executlon or attachment or ony simllar proaess shell be enterad against Truetor whictv eha11 hecome e Iien on the <br /> �'�'�'.�•' �� � ' Proporty or any portlon theroof or Interoat thereln; ,,, <br />-�"''`��'" �" (d)There shall bo flled by or epelnst Trustor or Borrower en ectian under any present or futuro f�deral,etato or othar st�tuo,law -_ <br /> or regutation releting to bankruptcy, fneolvency or othor roliof for dabtore; or thore shall be eppolntcd eny truatee, recetvsr or - <br />�'�;,,''��,;�1° Iiqu�dator of Trustor or Borrowor or of ali or eny part ot the Property,or tAe rente,Issuea ar profits thereat,or Trustor or Bo�rower <br />�;'"• �: .- shall make any genetal easlgnment fo�the benef(t of creditors; _ <br /> �.�---"-`' "'' (e)The aale,transfer,lease,essignmont,conveyance or fuRher encumbrance af ail or eny pert of or any intxest In the Property, <br /> -`"'"�`�'`� ' e[ther voiunterity or involunterlly,withaut the oxpress written coneent of lender;provlded that Trustor shdl be permttted to executo �� <br /> _�u.. � <br />--:��,:_,� <br /> �,�_.�:�,�;•.. .: a lease of the Property thei doea not contein en option to purcheee end the te�m of which doea not excved one year; <br /> ' .. =�r,,•;� 1f) Abandonment of the Proparty;or <br />-"y^�?�%�1�2�� (g) If Truator la not an Individuel, tho Issuance, eale,transfer,asalgnrrent, wnveyanco or encumbrenco ot moro then (it a <br />}""'��i;��:� ' corporetlon) e totel of i.o percent of Ite issued end outetanding s4ock,or(i} e partnarshtpl e tatet o} N/w percent of <br />�c,.,...�.,� • <br />_-_- - �- partnershlp Interesta, or e mited 1ie611ity companyl e totet of N�A po►cont of the Ilmited Ilability company ntereate or voting <br />- '�:x���+��'. • rights during the perlod thls Deod oi Trust remains e lion on the Property. <br /> T�`,,;��::��' , �=;� 12.R�madl�s;�lccNe�Uon Upon DH�ult.In the event of any Event of Oofoult Lender may,without notice except as requlred by lew, _ __ <br />_ �.,,,)�l;•:"::rt., <br />__ declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and peyabla and the aeme shall theroupon becomo due and peyebte without any <br /> ,;"�'�- � - prnaentment,demund,protcst or notice of eny kind.Thereaftor Lander may: <br /> � lal Domand thut Trustoe exercise the POWEFI OF SALE grented heraln, and Trustoe ehall thereafter cause Trustor's intereat ��s:, <br /> �'��"1�� " ' In the Piroporry to ba sold and the proceede to be dlstributod,all In the menner provided in the Neb�aska Tmat Deeda Act; _�ft=— - _ <br /> LL;�:�l�'.'.:�:,. <br /> ,.f���...�. • Ibl Exerclea eny end nil dghte provided for In any of the Loan Inetrumante or by law upon occurrence of eny Event o� E�91�IIpJi�i�;. _ <br /> '�`� " DeFeult;and - <br /> �•-.-,,(a.... .' ���` • <br /> ,, . - (a)Commence an action to forecloae this Deod of Trust es a mortgapo, eppoint e receivor,or spaclficelly enio�ce eny of the __ �_��:" <br /> , ..,� �avnnnnte haroot. °�` ° � <br /> iVo remody horeln conferred upon or reserved to Trusteo or Lendor la intended to be exclusive of any ather remedy herein,in tho Loen �,,�` ,�,�_,.. <br /> Instrumenta or by tuw provlded or permittod,6ut each shelt be cumu!etivo, shall ba in edditfon to avery othar rnmedy glven heroundar,fn �+- � ,�:= <br /> � tha Loan Instrumonts or now or hereaftor existing at law or In equlry or by stntute,and mey�e exercised eancurrentiy,indopondentty o� c �x -,.+k• <br />_ � successively. '`-`•`' � f� <br /> . � . 7 3.Trustae.The Trustoe moy reslgn at uny timo without cause,end Lendor mey at any time ond without ceuso eppoint n successor <br /> ' or eubstitute Trustee.Truateo shoil not bo Ileble to eny porty,includinp wfthout Iimitetlon Londer,Borcower,Truator or any purchaser of ����: ti .�;�i`�� <br /> � the Property, for any loss or damago unlass due to racklass or wllttut mlaconduct, and shall not be requlred to take ony ectton itt '•��'�'v,7{`,'�� � <br /> "'-���, , � connectlon with the enforcnmont of thla Deed ot Truet unless Indemniflad, In wtiting,for all coste,compe�esetlon or e:cpenses which may ; : �^:�r;,; . <br /> be a�soclated therewith. In addition,7ruatee rnay hecomo a purchaser et any salo ot the Property (judicial or under the powar of sele '��� <br /> �i. .. • .. <br /> �.__ , ._ grantod herein);postpone the aete of all or eny portion oi tho Proporty,es providad by law;or seli the Prop�rry as e whole,or in soparete ' " <br /> ° -�-,-- <br /> -'-- _- '_ <br /> perCeis or Ioto ot Truateo's tllacrotlon. ` � <br /> 14.Feoa and Er.penses.In tho nvont Trueteo eoils tho Proporty by oxerclso ot powor of ssle,Trueteo ehall be ontitled to apply any sole . <br />-. procoada firet to payment of oll costs nnd expenses of oxorclsing power of ealo,Including all Trustoo's fofla,and Londor'�end Tr4stao's <br /> attornoy's toos,ectually incurred to eMent permlttod by applicabla law.ln tho ovont Horrowor or Truator oxerctsea nny rlght providod by , <br /> law to cure en Evont of Dafault, lsnder shall bo entitlad to rocovor from Truetor ell coats ond exRenses actualiy incurrod as a result of <br />� • Trustor's dofoult,inctuding without limitatlon ell Trustee's and attornay's feos,to thn oxtonY pormftteed by eppllaoble law. <br /> 16.Futun Advencsa.Upon requost of Borrowor,Londer may,at fte optlon,mnko additional nnd future edvunces and roadvencas to <br /> Borrowor. Such advances end roadvancas,wtth intorost tharaon,shnll be eocured by this Doed uf l'ruet. At no timo shail tho principnl "' <br /> -� amount of tho indebtodnnss sacurod by thla Doad of Trust,not includinp aums ndvenced to protoct tho sacurity of this Deed of Truat, <br />- oxcoed tho originnl prinClpol Umount statod herQin,or 8 sas ooq.qD ,whlchovor i3 groatar. ;' <br /> ��� � - � NOC3CG70 INOUp�icullurcl DEedl ROv.0l96 �� � <br /> - 188(!Natlonel�nnk of Commcrea Trmt ond Sovinpf Aesaiellon,Unculn,NeGOakn - <br />