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<br /> • 1�.MIOCOII�fICOUO PYOVIfllO(IB a'��/� ��V��►7
<br /> (a)Bonowor Not R�te�nd.Extenalon of the time for paymant or modificetion of the auma eocurod 6y this Doed of Truet flrantod
<br /> by Lender to nny c�cceaaor in Intereat n!Dorrower ehall not operate to reteane,In any mannor,the Ilabllity ol tho orlpinu!Dorrower
<br /> nnd dorrowc►'o s �aeesoro In Interest.Lender ehell not be roqulred to cammenco procoedinps ngninst such eucceseor or rafuso to
<br /> extend tlmn for{�eyment ar otMlrwise modify emovtfiation of the eums eecured by thfe Deed of Truat by resson of ony demanda
<br /> m9de by the ovlpinal 8orrowar cnd �orrownr's eucceasote in Interast.
<br /> 1 Ibl Lo�dw'a Fotiriir�.Withcrut afr4octtng tho IloUillYy oi cny othcr purcon Ilablo for tho paymant of any abitgatlon hcroln mcntloncd.
<br /> . � end withaut aifectinp the Iien or charpn of thla Deed o4 Truat upon eny portlon of tlie PropeRy not than o►theratofore reteaaed us
<br /> eecurity for th�}uil amount ot ell unpald obllgetlona,Lender may,frum tlme to tlme end without notice (l)releese any pereon so
<br /> Iinbta,(II)oxtenrl the meturity ar oiter erty of the terma of any such obligatlona,llii)grent other Indulpencos, (lvl raloase or reconvoy,
<br /> � T�:r.l or oauso to be released or reconveyed et eny time aY Landar'e optlan any parcel,portlon or ell oi tho Property,Iv1 teke or reloaso any
<br /> „�„� othor additional securlty tor eny obligatlon herain menttoned, or (vq make compositlons or other nrrengemente with dehtore In
<br /> " � rnlotion thereto.
<br /> r (c) Fo�ow�tca by Landw Not a Walvar. Any forbcaranco 6y Lcndcr!n oxorcising any rlght or romady hornundcr, or othorwi�o
<br /> , afforded by appllceble law, nholl not be a wnfvor of or preciude the exersise of any auch right or romedy.The procurement of
<br /> � Insurance or tha paymenZ ot taxes or other lians ar charges by I.ender shail nat be a walvar of LRntlnr'r� rlph!to accelerate the
<br /> � mnturity of tha Indebtadnese securad by this Dood of Truet. �� � -
<br /> , • (d►Succ�taon�nd A��ipn�9ound;Jofnt�nd 6�wral UabBlty; C�ption�.The covenents and agreoments herein contafned shall •
<br /> . • bind, and the righta hereunder ehall Inure to, the respactiva succeasore and assigns of Lendor and Trustor. All covenanta and
<br /> egreemente ot Trustor shall be joint end several. The capttons and headinge ot the paregrephs of this Deed of Trust are for • • ���
<br /> convenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisic^�hsreof. `� _
<br /> �� . (e)Rc�tto.4 fot C.atic3a.Tha partios hcroby rcqua�t thnt n copy of cr.q^�Liso of dnfnutt hcrcundcr nnd a copy of any notico of � �`� '
<br /> " �" sote hereunder be mallad to each party to thta Daed ot Trust at the address sot toreh ebovo In the manner preser�bed by appticable
<br /> �l. lew.faccept fo�eny other notfce roqulred under eppl(cab!@ la+v to 6e g(ven In another menner,eny notice provided tor In this Doed ot
<br /> �� Truot ehnll be glvon by mefling such notice by ceRifled rtsail addrossed to the other parties, at 4he addrosa set forth above. Any . � ,�� :
<br /> � notice pravided for in this Deed of Trust shall ba effective upon mtatling in the monner deaignatod herein.If Trustor Is mora than one �,`;i.-
<br /> � person,natica sent ta the addrese set forth ebove ahell bo noUco to a0 auch persor.s. • -� � ; �M"�-_
<br /> (f) Inspwtlon.Londer moy meke or ceuso to be made reasoneble e+itTie�lt� � pt th�i Property, provided thet
<br /> Lender shell pive Truator nottce prfor to enq such Inspection specifyinp�eason� Qr�or releted tp Lender's interost in the -'
<br /> �.�pe� r.�Q: .Itd.�Il3.R�97:.. t
<br /> ��.
<br /> � (g) R�conv�y�nc�. Upon peyment ot all sums secured by th{a Deed ot Trust,�Lender ahall requost Trustee to reconvoy the
<br /> Property end shell surrender thle Deed of Truat a�d all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by thle Deed of Trust to Truatee. -
<br /> Truetee shell reconvay the Waperty wfthout warranty end without charpo to the peraon or persona lagally entitted thereto.Trustor -
<br /> ° ohall pay all coste of rocordetion,(f eny. _-
<br /> �h�P.nonal P�rcn.rty;S�cuNty Aarwm�nt.Ae edditlonal aecudtV for the payment of tha Note.Trustar hereby orents Lendnr undar -
<br /> � � the Nebroake UNtarm Commerclel Code a security inferest tn ell fixturea,equlpment,and othar personel property usod in conneotion
<br /> � " with the real eatete or Improvemente located thereon,end not otherwisa declared or doemed to be e part ot the renl estete aecured
<br />- " hereby.Thla Inatrument shali ba conetrued aa a Secur(ty Agreement under sefd Code,and the Lender ehatl heve all the righta end
<br /> � remediea ot e secured perty under seld Codo i�add(tion to the rigMe end remadiea crented under and eccorded the Lettder pursuant
<br />- to thia Deed of Trust;provlded thrrt LendeYs righte and remedlea under thta paragraph ehail be cumulntive wlth,and in n�way a
<br /> t,'�`? ' ' , Iimitetlon on,Lender'e dghte end romedies undar eny other secudty egreament signed by Borrowar or Truato�.
<br />'����:, •�' �� (l) U�n� �nd Encumbnttc��. Trustar hereby wertnz:s ar,d repre�senta thet there Is nn detault under the provislona of any
<br />_n,�.;�,�,'
<br /> y, ,�„s�., ,, mortgege,deed of truet, loaoo or purchesa contrect deue:'�;:�A all or any pert of tho Proporty, or othe� cont�act, inatrument or -
<br /> '���4,fiA��n •. apreement constituttnp a I;en or encumbrence epalnst aif or eny part of the Property(colleotivo, "Uena"1,existing es of the date ot =
<br />:-��'� '" � thia Deed of Troat, and thet ony end ail exiating Uens remain unmodtHed except aa dlsclosad to Lender In Trustor's written �
<br /> �,�,•.,:�:..:..,, C;
<br />-- .. diaclonure of Ilena end encumDrencee provided fo► hereln. Truatar shall timely perfarm ell of Trustor's obllgatbna, covenante,
<br />�tt.�:��• � representetlons end warrantfes under eny and ell exiating end future Llene,shall promptiy forwerd to Lendor copies of ell notices of "
<br />�.;, � ,�^ dctault sont In connectlon with any and eil exlat(ng or futuro Liene, end shell not wkhout Lender's prtor written conaent In eny -
<br /> -�w:,-+;�..�„�:.�. manner madffy the provisiona of or aliow any future advancas under eny existing or future Liena. ---
<br /> i�' ...a,,,qk U) AApNcaUon of Paym�nt�. Unlaso othorwlse requlred 6y law, suma pald to Lander haraunder, IncludinA without Iimitation =••
<br /> R�--;;:•,,:�.;.,, paVmente ot principel end interest, insurance proceeds,condomnatton proceada nnd renta and proiite,ahall be eppued by Lander to --•-
<br /> �"'��`"• `' tha emounte due end owing from Truetor and borrower in such order aa Lender In(te eole dlacretlon doems de�lreble. �-
<br /> ,_�xv•.:•• � ' -
<br />-"=�`�hs,�';}':� • (K) S�vK�bHity. If any provlsion of thls Deed of Truat conflicte with eppUcablo law or ta dectarod Invetid ar otherwisr
<br /> -�=-:�.C..'�=a� ` unenfarcable, such conflict or InvalfdRy ehall not eftect the othor provislona of thla Deed of Trust or the Note vsihlch cen bo given =_
<br /> -- ,..,t...
<br />-.;;:. '•� eNect wlthout the conflictlnp provision, and to thia ond the provlsions of thia Oeed of Truat and the Neta aro declared to be �?;�_„
<br />_ _,c:�:"�� � eeverable. --_ -
<br /> —~-_�;_�_ (I)T�rma.The terms"Trustor'and"Borrower'shell Inctude both singuler end plural,and when tha Trustor and Borrower ere the ---
<br /> �- ---••._, seme pereon(e),those terms es uaed In thla Deed of Trust shell be Interchangoebte. ��=- -
<br /> �,�i`r: (m!Gov�mtnp L�w.This Dced of Trust ehail be governed by tho taws of the State of Nebraske. �t ,
<br /> `�i i,; L -
<br /> t rn�n�
<br /> ��.' ` _
<br /> .,_ Trustor hes executed thfa Deed of Tmst as of tho dete written above. �a--__
<br />-`.;•��,-'~.r:'- - MARI(HTAR271N. INC.
<br /> - -, �. � � � ���- —_---.
<br /> . _ .l. - --
<br /> .' .';�� T�usior P RQ. PA89IDGt7P __--"
<br /> . . . Trustor
<br />� - � Trustor Trustor '„ '-:�vi;'-
<br />- 't�.�,-;
<br />-. � . ' Y.iYr�
<br /> 1
<br /> TeusYOr Truator
<br /> �
<br /> -
<br />- . l �
<br />-� . 1 „
<br />- , f .
<br /> -i �
<br /> NOC 34G7C INonepticutturel 0eed1 R6v.0/06
<br /> 7080 Netlonel 01nk of Commerce Truet end Sevinp�Annocleuon,Lureoln,Nobro�ko
<br /> � . _. . ..._.
<br />