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<br /> ��� � � DEED OF TRUST VIIITH FUTURE ADVANCES �G" 1.�.0�-O� ,
<br /> , . . �;...
<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made na o4 the 27°h day of necember ,18 96 ,by and amon� `: � '°�`.
<br /> ,;.,., .�
<br /> ) 4.»�:.�-
<br /> th8 TNStOf, �R1�TAAIIIN, IHC. \\A •••{�,`
<br /> � � - �b •5�
<br /> �.
<br /> :nr:
<br /> ' Y whose mailing addresa Is e o r�ox izea csarem isr.�u�ro xR 5eeo2-i�e3 (herein'Trustar,"whetheroneor morei, � -
<br /> . the Trustoe, erxtc oP not�ir.w�r� °
<br /> I: whose maliing edd�ess ia ro no B DONZPWiN N8 6d8�2 fhereln 'Trustee"),end �--�
<br /> thB 80�10�ICIery, pax� na nn�.tpx x - - �"�^''-,
<br /> t� �5�iw'
<br /> whose malling address la ro a x A DONIPWW. y$ eeaa. (herefn"Lender"1,
<br /> � , '� FOR VALUABLF CONSIDERATION,Including Lender'e extenalon of crodit Identifled hereln to � _ �
<br /> �. � ev,n�r�xtax. ixc. ---_
<br /> � —
<br /> (herein "Borrowor',whether ono or more)and the trust herein created,the
<br /> receipt ot which la hereby acknowledged,Truttor heroby irrevocahly grenta,trenatere,conveys end esalgna to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH -- __
<br />- POWER OF SAIE, for the banofit end �acurity of Lendor,under end subject to the terms end conditlona heralnafter set torth,the roal =
<br /> property,dascrlbod as followe:
<br /> TF� &OVfHIiRLY FOATY-BOtiR (44) FRfiT OF L(YP ON6 (11, BLOCK&IRTY-1Si0 (62), OR26IN1VL TOMK NOX CITY OP 6FiAHD I8Lt�27D, HAt.L --
<br />� . , • antrrr, rrnenrsxr�. -
<br /> N'
<br />'S. '
<br />;,.
<br /> ;�" • ' ' PROPSRTY ADDR6S9� 216 NOATH CBD11R &1REBT 6R71tiD I9LnND, NS 69801
<br /> - '� .' Together with ail huildtngs, improvemante,4ixtures,streete,etleys, pessegeweye,eeeemente,riehte, prlviieges and appuRenencoe
<br />:,,:� ` �''° � loeated thereon or in enywise pertaining thereto,and tho ren4s,issues and profit�s,reversions and romeindero theroof,and such pmeonel �,_
<br /> ,.;,.::,,,•,,-�..,:.
<br />=�_�,,-.:� :, property that is ettechad to the Improvemonts so es to conatituto a fixture,Including,but not iimited to,heatln8 and caoMg equlpment; �..�_
<br /> - . ,,,;._,�,,,� • end together with the homestosd or medtal Intereste, it eny, whlch Intoreate are hereby releasad and weivod; etl of which,Including
<br />"'=�-"�•�'�- +:� roplacemente and edd(tlona therota,le hereby deelarad to be a part ot the real esteta securod by the Ilen of this Deed of Trt�st end ail af
<br /> `='�""' tho toregoing being referrod to hareln ea the"Property'.
<br /> =_.:qrt�r-, =-
<br /> � ��..:
<br /> •,-,�� � :r This Deed of Truat ahall eecure(e)the peyment of tha princ(pal aum and Interest ovidenced by a promisaory note or credit _,
<br /> �;f'"`t~ egreement deted necember_ a�. i99e _,having e meturity dete of s�ne �s. 1997 ____
<br /> - _ •� �
<br /> — '�°� In the original principal amount of 9 75.Q81.50 , and eny and etl modifieetiona, extenaion�end raneweie
<br /> �`.�'��t•... . . thereof or thereto end eny end nll tuture edva�ces end reedvancos to Borrower(or any of them If moro then one)horeunder pursuant to ___--_
<br /> _;��:_L..,.....
<br />- ��� .,,,�;; - one or more promissory notes or credit egreomonta Ihereln c�►�led"Note");(b)the payment ot other suma advenced by Lender to protect __ _
<br /> -�?r� • the securfty of the Note;(c1 the performance of all covenante nnd agreements of Trustor set forth hereln; end ldl ell prese�t end future _-- ---- ---
<br /> '__,i,;;`'" Inde6tedness end obligetions of Borrower(or any of thom If more than one)to Lender whether dlrect Indlrect,absolute or contingont =- _____________
<br /> ° "°4'� and whether erising by note,guaranty,ovordroR or otherwlse.The Note,this Deed ot Trust end eny ond all other dacuments that secure -- __=______
<br /> • � "� the Note or otherwise executed tn connectEon thorowith,Inctuding without Ilmftetlon guaranteee,secudty egreoments and eselgnmente ���-��A--
<br /> of leeses end rente,ehell be referrrJ to herein es the'Loan Inetrumente'. ���_=� �=
<br /> T�ustor covenente end ugreee with Lender es followa: `"���-�_�
<br /> �" 1.Paym�nt of(nd�bt�dns�.All Indebtedness secured hereby shell be peld when due. T '� °�"�
<br /> y�.,----•>
<br /> �,, 2.TttU.Truator is the owner o}the Piopeny,he9 tho right end euthodty to eanvoy the Property,end werrente that the Ilen creetad `� (�;.;���
<br /> hereby la a tirst and prior Ilon on tho Proporty,oxcopt for Ilcns and oncumbrences eet forth by Truetor In writlnfl and delivered to Lender -�..�, !",��� -
<br /> ` beforo exocutlon ot this Deed of Trust,nnd the executlon and delivery of thls Deed ot truat does not vlolate any contract or other �%�;�:�"`��`+y""''�^-
<br /> ; oGligatfon to which Trustor le subJect. :�,� '�`
<br /> : 3.Tex�s.Ass�stm�nt�.To pay bofore delinqu6ncy oll taxes,specfel essecsmenta and ell other chergea agalnat tho Property now or ������% �� �`�'�
<br /> htsroafter tevied. • � � y� •
<br />_. . i� .. ',w,r. � -
<br /> 4.Inaurane�. To koop the Property Insurod egalnat demage by tire, haiarda, Included withln tho torm "oxtonded coverego", und : .,._
<br /> �--- �- L-? aurh nthnr hasards as Londnr mav raaulro.ln nmounb and with companiea accnpteblo to Lendor,naming Lender ea en additlanal named .
<br /> �_ =r= _ — . . -- -- ----_
<br /> insurod,with loas pnyoble to tho Londer.In coso of loss under such poticias,tho Londor is euthorizod to ndJust,coltact and �ompromise, - -�
<br /> oll cieims theraunder and shnll heve the optfon of spplying etl or part of tho Ins��rence procoeda(p to eny Indobtodnnss socurod horeby
<br /> nnd In auch order es Lendor moy dotormina, IIU to the Trustor to bo usad for tho ropalr or raatoretlon of the Property or lull for any other
<br />-- purpoae or obJect eatlsfactory to Le�der without efiecting tho Ilon of thla Dood o}Truat for tho tull emount eecurod hereby boforo such ..
<br />: � payme�t ovor took place.Any oppllcatEon of procoade to Indebtednosa shali not eMand or poatpono tho duo dato ot ony peymentn under
<br />— , , the Nat3,or curo any do4ault thereunder or horeundor. -
<br /> V 6.Etcrow.Upon written demond by Londer,Truator shali poy to Londor,in euch mannor �s Londer moy dosignoto,aufflcleni cums , •
<br /> -- . � to onable Londor to poy os thoy bocomo due ono or mora of tho followinp: !II ell texos,naeessmonta ond othcr charpen agelnst the
<br /> Rroporty,(6)tho promluma on tho propony fnsuronce raqulrad haraunder,ond(�li)the p►omiums on ony mortgngo Inaurenco roqufted by
<br /> Lendor.
<br /> 6. Ntaln4�nanca.Rapalre �nd Complisnce with L�wa,Trusior chnll koop tho Proporty fn good conditlon ond ropalr;ahall promptly
<br /> • repalr,or ropince any Improvemont wrhich moy bo darr�nged or destroyad;sholl not commit or pormit ony woato or dotarioratlon of tho
<br /> Propeny;shnll not romovo,domolisti or eubstentielly aiter any of tho improvemonte on Yhe Proparty;sholl not commft,suftcr or permft -
<br /> any act to bo dono In or upon tho Propar4y In violatlon of nny lew,ordinnnce, or icgulatlon; and sholl pay ond promptly dlechorgo ot
<br /> , Trustor's cost ond sxponao oll Itens,oncumbronces end chergoa lovlod,Impotcod or oseossad a�nlnet the Proporty or nny part thoroof.
<br /> �
<br /> NUC34G7A INOnipiiwlwrtl Dta01�ov.6/06 .. ,
<br /> 1980 Net�onol 0onk ol Canmorce Trust antl 6nv�n�f An9oNOt�on.Uneoln.NcbreSk�
<br />