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�: <br />F � 201106759. <br />,�: <br />:; <br />sp�fies aprocedure fornporting Born�wer's change of address, th�Borrower shaIl only report a change of address <br />tlu�o�igh that spacifi� procedure. There may be only one desi� notice add�ss �der this S�ity Inctr�ent <br />at oae time. Aay notice to I.ender shall be given by deliaering it or by mailing it by firu cdass ma� to Lender's <br />ad�s stated herem imlcss L�der hes designated another addness by notica to Borrower. Anp notice in c�nnacxion <br />witb� Secarity InsCument shall not be d� to have bcen givca to Isndea w�a7 aaually received by I.ender. <br />If a� aorice required by this Se�vritg �asuoment is aLao requir�d wndea Applicable Iaw, tfie Applicable Law <br />reqi�'ement will satIsfY the cornesponding reqwlrement under this Secarity Inam�e�t. <br />1 � 16. Governing Law; 3everab�➢ity; Rnles of Constrnctton. This Se�¢rity Ins�ument sl�atl ba govezned by <br />f�l la.w and the law af the jurisdiction ia which the Property is loc�ted. AII rights and obligations ca�sined in <br />this Securitp Insaume� are subject to any m.quirernents and Iimitatioag of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might <br />eacpi�citly or implicitly allow the pa�ties w agt+ee'by coahact or it might be sil�t, but sueh silence ahali aat be <br />coffshued. ag a proh�ition a8sinsc aSr�me� bY conuact. ln the eve� that any pmvision or clanse of this Seairity <br />Insiiinmeat or the Note conflias widh Applicable Iaav, sncI� conflict atall not affect othea provisions of tlus Seauity <br />.. Ias�mme� or the Note wIuch can be grv� effect withrnu the conflicting pmvision. <br />' As used in this Security Instrum�nt: (a) words of the �+s �c��P gender ahaIl mean amd inclvde correspond'mg <br />� v✓orda or words of the feminiae Sender: (b) words ia the siagular shall mean and include rhe plwal and vice <br />and (c) the arord "may° gives sole diserction without any obligation to take �y acdion. <br />�'' 19. Borrower's Copy. Borrower s�ll ba giv� oae c�py of the Note and of this Secwrity Ins�t. <br />. 18. 14�sfer oY the Properiy or a BeneIIdal Interest ia Borrower. As nsed ia this Seccion 18, "Interest in <br />the��roperty" means any legal ar benefieial intexest in the PmPerty, including, but �t limibed to, those �ciel <br />intdi�sts tiansferred ia a boad for deed, co�ract for deed, i�allmant salas conuact or �crow ag�, the int�t <br />of av$ich is the transfer uf ritle by Borrower at a funue date w a purchaser. <br />�`� If all or any part of the Properry or �y Interest in the Praperty is sold or u�sferred (or if Borrower is not a <br />aatlri�al pereon and a beaeffdal i�earest in Borrower is sold ar � without L.ender's prior written conseat, <br />��Y ��� Pa9�t ia fiill of all enms seaired by this Sec�sity Ins�t. However, this aption <br />shalT:not be eaercised by Lender if sach easrcise is pinlu`bioecl by Applic�ble <br />If Lender exercises tflis ogtion, T.endar shall give Bosower �ofice of acceleration. The aotice shall provide a <br />perl�d of not le,ss than 30 days fromtlie date the notica is givea ia aa:onlance with Section 15 wlthia which Bosmwet <br />musf'pay all s� s� by this Seciaity Iastr�ent. If Borrower fazls to pay these s�s prior to the expuation of <br />this�od, Lender �y imoke any remedia permitied by this Security Instrumeat withont furthez notice or demand <br />oa wet. <br />`� �19. Borrowez's Right ta R�nal�te APter Aaeleretion. If Borrowermeeta certainconditions, Borrnwer sl�all <br />have the right m have enf'orcement of this Security rnsuv�e� d3s� at any time prior to the eazliest of: (a} <br />five�days before sale of the Property p�suant to aay power of sale � im this Security Iustzum�ent; (b) such <br />otb�Y period as Applicable Law might specify for the *�+*+�on of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) en1�y of a <br />J ���$ �$�jtY TnatnrmPnt. T}1�E C�IICIItlOD9 eIE LI]�t BOIIOWCI: (8) Pays I.endEl[ &11 Suu7S whiCh <br />�dbe dueunder th4s Secarity Insu�ament and the Note as if no azxelerarion had oa.urred; @) cur� any defa�lt <br />of any other cov�ants or a€reemems: (c) Fays all exp�ses incurred in enfoxcmg thie Seasity In�ument, includ.'v;g. <br />bur•fioi limited to, reasonable attomeys' fces, PmP�Y ��on and valuation fees, and other fees ina�aed for the <br />a �of pmtea9ng Lender's intetest in the Property and rights vader tr�is Secaaity Inatc�mneAt; �d (d) �s such <br />cUtbn ae L,end�may ressonably reqnire to assare that I.end�'s in�est fntheProperiy and righis underthis S�ty <br />�Insti�ent, and Bormw+�'s obligation to pay the sums secure3 by this Secucity r„ar,,,�r, shall continue unc�anged, <br />T-e°t}er maY xeq�riTe ttat Bouowez pay such reinstat� sutns and ezpenses in oae or �re of the following forms, <br />as �ectedby Lendrr. (a) cash: (b) moneY order; (c) c�rtified check, bankcheck, t�+ea�rer's chexkox cashier's check, <br />Pro anY sach cheek is drawn upon aa institurion whose deposits are insured bq a fedeial a8�-9, �n' <br />or e�ty; or (d) IIectronic Fimds Transfer. Upoa �+einstatementby Borrower. tbis Secauity Tnsmmme� and obfigarions <br />secured hereby st�ll remaia fally effective as if � aa�leraaon had occiured. Haweeer, this right to reinapte shall <br />not apply in the c�se of acc�leiatioa imder Secxion 18. <br />- �?A. Sale of Note; Change of Loaa Servicer, Notfce of Grlevance. The Note or a pattial 'm� m the Note <br />(togeti� with this Seciuity Instcumc�) can be sold one or more times withoutprior notirz to Borrower. A sale might <br />result in a change � tha entity (l�own as the "Loau Servicer� tJ�aa collects Periodic Paymerns due uader the Note <br />ana rhis sec�uity Instinrmarc ana performa other mortgage loaa servicing obligations � the 1Vote, rlris seruriry <br />Ins�, and Applicable Law. There aIso might be oae or more changes of the L,oan Servicer unrelazed to a sale <br />of d� Note. If there is a c]�nge oft�e I�oan Servicer, Borrower w71 be given writt� notioe of the change which w�71 <br />state the name and address of the new Loan Servic�. the address to wLich paymenta shoutd be made ffixl any other <br />infor�tion RffiPA requires in comre�.tion with a notice of ticansfer of seivicing. Tf ttve Note is sold and therea£Oer <br />the I,oanis s�vioe�iby a L�a Servicer oth�than the gurchaser of the Note, the mortgage lo� aervicmg obligarioffi <br />to Horrower w3ll remain widi the I.oan Servicer or be uansferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are �t ass�eci <br />by the Note purchaser imless otberwise provided by the Note purchaser. <br />Neither Borrawer n�or I.ender may commence, ,join, or be joined to any jvdicial aaron (as eithex an imdividual <br />litiga�nt or the member of a class) that arises fram t�e other party's adians pursvant w this Se�ritp Ins� or that <br />alleges d�at the odier party has breached aay proviaion of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Secarity Iastrument, <br />uah7 sach Porrower ozLeanderhas �tified the othPa party (with suchnotice given mc�mpliance with the reqair� <br />of Section 1� of such alteged bt�each and afforded the other parry hereto a reasonable period after the giving o# sach <br />notice to take correctiee adian. If Applicable Iaw provides a time period wlrich must elapse before certain actioa <br />cma be taken, that t�me perlod w71 be deemed m be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of <br />accelexarion and oppommity to cura given to Borrower pursuat►t to S�tion 22 and the notice of accelention given <br />NEBRASKA—Stngle Fem11y—Fannie Mae/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT - MERS <br />Forrri 3028 7 J01 Page 8 of 11 ��� <br />t4e3d18.mM.�t <br />