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<br />�,:
<br />._,
<br />of tl�e sums se�ued by this Sec�ity Ins�ane� �ediately before the partial taldng, d�su�uction, or loss ia value,
<br />unless Borrower and Lsnaer othzrwise agree in vnitiug, the sums serattea by this sec,uicy rastnm�at shau be rea»cea
<br />by f�ie a�uat of the Miacellaaeous ProceecLa multiplied by the followiag fi�xion: (a) the wtal amauat of the sutns
<br />seca;r'ed i�ediately before the Panial talaag. destruel3oa, orloss ia valne divided by (b) t� fairm�ket value of the
<br />Pto�etty immediately before fhe gartial taking, desuuction, or loss in valne. Any balance ahall be paid to Barrower.
<br />.; � Tn the eveat of a pa:tial taldng, d�uction, or lo� ia value of the Property ia wLich the fair market valae of
<br />the.l'roperty i�ediazely before the Partiat taldng, dcstructlon, or loas in value is lt$s than the amount of t}� smns
<br />secar� immetiiataly before the partial taldng, destruaron, or loa in value, vnlesa Bornower antl Lend� otheiwise
<br />agr� in wtitiag, the Nfiecxllaneous Proceeds shell be applied to the sums secu�'� by this Sew,tity Insuv�t whexh�
<br />or n'tst the simos are th� dae.
<br />�� if the Propecty is abandon�ed by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lendea to Borrower ifiat the Opposing Party (as
<br />de�ed ia the aext sentence) offe�ts to ma� an award to settle a claim for dasnages, Borrower fa�s to respond to
<br />P� within 30 days afl�r the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized ta colIect and apply the Miscellaneous
<br />� � euher w restoration � or rr.pair oF the P or t � t � he sums s� b y I , n , � s � a ,, v �� m , � ent. y w � �r
<br />� � L11G11 �. ��""�b F� �8 � Wl14 � WGL QW�w ��ir 1�133VGAL�� i"iV �KrW3 � �•�r p�
<br />aga�st whom Bormwer has a right of action m reg�d w M3scell�eous Pmceeds.
<br />';"Borrower shall ba im default if any action or proceecliag, whether civ�T or criminal. ia be�m that, in I.ende�'s
<br />jud�ment, could res�ilt m forfeititte of the Property or other materiat imp�t of Lender's i�st in the Property
<br />or ri�hts �mder thia Se�uity I�ent. Bornower e�n cuee such a default and, if acoele.rari.onhas occoaed, ieiastaoe
<br />as rovided in Secaon 19, by causmg the action or proceeding roo be dismisaed with a ruling that, in i.endes's
<br />jud�, preclod� forfaitane of the Prop�ty or other material impairma�ut of Lsnd�'s �t in the Pmgerty or
<br />right� under thia Secuctty Iastrumeat. �he pmceeds of any award or claim for damagas that are attributable to �e
<br />�rment of I.ender's mter�st in ihe Property are hereby assi�ed aad shall be paid to Lender.
<br />. Miscellaneous Proceeds tt�at are not applied to restoration or repair of the Propeny shall be appH� in the
<br />order provided for in Sacrion a.
<br />`' � 12. Borrower Not Releesed; R'orbearencx Sy Lender Not a Wafver. Ext�ensioa of tLe t�e for paymmt or
<br />mo�t4fication of amorlszation of tfie st�s se�ed by this S�urity Inshvment g�tad by T.ender to Boaower or eay
<br />SuCL�essor ia lnteres[ oP Borrov✓ex aha11 aot opera�e m reIease t1� liabiliry of Borrower or any Sacce�ors ia lmere.at
<br />of B�irrower. Lender shall not be re.q�rired w c�mmence Prac�3ings aga�st anp �sor in Tntea+e.st of Borrowa
<br />or to refuse to extend time for payme� or otherwise modify amortization of the su� seciued by this Sec�uity
<br />Tnstrameat by reason of aqv demand made by the original Borrower or atry Suocessors in rnterest of Boaower. Any
<br />forbrarance by Leader ina exex�ising an�+ right or �medy mcluding, witho� limitation, I.,eader's acceptance of
<br />Pa}� from thind persons, e�ntities or S�cxessors in I�erest of Borrower or in amou�s less than the amaiwt thea�
<br />due,'shall �t be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />�"13. Jo9nt end 3everal LiabiHt9i Co-aigners; Snccevsors and Assigns Bonnd. Borrower cov�s and ag�ees
<br />tha� �B�' orrower's obliga�ons and liabilitq shell be joiatand several. Howeeer, aqy Borro�veirwho co-signs this Secarity
<br />Instlti�ment but does not exewtethe Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is casigning this Sr,ca�rity Instrument only to mortgage,
<br />grant aad conveq trte co-siga�'s iatarast in ihe Property imdes the terms of this Sec�aity Iusuvmen� (b} is not
<br />P��Y obligated to pay the s�s see�ed by Yhis Secutity Inskvnreat ana (c) a�es rhac � a� � o�er
<br />Bortower can agree to extend, modify. forbear or make anq accommodarions witb regard to the tenms of Uvs Secmity
<br />In.st�i.iment or the Note wtthout tl�e co-sigaer's ronsent.
<br />�S�bject to the provisions of Searon 18, azry S�ccessor in Interest of Sonower who ass�►es Bosrower's
<br />obli�ationg nnder this Se�ritq IvsGtunent iawriting, and is approved by I.ender, shaR obrain all of Borrower's rights
<br />8IId �f:IICflt3 UIIdCI t1118 SCCIlil� Tnafnnnnnt Borrower ahall not be releasefl from Bornovwer's obHgarioas and liab�7ity
<br />tmdes this Secarity Instn�ent unle.cs Lender agrces to snch release in vRiring. The conenant� ans3 agr� of this
<br />S�rity Inst� shall bind (except as provided 'm Sedion 2t?) and benefxt the successors aad a�igns of Lender.
<br />14. Loen Charges. I.eader may cbarge Borrower fees for seavices performed in coffi�ion with Borrower's
<br />default, for the purpase of protecting Lender's i�t ia the Pmpeaty and rights under ihis Secauiry Iaslzwoxemt,
<br />iactndimg, but not linvxed to, attomeps' fees, PmP�Y �P�on and ealuation f�s. In regard to any other fces. the
<br />absence of ezpress muhoriry in this Seciuity rr� to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be c�nstrned
<br />as aprolu'bition onthe chazging of suc� fce. L�ndermayn�ot cbarge fees that are egpressly protu'bited by tuis Secaxity
<br />Insn or by Applicable Iaw.
<br />If the Loan is subject to a law wbuch sezs �x�+� loan chazgea, and that law is finally irrteipreted so that the
<br />interest or other loan charge.s colIected or to be collected in coffiection wirh the I.aan exc�eed the permitted limits,
<br />then: (a) aay such loan chazge shall be reduced by the amroAnt necessary to reduce ttre oharge to t1�e permittad 1imu;
<br />and (b) an9 sums already �ll� frnm Borrower which exceeded pc�itted ]imits will be refundefl to Borrowet.
<br />T.endermay choose to make this zefimdbY �u�b � P�P� owed uader the Note or by maidng a daect payment
<br />to Borrower. Tf a refand reduces pri�ipal, the r�ucflon will be treate3 as a partial PrePaymeat a�out anY
<br />pr�ayme� charge (whether or not a prepayment cbazge is provided for mider the Note). Bornower's acceptaace of
<br />a�y snch refimd made by direct paymeat to Borrower will cons6tute a waiver of �y right of �on Boxrower znight
<br />l�ave arising out of such over�harge.
<br />]5. Noticxs. All not.ices givea by Borrower or T.endar in connection with this Secarity Ias�oment Awst be in
<br />writiag. Any notice to Borrower in connecflon with this Security Ins�ent shetl be d� to have been given to
<br />Boanwer whea mazled by fcrst class mail or when actuaIIy delivered to Bornower`s norice address if sent by other
<br />means. Notice to any o� Boirower shall cx�nsdtute nodce to all Borroweas unless Applirable Law expressly re�rire.v
<br />otherwise. The notice addnss shall be the Ptoperty ,Address unlas Borrower has dasignated a substimte notice
<br />addmss by notice to Lender. Bonrower shall prompdy notify Lender of Borroaer's change of address. If I.ender
<br />NEBRASKA—Single Famtly—Fennte Mae/Freddie Meo UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MERS p�g��
<br />Form 3028 1l09 Page 7 of 91 iy�pyy,�a�.�
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