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;r • <br />, � ., �o1�os75�. <br />; <br />b: <br />to Bbrrower pursueat to 5ectioa 18 ahall be daemed w s�isfy the aotice aad oppornmiry to tak+e corncrive action <br />pror�#sions of this Se�tion 24. <br />y 21. Be�srdous Sui�ffincea. As used in this Sec,tion 21: (a) °Haaardous Substaaces° are those subs�nces <br />de!'�ed as toxic or hazardous sabstauces, pollutaats, or west� by Faeiro�at Law and the following subs�s: <br />gasb�iae, la�roseae, other flammable or toxic pa�olamm products, toxic pesticides and h�bicides, volaffie �lv�ts, <br />mateiiais co�aining asbestos or Yormalded�yde, and radioacrive materials: {b) "Environmeatal Law" means federal <br />laws,xnd laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or e.nvin�l prot�tion; <br />(c) °Bnviro�l Qeanup° includes aay ras�x►nse acrion, ramedial action, or removal acteon, as de�l 3n <br />En "�r Iaw; and (c� an "Envim�ental Candition" m�as a condition that can canse, contn'bate to, oi <br />ott��wise�uigger an Environmemal Cieannp. <br />af Bormwer shaIInot ca�eorpeffiitthePre.sance. nse, disposal, storage, orielease of any Fia�rdcus S�bstances, <br />or �en to release azry Hazazdous Substances, on or inthe Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow asryo� else <br />to c�s, anYthing affecting the ProPertp (a) that is ffi violation of any Favironmantai Law. N) which cre�tes an <br />F�tonmental Condition, or (c) which, dne to tha presencs, use, or zelease of a Hazardovs S�ba�, create.s a <br />cond�ition that adveraely affecta the value of the Property. The precedmg two aeatences ahall not apply to the <br />pre�ca, vse, ar storage on the Property of smsll qaantities of Hazardons S�bstances thet are 8�Y �8� <br />m� appmpriate to normal sesidantial vses and to mai�nr�e of the ProParry (inclnding� but not limdted w, <br />�h87�'dO11B S11b9t8IICE9 iII CODBT{IRBT j1I0dUCt6). <br />�•'"�Bortowaz' 31�8ll prampdy give Lender wtitien notice Of (a) anY Tnvesu$enon. c1a�m, demasd, lawsuit or othet <br />acdd,a'by aaY brovetm�l or regulatoryag�ayorprivateparty mvolving the Property and ffiy Hazardous Si�bstaaae <br />or F�viro�emai Law of w7�ich Borrower has actval knowladge, N) aaY Enviro�l Condidoa, including but not <br />limf�ed to, anY $P�B. I�anB. di9c�m'ge. release or thr�t of release of any Ha7ardous S�bstance, aad (c) aay' <br />coa�ition ca�sed by the pses�nce, use or releas$ of a Hazardovs Substanc•.e a�hich adversety affeats the value of the <br />Pro "' If Borrower le,arns, or is notified bY �Y Sovemmental or negalatory authorit}', rn' an9 Pn�� P�Y> � <br />or other:emediarion of any Ha�rdous Substance afFect�ng the Property is necessary, Bonower shall <br />' tly tmke all necessary remedial acrioas in aarord�ce with Envuanmental Iaw. Nothing h�ein shall ereate any <br />obligation on L�nder for an Eavironmental Cle�ug. <br />�� <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENAIVTS. �oxzower and Lendez iurther ooveaant and agree as foIIows: <br />�'22. Acce]�ation; Rem�. Lender ahaa gIve no8ce to Borrower prior !o accelerattoa foIIowing <br />Bo `ri�ower's breach oPau� covenant oragreement ffithTs 3ecarityInstrament (bntnotprlorto acr�lerattoaunder <br />Sec�on IS vml�s Applicable Law provtdes otherwLge). The nottce ehall spedfy: (a) the default; {b) the achton <br />rec,�lidred to c�e t6e default; (c) a d�te, not less t}�n 30 daye from the date the notice is givan to Borrower, by <br />w6ich the defanit m�t be care�; and (� thet faiIm�e tn cure the defanit on or before the date apeci8ed in t8e <br />notice ma'rnsnit in acoeleratioa of the sams aecar� by th3s Sec�itp Insh��ent aad �le oi the Propertg. The <br />�tfCe shall fm�ther inform Borrow� of the rIght to rdnstate after acxederatian and the right to br'iiag a comK <br />actip�n to asse�rt the non-e�st�ce of a defaolt or any other defe� of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the <br />detknit 4s not cure�i oa or bef'ore the dat� spect8ed In the noLice, I.ender at Its optfon may requtre Immediabe <br />I�Y�ent in faII of all sume aec�ed b' this SecatrIty I�hvmeut without fm7her d�atnd and may invoke the <br />po�ov� of sale and any otfler r�medies p�ed by ApplYcable Law. I,ender shalI be entltled to coIIect sII <br />espense4 inan�red in pnrsofngtheremed�tes prov[ded inthis Sedion22, incinding, b�notltmitedto, c�easonaMe <br />attoitnegs' fees and c�ls of title e�idrac�e. <br />''' Tf the power of sale � tavoked, Tcastee shall r�ord a aotice of defautt in �ch cbunty in wMch siny part <br />of tlie Property is locabe�l and shaII meQ cropies of sacL notice Yn the manner prascrtbed by Applicc�ble Law to <br />Borrower and to the other persoas prescdbed by Applicab2e Law. Aft� the tlme reqmir�] by Applicable, <br />1Yvsbeeshall givepnbltc notice of sale W thepersons and in the mann�preqcribed byAppHcsWeLaw. Travtee, <br />witho�R demend on Borrower, ehaII sell tLe Properiy at pnblic anctlon to the highest bidder $t the time and <br />place and �d� the tesms deaignated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lvstee <br />deterrnincg. Tc�stee may postpone �le of all or any parcel of the Property by pnblic amianacem�t at thettme <br />end place of a�9 Pr�ious1Y acheduled sale. Lertder or Itis design� may parclffise the Properiy at any sale. <br />Upon rece4pt of �ymen! of the price b�id, �vstee shatl delIver to the pm�cheser Tr�bee's deed ronveying <br />the Property. The recitals 9n ttie Trastee's de�i shatl be prlma fade evFdeace of the truth of t6e atateme�ts <br />m�de thern3m. Trustee shall aFP�Y the proccede of the sale ffi the followiug order. (a) to aR c�is �nd eapeas�s <br />of eseratsing the power of �le, aud the sale, including the payment of the'lYvstee's fees actaally in�cmz�ed and <br />reasonable �ttorneys' f�s es P�� bY APP�cable Law; N) to all s�s secnred by this SecaaIty Instram� <br />and (c) aqp �s to the pereoa or persons legaDy entifled to it. <br />23. Reconveyance. Upoapayment of ell su� sec¢rredby this Security Instrument, Leader shall r�uest Trust� <br />to r�:oavey Che Propexiy and shall sua�nder this Security I�sbramern �d aII notes evidencing debt secureci by this <br />Seauiiy Insmzmenttto Trnstee. Tn�ste.e shall reconvey the Properiy witho� wamanty to the parsonorPe�� �B�Y <br />entitled to it. Such person or pereons shatl PaY ffiY recoxlation costs. Lsnder may charge sach persoa or gersons a <br />fee far r�onveyuiS the PropertY bvt only if the fce is paid to atuird PartY (such as the Tnistee) for se�vices nendered <br />and the charging of the fea is permitted imder AppIicable Law. <br />24. Subsl3tut�e �astce. I.ender, az its option, may from rime to ti� r�ve Trustes and appoi� a succxsaor <br />m�t� to any Trnstee appointed herainsdar by an insu�ument rocorded 'm tue cowoay in which this S�uruy Insmmnem <br />is recorded.. Without com�eyane� of the Propexry, tlxe successor mistee shall succeed to all 9� title, power and duries <br />confarred upon 1'iustee herein and by Agplic�ble I,aw. <br />NEBRASfCA—Single Famlly—Fannie Mae/Freddte Mac UMIFORM INSTRUMENT - MERS ��� <br />Form 3028 1l04 Paee 9 of 19 �.d�g/�.� <br />xaaars.�a.,� <br />