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��� 201106'751 <br />.. 'Auy ammmta disbwsed by Isnderimderthis Section 9 shall become additio�l debt of Borrower securedby this <br />Se.c�rity Inson�. Th�e amounts shall b�r interest at the Note rate from the date af disbursemeot aad aLall be <br />pay�bte, with such iaterest, upon aotice from Lender to Boirower xequ�tin8 PaYma�. <br />�..If tY►ia Securiry In�evt ia on a leesehold, Borrower ahall c�mply whh all t1� provisions of tlae lase. <br />Bo�Cpw� shallnot �ux�d�theleasehold�teamd'mterestshereincomeyed ortern�mate orcancel the ground lease. <br />Bortbwea shail �t, without tha expmss u�ritten c�nReat of Lender, a1Ler or amead the gound lease. If Borrower <br />acqau�es fee title to the Proper�y, the leasehold and the PeE ritle shall �t merge �ess Lendar ag�ees to the merger <br />in tiviiting. <br />� 10. Mortgage Im�uance. Ifl.�darrequaedMortgageIns�cxas acandition ofmaking ihe i.oan, Boaower <br />:PaY � P�� �1� to maim�in the Moztgage 1ns�tt�atu� ia ef�eCt. If, for any reason, the Mortgage <br />cmvesage required by Lendar ceases to be avm'lable fromthemortgage insurerthat previonslyproaided such <br />ins�Y'ti�nce and Borcower was required to ma1� separanelp designated payments towazd the premi� for Mortgage <br />Insarance, Bormwer sltall pay tke piemiums reqused to obtain c�vetage substantially esprieale,nt to the Mortgage <br />Insarance previously ia effect, at a t�st substa�ially equieal�t to tb.e cost to Borrowm� of the Mortgage Insivance <br />P�T�Y in erff�t. from an altemate mortgage ias�uer selected by I.ender. If substantially eqnivalem Mortgage <br />Tngu�aacecoverage is not ava�able. Borrower shall contimie to pay to I.endertl� amnimt of the aeparately designated <br />PaY?tlea� that wene dne when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. I.ender w�l accep� use �d �xam these <br />pay�ents as a aon refimdable loss reserve in Iieu of Mortgage Ins�ance. S�ch loss reserve aball be no�refumdable, <br />notd�it&standimg the fact tfiat the Loea is oltimatelypaid ia full, aad Le,ader suaIl aot be reqtured W pay Borrower aay <br />i�t or earmngs on such lo� reserve. I.ender caa no longer requue lo� r�eree paymenis if Mortgage Insiu�ance <br />cod�i�age ('m the amount and for t'he period tLat Iender re9nires) Provided by an ivs�ores selec�d by L�ender agaia <br />b�ines ava7able, is obtaiaed, and I.ender reqnu'es separatelY �� PSY� toward the premiums for <br />Mo Ins�ance. If Lender reqirired Mortgage Insuraace as a otmdition of � tha Lo� �d Borrower was <br />to make seP�Y �S�ted PaY� toward the prenrium.a Por Mortgage Insurance, Borrow�r shalI PaY <br />the ��remi�s req�rired to maintaia Mortgaga Iasnrance ia effect. or to provide a�n-reftmdable loss re.gerve, u� <br />I.erider's requirement for Mortgage Ins�u�ance ends in accordance ovith any wiitten a�t be�veea Botrower and <br />L,�S� providing for snch terminatioa or umal teffiination is required by Applicable Law. 1Vothmg in this S�tion <br />10 affe�.s Borrower's obIigation ro pay int�t at the rate provided in the Note. <br />'Martgsge Iastuance reimbucses Leadar (or a�r eatity that puc�hases tha Nota) for certain losses it may inaa <br />if Boaower do� not nepay the T oan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insuraace. <br />: `Mortgage insacers evaluate their total risk on all such insitt�nca ia fo�e from time to ti�e. an�l mag � iato <br />agr�nnents with other pardes that share or �odify their risk, or raluce losses. These agreemeats are on terms and <br />conditioffi thaz aze satiefactory to the mortgage ins�uer and the other Partp (or garties) to these ag�. These <br />a�me�s maY �quira the morCgaga insurer to make paymemts nsing any sonnz of flmds tbe mnrtgage insurer <br />may�have ava�able (which may facluda fimds obtained from Mortgage Img�ce premi�s). <br />' As a result of these ag�ents Lender� any Purcl�aser of the Note, agothet insurer. anY �'. �Y � <br />entt`t�, or azry affiliaze of aay of the foregoing, may receive (directly orindire�tly) mmounts that derive from (or might <br />be cl�aracte� as) a po�tion of Bosrower's payments for Mortgage Insivaace, in exchange for xhaimg or modifymg <br />the'a4ortgage insurer's risk, or redudng losses. If such agreement provides t�at an affiliate of I.ender tzl�s a shaze <br />of th� inemer's risk m exchange for a share of the premiu� paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often termed <br />"cagtive reinsuramce." Fuzther: <br />'(a) Ang sach agrcemeats wili aot afP� the amo�te that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br />Inanraace, or sau� oth� teamq of the Loan. Snch ag�reeme.Ms wfR nat increase �e amo�mt Borrower wIII owe <br />for Mortgage Tnsarance, and they w1II not e�tfle Bormwer to anp ref�d. <br />' N) �Y soch agree�menffi wIIl not a�ed tT�e rlghla Borrower has - if anp - with resgect to the Mortgage <br />Jnsm�ance imder the Homeowaeae Prot�tlon Ad of 1998 or su� other law. These rightg m�y include tLe right <br />to receive cerlBfin discloswres, to reqnest and obtain cancellatloa of the Mortgage Insmancx, to liave the <br />MorlgageYnsua�ancstez�minated automaticaIly, and/orta re�atvear��md of e�ry Mortgagelnsm�ancegremi�us <br />thaaC'� wene imearaed at the ti�me of such cancellation or terminaation. <br />� 11. Asgigament of M�scellsn�ns Proceeds; ForPeitme. All Miscellan�vs Proce�s are hereby assigned to <br />aud shall be paid w Lender. <br />If the 1'ropeity is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceed,s shall be agpfied m restorarion or repair ofthe Propariy. <br />if the r�toration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's secazity is aot lessened. During auch repair and <br />r�storation period, Lender shall haae the rigffi to hold such Miscellazreous Pmceeds uatil Leader has had an <br />oppommity to inspect snch Pioperty to �snre the work has been completed to I.ender's satis£�tion, Prm'ided that <br />such inspection stiall betmdertakenpromplly. Lendermay pay fortherepairs and restorationin asingle disburse�nt <br />or in a series of progress payments as the work is cwmpleted. Unless an agxe� is �de in writing or Applicable <br />Law req�ures intetest to be paid on sach Miscellaneous Procxeds, Lender shall not be� w pay Borrowex any <br />mter�t or eamings on snch i+�'iscellaneous 1'roceeds. If tbe restoration or repair is �t economicalIy feesible or <br />Leader's seaaify would be less�eri, t3ae Miscellaaeous Proceeds shall be applied ta the sums s� by tbis Secu�ity <br />Tnst�nt, whether or �t then due, with the excess, if anY, Paid to Bormwer. Such Misc�llaneous Proceeds shall <br />be applied � the ordea gsovided for in SecCion 2. <br />Tn the event of a total tatdng, desuuction, or loss in value of tbe Pmperty, the Miscellanaous P�s shalI be <br />�plied to the snms secured by this Securitq Ins�n�ent, whether or not then dne, with the excess, if anY, P� � <br />Bortower. <br />Tn 8xe eeent of a partial taking, de.atrucaan, or loss in valne of the Pt+operty in wJaich the fair market value o£ <br />� p�y ;,,,,f,ed;mrPty befoie the Fartial ta�ng. de.struction. or Ioss in vatue is equal to or greater thffi tfie amoimt <br />NESAA3KA—Singie Family—Fannie Mae/Freddte Mec UNIFOHAA INSTRUMENT - MERS <br />Form 3028 1/01 Pega 6 of 17 ��� <br />�%4?��r.!�e5'sl <br />