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201106�51 <br />�� � onal loas payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the polioies and r�ewal ceitificates. If L�nder zequixes, <br />war shall PI'�mpt1Y give to Lender all receipts of gaid premiu� aad renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any <br />'� of insurence wvmage, �t oth�wise required by I.ender, for damage to, or de,sauction of, rhe Pmpe�ty, such <br />po s6all iaclude a staadard mortgage clause and shal2 name Lendea as mortgagee and/ar ss en additional loss <br />PaY . � <br />�� In the ev�t of loas, Borrower shall giva prompt notice ta the insurance carrier and Le�ier. Lender may make <br />�' rop�,�g�of�loss iP aot made pmno�ptly by Borrower. Unless I.entler and Boaower otherwise agrea ia wiitiaS. �Y <br />s�dr proc�ads, whether or aot the u�erlyiag insurance was �ured by Lender, sk�all be applied to r�wra�oa <br />or s+�pair of the Property, if the restoraiion ar �+epair is e�nomically feasible and Izader's security is �t 1�. <br />Dur�g snch repair and re.storatioa p�iod, T.ender shall have the right to hold such msnrance pincee�is mrdl I.endea <br />hea' �ad an opporpmity to inspect such Pmpeny m ensnre the work has beea completed to I.ender's eatiafactioa, <br />provided thai such insp�on sball be �dertaken prom�dy. L�nde.z may disburse prot�eds for the repairs and <br />rest���raaon in a single payment or in a seri� of progress paymenLS as the work is cromplete3. Unless an a�em <br />n �s m writiag or Applicable Law requires i�erest to be paid on auch insnrance procceda, I.ender s�il nAt be <br />;qu� to gay Borrower aay or eamings on such pmccecls. Fees for public adjvsters, or other third paiaes, <br />retaitied by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insivancx proc�ds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. <br />� restoration or repair is not economically feasibie or Lender's secauity woutd be lesseaed, ttie i.msur�pmceads <br />be appHed to tbe sums sec.vred by this Sec�ttity Instrument, whether or not then dtze. withthe exc�s. if aaY, Paid <br />to B�irrower. Such ins�u�ce proceeds shall be applie3 in the order provided for in Serzion 2. <br />:� If Borrower abandons ihe Propexty, Lender may fite, �gotiate and eettle aay avaiIable ;n�„n,*+r� cIaim and <br />relatied matters. If Boaowar does �t respond withia 30 days to a aotice from L,ender that iha iasnraace c�rier has <br />off �eYed to settle a claim, �ea Lsnder �y negoiiate and settle the cfaim. The 80-day period will begin whea the <br />nouce is given. In e� ev�at, or i£I�ender acqnires the Property uader Seaion 22 or otherwiae, Boaower hereby <br />ass��s to I.ender (a) Bonrowez's rights to aay insuraace procaede in an amouat aat to exceecl the amoams �npaid <br />�mder the Note or this 5ec�uity Insh�mme�t. and (b) anY other of Borrower's righLs (othar than the right to any refund <br />oP unesmed premiums paid bq Borrower) tmder all insuranc� poliaes coveatng the Pnoperty, insof� as sucli rights <br />P� licable roo the c�verage of the Psoperiy. Lenda may use the iasivance proceeds eirhea to repair or restore the <br />or to pay amo�ts impaid imder the Note or this Se�uity Insu�mmeot, whether or not then dus. <br />.`6. (�Cnpaney. Borrower shall occupy, �tablish, and use the Property as Borrawer's principal r�dencE <br />a�itf�In 60 days after tha�on ofthis Sec�niry Instrument and shall c�atiaue to occupy ttre Property as Borrower's <br />P�PaI residence for at least one year after r� date of occnpancy, unl�s I,eader otherwise agrees ia writing, which <br />con�nt shall not be unre�sonably withheld, or unless ext�uating circumstauces exist which are beyond Boaower's <br />conY�ol. <br />"' 7. Preserva8on, Maintenance and Prot�Ulon of the ProP�9i �oav. Bonaaer s'hall not desavy, <br />dau�ge or impair the Properry, allow the Property to dete�rlorate ar commit �vasoe on the Prapeny. Whether ar not <br />Bort�bwer is residiag in the Property, Boaower shall maintain the Ptoper[y in order to preve� ihe Property from <br />deta�rioravag or decm,asing m value due to its condiiion. Unl� it is dete�e� ptasuant to Section 5 tl�at repair or <br />resttiration is �t esoaomically feasible, Borrower shall prompfly repair the Property if damaged to avoid farther <br />dete�ioration or damaga. If insittffix� ar condemnetionproceais arepaid in c�nnecdoa with damage to, or thetaking <br />of,'t$e Proparty, Borrower shall be respo�ble for repairiag or re,stormg the Property only if I.�der has releamed <br />pnoc�eda for such purpases. Leader m�ay disbatse prooeeds for the repairs and restorarion in a single payme,� or in <br />a sei�ets of Progress Payme� as the work is comgleted. If the � or condemnatian proc�ds are �t sufficieat <br />to � or restore rhe Property, Horrower is not zelievefl of Bozrower's obligarion for the c�lerion of such repair <br />or r�stoiation, <br />:'. T.emder or its age� may make reasonable enuies upon and inspections ofthe Property. If ithas x+�soaable cauae, <br />I,ender rr�y inspect the interior of the improqementa on the Property. Lender sbaII give Borrower notice at the tia� <br />of or prior to sac� � inte�ior mepe�tion spec�iPying such reasonable canse. <br />8. Bonrowea�'s Loan ApplfcatYon. Borrower shall be in default if, dnciag the Lomu appl�ica�iaa proc�s, <br />Boteower or aay pe�csons ar entiti� actiag at the direction of Borrower or with Boaower's IAaowledge or c�ns�t gave <br />maferially false, misleading, or inaccurate inforniatiaa or srat�erns to Lender (or failed m pravide Lender with <br />ma�rial information) m conne�ion with the IJoan. Material repz�sentations uulude, but are not limitefl to, <br />repr�tiams camceming Borrower's ocaupancry of the Yroperty as Borrower's principal reside�e. . <br />9. ProtecUion of Lender's Iaterest ffi the T'roperty and Rfghts Under this Sec�Ity Instram�t If (a) <br />Borrower fails te perform the coeenauts aad a� c�ntained ia tbis Secarity Tn.�. (b) there is a legal <br />pmceed'mg thatmight significantly affect Laider's iaodezest inthe Property aadlorrights underthis Secuiity TnsGVment <br />{su�h as a proc�ding fn banl�uptcy, probate, far c�ndemnarion or forfeihu�, for enforceme� ot a Iiem which may <br />attain priority over this Security Insavment or to em#'orce laws or regulations), or (c) Bormwer has abamdonecl the <br />Propeny, thea L�der may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or appmpriaYe to protect Lsnder's interest ia the <br />�P�3' � righis under Yhis Securin` Ins�nt. inclu�in8 Pmtecring and/or assessing the ealue of the ProPerty. <br />and securing and/or repairing tfle Propecry. Lender's actions cen include, but are niot IirmtEd to: (a) PaYTaB �Y � <br />secured by a liea which has priority over this Security Instrument: @) aPPeaTing in court; and (c) paying reasonable <br />attoraeys' fees to protea its imereat in the Prap�ty andlor rights under tbis Secnxity Ins���**+�* mrduding itg sec�aed <br />position in a banl�uptc.q praxeding. �mg the Property includes, but is not limited to, entering the Propeny to <br />maloe repairs, change lock.v, replaz:e or'board � doors a�l windows, drain water fronn pipes, eliminate bn7ding or <br />other cade violations or dangerous �nditioffi, a�i have ut�itiea t�rned on or off. Although I.ender may take action <br />undar tbis Section 9, L�nder d� not have to do so and is not imder any duty or obligaGOn to do so. It is agreed that <br />Lender iacuts no liab�7ity for not taidng any or all aaions atuhorized uuder this Section 9. <br />NEBRASK�.—Single Femify—Fannia MeeJFraddie Mec UNIFORM INiSTRUMENT- MERS ��� <br />Form:3028 1 JOi Pege 5 of 17 a ,�, y _��, g k.� <br />xe�.�a.�t <br />