<br />�fOT 8ll pUIpOSe3 be deBmCd W bC 8 COV8u8Dt 8IId EgleemeIIt c�RBiried iII thi8 S�('dliiiy Tnatmmwnt as The phi8s8
<br />°oo' �d agraement° is used ia Sectioa 9. If Bormwer is obligated to pay Escmw Items directiy. Piusn�t to
<br />a� ver, aad Boaower iails to pay the amoimt duc for � Escrow Item, Leader may exercise its rights uader Section
<br />9 pay such amount and Borrower shall the¢ be obligat� under S�tioa 9 to repay to I.ender �y such amo�t.
<br />I.erl�ermay revoke the waiver as to any or all Fscsow Ite,ms at any time by a ao6oe gieen in acoord�ce with Sec�on
<br />15 �d, upon such ievocation, Borrower shall pay to I.ender all Ftnnds, sad 'm such mnrnmts. tl�at are then requined
<br />nad�r t�is Se�don 3.
<br />�• L,endermay, at atry rime, crollecc a�i hold P1mds in an amonnt (a) suf5cient to permit I.enderto apply the Fimds
<br />���� nme sgecified imder RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the m�imum amoimt a 1� c�n require imder RESPA.
<br />shall estimate t'Iffi amount of FYmds dne oa the basis of current dats aud �easonable � of �
<br />of F.sccow It�s or otherwise 'sa accordance witIi Applicabie Law.
<br />The Fhmds shall be held in an instinuion whose delmsits are ins�aed by a fi�ral agenCS'. m�entality, or
<br />� (including Lender, if Lender is an institution whose c3eposits ar� so iasiue� or ia a�+ Fetlm�al Home Loaa
<br />Iender shall apply the Flrads to paq the F.scrow Items no later than the time speci5� Zmder RESPA. Leader
<br />sbelf'�t charge Boaocv� for holding and applyiag the Funds, aam�ally anaiyzmg the escrow accotmt, or verifying
<br />the'�scrow It�s, �ml�s I.eader paya Bozzower iaterPS[ on the Fuads and App]icable Law permit� i.ender to malae
<br />suc�'a chsrge. Unless aa agreenneat is made in writiag or Applicable Law requires iaterest to be paid on the Flrnda,
<br />I.�'shall not be �equired to pay Boaower any iateiest or eamiags on the klmds. Borrowar and I.eader can agree
<br />in d!ritimg, however, that interest sLau be paid on the Ftmds. Iender shall give ro Borrower, witl�ut charge, an
<br />a�ual accovadng of rha F�ads as reqaired by RESPA.
<br />If Lhere is a s�uplus of Funds beld 'm escmw, as de:6nefl uader RESPA, I.euder shall accouat to Borrovvra for
<br />the� funds in acxordanc�e with RESPA. Ifth�e is a shortage of Ftmds held'm �crow, � definednnder RFSPA,
<br />L�1d� shall notify $ormwer as reqtured by RESPA, and Horrotve� shall pay to Lender the amrnmt aecessary to a�ks
<br />oip t14e ahortage in axordaace with RESPA, biu ia no more than 12 monthIy Paym�• Tf there is a deSciency of
<br />FunBs held in escrow, as defined �der R�SPA, I.ender shall aotify Bo:rower as ieqatred by RESPA, and Borrower
<br />shal3�pay to L�ender the amount necessary to make up �e deficien�y m accordance with RFSPA, but in no mare t3an
<br />12 �iaathly payments.
<br />T Upon paymeat in fiill of all si�s saciued by tlus Security Instr�ent, Leader sbaR promptly refimd w Bosrower
<br />anp Funda held by L.ender.
<br />:: •4. Charg�; Liens. Borrowex sltatl pay all taxes, asse,s�oae�, chazges, fines, a�l impositions attdbutable to
<br />the��ropeny which c� at�in priority over tbis Security Tnsuu�t, lease�old payments or �ro�d re�ts on the
<br />�'�Y, ��Y. and Com�nity Assatiation Ih�es� F�, aad A�essmenffi if aay. To the extent thai these ite�s
<br />are Fscrow Ite�, Borrower shall pay them ia the manner provided in Seceiou 3.
<br />�'� Boxrower shell P�P�Y ��e any lien wluch has priority ovea this 5ecmity Instrnmeat imtess Borrower:
<br />(a} a�s in writing to the payment of tl� obligatiaa � by the lien m a manner acceptable to I.�der, but only
<br />so It3ag as Borrower is Performing such agr�ment: (b) cosuests tha lien in good faith bq, or alefends against
<br />`enfoicement of the Iien na, legaI proccedings which in L�aad�'s opiaion aperate to preeaat the wfo�nt ofthe lien
<br />wh3l� those P�� � P��S. but only imbl such pzocead'mgs aze concluded; or (c) secures from the holdes
<br />of tffe` lien � agreement satisfactory to I.ender sabord9nating the Iien to this Securny Inshvment. If Lsnder
<br />der�imines that any part of tl� Pmperty is subject m a lien which c�a attain priority oaer this 5ec�mty Ins�rument,
<br />T.erider may give Borrower a norice ideotify'mg the lien. Withia 10 days of the date on whicfi t'�ai notice is givea,
<br />Borc�ower sY�ll sazisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above in thia Section 4.
<br />Lend� may requitaBorrower to pay a a�-time charge for areal �tate tea verific�tioa and/or reportin$ service
<br />useti by Lender in co�tion with this Loan.
<br />�'S. Prnperty Insuranoe. Borrower shall k�ep the �provemeats now existing or her� er� on the
<br />Properry insured egai�a lo� by fue, ha�ards 3ncluded with� rhe t�etm °exoended coverage, ° and airy othar hazazds
<br />includ'mg, bru not l�ted to, estthquak� and flooda, for which I.eader requires insiu�ance. This inauranc� shall be
<br />maintained in the amotmts (including dedncu'ble levels) and for the periods � I.ender reqaire�. What I.euder
<br />�quiresPtusuant to the pr�ing sentences can chaage during tha te�ofthe Loan. The is�.s�ce cm.rierprovid'uug
<br />tl� rosurance sLatl be c�osen by sorrovver subjax w I�er�s righcm a;sapprove Borrow��s choic�� wfiich righc sbeu
<br />not be exercised nm�easonably. L�ender may requiraBornower m pay, in connection with this F.,oan, eithei: (a) a one-
<br />time charge far flood mne detamination, cettification and tracldng sereicx�; or (b) a one-time cl�arge for flaod Dor�e
<br />determination and cErfification scRVices and sabsequent chatg� each time remappings or s�ilar chang�s � wluch
<br />zeasonably might affect sudi de�on ar certific�rion. Borrower slwll also be r��le for tt� payment of
<br />�Y f� �� b3' � F�� �'S�Y M�Bemant Agency in conaection with the seview of any flood zo�
<br />determiaafion res�lang fram an objecriom by Bomower.
<br />If Hormwer fails to maintaia any of ihe coverages descn'bed above, I.ender may obtam ins� coverage, at
<br />Lender's option and Borrower's expense. I.ender ia imder no obligation to pnrchase aay partiCnlar rype or a�u�
<br />of coverage. Therefore, svch coverage shall cover I.ender, but might or might aat pmtect Bosowea, Bortvwer's
<br />eq�riry in the Property, or rhe conte�s of the Properry, � inat anY risk, hazard or liab�7ity and mi8� P�� �'
<br />or 1e�r coverage tl�aa was previously in eS�t. Borrovver aclmowlerlges t1�at the cost of the insuraace coverage so
<br />obtain� might signiEc�tly excee�ci the crost of �c� that Borrower conld have obtained. A� amnuat.c disbutsed
<br />by I.endrd under this Section 5 stiali become additional debt of Bornower secu�d by tivs Seaurity Ias� These
<br />amounts shall bear interest at ihe Note rate from the date of diabursement aad shall be payable, with such imerest,
<br />t�on aotioe from I.endet to Borrower requestimg payme�t.
<br />All ins�sance polici� reqiared by Lender and renewals of su�ch policies shall be snbJect to Iznder's rlght w
<br />disapprove such policies, shall include a atandazd mortgage clm�se, and sball name Iender as mortgagee and/or as an
<br />NEBRASKA—Single Famlly—FannEe Mae/Freddie Mec UNIFORM 3NSTRUMENT - MERS p�p�� �
<br />Form 3028 9/01 Page 4 of 7 7 svovw.doonepJc.wm
<br />rtc'�dB.m6aN
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