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20110675� <br />���T0C3ETHER VJITH all the impmv� now or hereaftar erect� on tha P�F�Y� and all �ts, <br />appti�oea�oes, a�l5xdues aow or � a part of the properry. AII replac�nts and additians shall also be <br />cot�ea�ed by this Secauity Insuvmeat. All of the foregoiag is referred w ia this SECUrity Ins� as the "Property ° <br />Bor{qwerimderstands and agre� that MEiiSholds only legal titleto the uuerests granteflby Borrowerin this Secutity <br />Insirpment, hut, if nec�ssaiy to tomply wit6law or custom, MERS (as aamina for I.ender and I.ender's snccessors <br />and �ssigis) has rhe right: to exerase a�+ or all of those znterests, im�cluding, but not limited to, the iigM to for�lose <br />and sell the Property; and to take any action zeq�rired ofLendei' iacluding, but not limited to. releasing and canceliag <br />� �.vrity IvsttQmem. <br />��:BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowes is Iawftilly seised of the estate heieby comeyed aad bas the right <br />to �'. aad camey the Property and that the Propazty is auencamobered, ext�pt for � of record. <br />Bo�wer waasnta and will defend ge�ra�ly 1he tifle to the Properry against all claims and deman�s subject to any <br />enck�mbrances of reoord. <br />� THISSECURITYINSTRUMENTcombines�ormcovena�sfw'nationsluseandaoa-uniformcovenanmwith <br />lim� variations by juriadic�ion to wnstitute a�iform secmity inslr�ent covering real property. <br />n <br />��� UN[FORM COVENAW7S. Borroowea and L�nder cove�t and agce as follows: <br />• 1. T'9aqment ofPrlaciP� �, �W Items, P�9m�t C�arg�� andLateCbarges. Bonrower shall <br />paq whan due the prinapat of, and i� on, the debt evide�ed by the Note and anY P�P� �� and late <br />cLar;�s due under the Note. Boaower shall also pay fiunds For Escrow It�s pursua� to Section 3. Paym�ts dne <br />imd��the Note and this Sacurity Instn�e� ahall be made in U.S. ca�ency. T�owe�ver, if aay cheak or other <br />�nstrame� received by I�er as paymeffi umder the Note or this Security Inadrument is �ned to I.endea �aid. <br />I.e�der affiy requite that aay or all snbsequera payments due tmder the Note and this Secan'iry Instr� be made in <br />o� lsr more of the following foims, as selected by I.ender: (a) cash; @) moaey order; (c) cxrtified c�eck, bank check, <br />tre�iuer's check or cashier's ch�k, provided aay such ckeck is drawn upan an institution whace de�osits are insim� <br />bY �'�deial agenoy, inson�mentality, or entiry; or (cn Heclronic Ptmds Transfer. <br />''' Payments are dcemed received by Lender when received at the loc�tion desigaated in the Note or at suc� other <br />lo ,c�`an as may be desiguated by Isnder in accordauce with tLa notica pmvisions in Secrian 15. I� may retum <br />ffiY'�aY� �' P� P�t'�� P�� � P�� P� are insufficxent m bring the I.oan cu¢rent. Lendes <br />may � ffiY P� �' P�� Payment insuffi�ieat to bring the Loan wrnent, without waiver of any righu <br />h��under or pre,jndice to its righta to rafi�se snch pay�nt or partlal payment4 ia the fimue, bat I.ender is not <br />obli�ed to apply sach paymenta at the iime such payments aze accepoed. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of <br />its ednled dne date, th� Lender need nat gay i�erest oa umapplied fimds. T.ender maq hold such unapplied fands <br />Boaower � papsaent to briag the Loan curreut. Tf Borrowea does aot do so vvithia a reasonable peciod of <br />1im�; Lender ehall eithar apply snch fimds or ieturn them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, snch fimds wiR be <br />app�ed to the outstandin8 Pri�pal balance under rrie Nate immediately prior w foreclosLme. No offs� or claim <br />whic� Borrowes might �ave now or ia t}ie firture agaiast T.eoidez sball. zelieve Borrower &om malong payzaeuts dne <br />�� ttce Note and this Saauity Insh�ent or performing the covenaats and agreeme�s e�. by this Security <br />' - msaum�. <br />�' 2. Applit�tion of Payme�s or Proceeds. Except as otherwise descn'beci in this Seetion 2, all payma�s <br />�it� and applied by Lender shall be applied ia the followmg order of priority: (a) interest dae Zmder the Nare; <br />N) �� cipal due rmcIer the Note; (c) amouuta due under Section 3. Such payments shall be appiied to each Pericdic <br />Pay,� in the o�der ia which it became due. Anp remaining amoturts shall be applied fast to late charg�s, secwn8 <br />to a�y other amo�mts due imder this Secmity InsGUment, and then w reduce the principal balance of the Note. <br />``If I.ender r�eives a payment fram Botrower for a delinqueat Periodic Fayment which inclndes a suffiaemt <br />amoimt to pay a�y late c�arge due. the paymeat may be appfied to ttre delinquent payment and the late cLazge. If <br />more thaa one Periodic Payment is outst�din8. ��' �Y aPP �Y PaYm�t received from Aonrower to the <br />i�epayment of the P�iodic Paymems if, end w the extern thai, each paymeat c�a be paid in itrll. To the ext�nt that <br />any excess exists after the payment is applied to the foll paymeut of one or more Periodic Paym�nts. such eacess may <br />be applied to azry late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to anY PrePaYm�t �arg� and then <br />as desen'bed 'm the Note. <br />A� application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscella�ons Proceeds to prmcipal due under the Nate <br />shall not extend or postpona the due date, or change the amoimt, of the Periodic Payme�s. <br />3. I�m�ds for Escrow Items. Barrowea shall pay to Iznder on the day Periodic Payments are dne under the <br />Note, until the Note is paid in fiill, a stmn (the "Funds") to provide for payment of �our�ts due for. (a) taxes aad <br />ass�sments aud ottxar ztems wlrich c�n aLtain priority oeex this Security I�simmeat as a fien or eecambra�e on the <br />Property; (b) leavehold payments or ground r�ts on the ProP�Y, ��Y; (�) P� for �y �d all insu�ance <br />�by Ir.nder under Sec.tion 5� and td) N.[ortgageTas�ance Premiums, if anY, or �y sums payable by Bornower <br />to Leader ia lieu of t� payment of Mortgage Ineiumace premi�s ia accordance with the provisions of S�tion 10. <br />These ibems are called °Fscro�v Ttems." Atorigination oratany timeduriag thate�m oftheLo�, I.endermay r�quire <br />that Com�mty Associarion Dn�, Fas, �d Asses�enis, if azry, be escmwed by Borrower, and such tines, fees and <br />ass�sments shall be an Escrow Item_ Borrower shall pmmptly furnish w Lender aIl notices of amo�mts to be paid <br />under this Section. �aower shall pay Y.eader the Fnnds for Escrow Items unless L.caader aaives Borrowr,r's <br />obligation to pay tha Fcmds for any or all Escrow Items_ L.ender may waive Bo:mwer's obligation to pay to Lender <br />Punda for eny or all Fscmw It�s at ffiy tmma. Aay snah waiver map only beinwriting. In the � o£sucJx waiver, <br />Borrower shall pep directly, when and where payable, the ��rts due for any E.acrow Items for wl�ich payment of <br />Funds has been waived by Lender and, if I.ender recluu'es, shall fumish to Lender raceipts evidancing snch pay�nt <br />withia such time periad as I� may require. Borrow�''s obligation to make such payments and to provide receipts <br />NEBRASKA—Sin�le Femay—Fannie MeelFreddia Mec UNiFORM iNSTRUMEM - MERS p��� � <br />Fortn 3028 1/07 Pege 3 ot 91 wxav.dcemagk.aom <br />m <br />