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., l.�-s��� l �1Ry�i_ . � - , , ,.c_`�c•.,sres <br /> e��i <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . _-; <br /> , _ _- _ _ <br /> o -- ' _-,'=.,�. <br /> M��� �� <br /> can�iemrwtioa or vllier tal�ina of auy p�t of the Pirape�tv,cx foc coaveyw�cc iq Ilcu ot'coademn�uloa.arc hereby ac�i�ned a��d <br /> - rhaU ba paid to Lendcr. <br /> - In thc cvcru.of u towl tuking uf thc PropeRy, �hc procccJx yhall hc applicd to tix xamx r:ccurcd by thin Sccurity <br /> - - instrument,whcthcr or rwt thcn duc. whh any cxccss puid tu Borruwcr. In thc cvent uf u partial tuking uf thc Propr.ny in <br /> which thc fair murket vulu�of thc Property immediatcly bctore thc tuking ix cyuul ta or grcatcr thun thc nmount of Ihc sums <br /> — xctiured by this Security Instrument immcdiutely before thc taking, unletix Burrowcr und Lcnder otherwisc ugree in writing. <br /> - - --- U�e xum��exurcc! by�Gir S�uri�r Inxuunrent +hull lx:reJuceJ by U�e umuunt uf th�pnxeedy�nultipliecl by ttx:folluwing <br /> 'r.c.� fraction: (a)the toutl amount of U�e s�ums secured immediutely before the taking,divided by(b)tb�fuir murket velue of the <br /> " "" Property immcdiutcly beforc the uiking. Any balance ahull bc paid to Borrower, In the cvent af u partiul wking of thc <br /> Propeny ln which thc feir market vnlue of the Property immediatcly bcfore the roking is Icss�han thc umount of U�c sumx <br /> -- — xxured immediately beiore the taking, B�rrowcr nnd Lcnder othcrwise ugree in writing or unless upplicublc law <br /> -'-� otherwise provides,the proceeda shall be upplied to the sums secured by thi:�Security Insuvment whether or na the tiumx ore <br /> — then due. <br /> ---- e--- """�° If thc Propeny is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,after noticc by Lender to BoROwcr that the condemnor offerv tc mukc = <br /> - • _ -°°.-_---�--•. -- �---- -�� an��aerc!os settle s cla�m f�dsmeges,Botro�ver fails ro►wspca2d to Lenc�r within:u1 day�nfter the ds+tr thi� n�uirr i��ivrn, <br /> �'� --- Lender is authorized w collect and upply the proceeds,at itc option.either to restor.uion or rcp•rir of the F'roperty or to the <br /> -- �-�--=--=—_: sums secured by this Securiry Instn►ment.whether ar not then due. <br /> Unlexs Lcnder and Bo!rowcr othenvise agree in writing,any upplicution af praced,to principnl �hall not extend or <br /> pa�tpone Ihe due date of Ihe monthly payments refeRed ta in parugmpbs 1 und 2 or chunge the amount of such payments. <br /> ll. Borrower Not Released; �orbeorance By Lender Not a Waiver. Bxtension of the time for payment or <br />_ _ -� "'"-�� modificution of umon'-v.ation of the sum.c secured by this Security Instrument gnmted by Lender to any succes.vor in interest <br /> �"�=�-�'�'`�'� of Borrower shall not operate to releuce the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's wucressors in iaterest. Lender <br /> .L"�..�.rSv�� <br /> — sh�ll not be required to commence proceedings against uny succexxor in intere�t or refuse to extend time for payment or <br /> �a ���aai othenvise modify amortization uf the sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demund mude by thc original <br /> ��...::�t�: �� ��" � Borrower or Borrower's successors in intercst. Any forbesuanre by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not be a <br /> ���rP' �,.a=. � wwv��ufo�p�c�iudrd�erMe�ci,ruFwiy�ighturirnrinly. � <br /> "' ~""�' l2. Saccc�ssurs and Asvi�ns Bouad;Joint and Several Giabllity;Co-signers. Thc covcnants und agrcements of thiti <br /> ��:.���; <br /> �'-"''!�•'�-� Security Instrument shall bind �nd bene�t the succexsors wid essign+of Lender ond Burrower,subject to thc provisions ot' <br /> b:�,.�:ti',.;�:.,:�...,�1 paragrnph 17. Borrower'.s covenunts und agreemen4e shall be:joint and �everul. My Borrower who casigns this Se�curity <br /> x� '�'� ,, Instrument but does not execute the Nute: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguge,grant and convey th•rt <br /> �-� :'��-�`> -�::'°..:�.,'• Borcower c interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumenr, (b)is not personally obligAted to puy the xums <br /> - �: � � ' � secun.'d by this Security Instrumenr,and(c1 ugreex that Lender und uny athrr Burrower may ugree to extend,rnodify,forbear <br /> -"�'.� �Y," �'��"°''�. '� or make any uccommodations with regard to thc terms of thix Security Inauvment or the Note without thot Boirowcr's <br /> �..��t,��s�_'�. <br /> � '��'�'`���',�''�'''�� �13. l.oan Chargea lf the loun serured by thix Security Insuument ix subject to u luw whieh �eLc maximum loan <br />- :��.c.�s-.w...,..,_ .. <br />� a'^••� -• chnrges,nnd th•rt law iti finrlly interpreted sn that thc interevt or other lo;ui chur�es c�llected or to be collecied in connection <br /> „ .�,,.,,,,k,.w., ��.,.. with the Io:u�exceed the permitted limits.then: (u)nny such lo:�n chlirgc shull br reduced by the amount necescury to reduce <br /> .- Ihe Ch;�gc lo the pertnittecl limir auxi(b)vny sums ulready coUected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> '�.,- ' refun�k•c!tu Borrower. Lender may rhoosr to m�lce this refunJ by reducing the princip•rl owed under the Note or by m:iking a <br /> °,^ "�r:�_ :, direct payment to Borrower. If u refund rrduc�s princip�l,thc redu�tion will be treated u.g u p:+rtial prepaymcnt wilhout any <br />_ prepayment chargc under thc Notc. <br /> ' 14. Notkes. Any nuticc to Borrower provided for in thix Security Instrument shall bc givcn by dclivcring it or by <br /> _ ' , mailing it by frst clavx niail unkss upplicable law reyuires utie uf another mrthal.7'he notice ahall be directed to the Pruperty <br />�. � '�;'��„""� k'�. Addrer.e or w►y other addre��Borcuwrr dcsignaues by noticc to Lcncler. Any notice to Lrndcr rhall be given by fint class <br /> • m�il to LcnJcr ti addresti�tated hemin or�ny c�ther adJres+Lendcr dc�ignatc+by notice to Borrower. Any nutice provided for = <br />- "° �� •�`" in this Sccurity lnstrurnent sh:ill be d�rmed to hnve lxcn givrn to Borrowcr or Lcnder whcn given uc provided in this <br /> _ '°"�'-• � paragruph. <br /> - ;�`"��"`' ' � � LS. Governin�Law; 5everability. This S�tiurity Inslrmnent shall lx guvemeJ by federvl I•rw •rnJ the law of the <br /> -H� +r:••::: _ ... . <br /> jurisdiction in which th�Prup�rty is lucutcd. bi Ihr evcnt thal any pruvisio�i ur rlau,r uf this Sccurity Instrum�nt cx the Note <br /> r : � contlictz with upplicublr law,such cunfli�t sh.df not affcct uthcr pruvisiom oF this Sccuriry In,trumrnt ur thr Notc which can <br /> ,� be givcn eff��t wnhout Ihc cunflicting pruvision. To this enJ the provisionx uf thix Serurity Ins�rument and the Note are <br /> . . declaral tu br scvcruble. <br /> �`�� 16. Borruwer's Cupy. Borrowcr shall lx givrn one ronfurnic�l cupy uf thc Notr and ul'thi.Sccurity In+t�vment. <br />- � ��ti� M� �'� l7. 'IYanYfer ot the Pruperty ur a Keneficial Interest in Borruwer. If all or uny purt of thr 1'roperty ur any intcrest in <br /> -+i�.�,� it is sold or trun.fcrr�d (or if u bcixiicial imrrcst in Burrowcr i,tiulJ ur tr:m�frmd :mJ Burruwcr is nix a nnturul penon) <br /> ��," �'`�``�` � ' ; withuut Lcndcrc prior writtrn coiircnt,LcnJrr n�ay,at it.option,rr��uirr immrJiatc p•rymcnt in full of all sum� sccurcd by <br /> . ':���;, •R-a this Security In.trumcnt. Huwcvrr,this aptivn shall not tx:rxrrciscd by LenJer if rxrrciu is pruhibik�ci by fcdcr�l law u.e of <br /> • ; .y . thc J:+tc uf this Sccurity Imtrumrnt. <br /> ' lf LrnJer Ihis uption, Lcnder shall givc Borrowcr not i�e oF arccicrution. 1'hc noticr tihall prov ide a period of <br /> �� � °�`' ' nut k,.than 30 d•rys from the date th�ixitire i.dclivrreJ ur m•rilcJ within whi�h Burruwrr mu�t pay all sumx,ccurcd by thi. <br /> • . , Securiry In,trumcm. IC Burruwer faih tu puy dic�r xum�priur to tlx cxpiratiun ut�thi� period, Lrnder m�y invoke uny <br /> °° remrJics�xnniurd by thi,5�tiurity In,trunxn�with��ut furth�r n��ticr ur Jrmund on Burrnw�r. <br /> ' � ' l8. Burruwcr'K Right to Reinstatc. If Burrowrr nkct. ccnain ronditiom. Bi�rruarr .hall havc thc right to huvc r_ <br /> cnfoncment uf thix Sr�urity Mwrumrm�ii�cominurd:u :iny timr priur tu tlic earli�r of` lal 5 d.�yti(or.urh oth�r period ax = <br /> � � tiinglc Family--F'qnple�1re/F'reddlr�1w l'\IFlIR�11\S'1'Rl'NF:�1'..l�nd��m�l'nrenan�y 9/9U ��„�xr��,/n <br /> i . � ' R e <br /> _ , ;• �, <br /> � . -�n f.�... --- -- � . -.... -.,� –– - - � _ '. �. ...._ ,���.�s�.'.:Wa... ..._.. ....._w_�,......_.. �. ...aus . <br />- �n.i:st ..1ttlli�r@EOti.__ — .---' �_ _ <br /> ' � . ., . ' ., . <br /> Y� �i . � <br /> �� <br /> • •�S <br /> .� :4�'aF•_`� _ .� • . <br />__ • �; s . ' , <br /> � � <br /> 1 " <br /> � <br />