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<br /> _ -- Q�rials that l.cndor rcquirec Tho irwurance c�er providin�the insurance�hall be chasen by Borrowcr subject to Lender's
<br /> epproval whkh sMll not be unrea�onabty withhcld. It tlotrowcr taus to rnaintam coveroge d�.-xxiiocd utx►ro.(x�nic����.at
<br /> l.eader s apion,obtein coverage tn protect l,ender's ri�hts in the Praperty tn accardance with p�gr�ph 7.
<br /> . Ail insurance policies and renewals slwlt be ucceptable to Lender amf shull include u xtnndard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> --- ---- , sha11 have the�i�ht to M►ld�he policies nnd renewel�. If l.ender reyuires,Borrower shull promptly Rive to 4endcr all recefpts
<br /> of'paiJ premiums and rcnewal naices. In ihe evtnt of loss,Barawer xhall Rive prompt ratice w the insurence carrier end
<br /> Londe�•. Lcnder may muke proaf uf lu:�.�if ix►t inwle promptly by Bunuwcr.
<br /> Unle+s l.ender end Bcxrower at�envise ugree in wdting,i��uronce Qrocee.ds shall be applicd to restoration or repair uf
<br /> the Property damaged, if the restomtion or repair is econumically feawble und Lender K securi�y ix not lessened if the
<br /> nestwat�on or repair is not econanicolly feasible or Lender's security wouid be lessened,the insurunce proceedc ahall be
<br /> �"•�i��� applicd to the sums secured by this Security lnstrument, whether or na then due, with uny excecs puid to Borrower. If
<br /> --='�� Horrower ob�ndons the Propeny,or does not answer within 30 day+ a natice f�vm l.ender that the insurance carcier has
<br /> , _: �-,:•;��';::_,,.. _ -"- offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender may use:he pruceeds to repair or restore
<br /> - `�J� the Propeny or to pay sums securcd by this Security Inswment,whether or na then Jue. 17�e 30-duy period will bc�in when
<br /> =----,—,A� the not'sce is givrn.
<br /> --��`: .� � Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in writing. any applicntion of praceeds to principat shall not extend ar
<br /> —�:��i.:.v:• .
<br />-�,= postpo�e tAe due date of the monthly payments referred to in parugrophs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of the payments. If
<br /> ,�,_��,�,;,;M w�der paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender,Bo�rower�right to uny insurance policies und proceeds resulting
<br /> ' ' k Gom damage to the F4operty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the eatent of the sums sccured by this Security
<br /> .'..,.,���'' Inswment immediately prior tn the acquisition.
<br /> ��:_:,y� . , Borrower's Loao A Ilcatlon;
<br /> :_._-._ 6, Occuprncy. PreservAtk►n, Matate�wnce And Protectiou ot the Property PP
<br /> �-��"�V�����,� Leaseholdv. Bomower shall occupy,establish,ond use the Ptopeny ax Borrower§principal resiclence within sixty days after
<br /> s�t,•i .,^
<br /> . ��t • �<<,��' the execution of thix Securiry Instnrment and shall continue to occupy the Propeny us Barrower�principal reside�ce for ac
<br /> ��_�.'.`�' n '" least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Leiuicr otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall noi be
<br /> - °'� unreasonably withheld,or unleas extenuating clrcumstances exist which are beyond B«mwer's controt. Borrower shall not
<br /> s.: • . �
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<br />