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<br /> _ _ - � ��plicable law may cpxU'y for relnstateroent)bcfon salc of ttie Propeny purr,uant to any power of sale contalned in this
<br /> Secud►y In�wment;or(b)entry of a Jucfgmant enforeing this Security Insavment. Thotc condu�ons are[hat Isorrower: (a)
<br /> pays I,.euder ell sums which tl�en would be due under this Security Instrument and the Notc as if no acceleradon had
<br /> - - - occuRed;(b)cw+es i+ny default of any other covenants or ugrcements;(c)pays all expenses incuRP,d in enforcing this Sucmity
<br /> _ Insuument, including,but not limited to.reasonable attomeys'feea; and(d) tekes such uction as Lender may reasonabiy
<br /> -. �a—__-"---"-�= roquire to essurc that thc 8en of thia Securily Instrument,Lender's rightx in thc Property und Borrowcr's obligation to pay ihes
<br /> - - . -__�
<br /> eums sacured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchunged. Upon reinstatemcnt by Bortower, this Sec.unty -
<br /> '� Insuum��t and the obligadons secured hereby shali remain fuliy effectfve as if no acceleration had uccurred. However.lhis
<br /> "' d�ht to rainstate shall ncu apply in the case of accelention under paragr9ph t 7.
<br /> t9 3We o�Note;Chau�e ot l.oau Se�wicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Security
<br /> -- lnstrument)may be sold one or morc dmes without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale muy result in a change in the endty
<br /> --'"��""'""°�"� (known as the"Loan Servicer")thet collects mon�hly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument. There also
<br /> � — muy be one or more chunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule of the NoEe. lf there is A change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> �te�i_' Borrower will be given written notice of the change in acwrdnnce with paragraph 14 above and applicuble law. The notice -
<br /> - - - wl!!stete tht name snd sddress of the new 1 r,�n Srrvirpr And thc�iuldresc m whieh payments ahcwld be made. The notice wlll '
<br /> ����;,�� also contain any other information required by appiicabie law.
<br /> _ 20. 1Wzardoua Sub�t�wces. Borrower ahall not causc or permit ihe presence,use,disposal,stornge,or rciease ot'any
<br /> �"�� Hazardous Substancea on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecdng the
<br /> Propert,r thas ia in violat�on of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to thc prescnce,use,or _
<br /> etorage on the Property of small quanUtlea of Hazardau Subatancca tha�are generally recognized ro be appropriate to norn�al
<br /> - = `'�—�-- residcnti�l uses und to maintcnar�ce of thc Property.
<br /> - ���� .
<br /> • J , Bortower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invcstigation,cluim,demand,luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> ° governmental or regulatory agency or private ppny involving the Property and any Haxardous Substunce or Environmental
<br /> L.aw of which Borruwer has actual knowlcdge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> _ _s�,�_��;,-;� ° authodty,that any removel or other remediation of uny Hazardous 3ubstance affecting�he Property is necexsary,Bomower
<br /> - . -. -'- r-. . s1�u11 prauptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental La�a. -
<br /> � �`�'� • • • As used in this pa`agraph 20,"Ha2urdous Substences"are those substances defined es toxic or hs�tudous substances by
<br /> . �`''�;,r'��`'^`' Environmental Luw an�the following substances: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic pevoleum products, toxic
<br /> . �::;'_�,�',�;n..�,�, pesticides and hefiicides, volatile solven�g, materialh containing usbestos or formaldehyde, and mdioactive materials. As
<br /> ' ��` ;`� used in this paregruph 20,"EnvironmEntal Law"mcans federal laws and luws of the juriulic�lon whcre the Property is located
<br /> . •. .'.'�tt�f �-•
<br /> ��� . • ti�t relate to health.safety orenvironmentel protection.
<br /> � '' ` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lender funher covenunt und ugree as follows:
<br />.. .�..�
<br /> .�;�;�,,j��• 21. Acceleratiun; Reroedies. Leader shall glve aotice to Borrower prior to accelerAtion fdlowlag Borrower•s
<br /> •�;�..,:,•�. - breach of Anq coveaant or ugreemeat in tbis Security inatrumenf fbut nvi prlur tu��ceiei'stio»ottder�aragsajah 17
<br /> . unlesg applicable law provides otherwLsel. The nWice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the Aclion required to cure the
<br /> � • 't �= �°�- ' '' " deinult;(c)a date,not less than 30 d�ys from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by wbich ihe dei'ault must be
<br /> " �� '" cured;snd(d)that failure to cure the deisult on or before the date speciiied in the notice ms�y result in accelerAtion of
<br /> �� ° : tf�e sun�secured by Ihis Security Instrument wnd s�le oF the Properly. The notice shAll Purther lnform Borrower of
<br /> ""'. tbe rlgbt to reinatate et�er Acceleration and the right to bring o court�ctbn to assert the non•existence of a default or
<br /> o any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is�ot cured on or before the dale specified In
<br /> w.� ," ..�,�:' , ,� tbe notice,L,ender at its optton may require immedi�te payment in full of all sums secu�•ed by this Security Instrurnent
<br /> ,�; without iurther dernand and may Invoke the power of sale and Any other remedies permitted by applicable I�w. _
<br /> �;,;,,. _ ,„...r ..� .r. Lender sdall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this para�reph 21.
<br /> . . ... .. includiog,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'feex and costs uf tille evidence.
<br /> '° IY tde power of sale is invoked,'Il�ustee shall record e notice of default in each counly in whkh any part nf the
<br /> �4a ' �°� Property Is Iocated and shAll m�il copiex of'such noNce in the m,�nner pre.scrfbed by applicable law to Borrower And to
<br /> �����•� �';�.wY•-••�''-'�''"_. the ot6er persoas prescribed by epplicoble law Aiter the time requlred by applicuble law,7Fustee shAll g[vc public
<br /> , nollce of sple to!he per�uns wnd in lhe manner prescribed by applkable law 'll�ustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> `�. � �:� •••� �•� ° slwll sell the P�operty at public auction to the highesl bidder at the time+�nd place and under the terms designated in
<br /> ; , � r. the notice of sale in oue or more parcels and in any order'Irustee determinex. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br /> - ° � � parcel of the Property by public announcement at/he Iime�wd place of ony previwuly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> ��'�'��a' � `'�".' desi�nnce may purchase the Property at uny salc.
<br /> , � . Upun receipt of payment oP the price bld, 'Irustee shull deliver to the purchuser 'I�ustee's deed wnveying the _
<br /> � � ' " PropeMy. The reeitals in the'I�ustce's deed shull br prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements mede thereln. _
<br /> ?., """`••,,:,;�:•" '�'� 'I1�ustQe slwll apply the proceeds uf the sWe In the PoUuwing order: (u)to all cos4v and expense.g of exercWng the power
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