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<br /> payr.�enta mtry no lon�er be roquirod,�t�he aption ui Lenicr.If mortg�e insu�►ncc c�weraye(in the unx�um aix�for the period
<br /> — thN L.e�xkr roquircs)providod by an incurcr approvpd Isy l.ender�win becomew availoble�uKi is ahtoinhd. Burrower�hall p�Y
<br /> the promlumo royuired ta nwintain moct�s�e incurance in effecl,or to provide a loss re�ervc,until the roquirement fbr uwry�+�o
<br /> inwr�n�o ends in�ccaNxnc�e wfth Any wdtten a�roement b�:twce+�&►rruwer arni Lende.r or upplicable luw.
<br /> 9.Inspoclba. l,ender ar its agent may make rc�.wnable cntrlcs upan und inyp�xti��nti of�hc Pruperty. l.ender W�all�lvo
<br /> Barower notiee at tho�inw of a�priar to�n incpeetian cpocifyin�rea�on�ble caur�e fi�r�ho inspection.
<br /> '_----_---.---� 10.Condem�atlnn. The�+rocetdv uf eny bwarA or rlaim for damages, dircrt or con�uquentiul, in cotu�ection with any _
<br /> _ caden�tion or dher trkin�of Any pan af tho Propeny,or for rnnv�yance in lieu of condemnation.wrn hereby a+slQned aad
<br /> NWI bo paid m Lender.
<br /> In 1ho eve�t of a taal takin�of�he Property.the p�ucc�da shull be applial to ihe sumw seaurctil by this Socurity Instcument.
<br /> whether ar not then due, with any excess paid to Bu►mwer. In the event af u partial taking of the Pn�perty in which the f�ir
<br /> market valuo of the Property immedia!ely bcfare tha�aking iv eyual to or grcater than thc amaunt of the sums s�ccured by this
<br /> -- --- ------- ----�-�� Security lnstrument immediately hcfa�c itie laking, unlece Barrowcr and Lender atherwisr agree in writing,thc sums sa:ured by _
<br /> this Security lnstrument shall ba reducai by the amount of the pracee�is multiplied by �he folluwing fraction: (a) the towl
<br /> — amount of the sunu secured immediately before the taking. dividod by (b)the f�ir mrrkct value af the Property immediately �
<br /> before the tal�ing. An� balance shall be puid ta BoRawer. In the event uf u panisl lakiog af thc Property in which the fa�r
<br /> market velue of the Property immediately before the takins is less than the amount�f the sumti securecl immediately i�efare the
<br /> ta�ing. unless Borcower and l.ender atherwire agree in writiog or unless applicable law otherwice provides, the proceeds shall
<br /> ---:---_�
<br /> be apptiai to the sumg cecured by this Saurity Instrunient whether or not the sum+are Ihen due.
<br /> - `i` if�he Pn�pedy is abaxlu�wxl by Burnswer.ur if,efter notice by Lendcr to Barn�wcr that thc rnndcmnor offers to make sn
<br /> ,-;� • award ��r setde a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to I.cnder within 30 days after �he date the notice is given,
<br />_ �• Lender� authori. •cl .•colle. and apply thc proceeds,at its option,either ta restoratian or repair of tha Property or to the sums
<br /> '�' sxurcd by this Security Instrument,whcther or not then due. �
<br /> ��' Unlesa Lender and 9orrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicatian of proceEds ta principal shall not extend or
<br />'�• postpone the due date of the monthly paymentg referrcci to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of such payments.
<br /> _ 11.Borrower Not Released;ForbearAOCe 8y Lender Not A WAlver. Extcnsion of the time for payment or modification
<br /> of amonization of tho sums secured by this Srcurity Instrument$rnnted by I.ender to any successur in interest af Borrower shalt
<br /> . not ope�ute to release Ihe liability of the original Banower ar Borrower's successors in interest. l.ender shall not be required to
<br /> " '" �'?' ' ' commence pra:eedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time fur payment ar otherwise madify amortization
<br /> ° » � of the sums secure� by this Security Insttument by rqson of any demand made by the original Barrover or Bortower's
<br /> _� - sux�ssa� ia inierest. Any forbcarazicc by Lcs�d�.�r{n cx�rcisiag �y righs os r�ern�y shs!!nos be a waiver of or preclude�he
<br />: , �� 'TM.'`:> eaercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> - '�;:.;�•`:��°'�'t'°!�,�`•., 12. Successo�s And AssiRns Bound;Jolnt and Sevrral Liability; Co-slgneis. The covenunts und agreer.ients of this
<br /> �•.�'i�."'�"�"'' "��= Socurity Institrument shull bind and t+enefit the suc��essors and a�sign� of I.enJer and Borrowcr, subject to the prmisions of
<br /> ' �,'. ?"�:'�'. patagraph 17. Borrower's rovenants cud agreements shall be joint und several. Any Borrower who casi�n� this Security
<br /> . �..ao�+.lS:h�
<br /> ' �-� Instniment but does not execute the NWe: (a) is co-�igning this S��curity Instrument only to m��rtgage, grant and canvey that
<br /> . _ � �fYXJ.I��
<br /> - uw o�: Borrower's intercst in the Pn�per1y undcr t6e tem�s of this Security Inrtrument; (b)is not persc�nally obiigated to pay the sums
<br /> , ��"r'M''�-, � sccured by this Securily Instrument;and(c)agrees thnt Lendcr w�d uny uthcr Borr��wer may•agrec to cxtcnd,madify,forbear or
<br /> ..�.. .l . •�yyYn:. -- .�
<br /> -� � ��`.�,.,,,, make any uccommodAtions with regard to the terms af this Security Instn�ment or thr Note without that&�rmwer's consent. —
<br /> �,:•'-�• ��'� 13.I.o�n Ch�rges. If the Ioan sc�un.�l by this S�*curity Instrument is subj�tit to a law whirh w:ts nuucimum loan churges.
<br /> �' �4,yf.
<br /> ,�1._ ,, ,:��_-„- and that law is finally interpreted u� that the intrrest or other luan churgr.roU��cte�i or tv be collect��1 in amnection with the
<br /> ���1��r ` . , ' � � Io�n exceed the permitted limits, then: (u> ;my such laun rhurge shull be reJuced by the u�m�unt n��eswry to rcdu��e the charge
<br /> . �;�;,,�;�',;�.�_ to Ihe pern�itted limit;�nJ(bl any sums ulrcudy rollected from Borcower which cxcectiled pern�ittttil limits will be retLnded to
<br /> ` "° Borcower. Lencler nu►y cha�se to nwk� this refwxl by rcducing 1h� principal uw..�J under the Note or by making s� direct _
<br /> j . •'' N�.':.M..
<br /> payment ta &�rruwer. If u refurul reducrs principal. the reciuction will t►e treated as a partial prepaymcnt without any
<br /> �� m�� ; , prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> '�' �� 14.Notkes.Any nutice w Burcuwer providecl for in thi�Security Instrument.r•hall tx�given by delivering it or by mtiling
<br /> � .�..::r `�� ..
<br /> - • • i�by first rlasss mail unless upplicublc luw reyuires use af unother methal. The nutice+hall be directeJ to the Property Addres�
<br /> ��"�`3" or w�y ather uddress Borrower dcsignutes by noti« to Lendcr. Any nntirr tu lxnJer �hall be given by first clas.e mail t�
<br /> _ ... :x^.;°
<br />'°=9..� Lender's uddress stutcd herein��r any other uJJnss Lencier Jrsignates by nutice tu &�rruwer. Any rnrii��pnw�dcri for in this
<br /> ;,�::.�.
<br /> ..��.. ...: 'o,�°'�� Security Instn�mcnt�hull kk d��mt�1 tu havc bctin givcn tu Bum�wcr ur Lcnder whrn givcn as providctii in thix paragraph.
<br /> a �- ..�e�wJ`.J'� R .
<br /> , �� � !S,Governing la►w; Sever�bility. Thi. S��urity Imlrumcot shall tk govcrnal hy fitileral law arxl thc law nf the
<br /> ,r• °�:,,'+�f: ^ jurisdiction in which�he Prapeny is Icxat�i. In the event that any pr�rvi.ion or clauxe of�hi.r S�tiurity Imttument or the Note
<br /> �rontlicts with upplirable law,sunc�anflict shall nat uftcct other pnn•isium ut'thiti Sccurity Imtrumcnl ur the Nole which can be
<br /> , �. � - givcn cffi�t without thc amtlicting provision. To this eixi thr prxwision.c►t'this S►rurity In,trumenl u�nl 1he Note are derlareJ
<br /> - lo be ticverable.
<br /> .� „ 16.Borrower's Copy. l�rn�wer siwll ix giv�n une runii�rnu�l ropy of the Nut�and ot'this Security Instrumrnt.
<br /> , Fwm 302A 91tl0 -
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