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<br /> _ 1072i2
<br /> S. HaTard or Propa�ty lasurance. Borrower shall kap thc imprevementc now existing on c�reARer erocted un the
<br /> Praperty insured ag�inst la� by firo, hazuda incluciod within the term"extended coven,gc' and any other Iwzuds. includin�
<br /> tloods or flondin�. for which Lcndcr rcpulre.q insuranca.This insu�anco shall bc maintained iri ihc amounts and for the perlod�
<br /> . — that l.ender roquires.The inguranee currier pruviJing the insurunce shull t+e ch��xn by&�RUwer subject to Leixier's uppn�vRl
<br /> _ which rhull nc►t be unreasc►nably wl�hheld. If&�nawer Puilg t�� muintoin covcrc�ge desc�lbed abova, Lender rtu�y, ut t.end�r's
<br /> _ - optian,obtain rnverage ta prcuect L,ender'�rig6ts in the Praperty in accardnnce wilh paragruph 7.
<br /> �---_"____� All insurence p►licies+uxl re��ewuls slu�ll be�cceptable ta I..ender und shull include n standnrd moqge�e elause. Ltnder
<br /> - - shall have the�ight to hold the policiey and renewalc. If Lendor requires,Bormwer shall promptly give to I.�nder all rxcipts of
<br /> ;°, paid prcmiumv and mnewul notices.l�the event of loss,Borrawer shall give prompt notice to the i�ur�nce csu�ier and Leader.
<br /> t,wder may make proof of loss if nat ma�ic promptly by BaROwer.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borrawer aherwise agroe in writing,insurance procceds shall be upplial to restoration or repai�af iho
<br /> � Property dam�ged.if the restaration or repair is ecanamicatly Peasible and l.ender'x secu�ity is nat lessened.!f the restoration or
<br /> --- --�� repair is not economically feasibie ar Lender's secudty would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shnll be applied to tha sums
<br /> � secured by thia Security Instrument, whether or not then due, wi�h any excess p�id �a eorrowcr. If Borrower abai�dons the
<br /> - — f'roperty, or does na unswer within 30 dAya a notice from l.ender that the insurance carrler has offered to settle a claim,Ihen
<br /> - Lender may rnllect the insurnnce prceeeds. L.ender may use tha prcx,roeds to repair ar resto�e the Property or to puy aums
<br /> ---= secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due.The 3tl-day periad will bcgin when the notice is given.
<br /> — Unless L,ender end Bornuwer otherwise agree In w�iting. any applicadon of proceeds to principul shall not extend or
<br /> postpone thc due date of the monthly payments referned to in parngrapha I und 2 ar change Ihe a�nount of the paymems. If
<br /> - — under parngrnph 21 the Prope�ty is acquirod by I.ender,Borrower's right to�ny insurunce pulicieu�uxl pnx�ctxls resulting from
<br /> --,�' damage to the Propedy prior ta the aequisit�on chall pasa to I.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrurr�ent
<br /> ` � �•- inut�ediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> :-':.� .;�a
<br /> 6.Oocupancy, PreservAtion,Maintenance and ProtecNon of the Pn�penyi Borrower's I.oan Appltcatton;Leasedolds.
<br /> � .;�;,.�'�.�, Borrowcr shall occupy.establish.and use the Property us Horrower's prfncipal residence withio sixty days aRer the execution of
<br /> __. .. t . 1: ::'
<br /> this Security Inatrument and shell cantinue to accupy the Property as Borrawer's principul residence for at least ono year after
<br />=;;, �� ��� the date of accupancy, unkss Ixnder otherwise agrces in writing. which mnsent shall not be unreasonably wlthheld.or unless
<br /> - , 3 ;,.. �_�`. extenuuting circums�ances exist which are beyond Barrower's contrd. Horrower shell nat destroy. damage or impuir the
<br /> Properry. aliow the Propeny to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> =�� ' .:j.�..., � action or proceeding,whether civil ar c�iminal, is begun that in L.ender s guod fuith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> _ _�•'��� Property or otherwise materially Impair the lien creAted by this Securlty Instniment or Lender's secur�ty interest. Borrower may
<br /> , .�:,?�;;�°_„;� � eure sueh a defauit ntd reinstate,as provided in puragraph 18,by cauwi��g ti�a a�:im►u�prax;�xtltug to ba dismissc�with a ruldng
<br />':�, e< <�� "-`.�`'"'�`' Y• that. in Lender's gaod fai�h determinution, procludcs forfciture of thc l3orrowcr'r intcrest in the Property ar other mater�al
<br /> • ���;a;�;;�`a;':"'��.:f impuirment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty intercst. Borrawer shall also be in default if
<br /> ~-Y � ' �` Bonower,during the lopn applicution process,gave materially fnlse ar inaccumte infornu►tion or stutements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> � �' "'" " � ��' to rovide l.ender wilh un material information)in connection with the loan evidencecl b the Note, includia but not limited
<br /> �,�4...,... p y y s.
<br /> - to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property us a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> � `�'"',� ^ .. � �"� leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the les�se. If Borrower scquires Pee title to the Prapeny, the
<br /> • •'��t•:f!�a� •• A� ...!
<br /> �''` l e a s e h o l d a n d t h e f e e t i t l e s h u l l n o t m e r g e u n l c s s I.e n d e r u g r e e s t o t h e m e r g e r i n w r i t i n g.
<br /> .�-;t.':� .:: �`�.,�r r
<br /> -_- 'yt..-�;;- ..r,:.�,�,:�. 7.Protection ot[.ender's Wghts inthe Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform the covenunts und agreements contait�ed in
<br /> ..� �
<br /> ' r -• •• °"fr_� this Securlty Instrument, or therc is u Iegal proceeding that may significundy affect Lender's rights in the Property (such c�s a
<br /> �„ �,���_ 3.,;r�1!.:;' procc�eding in bunkruptcy,probate, for condemnation ar forfeiwre o�to enfix�:e luws or regulations), then I.ender may do:►nd
<br /> �'" �r�=� for whatever ia nocesse to rotect the vulue of�he Pm rt and Lender's ri hts in the Pro n l.ender's actions ma
<br /> PaY �'Y P PQ Y R Pe Y• Y
<br /> •� ��'• ��^ �`�� : include paying any sums secureJ by a lien which hus priority nver this Security Instrument, uppeuring in coun, paying
<br /> ,�:!;• ...:- . ,
<br /> *�,� �r.,�,w•• - :.<, reasonable attorneys'fees und entering on the PropeRy to mokc repairs.Althou�h I.ender may tuke uction under this paragraph
<br /> , ,. ?,l.ender does not Fiuve to do so.
<br />' � 1 �� s� Any umounts Jisbursed by LenJer under this purugraph 7 shull becume additinn�l debt uf Borrow•er secured by this
<br /> �:;;
<br /> Securiry Inswment. Unlexs Bora�wer und LenJer agrcc to athrr temis of paymcn�. Ihese amounts shull bear interest from �he
<br /> " - ' � date of disbursemem ut the Note nte und shall be payuble, with interest, upcin natice fmm Lender to Borrower requecti�g
<br /> . • ,�� , payment.
<br />� .. a;:i�-_ .. _::. '»
<br /> �,` ;�x��- 8.MoMqage It�surnaee.lf l.ender reyuired mortguge insurunce u�a conditian af muking the loan secured by this Security
<br />;•�,� � � _ Inswment, Borrower shull puy Ihe prerniumti requir�vi to maintvin the mortguge insurunce in effcrt. If, tor uny reason, the
<br />, ` mortgage insumnce mvcrugc R•quired by L.ender Ivp�c�ur rca+es to bc in effert.&�rrow�r shull pay the premiums nquircd to
<br /> �� 8 Y �9 8F P ' Y� Y�9
<br /> � obtain rnveru e subs�untiull uivulent w the mon u e insurunce rcvi�u,l �n effixt,ut u r�is� tiubstvntiall uivulent to the
<br /> • � ��- •�'�`' "' . cost ta Borrower of the mnrtguge insurunce previously in effrrt, frum un altrriwte martgugr insurcr appmvc�! by Lendcr. If
<br /> � � substuntially equivalent mortgage insurancc cuverrge i.n��t availuble, Borruwer .hull pay tu l.cnder earh month v xum eyuul to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly nwrtgage in,uranc�pRmium being paid by Borrowu when�hr insuranrc cuverage lupu�i or ceased to
<br /> " ,,a be in effect.lxnder will aa�:pt,us�wxl retuin thr�e puymrntx as o lo�s reservr in lieu of mnnguge imumnce. Lo.. rtxrve
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