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<br /> - 17.Tct�asfer at the Ptnperty or a HeneOcisd Interest In Borrower.lf all ur any part of the Property or any lntcrest in it
<br /> — is sold or tran�ferred(ar if a beneticiut intercat in Bonawcr ir r;ald or tran.cfermd and Borrower is nM a oawral person)withaut
<br /> L�endcr's prior wrilten consent. L.ender may, at ita optian, roquire immaliute puyment in full of all sum� �ccural by this
<br /> _. Security Instrument. However, Ihis option chall not be txerciseci by l.ender if exere�tie is pr��hibital by feJer�l ILw ux oi the Jyte
<br /> � �'•`°•`° of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> � ��� Af Lender exereises this option, l.enJer shell give Borrowrr notiee oP�ceelcratiun. The nutice shull provide u�xriod�►f nc►t
<br /> :�,� Icss thnn 30 days from the date the notice is delivercci or mailod within which Borruwer must pay ull sumw sa:ura! by thi�
<br /> � Security Inxtrun�nt. If Horrawer failr ta pay Ihese humti priur U.�1hc cxpirution�f this periai, Lender tn�y invuke any remedies
<br /> .��' permitted by this Secunty Instrument without further nalice ur clemand on Barrawcr.
<br /> ° ; , 18. Borrower's Right to Reinst�te. if Bonawer mccts ccrtain conJitians, Bonowcr shall havc thc right tu huvc
<br /> ' enforccment of this Security lastn►ment discantinued at any timc prior to the wrlier of: (a) S days (or �urh Whcr periud ar
<br /> npplicable law may specify for rcinstatemenU before sale af the Property punwint to any puwer of wle cantained in this
<br /> �'`'"`' " Security Instrument; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Thase conditions ure that&�rrnwer:(a)pays
<br /> �z$=��sA�;�� l.ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Iastrument und the Note as if no acceleratic►n had c�ccurred; (b)
<br /> -- �:3 .,•.�.:,, � - cures any defautt uf any uther cavenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurceci in enfurcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> �`����ti' including, but nat limited to, reasanable nttarneys' fees;and(d)takes such a.tion us Lendcr nwy reasanably rcquirc to as.r•ure
<br /> � that the lien of this Securiry Insttument. I.ender's rights in Ihe Praperty aid Bormwer's obligation to pay the sums u;cured by
<br /> —�� this Security Instrument shall continue unchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Barrower, this 5ecunty Instrument x�xi the
<br /> „�, ,,,,� _ obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration h:id occurcal. However, this right to rein.ctute shall
<br /> ��-t••-�� �`� not rpply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> � �.A- ..•;.
<br /> �° 19. Sale ot Note; Chan�e of I.oan Servicer. The Note ar a p,�rtial intercst in the Nae (together with this Security
<br /> �i.-::�'.a;.:.•.���• Instrumeny may M sold one or more timcs without prior natice to&�ROwcr. A sale may result in a changc in the cntity(known
<br /> -,. .. ;:..,
<br /> _"-� �;.;,;.�:.,y�;« ac the "Laan Servicer")that wllects monthly payments due under the Note anJ thi�Serurlty In+tru���nt. There also may one
<br /> :� �, �.►k.s..-::+ti+�., or mare changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is u change��f the Loun Servicer.Borruwer will be
<br /> �-�+=�•!`=Y�•+`-`��-• givcn written notice of thc chunge in acrnrdance with p:�ragraph 14 above and applicable law. The rwticc will state the nunx nnd
<br /> „' . „ . address of the new Losui Servicer and the uddress to whirh payments should be made. Tt�e n��tice will also contain any other
<br /> ~:� - ^ information rcquired by applicable Iaw.
<br />" � , .. " � " 20. Hazardoux Substanees. Borrower shall not cuutie or pem�it the presence, use, ditiposul, storage, or release of any
<br /> ' ; � ' Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not du, nor allow anyunc els� tu do, anything uffecting Ihe
<br /> r• Praperty that is in violation of uny Enviranmental Law. Thc prcccding two sentences shall not upply tu thc prescnce, uxe, ur
<br /> � . �a ,- storage on the Pro�rty of anmll yuantities af Ha•r.�►rdour Substrdnce+ that are generully recogniutil to be uppropriute to nornwl
<br /> .. " residential uxrs and ta muintcnance nf the Pruperty.
<br /> • � • � , a,� &�irawcr shull prampdy give Lcnder writtcn notice af uny investigs+tion, claim, demand, lawsuit or uther uction by su�y
<br /> . ,;, governmental or regul�tory ugency or private party involving the Property und any Hauardous Substnnce ur Enviwnmentrl L.aw
<br /> of which Borrower has s►etual knc►wledge. If Borrower leurn�, or i, notitied by any govemmental or regulu�ary uuthority, that
<br /> --� - -�"°"--"�-x any removal or other remediauan ot�itiy Nazardous Subctunce nffecting ti�e i'ropeny i�ncces.+ary. Hurn�wcr�iutif promptly UfkC
<br /> - all ncccswry rcmcclial uctions in ucrordnncc with Environmcntul Law.
<br /> ' _ , As usc�l in this paragruph 20, "H:�sudouti Substances"arr thoae substances drfin�Y1�� toxic or h�rdous substrnce�by
<br /> ° � Envin►nmental L.aw unJ the tiillowing subtitances: ga.+oliix, kenisene. �xh�r tlumm•rble or toxic petroleum produrtti, toxir
<br /> � pestieides and hrrbieiJcs, vulutile salvents,muteriul.cuntuiniug a�tx.rtuti ur formalJrhyde,and r,ulioactive material�. As u+e.�cl in
<br /> „ " thix par:�graph 20, "Environmcntal Luw" mcans feJcr�l laws and laws uf the juriuliction whcre the Property is lacated that
<br /> �.,,.,, ; A •; relute to heAlth,safety or envirunmcntul protcrtion.
<br /> •- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &�rr�►wcr and Lcndrr funhcr riwrn•rnt anc!�grcr:u folluwti:
<br /> � ` 2l.Accelerntiun;Remedte4. t.ender,hall�ive notice tu BurruNCr priur to accelerallon following Borrower's breach
<br /> . � � oP any covenant ur agrccment in thix tircurity Instrumeut Ibut not prior to acceleraNun under parpgraph l7 unless
<br /> '„� • app8cable law pruvides Whe�ri.tie).The nuticr xhall speail'y: (a) the defuult; (b)the action required to cure the dei'ault;
<br /> y � •r (c)a date. nut Irsc than 30 days frum the date the nuti��a Ic Kiven to Borrower� by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> �' � �� (d) lhat failure iu cure the dei'ault on ur txfore Ihr date xp�rified in thr nutice mey result in acceleration uf the sums
<br /> �'�' ' �'"' secured by th�+ Se�urlty bistrumcnt und+�Ic of thc 1'ropert�•. Thc nutfce shall further inform Borrowtr ot thc right tu
<br /> �'�� ��.., reinstate ufter accelcralion and the rikht to brinp; a cuuM aMiun to u�+crt the non-cxititencr of a default ur any other
<br /> defense of Borrox•cr tu acceleration and tiale. If the dcfuult is �wt rured un or bePurr lhe ds�te spc�cifled in the notice.
<br /> � , �^a�' .. ° Lender. at its option. ma�• requirc immcdiatc pa��ment in full of all sumti secun�d bv this tiecurity Instrument without
<br /> � further demand and m�y im�okr the puNer uf sale and an� othcr nm�di��permitted by applicable Is�w. I.ender stwll be
<br /> ' • "'� ° � entitled tu c40�rt all expen�es inrurred io�unuing Ihe rcmcdirs pruvided in thtti paragraph 21,including.but not limited
<br /> - s•��="'��� � to.rexwnable attorneyz' iraw and cutitx of Ritle e�•idence.
<br /> If the pow•er uY sule ix im•uk�vl, Tru.tec .hall nrord u notire ui'defvult In cach cuunty in which any part oP the
<br /> Property is lucated und shall mail cupi�of such nutice fn the manner pnwcribed b��uppficable law� to Bom►wer and to
<br /> " ,�•• �~ the other perwnc presrrlbed br•applicublc la�+. Aitcr thc timc rcyuin�d b��npplicablc la��.Tru,1��e tih�ll give public nutice
<br /> - ' � of sule to the personc and in the manner pr�scrllxd b� applicuble lu��.Tru+tee. a�ithuut demand on Borruwrr.shall sell
<br /> .. ' .,'�.�.� , .. the i'roperty at public uuctiun tu the hly;he�t bidder at the Ilme und pla�r and under the term+desi�;nated in the notice oP
<br /> " " � suule in unc ur morr purcclx und in any order Truxt�r determin�w. Tru+t��a ma� postpme�ale uf all or am parcel uf thr
<br /> � "�',. Prupert}• by� publir unnuuncement at the time und place uf an�• prrviuu.,lr +cheduled.alr. Leuder ur its designe�may
<br /> purcha.+r the Property�t yn�wlr.
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