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�`�,�� �F�� � " r + �f �fTlr � .r_ .�_...__". ' � S� .rvA� <br /> � . <br /> ._ <br />- , --- -� . _ .. .. . <br /> . . _ _ - <br /> ��!- -..� --�� —�- _-_- ��.IV -,..---.-._. .... <br /> _� , 92- <br /> - --- - - S. Haz�rd or P�xiiy Wcurauce. Burrower alwli kcep the impravertKnt�now e�d�dnQ or her�after ct�ectal on the <br /> Property iawred a�aioct loss by flrc. Iu�N� includod within tho term "ezteoded coven�e"�nd�ny otlbr hs�urda,Lralu4�y <br /> floods or flaading,for wMch Lender requires insurance.This insuratxx shall bo malntuined in tha amounts ond for Ihe per�ad� <br /> thut l.ender requires. Thu insurance csurier providing the insuronce shall be chosen by Barrower subjoci to Lender's approvpl <br /> which shull nat be unreasonubly wlthhcld. If tiorrowcr fuils to maint�in coverage described abova, Lender rnay.u L�enda�'� <br /> option,obtain covera�e tu pmtxt L.ender's rlghts in the Property in accordance wilh parngrnph 7. <br /> �_____._=,-- __� All insurw�ce pnlicies and renewds siwll be accoptable to Lender and ahall iaciude A stru�dand mortgage clwta. t.a�dd' <br /> shall iwve thG right to hold the policles and rcnowuls. If l.endcr requires,Borrower shell promptly give to l.ender all reoeipu of <br /> �-� paid premiums and renewal notices. In�he event af�Dorrower chall Qive prompt notice to the inwanoa canier�a�cl i.aider. ° <br />�der may melce praof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower. <br /> Unle.s.s I.ender and Sorrower othcrwlse agree in wdting.lnsurance praoeeda shall bc applied to rcswration or�epair of the <br /> _ Praperty demegad,if the nwtoration or repair is cxonomicblly feasible and Lender's socurity is aot les.genod.If tho t+atoration or <br /> __,_ ____ rep�ir is not economically feasible or Lender's secudty would be les�enod.the insu�ance procads slwll be Applied to the wtru <br /> socured by this Security Insuument. whether or not then due, with any eacess paid to 8arrower. If Bomawer ab�ndom tha <br /> _ Propeny�or dces not unswer within 30 days a notice from i.ender that the insurance carrier has offered w settle a claim,tlxn <br /> — Lender tnAy collect the insurance procoada. l.ender may use the proceats to r�epafr or restore the PropeRy or w pay wats <br /> �� serurcd by this Security Instniment.whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod will begin when the notice i�given. � <br /> — Unlesa I.ender and Borrower otherwfse agres in w�iting, any application af proceeds to pcincipal ehall not exte�d or <br /> postpone thc due date of the monthly payments rafcrred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or chenge the amount of the p�ymenta. If <br /> -_- --- ------� uiber paragraph 21 the Property is ucquired by i.ender. Borrower's r�ght to any insurance policles wul p�ncads�esulting froue <br /> �--�-•��-��-� demage to the Property prior to tbe acquir�idon shall pass to I.ender to tho extent of the surna securod by this Seturity Instrua�ent <br /> � ���� immediutely pdor to the acquiRition. <br />-__=y����, 5.Q'CCiiI��Yr P�it6Eii�dllull�i�ZBIUtiNWliaf dii3 Pi'fitfCZI01i 6t Z�iC PI'Oj3ti'��;SO!!'OtYCl�S LO:!!!A�ICII�4II�L��al�. <br /> _ _. Horrawer ahall occupy,estal�lish.end use �he Propeny as Borrower's principal resideacc within siary days after the caocution of <br /> :�,�;;�F��.N� this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year After <br /> --___--- the date of occupancy.unless L.ender o�henvise agrees in w�iting. which wnsent shell not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> - extenuuting circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bonower shall not destroy. damage or impair the <br /> -=,�'��'� Properry. ullow the Property to deterioratc, or cammit wastc on the Property. Borrower shell be in default if any forfeituro <br /> - action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment cauld result in forfefture of the <br /> � Prc►perry or otherwise muterially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Horrower may <br /> — ����C Sl�ril A�I!'TAUIt flll�tC�115t8IC, es provided in paragraph ! ceusing the action or prncetding to be dlsmisstd with a nrldng <br /> ��'"Y <br /> :�• �,;;; that, in I.ender's gaad faith determination, precludes forfeiture of thc Borrower's inter�est in the Property or other material <br /> .:i�;i�,r'>�•���'�b�• , impairment of the lien creutod by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower shall elso be in default if <br /> "'—' �'''�-•�'�{�,� Borrower,dudng the lonn applicaiion process. gave materially false or inaccurate inforniation or statements to I.ender(or failed <br /> -�'�'�-''^��`-�° � to provide l.ender with uny material infornwtion)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. including,but nat limited <br /> �:.:,�,.,;;��:.� ' <br /> :� to,representations concerning Borrower's occupuncy af the Praperty as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> -_-�" '�•," leasehold, Borrower shall camply with all the provisions of the lepse. If p.�►rrower acquires fee title to the Property, the <br /> ,;�,..._�,y. "� le,asehold and the fee title shall not merge uoless Lender ugrees to the merger in writing. <br /> xs 7.Proteetlon of I.ender's Ri�hts In the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and Agreements contained in <br /> ,,,�.,�;�,,..� i this Socurity Instrument, or �herc is u k�al proceeding thut may signiflcuntly affect Lender's rlghts in the Property(such as a <br /> .������. : ,.;, <br /> .�,�j.. _ � procceding in bankruptcy. probute, forco�xlemnatian ur forfeiwre or to enforce luws or regulutions), then l.ender may do and <br /> ,�,}; ° � I pay for whutever is necessary to pr�tect the vulue of the Property and L.endcr's rights in the Property. Lcnder's actions may <br />--' �-�"�� � include paying ar�y sums sccureJ by u lien which hus priority nver this Security Instrument, appearing in wurt, paying <br /> •� ��` �° ' ' reazonable attomeys' fees and entering on the Pmperty to muke repairs. Although Lender may takc uction under this paragtaph <br /> �� .. . <br />_.__�. . '`':rfl.�.-�' . 7.I,ender dces not have to do so. <br /> Y"'�"� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pArugrs►ph 7 zhall become udditi�nul debt of Borrawer secured by this <br /> __�.�•:'H f:�.'Of:'0�5� <br /> - �o�;;�•�'•%•��• �r r.� Security Inatrument. Unless Borrower und[.,�:ndcr ugrec to other tcrms of p•ryment,thesc umounts shull bear interest from the <br /> :�r. ...._�. " ••' ° dote of disbursement at the Note ratc and shall he payablc, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower tequesting <br /> ,�,,,�:d�=. <br /> ' �-��� payment. <br /> v.. .��:-:. ' 8.Mort <br />�:�,. �.�� Rage Insurpnee.lf Lender rcyuir��l monga�CC insurunce as u condition uf making�he lonn secured by this Security <br /> —�'^^ lnstrument, Borrower shull pay tht: prcmiums myuin�l to maintain the monguge inxurance in effect. If, for uny reuson, the <br /> '°�` •��t��� � mongage insurnnce coverage required by I.ender lupK,or rwscs to bc in effcct, Burrowcr shull pay the premiums required to <br /> � , obtnin coverage substantiully equivulent to dx: mongage insuruncc previuusly in effi,�ct, u�u rost �ubsts►ntiully eyuiv�lent to the <br /> �..., .�• ,,b;,r...: <br />. � ...,.,, .-. .. cost to Borcower of the mortga�e insurance previously in eff'ect, from un alternate mortguge insurer upproved by Lender. If <br /> ��- '"?""'��'` , substnntially equivnlent mortguge insurnnce cover;�ge is ix�t avuiluble. Burruwer,hall pay ai L.ender euch month a yum eyual to _ <br /> f_,a:_�_- one-twelRh of Ihc ycarly mortgage insuranre premium Ixing paid by Burrow•cr whcn Ihr intiuruiwc cuvcruge lapuxl or cr.used to _ <br /> °•F be in effect. L.ender will accept,uu�nJ r�wii�theac payments as u loss rescrve in lieu oi' mortgAge insurance. Lnss re�erve <br /> n.. , o Form 3028 918Q � <br /> ^ .. M11p�9 0l 8 <br /> .s. „ s.,.. . <br /> i „ <br /> . _ <br /> . - <br /> � �. . � <br /> � . .. � .--�.-.�_�. _ � _ _ d- . . .. . _ . _'_. - -- �.- <br /> . A. . . . -f 4i iv�- �i'ft':.Y'. .. .... . . . � 1 <br /> r• . <br />���-vk. ' �.i•1+f^�f� ' I__�___ <br /> . __ .-_.-_ --.. ..._ .--.-_�_� �.�. .__ � _ � � ____ _�.� - _ _ _ <br /> ' .. ' ... ... � <br /> _.._ __ ____-_ ._- - _ __._ . ._--_.-.� . _. _.__..__ "_._ . _.'_" _:_ '_ '. . . ... .. . _'_ __�.___.___ .._._._.._.. .._'..:_ __ _. . <br /> -�_-_�- _- . .. <br /> , J a�-. .•� . . <br /> R.• . V '. , 4 �• <br /> y • <br /> w..x. , .. � �. . <br /> , �b•.. � ,. - , .. . . . . <br /> _ .. ; ��' . , . _ .. .. � .. .. <br /> , t• <br /> � ' , y .. , � <br /> ' <br /> , • . <br /> i , �� <br />