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<br /> --_ ___-_---� 7'QC3ETHER�VITH u!I Ihe improvements ix►w or hereafter erected on thc property.ud�II e�sema�q.wpqtrte�t►oa.Wd
<br /> fiuturcr now or herc�tier A part of the property. All replacemenis and rddidons ehall alco bo coverod by thls Srcudty
<br /> inu�vment.All of the Porcgoin� ie referted to in thia Socurity Inctrumeau�Iho"Property.`
<br /> -�" - — BORROWfiR COVBNANT3 thAt Horrower is Ipwfully ceisod of!he estate hereby conveyed and haa d�t dght w �nnt rnd
<br /> ' ronvcy the Property ond lhat lhe Property is uneticumberod, cxapt for encumb� of t+xard. Hormwsr wudnRS�nd will
<br /> dofaw!generolly thc litle to the PropeAy agoinst pll claimo t+nd denwndw,subJxt to sny encumbruncea of rccord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS7'RUMENT combioes unlform oovenantx for natiorwl uce and non-wilforra oovw�m4 with Umited
<br /> �� ----- —� variqtions by ju�icdiqion to constituro a unit'arm seeurf�y iiw�rument eoverin�real propecty. �
<br /> UNIPORM COVBNANTS. Burrower and l.ender covenant ond agrce ar follow�: ^
<br /> 1, Payment ot Pdnctp�l And Intenct; Prepaymd�t wnd I.Ate ClwrQer. Bonower shall prompdp pay wl�ea due th�e� •
<br /> princlpol of ond intercst on che dcbt evldenood by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due undu tho Note.
<br /> 2.I�'und�tor Taxa and InwrAnce. SubJoct to applic�ble law or to a written waiver by Lender�Bonawer ahall pay to
<br /> __,,__� _.__ ,._ __ -_,
<br /> l.cnder on�he day monthly payments arc due under the Note.until the Note is paid in Pull,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeul y tud
<br /> ond assessments which may anein priodry over this 5ecurfty Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leageh paymente
<br /> or ground►enta on the Property. if uny;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance prcmiums;(d)yearly flood in�uranoe pn�ums.
<br /> if any;(c)yearly mortgage in�urance premiums, if any;and(� any sums payablo by Borrower to t�ecxler. in aoco�daru,c w1Rh
<br /> - ttie provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortge�e insurence premiutns.These items oro callad"Escrow Item�.' ,
<br /> _ Lender may, at any tirnc, colloct and ho1Q Funds in a�amount not to eacced the ma�cimum amount a lendcr for a fodenlly, ,
<br /> � related mongage loan rn�y requirc for Borrowcr's escrow account under the fedcral Real Estetc Setllement Proc�edurea Act af
<br /> _ _: _ 1974�s amended from time ta time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2fi01 et seq. ('[tESPA"),u�less enother law thAt appHes to tho Fwda �
<br /> �- seta a ksser amount. If sa. I.ender may. at a�y time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exaed the ies�er amwnt. '
<br /> �- - - - - I.ender may estimatc the amount of Funds due on the basis of currcnt deta and t�asonab�e atimotes of expcndituraa of fuwro
<br /> ,���_�tm F�mw Ite.ms or�thervvise in accordwrce with applicable law.
<br /> ="� � The Funds shall be held in an institution whosc deposits ar+e insured by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entlty
<br /> __ ,,,:.` (including I.ender, if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall apply the Funda w pay li'�e ,
<br /> '�• Escrow Items. Lender rnay not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> � verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its l.e�der W make such
<br /> ` ' a chargc. However.I.ender may requirc Borrower to pay a one-time chargc for an independent real estatc tax repoAing service
<br /> ��� used by Lender in connection with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless en agrxment is made or
<br /> '�'�' applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requirad to pay Borrdwer any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ' — Borrower and I.ender rnay agree in writing, however. that interest shell be paid on the Funds. Lender shull give to Borrower.
<br /> _ • ;•y��.r . without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and [he purpose ior which cac.-i�
<br /> :+�w.:i��: debit to the Funds was m�de.The Funds are pledged as additional security for nll sums secured by this Security Instmment.
<br /> ''°�' ;,�:;�' If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the umounts permittad to be held by upplicuble lew,Lender sbnll account to Borrower
<br /> ,�, ' ,
<br /> x'�`�'L�� F.'"' for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender at any
<br /> . .rr, ....._
<br /> = ' """`' �-`' `' ' time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bor�'awer in writing, and,in such case Borrower
<br /> �• ��J �;,.: � shall pay to L.ender the wnount necessary to make up the deficiency. Horrower shall make up the def7ciency in no more than
<br /> _':; :��'ewt .:�:���:,; ,x�,�� twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretiun.
<br /> ,'=. .•;r��.�� y�..� � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> �+ ' '�►e'�N'�"`'w '�•� Funds held by Lendcr. If,under purngraph 21,Lendcr shull acquirc or sell the Property,L.endcr,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> � � :t,t4�;•µ:. � :F��� of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at�he time of ecquisition or sale as a credit againat the sums secured by
<br /> ' w.41�3...•..4:..ti•..:.:.
<br /> «w+ti.�-- .<:-,' this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> . ;,.,,,,.:.. ., ,.
<br /> :.: � ��.r=.�;....... � 3.Applicatlon of Payments.Unless applicAbic law provides athenvise,all payments received by Lender under paregraphs
<br /> y•1t wiA►.�i����•• 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to uny prepayment charges Jue under the Nate; second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> �"°: �''^:". /�' third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;und last.to uny late churges due under the Note.
<br />'^,�; � _ �;;�,;,,:;,, a- 4.Charges; Llens,Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessment�, churges, fincs und impositions attributable to�he Property
<br /> _: . �;;��,.;;.��'�' ` which may attain pdority over this Serurity Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if sury. Borrower shall pay
<br /> ..:,.� _.�
<br />_ _,,,�;,,,_,;;..;.__,t,;.� these obligations in the manncr provided in pasagruph 2,or if not puid fn that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> , .k =- � �.,M'�" to the person owed payment,Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lcnder ull notices of umounts w be:puiJ under this paragraph.
<br /> -,-` � ..".��.. _ � If Borrower makes these payments direcUy,Borrower shull promptly fumish t��Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> ... � -�,ry';,,€,;�,�•,�; "Q.. Borrower shall promptly discharge Any lien which has prioriry over thi�Sc�urity In,trument unless Bnrrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> , writing to�he payment of the ob�igation strured by thc lien in u manner ArccptuMlc a�Lendcr:(b)contes�s in gaod foith the lien
<br /> � by, or defends Against enforcement of thc lien in, Icgul prcx��edings which in the I.cixlcr's npininn operote to prevent the
<br /> • � � enPorcement of the lien;or (r)sccures from thc holder nf the licn an agrcement xntisPuctary a� Lcndcr sulwrdinating the lien to
<br /> �� *M���� ��*: this Securi�y Instrument.Ii'Lender Jetenninrti that uny part ol'the Pr�i�xny is �ubje�t tu a lien which muy uttain priarity over
<br />' .� • �°�°, this 5e�:urity Instrument.Lender may givc Borrower a notice idrntifying the lien. Borrc�wer shttll satist'y the lien ar take one or
<br /> ° � � more of the actions set forth above within 10 duys of�he giving uf n��tice.
<br /> ., . ��'• A �ti. ..� Form 3028 9190
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