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<br /> _ payrnctt�moy no Ion4ex tx roq�ired.u the option oP l.end�r, if manga�e inxu�ncc ooversige(in the w�wutu and for Ihe pafod
<br /> that Lender roquirea)ptovided by�n insurcr approvod by LeM1er�dn becomrs �vpilAble And ic abtafnad. Borrower sholl poY
<br /> tho prcmium: reyuiral ta mdntain mo„ga�e inwrance in effiL•t,or to provWe a losr r+eccrve,until the e�equiremcni for mort�qo
<br /> inwnnoe cnds in accordonco with any wriuen�yroement bctwaen Borrowcr and Lendcr or applirabie low.
<br /> � 9. Uupectloa. Lerrdu ar ila agent mxy ttwkc�raunnable entriea upon and inspcxtlons of Ihe Property. Lender rtull�ive
<br /> 8orrower notica ac tho time ot or pdor to an inspxtion specifyin�re�conable cauw far tho incpoction.
<br /> !0. Condemn�tbn.7'he proceeds of any award ar cl�im for damagea, dirocl or canscquentfal, in connectian w11h my
<br />` �_ -- "v�' condemnadon or other trkin�of w�y put of tho Pnrperty.ur fvr uunvayw�in liesu uf cornia�uw�ion. w�e hereby wwiQiwd w�d -
<br /> -, ahall be paid to I.cnder.
<br /> In the event of n total taking ot tho Propeny.the pracee�s shell be appilod to che sums secunod by this Security Inatrument,
<br /> whethtr ar not then duB, with any excess paid to Borrower. ]n Ihe event of a partial taking af the Property in which 1he fi�ir
<br /> rnarlcet valuc of the Pmperty immediately before the taking is equal to ar greater than the amcwot af tho�urnsr wocurod by thie
<br /> 5ecudty Instrument immediately before thc taking.unless Horrower and I.cnder otherwlse agree in writin�, the sutn4 sxund by
<br />- � this Securlty Instrument shall bc roduced by �he anwunt of the procade muiliplied by the fulluwing fr�etion: (a) t}ie wwl
<br /> emiwnt of the sums secured inun�diately beforc the taking.divided by (b) ihe fair metket value of the Propeaty immodiately
<br /> beforc the taking. Any balanco shalt be �aid to Borrower. In the event oP a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediatel�•before the teking ia less then the amount of thc sums securod immediately befaro the
<br /> teking, unkss Borrower and l..ender otherwise egree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provldea,tho pt+nc�od�shali
<br /> be opplied W the sums socured by this Security Insuument whether or not the cums are then due.
<br /> . ! __ ,� � If�he Praperty.is abudonod by Borrower,or if�after notice by Lendec to Borrower that thc condemnor offera ta meke an
<br /> award or settle a cl�im for damages.Borrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given.
<br /> -� - " Lendcr is wthodzed w collect and apply the proce�ds,at its aption. either to restoration or r�epnir of the Property or to the awns -.
<br /> - wv`Ilt'tlt hy Ihia G+n��ily invlrnment,whrthcr�r nnf fhen due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in w�iting,any applicatiun of proceeds to pr�nclpal shall not extend or
<br /> - — postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments referrcd ca In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of such payments.
<br /> ' 11.Borrower Not Rrleared;Forbearance By Lender Not w Wwlver. Extension of the time for payment or modifcation
<br /> = of amortization of ths sums secured by this Securlry Instrument grante�by[.ender to siny successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> -- -- nat operata to release the liability of thc o�iginal Borrower or BaROaer's successors in interest. [.ender shall not be rcquired to
<br /> --- oommence praceedings againet any suaessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othetwise modify AmoN�tion
<br /> --- - of t6c sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borcower or Borrower's
<br /> �� suocessors fn inte�est. Any forbearana by Lender in exerciaing eny right or ren�eciy shell not be e waiver of or preclude the
<br /> �� exercise of any right or remody.
<br /> --�•'°'�"°�"��=�•�`"�'� 12. Sucxesso� und AsslQns Bound;.Yolnt and Several I.i�biltty;Co-slRners. The covenants and agreementa of this
<br /> - �_�� Secudty Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors em! assigns of Lender and Bnrrower. subject to the provisions of -
<br /> —���`�`�"�'='jF'� paregrnph 17. Borrower's eovenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bortower who co-signs �his Security
<br /> _� K;�,,o-� ��.� InstNment but does not execute the Note:(a)is ca-signing this Securlty Instrument anly to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> _���}:::��..,
<br /> y.� � � :�'•.�r��:: �,• Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Secudty Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> -�Y�a '"`�� '" secured by Ihis Security Instrument:and (c)agrees that Lender and s�ny other Borrower may agree to extend,modiFy, forbear or
<br /> �"'`��� make any accommodetions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> _ ��.• w
<br /> ;, ^! 13. Loan Chn�es. If the loan socured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> _ ���;y; and thut law is finully inteipreted so that the interest or other loan churges collected or to be collected in conneclion with the
<br /> .•� loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such loan chs�rge shall be reduced by the umount necessary ta reduce the charge
<br /> �"� ta the permitted limir and(b) any sums ulre.udy callectcd from Borrower whirh exccaled permitted limits will be refunded to
<br />�' Borcower. Lender may choc�se �o muke this refunJ by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br />"-`,;�� -- payment to Borrower. If a refund raciuces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment withoW sny
<br /> � p�epayment charge under the Note.
<br /> =��= ' ,,�� 14. Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shull be given by deli!�ering it or by mailing
<br /> �.;;.��`;�•�;._.�;, .,x._ �; it by first class mail unless upplicable law reyuires use of unother methocl.The n�nice shull be directed to the Property Address
<br /> - `� .r-•�,:?-.� or nny other �ddress Borrower designntes by notice to Lendcr. Any notire to Lendcr tihall be given by first class mnil to
<br />-� � �'".' � �,.~ L.ender's address steted herein or ony other address Lender designutes by ncHicc tu Borruwcr. Any notice provided for in this
<br />�ti Security Instrument shull be dcemed to hAVe been given to Aorrower or L.endcr when given us provided in this paragrsiph.
<br />;�: "" �t:ti:= 15.Covcrning I.aw; Severnbillty. This Security Instrumen� shull be governeJ by federul luw and Ihe law ofthe
<br />- bv.+,.
<br /> w••e = jurisdiction in which the Propeny is la:uted. In the event that any provision ur clau�e of this Srcurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> j1.`��� � .: conflicts with applicable luw,such con0ict shall not uffect other provisions�if this Scruriry Instrument or the Note which can be -
<br />��" ��"""'�'4i iven effect without the conflictin rovision.To this end the rovisions of Ihiz Securit Instrument und the Note ure declared
<br /> �� _:,: .� .� 8 SP p Y _
<br />- - a��.• � to be sevcr�ble.
<br /> . 16. Borrower's Copy.Burrower shall bc:given one confornmJ�ropy of thc Note unJ of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � � . . Form 3028 9/90
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