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<br /> ' condemnadon or other talcing of any purt of thc Prapeny.a far canveyonce in licu of condemnation,aro hereby iw+i�ned wnd
<br /> _ --- shall bc pald to Lendcr.
<br /> ---_ --- In the event of a to[al tuking of tha Propeny,the proceeds shpll be applied lo the aums secur+ed by Ihir� Security
<br /> '•. � Ir��trument,whelhcr or not then duc.with any cxcess paid to Borrower. In Ihe evem of'n psutiul taking of the P�raperty in
<br /> - which thc fulr market value of thc Properly immediately before�he�Wcing is equal to or greater thon the wnount of the sums
<br /> - r,ecured by this Security Ina�rument immediutely before the tuking,unless Barrower nnd L.ender othervvfs�:ugree in writing,
<br /> ��3---- --' the Ruma secured by �his Secudty Insdvment shull ba reduced by the amount of the praceeds multiplied by the foltowing
<br /> '�� fraction: (a)ihe tatril amount af the sums secured irnmedlutely before�he taking,divided by(b)the fnir morket valuo of the
<br /> Pmpeny immediately before the tnking. Any balaoce shall ba puid to Borrower. In the event of a puniul tWcing of the
<br /> Property in which the foir market valuc of the Propedy immediately before the taking is les�lhun the Amount af the sums
<br /> secured immediately before the tnking, unlesR Borrower and l.ender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicable Inw
<br /> — _===--=---= othenvlise provides,tt�e proceeda shall be applied�o the sums secured by this Security Inatrument whether or n�t the surns are
<br /> then due.
<br /> "�"�"'"'°"""�'�� If the Property is abnndoned by Barrower,or if.after no[ice by Lender to 8orrowcr that ihc condemnor oiferx ro make
<br /> ����a��
<br /> _���� an nward or settle a claim for demages,Borrower iails to respond to Lender within 30 duys after the dnte the naice is given.
<br /> Lender is uuthorized to coUect and upply the praceeds, at itti option, either to reatorntion or repAir of the Property or to the
<br /> ---�:�•�-s�:�•� sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whetheror not then due.
<br /> - Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise ugree in wrlling,any applicntian af proceeds ta principal shall nnt exlend or
<br />-'�'- postpone the due dnte of the month!y paymenta referred to in pnragrnphs 1 wid 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> -- _--= - 11. Borrower Not ReleASed; Fbrbcarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> �-��•-�.;��;�o,;;;_� modification of amortization of the sumr+secured by Ihis Secudly Instrument grnnted By Lender to any xuccesru�r in In�erest
<br /> . -"'- of Borrower shall not operute to relcosc�he liubility of tAe originAl Borrower or 8orrower's successo�s in interest.Lender
<br /> . --�.:r..a�►x:�rxau,3,.�
<br /> -���_�. -�^:�.- shall not be reyuired to commence proceedings aguinst eny successor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> • 'Sr;,.'�:;J._,r..,±*.,�
<br /> .:��.��,.. .. . ,,., otherwise modify umortizntion of�he sums secured by�his Security Instn�ment by reuson of uny demand mude by the original
<br /> "'"'�'����xw�� ��. Borrower or Borrower�successor.s in interest. Any forbeuance by Lender In eaercising nny right or remedy shall not bc a -
<br /> -�����d��� waiver of or preclude�he exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> -_°-��'`'��`��•°'��' �' 12. Successons und Assi ns Bound;Joint and Several L(ebtllt ; Casi ners. The covenants and u reements of this -
<br /> �,rr,;.;.��,�. B Y � 8
<br /> �=,..�.,�.,�.,�+:`� Seeu�lty Instrument shall bind und benefit �he successors and assigns of Lender ond eorrower,subjeci to the provisions of
<br /> .;����., paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants nnd agrrement�shall be jaint and seve�al.Any BoROwer who co-signs Ihis Security
<br /> j ��F.K�. ..,rr)g�'��'� Instrument but dces nat execute the Note: (u)iK co-,�igning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grnnl nnd convey thet
<br /> ������w�;= Borrower's interest in the Prapeny under�he terms af this Secud�y Instrumem: (b)is not persanally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> _��^g;,,'� " ��,°;�;���T secured by this Securiry Ingirumenr,and(c)agrees that Lender nnd uny other Borrower muy ngme to ex�end,madify,forbear _
<br /> - -,_�,; or make any accommodations wlth regurti to the termti of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrnwerh
<br /> —��i Cui1ri211i.
<br /> --. �•������y'' 13. Loan Charges. If�he loan secured by thic Security Instrument is xubject to a law which se4�c muximum loan
<br /> -- charges,nnd thnt law is finally interpreted so thut the interest or other loan charges collected or�o be collected in connection
<br /> - � W •->=='•+ with the loan excecd the pertnitted limits,then: (a)nny such loun churge shull be reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce
<br /> •��i'-�� the churge to the permilted limit;und(b)any sums ulreudy collected from Borcower which exceeded permitted 8mits will be
<br /> y� �'�r. '�� � �"�� refunded to Borrower. I.ender muy chaose to muke this re(und by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by making n
<br /> :;�, direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principul,�he reductian will be treuted u.g a p�uti�l prepuyment without any
<br />--"�' � .+�-" ... . " �� prepuyment ch�+rge under the Nate. -�
<br /> `�' �"� �.'''' q�' 14. NoNces. Any notire to Borrower provided for in �his Secunty Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> • , � ., "� mailing it by fi��cluss mail unlrsx upplicuhle law reyuirc,use of unothcr mclhod.Thc notire tihull bc directed to the Propeny -_.
<br /> • _ ,�;,, ,� _ ;�� Address or uny other uddresy Borrower designuteti by nolice to Leixler. Any notice to Lender shall lx given by first clatis
<br />_ . • ° � mail ro Lender's address sta�ed herein or uny othcr address Lender dexi�nutex by notice ro Borrowcr. Any notice provided for -_
<br />_� ; � ; in this Security Instrument shull be Jcemed to havc br.•en�iven to Barrower or Lender when given us provided in this
<br />-_„�.,. � ..��„.. . . '�'"! purugroph.
<br /> _ , �,,,, , ls. CoverninR I.uw; Severubility. This Sccuray Instrumem xlu+ll Ix }�ovcrned by fcderal luw und the luw of the
<br /> '':�G • yti � jurisdiction in which thc Pro�xny iti lauted. In thc evcnt�hut any prov isiun or cluuzc of thi�Sccuriry Instrumeni or the Note
<br /> I=��, ��""`` ' "' canflicts wilh applicable luw,sucb contlict tihall not affect othcr provisions of this Security Imtrument or the Nwe which cun
<br /> -�+' ��'�,�, be Riven effect wilhout the contlictin�pmvision. To th is end 1he provisions of Ihis Securiry Instniment und Ihe Note Are R_
<br />_t�r� �.•• declered to be scvernble.
<br />;�n-:i•� , � .. 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower xh�ll Ix givrn one confimmJ capy of ihe Note and of this Serurily In�trument.
<br /> � .„ . 17. 7tonsPer of the Propert,v or a Beneficial Interest in Burrower. Uall or uny pan of the Property or uny interest in
<br /> • ���"- it is tiold or trAnsferrcd(or it'u Nencfici:d interes�in B��rmw�r is sold or tran�ferrcd und Borrowcr iti not n n�turnl person) -
<br /> f without Lender's rior wriuen�on�ent.LenJer mu at its o tion,rc uirc immeJiutr r ment in full of•rll sumx secured b
<br />.�► �� �, . p Y• P 4 P'Y Y
<br /> __ �'�' this Securily Instrument. Howrver,lhi+option shnll not t,e exemized by Lender if cxcrcisr iti prohibited by federul luw us of �
<br />` ? :' �.� �''' • the dnte of this Security In�trument. _
<br />��-�,`;. :,.���. If Lender excrci�e.r•this opliun,Lender xh•rll�ive Bc►rtower notire af accelcrution. The noticc shull provide a periad of -
<br /> not lesx thun 30 days from�he Jute the noti�:c is Jclivercd armailed wi�hin which Burrower mu�t puy all sums,ecured by this _
<br /> � Securiry Instrument. If Borrower fuils to p;�y tlx.c sunn�rior to the �xpiration of�hi. �xricxi. Lender muy invoke any --
<br /> „ � � remrdies permitted By this S��uri�y Ins�rumem N�iihi►w fu nher nutire ur Jcmmid i�n 8orruwrc -
<br /> . " 18. Itorrower's Ri�ht tu Reinstate. If Borrowcr nx cl.cenuin conJiti��nx, Fi�irrow�r .hall huvc thc right to huve _.
<br /> enforcemem uf�hi.Sccurity In+irumrnt Ji.runtiuur�i ai any timc priur iu the r.�rlirr uf: la1 5 d;�ys 1or tiuch other period ux
<br /> ,�� , tiinEle Family..Feank�fuMF�edde �Lr l�\IFOR�t I.V57'Nl'1fE1T•-Undimn c'uvrnani. 9/90 qrugr J r¢r��a�Xr�� —
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