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<br /> ' appqcable law may rpecify Cor reinatatement)bcfore sale of the Property purauant to any power oP salc contained in this i
<br /> Sccurity Inst�ument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thls Securiry Instrumen6 Those conditiana wo w�at Borrowcr. (u)
<br /> ;���� p��x [.ender�11 sums which then would be due under this Securky Inatrument and the Note as if no acceleratlon had �
<br /> - • acurr�d;(b)cures any dofault of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred lo enforcing this Secudty �
<br /> _ immirnent. including. but not Ilmited ta,reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)takcs such action as Lcndcr may reasonably
<br /> -- I� roquine w assure that the lien of this Securiry Inswment,Lenderu rlghts in the Property und Borrower's abligetion to pay Ihe
<br /> suma secured by this Security Inauument shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinswtement by Borrawer, this Security `
<br /> Insuument and the obligattons�ecurccl hereby shall rcmain fully effective as if no acceleration had occuROd. However.this _
<br /> � ri�ht to roinswta shall not apply in the case of acceleration under pnrngrnph 17.
<br /> 19. Sak of Notei Clwo�e ot Loan Servker. 'rhe Note or a partial in[erest in thc Note (together wlth this Secudty
<br /> __ Inslrument)moy be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a chunge in the entity
<br /> �..•.--�-.�-;� (known es the"Loan ServiFer")lhat collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Inswment. There also
<br /> --°"--="'��° rn�y be one or moro�ciar�gea of�the•Loan Setvicer unrclated to a sale of the Note. If there is a changc of the Loan Serviccr. _
<br /> � Borcower will be given written notica of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 ubove and appllcnble lew. The notice
<br /> — - wfll state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which puyments should be made. The notice will
<br /> =_��.��,'� also contain any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> - -- ?A. Hwardoua Substances. Borrower ehall not cause or permit the presence.use.disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> - -�=�'---�-�W� Heznrdous Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrower sball not do, nor sillow w�yo�x: el�� tu du,airyQdng affecting the _
<br /> �s��.� Property that fs in violutlon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shaU not appiy to the presence.use.or
<br /> ---�r�.�+=:'� storege on the Property of small quantities of Huzardous Substances that are generally recogniud to be appropriatc to norma!
<br /> -- - - ; ..�—�— raidcndal uscs and ta maintcnuncc of thc Property. -
<br /> ��;,�;�;����<i�z�
<br /> u=s�-;.�°_.;•.• Bomower ahall prompdy give I.ender w�itten notice of uny investlgation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other bction by any —
<br /> r' �"��'�` ovemmental or re ulato a enc or dvate involvin the Pro and tm Hu.:iru us Sub� mce or 1'nvi�onmen�4
<br /> - ,.`'•a' 1, r�i]k:n'.:i:�;�j`�;'y.• 8 B rY � Y P P�5' � P�Y Y ---
<br /> � �„�_ ,. ,,.:.,, Lew of which Horrower has actuul knowledge. If Borrower learns. or Is notified by any govemmental ur rcgulatoiy =
<br /> ---- � -�w ,,;,��'"•,� auU�oriry,that any removal or other remediauan of any Hazardous Substunce affecting ttie Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> .° ° ����"' �` ' shpll rom tl take all nesess remedial actions in accordnnce with Environmental Law.
<br /> ��:.�a,•., ,. P P Y �Y
<br /> _ �.��;�.,�,.«,,�..- As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Subsinnces"w�e those subs�ances de�nzd as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � � Envlronmental Law and�hu following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other ilammable or roxic petroleum praducts,toxic
<br /> '� �!�� ���-�^. �:�; pesticldes and herbicldes, volatfle solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> �,�:►�+':�.`:.;�.;. . used in this purngruph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of thc jurisdiction whc�the Propeny is located
<br /> ••r� '�'�;��-=� tlNt relatc w health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> .' `"'�'' ''� " NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br />___ _;.��`,�y���:��;�� 21. Accelemtlon;Remedies. Lender shall�ive notke to Borrower prior to acceleralbn Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> . � • .:w; ' - -. :-+ breach oi Any eovenant or agreement in this Security Insirumeni(but not prior ta acceieration under pamgmph I7
<br /> �� -� uoless applicable law provides otherwlse►. The notice shall specify: (a)the defaulh(b)the Action required to cure the
<br />=� � : � defwult;(c)A dAte,not less than 30 dAys from the date the notice fs given to Borrower.by which the dePault must be
<br /> a� � • cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure the default on or before the dale specified ip the notice mAy resull in accelerAtfon of
<br /> •� the sums secured by thts Security lnstrument s�nd sale oP the Property. The notice shall furlher inPorm Borrower oP
<br /> ''� the riRht to retnslate afler acceleration and the right to bring a court acNon to assert the non-existence of a default or
<br />;�' r�;��.••� "' apy other detense of Borrower to occeleralion and snle. IP lhe default is not cured on or before the dpte specified in
<br />;�-. • the notice.Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> , without further demand And may invoke the Mc�wer of sale and any other remedles permifted by applicable law �
<br /> �,�, , •„ ' V� � Lender ahall be entitled to c�llect all expenses incurred in pu�suing the remedies pruvlded in this paragraph 21. �
<br /> . .,,�.�• iacludiag,but not limited to.reasunable attorneys'fees and cost4 of title evidence.
<br /> � r �;� `' If the power of sale is invoked. 'I�ustee shall record a notice oP dei'ault in each county in whkh any part oP the =
<br /> �r'. ���� • ,• a;,;;k. property is located and ehall msil copies uf such nodce b the munner pre.scribed by applicuble law to Borrower and to
<br />