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Lender <br /> - — sholf liavo Ihe right to hold Iho policies w�d rcnewels. !f L.ender mqulrec,Borrower shall prompily�ive to L,ender ull rcceipts <br /> - oP paid prcmiums and rcncwul notices. In�he cvent of locs,Barrower�hall�ive pronipt notice to tho Inau�ance camer wid <br /> L.endcr. Lcnder may moke proof ot'loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ' <br /> Unlecs L.ender wnd Borrower otlxrwiK ugree in wrlting,insurance pracceds ahall be applied to testoralion or rcpair of <br /> the Property d�maged, if the resioration or repair is economicplly faacibla wxl Lxn�rk se�:urity Is nut Irnxencd. if li� - <br /> restorsuion or rcpair is not ec000micully fessible ar Lender� seecurity would be les�ened. the insurance praceedc shall be <br /> - _�_..._______ u�plied to the�sums ssecurcd by�hia Secudty lnstrument, whether or not then due,with any excess paid lo Borrower. If <br /> _ .�;;�:,�,��,� Bortower abandons the Praperty,or does not answer within 3Q days a natice from Lender thAt the insurance curtler has <br /> —�— offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collec�the insurnnce proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to rcpair or rcstore <br /> -- ___ the Proprrty or to pay sums eocured by this Secu�iry Insdument,whether or not�hen due. Thr 30-duy per�od wi116egin when <br /> _-- the notfce ix given. <br /> --� Unless I.eRder and Bairower othenvise ngree in writfng,any Applicatian of praceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> ';�,�� postpone the dua dute of tha manthly payments refemed to in pnragraphs I and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments. If <br /> — under paragraph 21 the Property is ncquited by Lender, Botrowerc �ight ta any insurance policies ond proceeds msulting <br /> �• from dumuge to the Property prior to the acquisitian ahall�wss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by ihis Secur�ty <br /> ��-,�,t_�� Inatrument immediately prior to the ucyuisiifon. <br /> --�'�-�- � 6. Occupancy, Pre�ervAdon, Matntenonce and Protecibn ot the Property; Borrower's Lot�n Applkwtiani <br /> -. �'�"`�� Leaseholda Borrower shall occupy.estA6Uah.und use the Property as Borro:�er'.s principul residence within slxty duys after <br /> '�'�'" the execution of this Securiry Instrument and ahall continue to occupy the Propeny o.s Borrawer's prfncipal residence for at <br /> � ` �'�� Ieast one yenr ufter the dete of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing, which consent sholl not be <br /> �;., :?�;f' � "'' un►eagonubly withheld,or unlesg extenuating circumstunces eaist which are beyond Borrower:s controi. Borrower shall not <br /> ' ��?�-} y g pu Properry,allow Ihc Property to deteriorntc,cr commit waste on the Property. Borrowcr shall <br /> ,_ d'��.,`•?..t� destro ,dame e or im ir the <br /> be in defuult if any farfeituro action or praceeding.whether civil or crlminal,ls begun that in Lender'�good failh judgment <br /> ° "�:•��:�°�°?�kN`• cauld result in forfeiturc of the Praperty or dherwise mate�lAlly impair the lien created by thia Security Insirument or <br /> `�� J :""'�s; �?�";� Lenderk security interest. Borrower rnay cure such a default und reinstate,�s provided in paragraph 1 R,by causing the action <br /> or prceeeding to 6c dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender i:gaad faith determination,precludea forfeiture of the Borrower�a <br /> _ «;_.'�j��-.<<�._. ;•�; incerest in the Pmpeny or other material Impaim�ent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Len�er's secur�ry <br /> �=;����' interest. Bormwer shall also 6e in defuult if Borrower. during the loan opplication process, gt►ve materi�lly fulse or <br /> - � •:•• - inaccurate inforntution or stalements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any mutedui informuNon) in cAnnection with <br /> - :- `'�"�`'�•'�,`,''�_�,-.� she laan cvidcnctx3 by ihc Raic, 'sa�tadi�g, twt not limitcd to. represcatations cancemir.g Sorrowert accupancy of ilte <br /> Property as u principal residence. If this Security Instrument is o�a leu.�ehold,Borrower shall comply witli all the provisions <br /> „ of thc lease. If Borrower ucquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold und the iec tltle shall not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> to the merger in writing. <br /> •• '�° ' R '" 7. Protectbn ot Lender's Rights In the Property. If Borrower fsuls to perform the covenents and agre,.ments <br /> , ' ' •.+'�a•: contained in this Secu�ity Instrument,or there is n legal proceeding thnt may sigoificnntly affect Ixnder's rights in the <br /> ' � F'ro�erty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce luws or n:gulauons).then <br /> Lender may do and puy for whutever is necessary to protect the vuluc of thc Properry und Lender's righ�s in the Property. <br /> ' - d . Lender:s actions may include payin� any�ums securcd by a lien which hus priority over Ihis Security Instrument,uppeuring <br /> - in court,paying rensonuble attomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny�o muke rcpairs.Although Lender may iuke uction <br /> 'z ;;. , �._, under this purngraph 7,Lender dacs nut huve to do so. <br /> .,,,� . Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this puragruph 7 shull become additionul debt of Bornawer secured by this <br /> ,�•`'c�' : ��' � .�:• Securiry Instntment. Unless Borcower and Lender�grce to olher tertns of puyment, umounts shull bear intercst from the <br /> �� : ��� __,�., • date of di�bursement at the Note rate ond shpll be paynblc,with interest,upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> - payment. <br /> �., _ .. ,, ,.. ,. <br /> „N y_ • -- S. Morfgage Iosurance. If Lender reyuired monguge insurnnce as u condilion of making the lu:u�secured by this <br /> �, Y .,,;,�;,, „ Security Instrument, Borruwer shull pny the premiums required to muin�nin the mortgage insuronce in effect. !f. for any <br /> � .; „ , M• re�.son, �he mortg�ge insurunce coverage reyuired by Lender lup�c� or ceases to be in efFect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> .. � • D*� premiums required to obtuin coveruge �ubstamiully eyuivulent to �he m��rtguge insurunce previously in effect, at u cost <br /> '•� ' `� substuntiully r.quivnlent to �he wst to Borrower of thc monguge in.r•urance previously in effect, from an altemate mongage <br /> .° ' ° � insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivulent mort�age insurance coveruge ix not uvuiluble.Borrower�hull pay to <br /> � ,3, , � Lender each monlh u sum eyuul to one•twelflh uf thc yrurly mortFagc imurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the - <br /> .• :� insurnnce coverage lupsed or ce;ued to Me in ei'fect. LenJer will ncecpt,usc and retain thesc payments us a losx n:�ervc in lieu <br /> � •� � ,�""�'•��•, of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve puyment�muy no longer lx reyuired, at �he option of Lender, if nwngage insurnnce - <br /> '�' � covera e(in the amount and fur the nad Ihut Lrndcr m uirez) rovidcJ b un insurer u rovcJ b Lender� am becomes — <br /> ,�"`. B P�� 4 p Y PP Y S � <br /> . uvniluble und is obwined.Borrower xhull pay the prcmium,reyuireJ tei muintuin m��rtgaFe in�urance in effect,or to provide u <br /> ; p �'�- � loss mserve,until the rcyuirement for mortgogc imurunce•rccord;mce wiih any written ugrcemrnt l►etwren Bormwer <br /> '. ' �.; and Lender or upplicuble luw. <br /> . 9. Inapection. Lender or its a�gcnt may makc rc�.,onublr cntrics upon:u�d impectiuns of the Prop�rty. Lcnder shull � <br /> ' give Bormwer notice at�hc time of or prior to:u�intipertion specifying reaxonuble cuu�e fiir the in,pectiun. <br /> •� ; � 10. Condemnwtion. The pnxerdti af uny awarJ or cla�im tiir Jumuges,Jinri ur ron+ryurntiul, in connection with uny �'" <br /> Single Fmfly••Flwnnk Mce/FYeddle Muc UNIF(IRI1f INSTRUMM:NT--Unitartn Cuvenrnt. 9/90 r�xrxr3.,fn�wRea� �- <br /> ,• - �arat�al�axiw�re.iaw.�x.■ e- <br /> Tu Ihdit Cdl I�POUSi6A.993 C7 YAt Ot&T9t•1191 <br /> J � �: <br /> f ,� �, �_.. <br /> ..�� � r <br /> .__'.. _ . ....._ _._"'_ . . _ . . .. _'._ _ .�.. �_.-..�_.r- ..�..�.r+•..-+------,T�r.._�_. .-��we.►-.�.ww.+�.�w'�w+w� <br /> . . �-�__._�_,� . <br /> � <br /> 'a _�tSk.v_i!i'— ._—__ti _ .__ ' ii <br />. _.__,,. _--_—.____—._.-.. - .._:__ _ . _— . . . . ,. . .. _. . ., .' "___ .. . _ . _—__ .'_ .__ _. <br /> � ... . . . ._ . <br /> ., � . <br /> ,� ��� � . , � <br /> � . •� <br />� ; i <br /> M_ � <br /> • <br /> +/ � ��. <br />