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'�7 ,t"Y�� 'T `�"'�._.,, , .....a��� <br /> � - _ _— _ - �.__ ___.__..�� _-z.._ <br /> -�f!4 STn=....- 'a - _`.�.-_.. <br /> �f _ A , ._ . .... . , . . , + .. — <br /> � .. _a�v+`r:rl�.- ,Vt�.-. ___ _ _. <br /> ���1 <br /> _ '��' :te''u.� _ . .. � . <br /> - � 92i to�.4s -- - <br /> � - subatantially equivalent mortgage Insurance coveragc is not available.Barrower ahul l pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> �—� �� one-twelfth of ihe yearly mortgage inaurance premlum being psid by Horrower when the ins�uance coverage lapsed or ceased tu <br /> :`.,t , be ip effect.I.ender will Accept,use am)rewin the�e payn�ents as a loss i�eserve in licu af mortgage insurance. Loss reservc <br /> ��, ' pAyments m�y no lon�er b e�eq u i r a f.o t t h e o p t i o n o f L.e n der.if mon ga ge insu�nce cover a ge(in the umount and for the period <br /> , that Lender royuires)provided by an insuar approved by I..ender again becomes available and is obt�incd. Borrower shall pay <br /> the pmmlums requlrcd to muintain rr�rigage insurance in effect,or to provide a loas reserve,until the requirement for mott�a�e _ __ <br /> - � insurance ends in acrnrde�ue with any wriuen agreement between Bar.rower and l.endcr or applicable law. <br /> •h 9. Ipspecdoo. Lendr,r or its Agcnt may makc reasonable cntrics upnn und inspcxtions of the Property. l.enlcr shall Qive <br /> ,�,�`�'��{ Borrowe:notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifyin�reusonable cause for the inspection. <br /> " : :;�. fj.�;:~...�.,. 10. CondemppUou. The proccxds of any uwurd or claim for ur conscyuential. In cunnection with any <br /> condemnadon or qther takinQ of any part of the Propany, or f'or conveyance in lieu uf cumlem�wtiun. are{�ereby ubaigned mxl �- <br /> " , shall be paid tq l.ender. <br /> '���,..:,.,; � io the evcnt of u total taking of the Property,thc proccecls shall be applied ta the sums secureci by this Security Instrument, <br /> -- -��,.'�:;�h`'":"�•.• . . whether or not then due. with any excess pa�d to Borrower. In the event of a psutial taking uf the Propeny in wh�ch the fair <br /> ���_, .'� m�uket valuc of the Pcoperty fuunodiately before the takin$ is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this <br /> � �r^`�—�• �` , Securfty InstrUment immediately before the taking.unless Borrower and Leixier otherwise agree in writing,the sums secure�l by <br /> ,. ,,t,,. this Securlty Instrument sball be recluceci by the umount of the proceects multiplied by the following fraction: (A) the total <br /> -- i r�.,.. umoun[of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b)the f�ir market value of the Properly imntediutely -°-- <br /> ,��„�;��. before the takmg. My balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial mking of the Property in which the falr <br /> ����:� market value of the Property immediately before the wking is less thsin the amount ofthe sums secured immedintely beforc the <br /> � tuking, unless Borrower and L.endcr otherwise agrce in writing or unless applicablc law otherwlse provides, the proceecls shall <br /> � �.�•. .;, ,:;� �.�.• ° <br /> �,,�.;.;,7 •�r�; be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums urc then due. <br /> - -_ �"`'d�'��: If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by l.ender to 9orrower that the condemnor offers to muke nn <br /> �..:'�:,.� :: <br /> �`�`" �,;: , • -- '�`�`�� uward or settle a cluim for dnmages, 8axruwer fails to responJ to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, _ <br /> : _ : �� :'�"�`` l.ender is authorized to callect und apply the proceeds,at its option,either ro restoration or repair of the Prop�rty or to the sums r <br /> e•�-;.� �•. ���'�•'.�' secun'd by this Security InstrumeM, whether or not then Jue. <br /> , '~"�-=•=-:-V j'i Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicution of procc�eds to principal chall ncit extend or �_ <br /> � �' postpane the due date of the monthly pay ments referred to in parngraphs 1 anJ 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> ' " � ° l l.Burrower Not Released;ForbeArence By Lender Not a Waiver.Extensian of the time for payment or modification �"; <br /> of umortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrurnent granta!by Lender to uny successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> • � ' not operate tu rclease thc liubility of the uriginal Borcower ur Borruwcr'�successor� in interest. I.ender shall not be required to <br /> - �•�- ..�• 'y commence proc�x<iings against any suciaessor in interext or rPfuse to extend time for payment or utherwi+e modify amortizatiun -�°- <br /> ' �_ of the sums secured by this Security lnslrument by reason of any demund macie by the original Borrower ur Borrower's <br /> ' , � successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising aay right or remedy shall not be a weiver of or preclude the �` <br /> , • n exerclse of any right or rcmedy. � <br /> 12. Successors and AssiQns Bound;Joint and Severai Liability; Co-signers.The covcnunts anJ agrcements of this .�_ <br /> ' k�` Security Insttument xhnll bind and benefit the successcxs and ussigns of Lender und Borrower, subject to the provisions of --- <br /> - ' :.v.i�c, __.__ ____ _ paragraph 17. Borrower's rnverwnts anJ aRreements shall be joint anJ sevcral. Any Borcowcr who ru-signs this Security <br /> " Instrument but dces nut execute the Noee:(u) is casigning this Security Instrument only to monguge, gront und convey that <br /> � . Borrower's interest in the Property under the ternis uf thi�;Securiry Instrument: (b) is not persont►Ily oblig�ted to puy Ihc sums ` <br /> . ,. secural by this Security Instniment: und lc1 ugrees that Lend�r und uny uther Borrower muy ugr��:lu cxwuJ, mudify, furbcy ur <br /> -'- muke any accommodations with regx�d to thc temis of this Security Imtrument or�Ix: Note without thut Borrower's cunsent. <br /> •`�`'• ' � 13. Loan Charges. If the loan securcJ by this Security Instrument is subj�;i tu a law which sets mnximum loan churges. <br /> �� ' und thut luw is fi�wlly interpr�tcd ru that thc intcrest or uthcr luun chargex collcctecl or to bc roUexted in connection with the <br /> loan excecd the permitted limits, thcn:ia)any cuch loan chargc shall be rcduced by thc umount neccssury w r��lure the chur�e <br /> � � ., � o ro the pennitted limit;und (b)any sums alreaJy cullucteJ 1'rum Borrowcr whirh exc��eJed permitted limits will be refund�d tu <br /> ' s„ Bunower. Lender muy chuu�c w makc thi� r�f'und hy r�ducing Ihe princip•rl oweJ undrr thc Nutc ur by muking a dir�tit �—= <br /> � ° payment to Burcower. U' a n:fuix! raiu�ts prinripal, th� raluctiun will be trcacal us u p:utial prepayment without any ►���= <br /> prepayment charge under thc Note. ,:.;�� <br /> 7.`j � � 14.Notices. Any nutice tu Borrowur pruvidal for in this Sc�:urity Instrwnent,Isdl be given by Jelivering it or by mailing <br />"`�. � .. it by first class mail unless•rpplirublc luw rcyuires usr uf:u�cnhcr mcthud. Thc nuticr shull bc Jire�:ted tu the Property Address " <br /> . ur uny uther uddress Bor�ower detiignate+by nutice w Lx:nJcr. Any nuticc tu l.���ler sh�ll bc given by first clatis mril W �'` <br /> ,� . I.enJer's aJJres.+ atat�! herein ur any uther aJdres, LcnJcr dc,ignutc�by iwtirc w Borruwcr. Any nuticr pruvid�xl for in this +� '� <br /> � .���, • . Security Instrument tihall bc Je�med w have b��en givcn to&�rrowcr or Lender whrn givcn uti proviJ��i in this parugraph. __ <br /> , • l5.Governin� Law; Severab0lty. This Security Instrwix:nt �hull lx governcei by fedcrul Iaw and the law uf the —__ <br /> „ jurisdiction in which the Property is lac•rted. In the event thut any provisiun ur rluux uf�his S��urity In,trument ur the Note �'" <br /> conflicts with upplicuble law,sueh cun0ict shall n��t affect uther pruvi.iona uf thix Serurity In,trument ur thr Nute whinc�an be � , , <br /> , given eff��ct withuut the contlicting prov isiun. To this enJ the pruvitiions of this Securiiy In+trument•rixl the Note are declared W- <br /> . " to be severublc. <br /> �,��_. 16.Borrowcr's Cupy.Burruwcr+l�ull b�givcn unc ront�irmrJ ropy uf thc Nutc anJ uf this Sccurity In.trumcnt. �.; <br /> 17.TransPer uf the Pruperty ur y Bene�icial lnter�t in Burruwer. If uU ur any p•rrt uf thc Prupcny ur any intcr�st in it <br /> " " is sold or transFemAl(or it'u bencfiriul intere.r•t in Borruwrr i�,oW ur tr�n.l'�rr�J anJ&�rruwrr iti nw a nuwral �xrtiun►without I�._•� <br /> . xt�:y. �. •• l.cndcr's prior writtcn runsent. Lc��lcr m•ry. at ii+ optiun, rcyuirr imm�diat� paynxnt in lull uf aU wms �ccur��1 by this I <br /> . Security Imtrumcnt. However,thi.r uption shall not I►c�xcrriu�l by LcnJcr it'rxcrcitic i�pruhibikYl by fcdcral luw as of titc datc � <br /> � uf this Sewrity Instrument. x�' <br /> If�rr cxcrcixs this uptiun, LenJu�hall Kivc&�rmwer natirc uf acr�lcra�i��n.Thc nutire.I��II pruviJr a prriuJ uf iwt <br /> � . Icss th:ui ?4 .:nys from d�c Jutc thc nutice i�Jcliv�r�J nr rnailcd within whirl► Burruw�r must pay all .um. ,��ur��l by thi, �` <br /> S��curity Intitrumcnt. If'Burruwcr pay thc+c tium�priur tu thr cxpirati�m uf thi.peri�xl. LcnJcr muy invokc any rem��lies <br /> „ . � . V � pc�mitt��i by thi+S�wuriry Im�rumcn�witlH�ut i'urthcr n�,ticr�►rJcnuuxl an &,rruwrr. � <br /> " •� lti. Burrowcr's RiKht tu Reinstale. If &�rrowcr rn�cty ccrtain c�mJition�, &�rruwcr tih•rll hav� th� right to huvc <br /> �nf'orccmcnt of thix Sccuriq� Intitrununt dixantinu�wl at any limc priur w thc rarlicr ut�: la) 5 Jav� lur tiuch uthcr perial a.+ M <br /> applicublc law muy �prcify li�r reinstatemcnU h�tiirc ulr �d thr Prup¢rty purwunt tu :my �x�wrr uf tialr runtaincJ in thi, . <br /> � S�tiurity 6istromcnt:ur Ib)�ntry uf:�juc.l�mrnl rnfiming thi.J�curit} In.trumrnt.7'h��,r c�,n�itinm arr that &�rnnvcr:1a1 puy. <br /> Lcndcr all sum+ which thcn wuulJ tk Juc undrr thi, Scrurit� In,lrumrnt anJ thc N�dc a.if nu acc�lcraliun h:nl„ccurr��J: �hr ' <br /> � cureti:�iy defauh of aoy uthcr ruvcnant.ur aErrrmrnt.: �r 1�pay� .�II exFxn+r• incurn�l in�nli�rcmg thi. tic.unty� hi.lrumcnl. ' <br /> iixludin�. but nut limit�til tu. rcawnahlc�uurncy,' fcc.:cm�1 id► take.wch artiun a,L��iJcr �nuy r�a,unubh r�yuirc t�, a„urc <br /> � �.:�-' . that thr licn ol'thi�5rruret} In�trunicnl. Lcitclrr', rirhl�in thc Prnprn} ;irnl H�trr�,ti+.rr', nhliralinu in �:f} �h� ,um� ,rrur�til h}• . <br /> -_ �.���.. ' _� �hix Sexurit�• Instrumenl ,h�ll rnntinuu UI7CII:IIIL'CII. UAOfI nin�tatemcn� b� 8urruwcr. thi� Sccurit� In+lrumcnl unJ thc <br /> --_-- -^� .,LGb,,c��u,.�z����l h���by +hali ic�naiu luily cllc��i�c a�ii un a��c7cwl�vu iiaJ �n�un�d. Iluw�:�r. I{ti.ti�iht io��Hl+t.�ii •hdll � <br /> not•rpply in thc cu,r c�t accclrranun wid`r puragraph 17. <br /> •, l9. ti�le�►f Note: Chunke of Luun ti�:r►iccr. 1'hc N�uc ur a partial intcrc.t in th� Nutr uugcthrr with thi, ticrurity <br /> • - In+trumcntl may fx.rulJ i,nr ur murr iin�cy w iUwut pri�,r nut icr i„ F3urn���rr. A .alr nwy �c•ult in u rhun�!c in thr entity�knawn <br /> a+thc"Loan 5crvicrr")(Il:ll CUIII'l'Ih OIUIl1IlIY p�Y�11CIU�IIUI'LlO�I`P(Ill` N�,ic:md thi.ticcur�t� In�lront�nt. Thrrr al.�,may Ik„nr <br /> � ur nwrc chungr.��f thr.Luun Scrvircr mi rclat�d ta a��Ir ul�thr N�,tr. If th�rc i,a cliangr�►f thc Luan 5rr��iccr. liurruwcr will hc <br /> �IVI'tl WfYQllt tlOUI'l'U�llll`illpllt;l`Itl 8Cl'U�II:IOI'l'WIIII�)OI��:1':I�III I-I�IIU�'C anJ applir�hlr Ina. 'I'h�n��tirr w ill .ta1r Ihr u:mir:ui� <br /> •rJJrr�ti ul thr nrw Luan Scrvircr und Ihc aJJrr,•t�, whirh pay�nrnt,.huulJ hc maJc. Thc nnnrc will ahn canta�n auy uthrr <br /> inlurmatiun rrywrcJ:,> :,nni��:�ni�luw. <br /> . 2U. Huturduus tiubswnc�w. Hurrc�ucr �hall nul rau�c ur �xrmit Ihr ��rr.rurc. wr. di.��,.al. rtuuiNr. ��r r�lra+e �,1:un <br /> ' NuiarJuu� tiub�tanrc� un ur in Ihc Pn��nny. B��irawcr .hall n�,t Ju. n,�r .dl„w au�anr �I�r tu �u. :m�thin�, alTrcting tlic <br /> � ' Pn►pcny thut i� in viul:niun�,1';my Em•irunmrntal Law. I'h�prcrcdm� I«<� .rntrn�•c.,h:dl n��l appl� 1��tlir ��rr�rncr. u.r. �,r <br /> . . �.. ,torug�un dte 1'r�qkr�� �►I�,malt yuantit ic,„I'H:vard�,u, Sub,ian�r, �h.0 ar�ren�r,�ll� r�ra�;nv�d tu h�appi��priatc a, n��rmal <br /> , ' rc+idrnlial u.c,a�iJ t�,muin��nancc ul ih�Pr���xri�. <br /> } •. � Form 3028 9.90 <br /> .� <br /> ' � <br />