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. .,'� f'�� 'Y�R, n 'r.. '�. n . .+ .•�: ;•qs�l�_�v.=� <br /> �� .�.�.�'�.s�"ss�o <br /> _ . -_..._ ���. ...W.. . .. .�.____ . _ ' .. .. . <br /> ��,_ _ � . <br /> ���-��__ � __ --- ;..:,1 92... iQ'714s <br /> Horruwcr alwll promptly give L.ender written �otice of nny inveadgation, clalm,Jemand, lawsuit nr other action by any <br /> ot <br /> � --�— QpVtt(III1CtilYl Oi f�UTAtOfY a�ency ar privote party fnvUlvinQ the Prapeny aid eny Ha7ardnux Subxtaicc ar Enviranmentnl Law <br /> of whlch Bocrower has actu�l knowledQe. If Horrower learne, or is notificd by any govemrtwntal or regulatory auchorlty.that <br /> �ny removal ar othcr r�cmodiatlon of any Hazardoua Subwwice effxtin�1he Property i�noascary, Borrow�r siwll prompdy Wce <br /> _ - -- �II un�wiy remediet actions ir�scrardancc with Environment�l Law. <br /> ;:_ As used in this�aragreph 20� "Haz,udous Subcta�wes"are thace subct�nces defined as toxie or h�urdous substaneea by <br /> Environmantel Law'and thQ following substanves: gasoline, kerasene, c�her flummuble or toxic petroleum products. toxic <br /> pesticide�end itecbieides.volatile aolv¢nts, materlwle conuining asbeatoa oe fomuddehyde,and�dioactive macerialc. Aa used in <br /> -- — — t�is pucagraph 20. "Environmenwl" mcans federal IawY end laws of�he jurisdiction where �he Property is lucatod that <br /> -- n�tWp to heulth.eafety or environme�ttel protection. <br /> --- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower and L.en�ler further coversant and agree as fallows: <br /> 21. Accelerntioa;Remediea.L.eoder ehall g(ve notice to Borrower prior w aocelerativa following Borrower's breACh <br /> of opy coveaqpt or a�reement In Ws Security I�Wment (but not prlor to swxelerAtion under parograph N urtlesa <br /> applicable It+w provides otherwise).Tbe notice s6�1! specifyi IA)(hl'A�TWIti(bI�i1lKI0U!'�QYIP��0 CW'C the IIe�Y11It; <br /> (c)n date.aot lesa thaa 30 dqys fcom the ds�te t6e nodce is given to Boirower� by wbkh the deiault must be cured;Aad <br /> __ _ _�__^T._ (d)t6at failure to curc the detAUlt on or before tbe dAte specifiod In tbe notice may result la accelerotldn of t6e sums <br /> ---- secured by thls Security Inotrument and sale of tbe Prope,�ty. T6e notke siwll furtber ioform&►rrowcr ot thc dQdt tu <br /> reinstate aRer ncceleratbn and the rioht lo brtng a rnurt Actioa to wssert t6e oon-exi�tence of s�default or any oWer <br /> — deiease of Borrower to Acceleratloa pud sale. If fhe default is not cu red on or before tde date specitied in the notioe, <br /> _— Leuder, at its optton, mAy require immedlate ppyment iu tbU ot all sums secured by t6ts Secueity Iaatrumeat without <br /> — tbtther dem�nd nnd mpy iovoke the(wwer ot sale and any other remedles permitted by Appiicoble Is�w.I.ender siwll be <br /> end!!ed to collect all expencee incurred in pursui�the rcmedies prov[d�d In thls pera�reph 21,luciudiu�. but not limited <br /> w,rw�sonoble attorneys'fee�and coctei of title evideoce. <br /> __ -- It the power of snle ie iavoked, Tn�stee alwll ydcord a notice of defauit ip each county in whicb any pprt o[the <br /> �— - - -- _ Property i�Iocotod twd shs�ll mail cop[es of sucb potke iu t6e mwa�er pt+escdbed by applic�ble lew to Borrovs�er s�nd tu <br /> _°� � the other pcssoas prrst�!lsc�by apgllcable law. At�ter the Hme required by�tppNa�We law,Tnistee shWl give puWic notice <br /> -- --— of sale w t6e persona and iu tbe manner prescribed by appli�Rble law_Trustoe, wtthout dem�ad on Borrower,shalt sell <br /> _- —� 1he Property At public auction to the hiQhest bidder at the time and place and under the tern�s d�ignated in the notice of <br /> � � sale in ope or more parcels and in pny order Trustee determinec. Tntske rn4y postpone snle ot all or Any cel of the <br /> n �n <br /> ■n <br /> '�; •'w�,�,^�::�� �P�'�Y bY {wWic wnaouncement at tl�e tf�pe and piwx of auy prevla�ly�uled sale. I.ender or its �nee may <br /> punc6�e tLe Property at pny rale. <br />-�.,��=��� _ Upoa receipt of p�yment of t6e prlce bid, Trustee slwll dellver lo the purchpser Trustee's deed conveying the _ <br /> � Property. The recitpla ia ttie Trustee's deod ahall be prima f�cie eviderce of the truth ot the statements made therein. <br /> "�� y f ,' Tru�tee sWdl appiy the proceedo of the sale ia the Polbwing order: (A)to�11 rnsts And expenses ot exercising We power oP <br /> "g��.. ss�lc,and tbe sale,includin�the ps�yment of the Trustee's[ee.s actuwlly in�wrre�l, not to exceed�of $50.00 or 1/2% <br /> = of tbe princi�wl amount of the note at the time ot the decloraHon ot detault,and rnasow+ble attorneys'[ees as permitted <br /> �.'r" . . -- by Iow;(b)W W!swns cecw�ed by thic 3ecurity InctrwueW;And lc)ony aces�to the pe�soo or Pe�oos ie�afly eniiik�i fu <br /> ;:-: ��.�� i�- _ <br /> �� � ; � +. 22. Recoaveyaace. Upon payment of all sums secured by �his Sec�rity Iructrwnrnl, Leuder slwll request Trustcc to <br /> .� ,.�;' ,, reconvey the Propeny and shuli surrender this Security Instrument and all ncues evidencing debt secured by thia Securiry <br /> _r� Instrument to Trustec.7'rustee sholl reconvey the Property without warrenty md without charge to the person or perxons legally <br /> _9�� . �. entitled to it. Such per3on or persons shall pay uny recordation costs. <br /> _.,� ;,. ?.3. Subsiitute Trustee. Lender,at its option, may from time to time rernove Trustce and appoint a wcccssor truatee to <br /> eny Trustee appofnted h�reunder by on instrument mcorded in the county in which this Security Instrument ia recorded Without <br />;._� �,�r• r conveyunce of the Propeny.the succecsor truatee shall succecd ro all the t iUe, power and dutiea conferred upon Trustee herein <br /> ���p„ . and by applicable luw. <br /> _ ?A. Requegt Por Notices. Borrowcr requests thot wpies of the naices of default and swle be sent to Borrowcr's eddress <br /> = .:o:••. `' <br /> .. ,_,., � • ° which is che Properry Addrcss. <br /> � """'"� 25. Riders to this Security Instrument.If one ur more riders ure c xautcd by Borrower and recorded together with this <br /> _. ��:��_:.,-�., . <br /> _t� �.:.. <br /> - �•-., .� � Socurity Inawment,the covenan�s+u�d agreements uf'each,uch rider shWl be inwrporated into and shall amend and supplement <br /> � +�••.,-�,,.;�:c.� the cavenants wid agreement�of diis Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were r�purt of this Security instrument. <br /> '�.. .. [Clteck applicable box(es)1 <br /> •.�_..;.., <br /> - �c:z�.:..,.::• �, <br /> - .,. , . Adjustuble Rnte Ridcr ❑Condominium Rider 1-4 Family Rider <br /> o x'- Gracluuted Puyment Rider Plunned Unit Developmem Rider �Biweckly Payment Rider <br /> � �%�!;` '• � Bnllaon Ridcr Rate Improvemcn�RiJer ��Second Home Rider <br /> -=• .^w.a._ V.A. Rider Otherlsl lspecifyJ Home Equity Rider and Ackaos�ledgetoent <br />„�:. �ir��$i ,rn: <br /> :�,' �' � � � • <br />_ �-. ,._��"` - BY SIGNINC,BELOW.Borrower accepts anJ•rgre�.to the terms andcovenunts conwin��i in this Security Instrument und .. <br /> j'•° "- in su�y ridcr(s)exacutcd by Borrower und recordcd with It, � <br /> � ' Witnesses: _ <br /> x... ., (Seal) <br /> ose H. SCandeven •sorrower <br /> .. �xsae:.�5w.::��.��_ � - <br /> �: .. . . <br /> � � �. • ���_ — __— —��� . <br /> '�__- <br /> + � _ Karen C. Standeven •e��W�� <br /> �P�;: .-. w.:�..:r-.. ,- <br />. �rol�i�had� .�__�. _ <br /> --- ----- _ixuil --- _ �.xa�� <br /> -u <br /> ,�r .. . ' •l3iKn�wcr �Bum�wcr <br /> � _ <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA. Ha 1 C'ounty z.�: <br /> � Thc I'oregoing instrwncnt wa,acknuwlcdgcd bcforc mc thi� 31sC Juy uf July • 1992 • <br /> � � , by Joseph H. 5tandeve d Karen C. Standev , husb�►d • <br /> ` , • . Witness my band and + at Grand Islan ���iJ . c Jate aturesuid. <br /> , � • <br /> .r .� � _ �p ��,. '� , <br /> ,„ ' � My Cc�mnissi --a , 1994 - ---- -- <br /> -:�i. 'Y • ���E�� rYl'ut+k <br /> . �c�)y �� <br /> �^ •.` ��r - <br /> � � <br /> ` ��.�,.a��a Fam 3028 8l90 <br /> f <br /> � <br />