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+ ,t._�q�' - - . �j ------ -- ( ` _ - � . '+• --�-• . ,._.--- � <br /> i�[ n_�i/S���A.. M. ,+� q _'V ��__ <br /> _"_ __- .- —_ _ ' _"' __ <br /> , - ._—_ — ___ �'�"����s_��.._.__,.�. <br /> _ �.n+�+ ,�..+�'y T •� . �__ <br /> ,,�!' ' ,-t, .4 . .t . .. . __ <br /> . � ., ., � :=�,•►�!_ „Ai;���:,... . -- <br /> ,.: - :;;, ,,�. <br /> �....,,.,_ .-� _ <br /> — <br /> � <br /> -- 92_ 1o�ri�9 . <br /> ;'�'�'�' � :,�,,, The Funds chall be held in an instiwtian who.r•c Jepasitx ure fnwrn! hy u foderal agcncy, intitrumcntuliry, ur enlity <br /> • (including L.cnder, if I..cnder ia such on instituti�m)o�in uny Federul HunK.l.ovn Dank. l.ciKlcr�hull upply Uic f'wKla�u p:►y the -�__ <br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not chargc&�rrower for holding aixl applyin�{th�Funds,unnuully wudycing thc c�row accuunt, or <br /> .�.:.,bbx�.� verifying the Bscruw ltcros,unless Lcndvr puyK eurrower intcrest on the Funiti und uppliruble luw pernu�ti I.encler tu irwke wch ` <br /> ,��>"����'"� a chargB. Howcver,�cixlcr nwy rcyuirc BoRUwcr w pay�onc-tin�c churgc(nr un indcpcn�icnt rral c.rtatc tax repu�tiug u;�vicc <br /> �"� � ' � ;, usat by Lencler in cunnection with �his luan, unless upplicuble luw pruviJes utherwi�. Unle�� an ugrcenunl iw made ur <br /> '��' • -•�• • applicublc luw requir��x intercat to bc paid, Lcnder shull not tx:reyuiral to pay &►rruwcr uny intcrest ur carningn on thc Funcls. <br /> � � Borrower and Lender rtwy agrec In wr�ting, howrvcr, ihat intere�t shull hc p��iJ nn the Fundr�. [..ender shull givc to Borruwcr, <br /> ° '�-- �f=~ - ��� � wlthout Shnrge, an annuul ucrounting of Ihc Funds, �howing crcdits und dcbilti to �hc FunJh nnd thc pur�x�x: fur which esch <br /> .- r-';•--,�•� -, ._� �` <br /> � � �i,�,, deblt to the Funds was made.Thc Funds urc ple,�lgat ux+ulditional uxuriry fur all sums sc�vrcal by thi,Securuy Instrumcnt. <br /> 1 <br /> � '�'°""' If the Funds held by l.enderexceeci the amounts p�rmitted to be held by applirablr law, I.enJer�chull ncccwnt to 8c�rrnwer <br /> , ��'� " �6•``�* for the excecv Funda in acwrdance wlth thc reyuircments of upplicable Inw,If tlx:amuunt uF thc Fu�xis held by L�.nJer ut any <br /> R•� •' ,:�,�; time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltemx when due.Lender muy so noufY B�Rower in writing,nncl, in such cuse Burrower <br /> : }' : ,-�;;� shall pay to Lendcr the amount neces�ttry to makc up the def�ciency. 8orrowcr shull msikkc up thc deficicncy in no m�re th:in <br /> � r �' ' " twelve monthly payments, at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> ?�??a-:%N':�=�. Upon payment in full of all sums �cxurai by this Sccurity Instrument, L.ender 4ha11 promptly �efund tu Burrowcr any _ <br /> e��. ;w�;;,�� � Funds held by Lender.If,under paragn+ph 21,l.ender shull ecquire or scll the Property. Ixnder, priur w the ucyuihition or salc <br /> .-�-:...- <br /> a��� . d.c a' . of the Property, sh�ll apply wiy Funds hcld by Lender at the time of acyuiuition or�ale as a credit ugainst the sums!�ccu y <br /> .,,,� � ; this Secu�ry Instn�ment. <br /> � . �,,,,�„�„�,- 3.Applieadon oP Poymeats. Unless applicuble law provides otherwisc,all payments received by I.endcr unJer paragnphs <br /> ,t I and 2 shall be applied: �rst, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; secund, to umounts payable under praregraph 2: <br /> � �'"�"'��"� third,to interest duc: fourth,to priru:ipal due;and IASt,to any laie cherges due under the Note. <br /> �, , <br /> 4.C6arges; Llens. Borcowcr shull pay all ta�ces, nsscssments,chorges, fines and impositions attribuwble w the Property <br /> ,� '�—� .. -. ` �� which m�y uttain priority over this Security lnstcument, nrxl leaseh�ld payments ur ground rents, if any. Borrower shull pay ____ <br /> _� �' these obligations in the manner ptovided in puragreph 2,or if not paid in�h�d mnnner,Borrower shall pay them on time diratly <br /> '"'�`�� n - tu�I�pr�x,u uwal pay�»ent. Borrower shaU�romptly fumish to Lcndcr alf notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. � <br /> „�• If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing the payments, <br /> „ ° Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priurity over this Security Instrument unless&�nuwer: (a)agrees in <br /> " =�!°- writing to the payment of the obligation secured by thc lien in a munner Acceptable to LenJer;(b)cuntests in goad faith the lien _ <br /> _ " by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legul pracoedings which in the I.ender's opinion operatc to prcvent thc _ <br /> ` { � „� enforcement of the lien;or(c) ucures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfuctory to I..ender subordinating tlie licn to �s <br /> � ,`� this Security Instrument. If L.enJer detennines that any part of the Property is subject w u lien which may attain priority over �;""_, <br /> p this Security Instrument,l.ender m•ry give Borrower u notice identifying the I�en. Borrower�hall satisfy the lien or takc one or <br /> - � more of the actions set forth above within 10 days af the giving a(nohce. — <br /> °° 5. Hazord or Properly Irsurw�ce. Borrower shull kcep the improvemcnts now existin� or hereafter erected on the <br /> ,- :.,`�..,� Property insured aguinst loss by fire,hazerds included within the term "extended coverage" und any othcr hsu.ards, including <br /> _ - = t]c�al::ar tlooding, for t:hich Lender tequirra insurxnce.This insurance�HII he mainteined in the umoun45 and for the periocis ='"c"' <br /> ` �� " thut Lender requires. The insuranee c:urier proviJin�t the insurance sh�ll be chosen by Borrower subject to l.�:nder'.npproval <br /> . • which shull nat be unreasonably withheld. !f Borrower fuils to maintain rov�rtige Jcxcribed above, l,cncier muy, at Le��dcr's �_f _ <br /> " option,obtuin roveruge to protect LenJer's righu in thc Pruprny in uccurdsuice with paragraph 7. <br /> , All inxuruncc pulicies anJ n�ncwuls shull be ucccpt•rblc to Lender anJ shull inrlude a stcindard mungugc clnux. L.enJcr �_�_. <br /> � ,k, • shall havc the right ro hulJ thc policics und rencwuls. If I.ender reyuires,Burcuwer shull promptly give to L.ender all reccipty of <br /> . p:►id premiums unci renewul nutice.. In the event of loss,&�rrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance currier:ind L.ender. <br /> " Lender may make proof of loss if not madr promptly by Bo�rower. <br /> • Unless Lender nnd Borrvwer othcrwise�grcc in wr�ting,insurance praeeds shull be applial to resturation or rep;ur of thc _ <br /> Property dsunaged, if the reswration or repair i,cconumicully fcasible•rnJ l.ender'z u�urity is nut lessened.If thc restorution ur '"' <br /> �,, repalr is nut economicully feasible ur LcnJer'ti ticcurity wuuld be le�sr:n��J,thc insuraix:e pnx�tiYl,,hall lx�ppli�d w thc wrn� �'''.�� <br /> t4: -� -..- sL�ured by this Security lnstrument, whether ur nnt then due. with :my ezre,.paiJ ti�&►rrower. If BoROwer abatxluns the = _ <br /> .. Property,or docs not unswcr within 3U duy.a nuticr from Lcndcr thut th�iinurancc rarrier has offereJ w sctdc u cluim,ihcn _ <br /> �._ ; ' Lx:nder muy cullc�t the insuruixr pnx���l�. L.enJer may uu thc pr�xccJ�tu rcpair ur resture the P�uperty or t� puy sums ==�- <br /> sccurcd by this Security instrumcnt. whethcr ur nnt thcn duc.Thr 30-Juy p�ri�xl will Ixgin when[hc nuticc is givcn. <br /> I ' � Unless Leneter a�x1 &�rmwer olh�rwi,c ugr��; in writin$. any applicutiun uf pn�cceds tu principal rhull nut extenJ or �rT-� <br /> .�q, ' ,_ pc�slponc thc due dute uf thc nwnthly paymcnt� rctcrr��! to in par.igraphti I anJ 2 ur chungc the umuunt uf the p:�ymenk. It' <br />+ � ' �r undcr rru ra h 21 thc Pru rt i. ac uir�J b Lcndcr. &►rruwcr'�ri ht toan• intiur:uur licica anJ rur��c�J+resultin�frum �« ^ <br /> _, P' � P p� Y 9 Y t� 5 P� P b � <br /> �, :. damage tu tlk Property prior to thr acyui�itiun+hull pa.,tu LenJer w tlx cxient of thc.umti sccural by this Sitiurity Instrunxnl �_---- <br /> immcdiatcly priur tu thc•rry��i,itiun. F���r�- <br /> 6. Occupancy,Preserration, Maintenance and Pr��tectim�uP Ihe Pruperty; &�rruwer's Loan Applkation; Le�tceholds. I �' <br /> Burcuwer shull arupy,eztabli+h,und utir thr Proprrty a�Burruw�r'�pri�iripal re�iJcncr within.ixty Jays•rfter the ececutiun uf �-__-_ <br /> t this Security Instrumrnt;uiJ tihall cuntinuc tu�xcupy thr Property a� &�rrowcr'.prinripal r�siJcnce for at lu�+t une ye•ar uftcr <br /> ' � o ` the d�tr uf�Krupancy, unl��, Len�lcr otherwiu agr�ti, io writmg, which runscnt.hall nut be unrea.cunably withheld,or unlesti "`��,,,, <br />. " �� extenuuting circumrtr.ncc� exi�t which ure lxyunJ Burrow¢r'� runtrul. &�rcow�rr tihall nut detitray. Janwb� ur impair the <br /> Prop.�rty, :illow thc Propi:ity tudc:trrior�tc, ur rummit watitr un thc Pruperty. &�rruwer shull hc in drfault if•rny furf'cilurc �,:,__ <br /> . ''�~� � uction or pr�x��.�Jing. wh�thcr civil ur criminal. i,lxEun thal in Lcndcr'� g�xxl laith ju�gmrnt coulJ re.ult in furtciturc uf thc Q , <br /> � '-... <br /> • Pruperty or othcrwisc mut�rially impair thc lirn cr�at�til by thi�5�tiurity In�tru�ncnt ur LcnJcr'+�rrurity intcrc�t.&rrrowcr may ,. <br /> cure+urh u Jefault anJ rein�tatc,;��pr��vidrd in paragrupli I R,by rau.inu thc:►rtiun ur pr�wrrJing iu hr Ji+mi+.eJ with a ruling ; <br /> .. �� thut, in Lender'.�taxl 1'aith J��ter�ninatiun, prerludr, lirrlciwrc ul' the Burruwrr'� intcrc�t m tlir F'ruprrty ��r uth�r muterial k <br /> � ' imp•rirmcnt of tlk licn rrc•rtcJ by thi. S��urity In�trumcnt or LcnJcr'. +aurity interr.rl. Burr��wrr ,hall al�u tx in deFrult il' <br /> � &�rrowcr.during thr I�,an •rpplicatiun pr�kcti..�av�matrrially I�altir ur inar.vr;�ti infiirmaliu�i or,tatcmrnt,tu Lcixlcr�ur I'ail��1 � <br /> . to proviJc Lrn��r with any mutcrial inli�rmati�,n► in runnrrtiun��ith �he luan evidcnr�J hy the Nutr. iikluJin�.but nut Iituit�Yl � <br /> to,represcnlutium conccrnin�t &xruwcr'�ikcupanry uf ihr Pru�xrty a,�pnnripal rc+id�ikr. If thi+S��urity� In,trunxnt i�on a <br /> IrasehalJ. &rrruw�r �hall ���mply with all Ih� pnwi.i�m� ul th� I�ua�. If F3irrruwcr a�yuiR. f'�� titl� to th� Pruperty. thc '•. � <br /> Iruuhuld and thr f�r tid��hall ix,l ntrrgi unl��s L�ndrr:igrrr,lu Ihr nierg�r in«ritin�:. . <br /> � 7. 1'r�t�titiun of'Lender's Ri}�ht+in the!'ropert�•.II Burn�H cr I'ail+to p�rlunn Ihr r�nrnant.aiiJ a�tr�rmrnt,�untum�d in � <br /> . diiti S��urity In�trumcnt. �ir thrm i,a Ic�al rr�KreJin� �hat ne�� .�Eniti�:unl} .dlrc� Lrndcr'.ri�thl. m thr Pm�xny �wch a. a <br /> ., ' . p•�x«Kling in b;u�kruptcy. prubatc. I��r runJcmnauun ur I��rl�iwrr ��r tu cnlurrr law.ur rc�:ulutiun.l. thcn LrnJcr 111��' t�0:111� <br /> . ��. � Qay f'ur whatcvcr i. n�tir.,ar� �uprui�wi ihr ��luc ui �hr Pi���xi�� .�n� I.��nlc� . i�zh[, w tii� Pi��pc�t�. L���u.i', .,.ti,��i,m,�y <br /> - - - ._..�..a_ __..:__ .._.. ..._... ..:......_� w.. .. �:.... ...w:..l. 1.... ...:...:n-�.......• d•�. C...•u.�ui- I��.uvnn•n� •�nrr�arin.� in rnurl n:n•inv <br /> -- — — ��..��u. i�.�,�,r .,,.. ,���.. .....�,., ... .� ..... ........ ...,. �........; . ... ..... .._._...,- ... _ _ .. _�..... � - - � . - <br /> rcawnablc auorncy.' I'�t. aiKl rmrring��n�hr Pn,Fxr�� tu ivakr r��>air,. �1ltluwgh L�nJrr m.rv �akc acnnn unJrr ihi.par.�gr�ph <br /> 7. LcnJcr J�x��x�t havr tu Jn ���. <br /> . Any anwuntti Ji,hurtir� b� LrnJrr uuJer Ihi� paragraph 7 .hall h�ru�nr a.iditiunal dcht ul &�rri+wcr ,ccurcd hy �h�ti <br /> Sccurity In+trununl. lhil�ti+13��rmwcr:uiJ LcnJrr agrr�1��uth�r tcnm uf pa�mrnt. thc,�:unuunl..hull hear intcrc�t Irum Ih� <br /> Jutc uf Jishur.cmcnt ut �h� N�uc ratc and �h:dl ik pa�ahlc. ��ith intcrc.t.u�„�u noiicr Ir��m LrnJrr t�� F3urraucr rcyur.ling <br /> " a��m;nt. <br /> P'. <br /> ,. 8.M1lurtkuy�c Insuruixc. 11 L�uJ�r rryuircJ mrntiEa�,r iinuranc�a�a��mJitwn ut niakui�thr luau�ccurrJ h} thi,Srrurit� <br /> Imtrum�nt. &�rrawrr .hall r,►y�h� prrmium, r�yuireJ ��� mainlain thr nwrt�_agr in.ur:mrc m �Ilcct. I1. li�r ant rc•r«ni. thr <br /> � tnurt�tag�in,uraucc cuvrrag� rcyuir��t hy l.cnJcr lap.c+�+r ira.c,tu hr in df�cl. LiurmWCr ,hall pa} �hr�rcmium. rcyuintl t�, <br /> iih�ain ro�rra±�r tiub�tantially cyuivulrnt li+Ihr murtgugc inwrunr� prc�iuu�l� ut rltrrL at a ra.t ,uh.iantially ryw�ul�n1 lo ihe <br /> cu,t tu 13��rruwcr i►f thc murigagc in�uran�c prrvi�,u.l}• in cffcri. Ir�n�i an altrrna�c nu,ngagr inwrrr appro�rJ h� l.�ndcr. It <br /> ` �a:� <br /> , ... <br /> �.,,,, : ., � Form 3028 9:90 <br /> y <br /> i � <br /> • ' �- ..._._—_ —. . . _ <br />