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<br /> � 7.Eminent�am�ln.Lcnder le hereby aesipned 6II cornpeneutlan,awetdo,demafles nnd other paymente or rellof (horelnefter"Proceeda"1' �
<br /> In connuollon wlth condamnatlon or othor takinp of tho Property or pert thoroof,or for convoyonco In Ileu of condumnntlon,Londor ohall
<br /> �-� ltken or A�maped,Landet ehall heva the optlon In Ite 6ole ard ahooluto dlacrntlon,to opply all ouch Procoodo,nftor doductinp thorotrom
<br /> etl u��te and o�paneao Incurted by II In conneatlon with euch Praceads,upori any Inrfehtednesa secured horoby end in such ordar na �-
<br /> • l�ncier m�y determttie,or ta epply sll euch(�oceeda,Htor wch deduatiane,to the rRatoretlon ot the Property upon such conditlane ea
<br /> + �l�nder m�y determina.Any�ppllcetinn of ProceeA�to Indebtedneei�hell not oxtond or poetpone the dun date ot eny peymente under t
<br /> �tlis Nots,or cure eny do}ault thoreundar or hereunder.Any unepAlied funde ehall be peld to Truetor. _
<br /> 6. P�Aormonc� by l�ndsr� Upon th�oaairrence of �n Event of Default he:e+under, or If any act Is teken at legal proaeedinp
<br /> commenced whlch matarlally af}oats Lendcr'e Intereat In thA Praperty,Lendor mny In Ite own dlecrotlon,but without obllgatlon to do ao,
<br /> ,'• Q md wlthout�otlCe to or demsnd upon T�wtor nnd wlthout rete�elny i rurtor from any oblipetlon,Uo eny ect whlch 7ros4or har.agroad
<br /> ,�: Mbut fNla to do end m�y al�a do any other act It deema ne�euery to protect the security hereof.Truator ehell,Immedlately upon domand
<br /> there}or Ay Lender, pay to Lender eil coet�end expenaea Incurred e�id eume expended by Lender In connoctlon with the exerclee by
<br /> � ° Lender nf the foregolnp rlghts,topether with Intereat theraon et the dafeult rete provlded in the Note, whlch ohall be added to the
<br /> �i�r++"�' Indebtedneae securad hereby. Lendnr ehetl not Incur uny Ilabllity beceuse ot enythlnp It may do ot omlt to do hereundar. _
<br /> �-;y„a�e�*� � 8.Hu�dou�M�terIM1.Truttor ehell keep the Property In compllance w(th all epplice6le lewa,ordlnencea end rogulatlone rolating to =
<br /> O� induatrial hyglena or environmental proteotlon (coilectively referred to herein er'Environmentel',owe'1.Trustor nhall keep the Propeny
<br /> ' Iree Irom all oubetances daemed to ba haierdous or toxia undor any Envlronmentel Lawe(cnllpctivply refer�ed to hareln ae'Hazardoua
<br /> �� Meterlels'1. Truator hereby warrento nnd repretents to Lender thet there ete no Hazerdoua Me���el on or under the Property.Trustor
<br /> �(. hereby eQreea to indemnlfy and hold hermlesa Lendar, Ite directore, offlcere. employeo�'rind egente, 6nd eny nucceaaora to Londer's
<br /> Intore�t,from end egeinst any and nil clelma, damegee, loaaee nnd Ilabllitlea arlsing in connuction with tha presence, use,diaposAl or
<br /> ' tronaport of eny Hexerdoue Materlale on, undar,trom or about tho P►aperty.THE FOREQOINCi WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,
<br /> TRUST.
<br /> :���� ' 10.Asaiynm�nt ot Bmt�.Truetor hereby esstgna to Lender,and pranta Lender a security intereat In,all proaent,futuro end after
<br /> _ � !' �� rising rents, Issua��nd�rofita of tho RropsRy;provldad thnt Truator ehall,until the or,currance ot en Event of Detault hereunder,have
<br /> '��:y,Y�, , the right to collect end retain such renta,issues and profits as they become due and peyeble. Upon the occurrence o1 an Eveht o}
<br /> '� .; Default,lender may,either i�peraon or by agent, with or without brinping any ectlon or ptoceeding,or by a rece(ver appo(nted by e
<br /> •!{` court end without regerd to the edoquacy of ite eecurity, enter upon pnd take possessfon of the Proporty,or eny part thereof,in Ite own
<br /> -; �;� � neme or in the name of the Trustea, end do eny ects which it doems necessary oe dealrebte to preserve the value, merketebility or
<br /> "'"���'`�' rentebitlty of the Propeny,or nny part thereof or Interost therein,or to increase the in�ome theretrom or protect thH securlty hereof and,
<br /> `-`';'+ `• with or wkhout teking possession o4 the Roperty,auo for or otherwise coltect tha ronYe,Issua�and profite thorno?, includinp thoao pent =
<br /> -:2"r S�X:;��� due and unpnid,by notifying tenants to meke payments to Lender. Lender may apply rents, issi�es and proNts,less costs anc�expeneee -
<br /> r<.�
<br /> ��'��i;i,,, .;t � ot oper�tlon nnd collectlon InGiuding attomeys'fees.to eny Indebtednoss secured he�eby,ail In such order as Lender may detsrmioe.The -
<br /> =%::•;::,,�
<br />:,i'"'''ti}•� entering upon end tnking possea�ton of the Propeny, the collection of ouch rente, fsaues and profite, end the appllcetion t?�eraof as
<br /> •�-<<ti+'�;h eforetald,shelt not curo ar walve sny defeuit or notico of defauR hereunde!or invalidate any ect done in responae to such c�otault or �
<br />:��c'����?,{•=�� purauant to euch notica of default nnd, notwithstan�ing the continuance In possassion of the Proporty or the collection,re�elpt and
<br /> '"�`i�"'�+• �• eppOee3lon of rento, issuea or profite, Truatee end Lender ehall be entitled to exe►olae every right ptovided for In eny of tho toen
<br /> �,>;;�T,'1; . -
<br /> .,.,�.t.. . Instrur�nnt�or by law upon �ccunence ot ony Evont nf Defauft,induding without Ilmitation the dght to axarcl�e the power ot safe.
<br /> _�,=�';`(S4'�' '� Furthar,Lnndar'e righte end remediea under thl�paragraph shall bo cumulative with, end in no way a umitatton on, ienaora�ignYS and
<br /> -`�:,ii;;,�y;�,f�:h.'',. ..�
<br /> �;;�,c�:�,,��t�; romecilos under.eny assignment of Inosos end ronte rocurded apninst the Property. iende�, Tnistoe and the recelver ehail ba Ilable to
<br />--- = r � aCCOUm anly�o7't�haaa rente actuai�y raabived.
<br /> _-�"�'"•i����� 17.Evanta ot(sa?autt.The foilo�vinp aheii constitute an Evant of Defeult under thle Deed of Truet:
<br /> _::_i.;.,4:',.
<br /> __�.�, (a)FaHuro to pay any Inateliment of principal or tntereat of eny other eum sacured hereby when due;
<br /> �-�` , lbl A breach of or defeult under eny provision contetned in the Note,thie Deed of Truat,eny of the Loan Instrumente,or eny
<br /> _.�f,�_N�- other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Properry;
<br /> (c)A wrtt ot execution or ettachment or a�y elmiler process shall be entered epelnat Truator vrhich ahail hecome n Ilen on the
<br /> -"'"`"� Roperty or eny portton theroot or Intereat therein;
<br /> —__-�-''�T-�� (d)Thero ehail be tilod by or egdn�t Truetor or Borrowar nn uctton ander ony praao�t or future federal,axate or other ststue,latt
<br /> '-��`�""�� or rspuiation rolatiny to benkruptcy. Inaoivency or other roliet tor debtors;ar thsro nhall be eppointed eny trwtee, recelver ur
<br /> -� `�"�` Ilquidator of 7ruator ar Bortower ar of ell or eny pert of the Property,or the rents,ieaues or proffts thereuf,or T�u�tor or Borrower
<br />--�„��`°�'! ehall m�ke eny qener�l eseipnment for the benef(t of craditore;
<br /> ��; (�)Ths sale,transfer,lease,eaalAnment,conveyance or further encumbrence of etl or eny part of or�ny Inters�t In ths Piropsrty,
<br /> - '"�, skher volunterily or Involunteriiy,w{:hout the expreaa written conaent of Lender;provlded thet Truetor ehail be permttted to executa
<br /> -- . u leo�e of the Property that does not crontain en option to purcheae end the term of whlch doo�noYexceed one yeer,
<br /> (f1 Abandonme�t of tho PropeKy;or
<br /> (9) Ii Trustor i� not en Indivlduat,the Isauence, eeie,tranafer, essignment, convey�nce or encumbrence of more th�n (if a
<br /> cotporotbn)a totel of N/A percent ot ite lasued end outatmdinp stock, or Iff �p�rt�ershfp)e tota o! percent of
<br /> --�-� partnerahip Interesta,oi(it a Ifmited Itebiiiry campany)e total of p�A percent of the Iimhed Ilabiiity company nterests or voting
<br /> ��� ;:�,—� � 8phta dudng thn perbd this Deed of Trust remana e Ilen on the Property.
<br /> - -- 12.R�m�ts;Atx»I�ntlon Upon D�t�utt.In the event of eny Evant of DefauR Lender mey,without notice except aa�equired by tew,
<br /> — dectare dl Indebtednesa eeeured hereby to be duo end peyebte and the oame ehell thereupon bacome Que end payable wtthout any
<br /> ` preeentmanZ,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> �""'°� (a>Demend that Truatee exercfee the pOWER OF SALE grented herein, end Trustea ehetl thereafter cause Truetor'e Interest
<br /> -��';��� In the Property to be eold and the proceeda to 6e dfstributod,ail In the manner provtded In the Nebreske Truat Dedde Act;
<br /> n��"�Y� 1b)Exerciee any and atl dghta provided for In eny of the Loan Inatruments or by Inw upon occurrence of 0ny Evont of
<br /> -- default;and
<br /> �_.� , (o)Commence an ectian to toreclosa this Osed ot Trust as a mortgage, apaoln2 e recefver,or epecifically enforce eny of the
<br /> -,:=,;y-:.;.�, covenante hareof.
<br /> �Y�.k;��:;� . No romndy har�in conferred upon or reserved to Trustee ar Lcnder is Intondod to be oxclusiva of any other remedy hore(n, in the Lonn
<br /> Instrumonts or by lew provided or pormitted,but each shall be cumidetive,ahall be In edditlon to every other remody gfven hareundor,fn
<br /> "��r�i���. :.{' the Loan Instrumente or now or hereafter existing et law or In equity or by stetute, end may be enercise�concurcentiy,independently or
<br /> -'-�''J,Y .t. .
<br /> -��.:3'::�.'.-- SUCCt33IVQI�I. _.
<br /> ' '" 13.Truatw.The Trunee may roslpn at any timo w[thout cause,and Lender mey at eny tlme ond wfthout cause eppoint e euccesaor
<br /> �'•' ' `` or substitute Trustee.Truneo ehett not be liable to eny party.(ncludfng wRho��t limitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or eny purchsuer of
<br /> .�^:.,. the Proparty, tor ony lose or damage unlesa duo to reckloss or wil�fut misconduct, end shell r�ot ba requirad to teke any ectbn In
<br /> � connectlan with tho enforcement nf thta Deed of Trust unleas tndemnlfied,ln w�iting.tor eli costa,componsation or expennes which mey
<br /> r;.,, � be essoclated therewRh.In edditton,Truatee m6y become a purchaser at eny sele of the F'roporty(Judiciai or under the power of eate
<br /> '=.J� gronted hereinl;postpone the eate of atl or any RoRion of the Property,es provided by law;or setl tho Property as e whota,or in separete
<br /> nucnls or Iote at Trustee'e discretton.
<br /> ����� • . � 14.fw��nd Exp�na��.In the evenc Trustea sells tho Propeny by exorcise of power of sa!o,Trustoe ahall bo antiticd to apply ouy aele
<br /> procendn firet to payment of ell costs nnd expenses of exerctsing pawer ot snte,inctudinp all Truotee's fees,and Londer's and Trustee's
<br /> attomey'e faea,ectuelty Incurred to oMent pe�mittod by epplicablo law.In tho event Borrow�r or Trustor exurciaes eny rtght provided by
<br /> � � � law to cure an Evant of Default, Lentle�ehnll bo entitled to recover fram Trustor ell costs and exponses actually incurred as e resuft of
<br /> _ Trustor's detauit,including wlthout limitatlon ail Trustao's end attomey's faefl,to the extent pormittad by applicable law.
<br /> 16.Futun Adv�nc�s.Upon requost of Borrower, Lendor rnsy,et its option,mako addittonal and futura edvences end roadvancos to
<br /> . Borrower.5uch advance�and roadvances,with tnterest thereon,ohnll bo socurod by this Dood of Trust. At no timo shall the principai
<br /> amount of the indebtedness aacured by thls Deod of T►ust, not InCluding sums edvanced to protect the security af thEa DBOd of Trust,
<br /> oxcoed the odgfnal prtncipal amount stnted hereln,or 8 sis.sao.so ,whtchevar fs greator.
<br /> "a
<br /> - .
<br /> ` �,...
<br /> • -- - NBC�4678 INnnepdcNturd D�edlRev.6/98
<br /> —� 1888 MUa�d Oenk ol Canmern Trt�st�nd.°a�Wp�IUeafstlon,Uncola kaDr�ska .
<br />