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M � ;�; � c� -c a S .;; � „ <br /> � , � t h � N c� -�� �' , , <br /> / ..� ry '7' � �.!! <br /> � . � -•, � �: �.� � . <br /> �� � � i. a� C <br /> r :U �� <br /> � ,i..._ ' � i^ n � r• i� � `� . � <br /> t a': <br />, � �y�. �A ♦I r� `'d' � � :� , .�rt•: <br /> ��� Q}��, V I \ � � � � + . <br />` •,�`�'� �� 1 \\� ~ � � Pr <br /> � � � v , � � � � .. <br /> ► � � a <br /> :���� ,.. <br /> • � : �t �� DEED OF TRIJST WITH FUTURE ADVARICE� �:-�� <br /> � ,;�:.... <br /> . !�._._ <br /> � �_-=.._. <br /> �% � � 13 th day of DecembeY' ,19 96 ,by end amonp �y_- <br /> :� TMIS DHED OF TRUST,ie mnde ea of the,�� a,�;: <br /> �.,,W <br /> �� tha Trustor, �'��+ fi. NOZICIfA and JUANITA D. NO2ICKA, HU98AND AND WTI'E � F1.'�='`_ <br /> .j.�.• A%.�' , � <br />'r.u��w ,L.i,-Y � \ <br />-1.4W7:. . �. <br />•�ett.,.: <br /> '�-'�=�• • • 1127 ICFNNEDY DRIVE aRANA IS�� �'' GaaO�herain"Trustor,"wliether ane or maro), <br />-,� t,T��.;.:; • whoso melling eddrosa is <br /> ,��-, • BANK OF DONIRHAN <br />�<�•:'1�� the Trustee, — <br /> 3�..'�L,-,,,,}4:: DpN=pHpD1, NS 68832 Ihereln"Trustmo'!,end <br />_-;;�_�•. '•'% .; whose melling uddroas le PO BOX B <br />''�� t ¢., HANR OF DQNIPHi1N <br />_<���� i tha Beneticiary, I <br />�;;;::.:�,.:-..,�: . <br />- ;;;��, DpDp=pFi��3y NE 68032 (hcroln"Lender!• -_ <br />-'��t�' °;""l� v�hose mailing address d� �O BOX H <br /> ti•,.'�::,.,i'•• <br /> ,.V f{r.;'.'.�.'�,, <br />=��;.l;•r�'-zae�,,,��. �;`, FOR VA4UABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lender's extenalon of credlt identified hereln to PAUL E. NOZTC — <br /> r� �.�: <br />�,�'�:.!; ��' ' �7t1127STd���,,,NO2TC <br />.:"Ai�• _c <br />���` Iherein"Borrower",whether one or morel and the 2ruat hereln createoi,the <br />��.�����" <br />�����s_�.;.�;,,; �, receipt o1 whlch la horeby acknowlodged,7rustor h�raby lnevocabty 9rants,tranafara,conveys and assfpna to'J'rrusloe,i�i'�6ilD�T,1MTH <br />�•;:,��::.�. POYVER OF SALE,for the beneflt end saaurity of L�nzler,unAer end subJeat to the terma and conditiona horeina73mr set 7Ara0�,t'�a real <br /> -`-�`-_s;»,.� property,doscribed�afollows: <br /> --- - ��� LOT THREB (3), BIACK THI2fiE (31, COLONTAL ESTATES SEV�NTti <br /> - -----•-- SUBDZVISION. CITY OF CiRAND ISLAND, IiAL►L COUN'I'Y, NBBItASKA. <br />— -�.-_"— PR6PB�TY ADDR6SSt 1127 KENNEDY DRIVE 0�11ND IBIiAI3Ar Nf3 68903- <br /> Topether with NI bufidinps,Improvement�,fixturea,strests,eileye,peaaeyewaya,e�semsnte,ripht�, privilspes�nd eppurtenancas <br /> lacetsd th�rson or fn�nywiss penatninp thereto,end the rente,taeuea�nd profk�,re�er�lun�N:d rsmslnders thereof,and such perwnal <br /> �� propKty th�t I�att+�ched to the improvemento so es to constitute a flxture,!ncludinp,but not tlmked to,heating md cooiiny equipmmt; <br /> - and toyetA�r with th�hom�staad or mariiel interests, if eny. which interosta�re hereby releafed end walved;sll ot whlch, In�fudin� <br /> ----�----— repl�caments end sddRions thereto,1s hereby declarsd to be a part of the real enete tacured by the Ilan of thfs Desd of Trust�nd�11 of <br /> � thsloropolny bNnp eeferrsd to hxe(n a�the'Prtopnrty'• <br /> -' Thia Deed of Truet shell secure le)the payment of the principel sum �nd Intereet evldenced by� promissory�ote or crsdlt <br />— � �yrwment dated December 13, 1996 ,havtnp�m�tudry dote of Jaaua�y __ 10, 2002 , <br /> ��� � — tn the oripinal prtncippl�mount of 0 14,520.50 ,end eny and tll modiflcationa,extenaions end Panewals <br />— — thereof or thtreto and any end eii future advancos�nd roadvence�to Borcower(or any qf them it more th�n one)hereunder punua►t to <br /> '�"�� one or more promisu+ry noies or credtt egreemente(herein cailed'Note'1:(b)the payment o!other auma edvenced by Lender to protect <br /> ---- -- the sec��ritY of the Note;(c)the pertormance of all covenente and Apreements of Trustor aet forth heretn;end Id)ell prosent end future <br /> _�_.�,�,,:�,�� indebtednesa snd oblip�t(ona of Borrawer(or eny of them if moro then une)to Lender whether dlmct,indirect,absolute or continpuat <br /> •� - end whether eising by note,gueronty,overdreft or otherwiso.The Nato,this Doed of Trunt and any and eil other documents that eacuro <br /> ��r�x�:'�� the Nate or otherwise exeauted In connactlon therewith,inctuding wlthout Iimitetlon guerentees,aecurtty agreements end sastgnmenta <br />�w•}i���y <br /> ;,;�M�w�,�r�: of lesse�and renta,sha11 bo rofened to heroin es tho'Loan Instrumento. <br /> � .� Truttor cavanante anU n�raea with Lender es iollows: <br /> ;=�F���^�" ' 1,P�ym�nT of(ndrbt�dn�u.All inde8tednesa axurod hereby shall be paW whnn due. <br /> -�`�-�`;��s``.� 2.Titb.Trustor la the owne�oi tho property,has the dpht and�uthority to convey the Property,end waRante that the Uan croated <br /> - - ���" �� hereby ta a fint and prior lien on tho Proporty.axcept for Iler�end encumb►rnce�set tonh by Tntator In wdting end delivemd to Le�de� �_ <br /> '{��f�r'•�•" . before executton of this Doed of Trust, ond the executlon end delivery of tha Deed of tniat doue not violate eny controct or othe� <br /> =-.�'��'��' obligation to which Truator Is aubJoct. <br /> - •�_"•�i`� ; 3.Tue�s,As:�am�nts.To pey baiore dciinquency all taxe�,speclet essessmente end etl other chergus egalnsc the Raperty now or - <br /> hereafter Iev1eA. !` <br /> 4.Insumc�.To keep the Propaty innured egainst damope by firo, ha�erds,inc�uded within the term 'extended coverqe',end F� <br /> �`'`" .,.�,.�..,rh..�.,�ardo a.Lender msv rouulro.In emounte end wlth compenlea eccepteble to Lender,nnming Lander ea an eddittonal named <br /> ._ , <br /> E��'- <br /> `•'E- i.i� f ` insured,with loss payeble to the Lender. In case ot loss undor such poiietes,the I.entier is euthon:ea co ea�us�,coiiec�and campmmiaa, <br /> ��^k'R"*�'� all claima therounder and sheU hnve the option oi apptying ett or psrt of the insurence proceed�(U ta eny Indebtednesa Recured hereby <br /> �� � enJ In euch order e�Lender rnay determine,(li)to the Truetor to be usad for the ropelr or restoretlon of the Property or�iii1 for any other �� <br />�� purpose or obJect eettateotory to Lender without eFfectinp tiie Ilen qf thla Deed of'Crust for the fu11 amount secured heraby befo�e euch � <br /> _ , paymeint over took place.Any epplicetlon ot proceeda to Indebtednesa shall not oxtend or postpone the due date ot eny peymente undpr �_ <br /> ` the Note,or cure ony defeult thaeunder ur hereunder. �_ <br /> ,�'�i� 6.Etcmw.Upon writton demand by Lender,Trustor chall pey to Lender,In such memier es Lender may deslgnete,sufEiclent euma - <br /> to eneble Lender to pey as they becomo due one or more of the tallowing:lp ell taxea, essessmente and other chrrgas egef�st the <br /> Roperty.(iq the premiums on tho proporty fnsuronce requlrocl horeunder,and(iii)the premlurt�s on ony mortgaQe Inaursnce raquired by <br /> Londer. <br /> � 8.M�intM�nc�.R�p�ira end CompHmc�with I.�wt.Tnestot shall kesp the Proporty In good canditlon and tepair;ahall promptty <br />— •• repair,or replace any Improvemen4 which may bo dameged or dostroyed; shetl not commit or permit eny waste or doterioPetion o(the <br /> -- Property;shell not remove,demolish or substentfally aitor eny of the Improvemente on the Property;shall nat cammit,auHer or prnnit <br /> — � any ect to be done in or upon the Pro�orry in viotation of ony law,ordlnance, or tegulatlon: end shal! pay and promptiy dlacharde at <br /> — Trustor'e cos4 and oxpanso ail liens,encumbronces und charges Iovied,Imposed o: esaesand egetnst the Property or eny pert thereat. <br /> � , � <br /> N6C3{6YA INOn7prlcullurN DIMI Rev.019G <br /> - 1�JDB Nattony Oent of Commcrco Trust cnA 6n�npe MaoCttlon,unrn:n.NtDreslu <br /> a . _ . . – ._. _. <br />