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<br /> -- -- - - • tu.�Aiscelien�uus Frovlelnn� ��:� ��������� - �
<br /> y (e1 8oroow�r Plot RNrrtecl.EHtonalon of tlie tlme for paynien�ar rtnodlticetlon of the aume aocured Uy tlde Oned�f Truai Uranteh
<br /> , ,� by Lender to�ny�uocouor In Intuest of Darrower �hall not opbron to retera�,In any manner,tho Ileblilty of the otipinel Borrower
<br /> end 8orrower'e�ucc�eron In IlHareat.Lender eh�il not be requlred to commence proceedlnpo epalnat euch succeoaor or refu�e to
<br />�" extend tlma for p�yment m otl�erwiae modify emortle�tlon of the ame eecured by thla Deod of Truet by raeeon of any domende ; ;,"
<br /> � `��� mede by tho orlpinel Borrower end Borrowerb�ucceeeora In Intere�6 '-��?*��� '
<br /> � (b)0.endr.�'e Po�ve+e.Wlthout af}ecting the IIebllity of eny oth�er pereon Ileble for the payment of any o6lifletlon hereln m.entionad,
<br /> �; end without e}}eotlnp the Ilen or charpe of thle Dnad of Truat upan any ponion of the Proparty�ot nhen or Yherotn4oro rclen�cQ a� �.__,
<br /> ' •",.� aecurity for the fult amount of eil unpeld obllti�tlnm,Lender mey,from tlme to time end without notice 111 releeee eny person so __. ,•.^
<br /> (Ilq flrant other Indulpencea,Ilv)rolRaie or reconvey, � '�'� �
<br /> •��y�;� Ileble,lll)extend the maturity or elter any of the terme of eny euch o�llpatiane, :t�t;
<br /> • •�'�Y' ar Cauae to be released or reconveyed et eny timo et Lender'a aptlon sny pnrcel,portlon or all of tl�e Proporty, (v1 take or retease eny
<br /> ,•�"
<br /> �� other eddiYional securlty for any obtlpatlon hereln mentianed, or Ivi) mako composftlons or other errnnflementn wlth dabtore In �,,, rA,,
<br /> - ��.i;% . .e.y�
<br /> y � ��t'•r`�'. relatlonthereto. • -,:+_���'
<br /> �'K�1r.�.��.i.,.�,11�� � �..:^r--
<br /> ~•49�Y',�°.:���`�� (c) Farbnran�e by L*ndt►Not• WWv�r. Any for6earonce by Lender in exercieing: r rqmoP]yri nd r,or otherwise
<br /> .1;1.,�}�1}��' �: �(JPbw�._:
<br /> �. �;,:i;;;,;,li�:; � uNorded by appticnble law,ahall not bo a waivor of or precludethe exercise of a ?�t a�r�aT� rocurement of ���:_
<br /> ,> insurance ar thc� payment of taxe� or other Ilens or cherges by ler�der ahoil nOt �eit of���jfFt.�' ' ' accelerete the
<br /> , �f:„,.�..,�. :rr..,.« 1�t,'1�-",�.
<br /> � �f'' H� mn2urhy ot tho indobtedness socurod by this Deed of Trust. _
<br /> � i": _
<br /> �� bind,�endcthe da ts horeu(nder ehall�inure�t•the,espoctive"successofre andheasigne ofY Le�dor and T ustorerAll covon'ant and
<br /> ����iy • eproementa of Tr�stor shall �e Joint and s�+veral. The captlona and hoadinga ot tho pflregraphs of this Dood of Truet ere for ,�_;-.
<br /> ""•� ••'^= convenienca only and are not ta be used to in8erpret or defino tha provislons hereof. ''��i;:''
<br /> `39.'�' ;;'- �e)R�qu�tt far Notica.The peRiea heroby requert thet a copy of eny notice nf de4auft horeunder end a copy of eny notice of r,�;_,?:
<br />` �" salo herounder be meiled to each pa►ty t�thls Deed of 7rusZ oc the eddreae set forti�ef�ove in the mannor prcacribed by applloeble i�••;`
<br /> '.'�'� " ''�° law. Except for any other notice roquirod under epplica4le law to be given in enotiier mennar,any notica providetl for In this Deed of �ti+'"
<br /> � � Truat ehell ba glven by mefl(ng eueh notice by eertifled mail addressed to the othor perties, et the address eet forth above.Any �
<br /> ,='s,-. ,..:i;,��, ' notica provided for In this Deed of Truet eho11 bo nffective upon moiling In the mannor deslpnatod heraln.If Truetor ie moro then ane R.�__
<br /> ,-.�* :••�•c;r°� person,notice aent to the eddrssa set torth abova ahall be notice to all such pereons.
<br /> � (t) In�p�ctlon. Lender mey make or cAU�a to ba mada �oesoneble ontrles upon end inspectlona of the Proparty,pravided thet
<br /> �.�- �'�y Lender sholl give Truatar notice pdor to eny sucb inapecclon epetlfyinp roasonable causo therefor releted to lender'e Interest In tho ==-�..
<br /> ,.;�:r.-;;:•,;;: Ropetty.
<br /> , �.: �i �
<br /> ... ' ��`'`'� ' (g) R�►convayana�. Upon pnyment of eii euma eecured by thls Oeed of 7rust, Lender sheli request Trustco to reconvey the
<br /> m,,;,; ,.:.:�,• �Ci�.'i..
<br /> _=-.+:i;,::�r�y Roperty end ahell aurrenddr thia Deed of Trust and ati notes eNdencing Indebtedneas secured by thia beed of Trust to Trustee. _
<br /> �`+i'�'1+`��iy4t"�. Trustee ahall roconvoy the F�roperty without wer�anty end without charde to the person or pevsans lep�lly entitled thsreto.Trustor
<br /> =��'%��%�;'i�� � �ha11 pay aU coata a4 recordntian,if eny.
<br />�vi%:$'j/'1:-.y� .
<br /> -___,�_,�.,:,.:,.,f {h)�'arroad Prop�rtY:Secor33V�AprMm�nt.Aa eddRlonel socuriry for the peyment of tha Note,Truator hereby grents L4ndAr un er �
<br /> ��f� °; tho•Nebraaka llnitorm Commerciai Code e socuii�y ir�taro�.3r al{r�iSf°:,t�ulgsnenL,@mi qjh�r n�tAnnlfl OtOpflRY US�(I I(1 COnOECLI0I1 �S_.-�-
<br />-��3,.;!y`;:�j' wfth the reat estntu or Improvemente IoaetecD theroon,and not othorwl�a decteted�r deomed to be e part o? 4he�eal eatate eecurod _
<br /> - --•�+tE�r'y hereby.Thle inetrument nhell be construed�aa e Securtty Agroement undor eald Code,nnd the Lendor ahnU fieve all the riphte end
<br />-�``-�='=� remedle�of e secured perty under said Codo In addklon to the dphts end romodles creetad under end accorded the Lender purcuant
<br /> ''�������` to thls Deed of Trunt;providad that Lender'a riphts end reme�lei under this peregraph ehell be cumulotivu wlth, end In no wey e
<br /> � _-__A;� IImh�llon an,Lender'e dphte end romedlea under eny othar sacudry Bgroement signed by Barrower or Trustor.
<br /> -._—.- ��� �� �d ����y�QN, Truetor hereby werrant� end repreaente that there fe no doteult undor the provlelon� ot any
<br /> -- mort�ape, deed of tru�st, leaee or purcheae cont�ect detcrlbinq ell or eny part of the Property,or other contraat, Instrument or
<br /> eQroement con�tltuilnp e Iien or encumbrence e�alnet ell o►eny p�rt of the Propercy Icollective,'Ltena"l,existln� u of the d�te of
<br /> - thir Daed of Trutt, end thet eny and �11 exl�ting Llem nm+�ln unmodlfiad except as dlsotosed to Londdr In Tru�tot'� wHtten
<br /> �� ditcto�ure of Uent �nd enoumLnRtei provided tor hsre��.'1'�wto� th�l1 timdy pertorm all of Truttor'� oblipatlon�, cov�n�nt�,
<br /> repr��entetlon��nd wunntlae u�s�er eny end�II exUiiny snd futurs Uene,�hNl prompity torw�rd to Lender cople�of aii notics�of
<br /> -- def�ult��nt In connectbn wkh eny�nd ell exlstinp or future llens,�nd sh�ll nct wlthout Lender'�prlor wrkten conant In sny
<br /> mM�e►modify th�provlNons of or allow�ny luture odvence�under �ny existinp or future Llem.
<br /> (J) AppNe�tbn oi Pqrmsnt�. Uniees otherwise requiredi by I�w, wmi pald to LendK hereunder, incte�dlnp without timkatbn
<br /> p�yments of prtnclp�l�nd Intere�t, in:urance proce�d�,condemn�tton procesd��nd nnt�md proffts,shd{ be�pplled by C�nder to
<br /> the emount�due and owinp trom Truetor end borrower In such a�d�r u Lender In It��ote dl�crqtl�n d�em�deslnbte.
<br /> -- - - (K) gww�blNty, if any provlsion of thU Dead ot T�u�t conflicts wfth eppticeble lew or le declerod Invalid o� othsnvlae
<br /> -- unenforo��ble,such confllat or invati6ity ehall not etfect the other provislons of thla Oeed of Trust or the Note whlch c�n be piven
<br /> -= effsct wfthout the contllctinp provielon, end to thla end the provialons ot thla Dead of Truet and the Note are dectarsd to b� _
<br /> -- .-..� a eevereble.
<br /> Zq TKmi.The terme"7ruetor" end"Borrower"ehetl inctudo both eingular end p�urei, end when tlie Traator end Borrowar ere the
<br /> -- eame penon(s1,tho�t�rmt ae used In thla Ooed of Trust nhall be Interchangeable.
<br /> imi�3ovenMp 6.�w.Thta Deed of Trust shdl be poverned by the lawa of tha Stete of Nebreske.
<br /> 1'ru�t xecuted thia Deed of Truat ee of the dete writte� above.
<br /> --�----�_
<br /> ---,..�_
<br /> -'�' . NOZ Trustor Tnistor
<br /> '•'���� .
<br /> =`�=�h"�� � Truator
<br /> ANITA D. NOZ KA Truaror
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