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<br /> i h this Sr,�;urit Instrument, If Burrc�wer ti►d�to a thrsa sum� nor to tha�x �rxtinn ot tiu� �nud, Lc:ndrr ma mvuku :�,'�7-°
<br /> Y Y r v. r f' P Y 6,�;
<br /> ; any rCm�lirs pc;rmitteci hy this S�urity Instrument wuhout further nonce or demanJ on Burruwrr. .:- _-
<br /> � 18. Borrower's RI ht ta Reinstute. lf Borrower meets c�rtx�n c�mditions, Dorrow�r tihall have the n ht to have ••'i� �
<br /> �i � 4:'_.
<br /> � enforcem�nt af this Sec;urity [nstrum�nt Ji,continued xt any time priur to thr exrlier of: (a)5 Jay,ior�uch c>th�r�rioJ as =—
<br /> l applicable law may,p�:ify fc�r rein.,tat�mCnt) before xnle of the Property pursuant to xny puwer of sxle u�ntained in thiti ;�__
<br /> Security[nstrument or(b)�ntry of a juJgment enforcing this S�c:uriry Instrum�nt.Tha.e conJition.aro that Borrower. (a) �F=- ____
<br /> 1 pays L,�nJ�r ull sums which th�n waulc! be Jue unJer thi+ Sec:urity Instrument and the Nat� �.s if no accelcration had �_
<br /> I occunrcl; (b) cures any defAUlt of any ather wvenants or ayr�ments; (c) pavs all axpdnse. incurrrd in rnforcing this _
<br /> Snc:urity Instrument, including, but not limited to, reusonablr attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such xctie�n xs I.�nJor may =_-
<br /> � rexsonabfy reyuirc to assure that th� li�n of this Sec;uriry Instrument, l.ender'ti rights in the Prc�party HnJ Borrnwar's
<br /> obligation to pay the sum.ti sec;urecl hy thi�Security lnstrument+hall continua unchunbecl. Upon rainstutement by Borrowtlr.
<br /> this Security Instrument anJ thC obligatians s�:urccl hereby shall rCmain fully rffrctiva as if no accaleration haJ occurreci.
<br /> However, this right ro reinstate shall not apply in thr cas�of accelerution under paragraph 17.
<br /> ;� 19.Sale of Nnte;Change of l,oan 5ervicer, The Notz or x partial int�rCSt in th�N�te(tngather with thi�Sec:uriry __ _ _
<br /> ]ntitrum�nt) ma�+b�sald an�or morr times without priar notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a chanb�in tha entity
<br /> (known as the Loan Servicer")that coUacts monthly paymants due under the Notc; anJ this Sec:urity Instrument. TherC
<br /> also may b�one or mora changes of the l.oan S�rvicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. [f there is x change of the Loan
<br /> Stirvic�r, Borrowcr will ba given writtan noticC of the change in acwrdance with paragraph 14 abovr and xpplicabl� law.
<br /> The notice will state the nam�and aJdre,s of tha n�w Loan Servicer and the addresti to which paymrnts shoulJ l�e made.
<br /> The natice will also contain any other information reyuired by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazardout Suhstanees. Borrowrr shsll not cuuse or permit thu pre.,rnce,use, dispoxxl, storagr., or rel�as�of
<br /> �; any Haznrdous Substances on or in the Property. Borcower shall not Jo, nor xllow anyone else ro do, anything xffec:ting
<br /> the Property that is in violstion of any Environm�ntxl Law. The prei:�ding twa sentencati shxll nc�t apply to the pr�.+�nce.
<br /> use,or storage on the Property of small quantitie..of Hazxrdous Substances thnt xre grnerally recognizul ta be appropriate =
<br /> to normal r�sidential uses and to maintenance of the Propzrty. �;,
<br /> Bonow�r shall promptly give Lender written notice of xny inve�tigaticm, claim,clemand, lawsuit or othcr action hy -
<br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or private party invnlving the Property aud any HazKrdous Suhstunc�or Environ- --
<br /> mental Luw of which Borrowar has actual knowlr,�igc. It dorrowCr texrns,or is noatird hy any governmentat or rCgulutory
<br /> authoriry, that any romoval or other remeJistion of any Ha•rnrdous Substunce xff�ting thr Property is nec:a�sary, Borrower --
<br /> shall promptly take all n�c�.tiyary rzmerlial actic�ns in accordance with Environmantal Law. ;1-----�--
<br /> As uszcl�n this parxgraph 20, "HazHrJou+Substances" are thosc substances detinecl ac toxic or hazardous substanceti '�'n=
<br /> by Environmental lasw anJ thr followinb sub,tances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum prcxiucGs, tiK��
<br /> toxic pesticides and herbi,:iJes, volatile solvents,matcrisls contxining ashatitos or formaldehydC,and radioactivn materiais. '�� _
<br /> As usad in this paragraph Z0, "Environmental Luw" means fecl�ral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is �,'.
<br /> loeatecl that relat�to haalth,safety or environmCntxl protec:tion. ': '
<br /> NoN•UNiFO[ut CovisvnN�s.Borrow�r and l,�nder furthar covenant and agrre es follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleratton;Rernedies. Lender shull�ive notice to Borrower prior to aueleratton following Borrower's .; �� -
<br /> breuch of any covenwnt or a�reement fn thls Securfty Instrument (but not prior to acceleradon under paruRrsph 17 —�
<br /> unl�s appUcuble law provides othenvise).The notice shull specify:(a)the deYs�ult;(b)the uction reyuired to cure the ,y ��
<br /> default;(c)a dute�nut less than 30 dayti from the date the nutice Is fiiven to Borrower, by which the defuult must be ���, '—
<br /> cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default un or F►efore the date specifled in the notice may result in acceleruNon ��, .
<br /> of the sums secured by thts Security Instrument and tiale of the Property.The rtotice shall further inform Borrower
<br /> of the riRht tu reinstt�te ufter acceleration und the riuht to brin� u court actton to a�ssert the non-existence of u '��' _
<br /> defuult or uny other defense of B��rrower to acceleration and sule. If the default Is nut cured on or before tbe date �='-_
<br /> speclfied in the notice, Lender at Iws optlun may require immediate paymrnt in Full of ull sums secured by this ' ` ''�� `�
<br /> Security Instrument without further demand and muy invoke the power of sale and tu►y other remedies permttted by •,;:��-��__
<br /> applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expense.s incurred in pursuing the remediec provlded in this • �.::..
<br /> = puraRruph 21,includln�,but not limited to,reusonahle attorney5'fe�und costti uf tltle evidence. `•',,,,,s,�=��,��
<br /> IP the pnwer of sale is invoked,Tru+tee shall record u nodce of defuult in euch county in which any part of the -
<br /> Property is locuted and shall mail cupie.v of such noNce in the manner pr�crit►ed by epplicuble law to Barrower and -��;��"�=���w�■�;
<br /> : to the other person+ pr�crihed by epplicuble law. After the dme reyulred by applicuble law, Trustee shull Alve �• .�;,; ,�+...,
<br /> public notice of sstle to the penons und in the manner pr�cribed hy applicttble law. Trustee, without demand an �•r-�.,g�p,�
<br /> Burrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the hffih�vt bidder ut the time and pluce and under the tertns �
<br /> d�ifinated in the notice of tiule in vne or mure parcelti and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone
<br /> sale��f ull or any parcel of the Property hy public unnouncement ut the tlme and place of any previougly scheduled �'
<br /> sale. Lender or i�s d�ifinee may purchuse the Property at uny�ale. „
<br /> Upon n�ceipt of puyment vf the Frice bid.Trustc�e shall deliver to the purchuser Truytee's deed conveylnR the
<br /> Property. The rc�ftals in the Trustee s deed shall be primu f'ucie evidence nf' the truth of the stutement� made ' .
<br /> � therein.Trustee shall apply the proceeds oP the wle in the fi�llowinu order:(u)to all costc and expemww uf exercitiln� ' .
<br /> Form 30 �fq 9/9 vgo 5 016 I
<br /> BANKERS SYSiEM5.iNC.St CLOUD.MN Stl707 11 800�397-73a 11 FOHM MD�1 Nf 7•6 9� ������� --�-�^ I
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