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<br /> 9.IntipctiN�m. I.endar ar its ag�nt may mukc reusonahla antries upon xnd in�pr�:tiuns��f tha Proparty. Lender,hall =_
<br /> "• givC Bonower rtotiee at the time of or prior to xn inspection sp�c:ifying r�at.,onable causC fur the inspection.
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon. The procrx.cl,of any award or claim fc�r ciamages,Jirec:t or consec{uenttal, in conne�:tion with .`:±
<br /> any conJemnntiun or odi�r taking of any part of ths Property, or for conveyance in IiGU of conclemnation, arc hrrehy _,-,.-
<br /> assigneci anJ shall ha paid to L.end�r. °-':_
<br /> In the�vCnt of a total taking of the Prop�rty, the prncer.ds +hall he appliecl to the sums sec:ured by this Security _
<br /> lnstrum�nt,whether ar not then dua, with any excass paid to Borrower. In the evant of a partial taking af the Aroperty in _
<br /> which tha fair mxrk�t valua of tha Proparty immecliatrly before th�taking is r.qusl to ar greuter than tha smount of the
<br /> � sum�securad hy this Security Instn�ment�mmecliat�ly before th�taking, unlass Borrowar and I.ender otherwis�agrrx in
<br /> writing, the sums tiecur�sl by this Srcurity Instrum�nt shall be reduced hy the amount of tha pracr,�cis multiplir,d hy tha
<br /> following fraction: (a)the total amount of the sums secured immecliat�ly bCfixa the taking. divid�.ci by (b) the fair market _
<br /> vsluz of the Pro�rty immediat�ly heforc thC takin b�,Any Halance shall ba paid to Barrowar. In the event of a partial taking
<br /> � of th�Property in which thr fair market valua of the Property immedistcly before the tnlcing is less thnn the amount of th� -
<br /> law otherwi��P�rovici��.s�l h�proceecls sha�ll t�u�p!�c1 m�ch�suma secured hy th�Securiry�Instrument whethzr or aot bhe
<br /> sums are then due. _
<br /> � If tha Proprrty is abandoned by Bonower, or if,xfter notice by L..r:nder to Bonower that the candemnor offers to _
<br /> make sn award or s�ttle a claim for damages, Borrowe�failx to r�.tiponJ to I.endar within 30 days after the date the noticr __
<br /> is givan, I.xnder is authorizecl to colleet and apply the procrx,cls,at its option,either to restorstion or ropair of tha Property
<br /> or to th�sums s�c:ureJ by this Sec:uriry liutrument,whethCr or not then due. � *-:_
<br /> Unl�.�s L�nder and Borrnwer ath�rwis�agr�in writing,any applic:ation of procr,�cls to principal shall not ext�nd or
<br /> �, pastpone the dun date of tha monthly papmenh raterrecl to in paragrnphs 1 anJ 2 or chang�the amount af such payments. �;.-.,
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Reles�sed; Forbeurunce By l.e�der Nnt u Watver. Ext�nsion of the time for paymant or ;t•,,,;�__
<br /> modification of amortizatiun of the sums securecl hy this Sr.�urity[nstrument granteci by l.anJer to any successor in mter�st •��{•. ---
<br /> y`�� of Borrowar shall not operate to relex.se the liahiliry c�f the origmal AorrowCr or Bonower's tiuccessors in intervst. I.�ndrr —
<br /> shall not he r�uired ta commanca proczeclingx agaimt any yuccessor in interCSt or refuse to extend timc for payment or �
<br /> �t��:nvise modify amortization of the sums secured hy this S�c:urity Instrumant by reason af any demand madr by the ,.�.:.
<br /> T original Bonower or Borrower's succ�ssors�n�nterosc.Any fc�rtxurxnca by (.or�dar in.:XCT�tsing an,rieht or reme�ly�hA!! _ _
<br /> not be a waiver af ar pru:lude the exCrcise of xny right or remedy. •`•�-.-
<br /> 12. Succ�sors and A�.SiRns Bnund;Jolnt and Several LiabiUty; Co-sifiners. The covecwnis and agrrxmenws of ;��-_
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and 6�nefit the succ�.tisors und ussigne of Lendzr and Borrower, subj�et to tha -„�;',,;
<br /> � provisions of paregraph 17. Bonower's covenants and,►breements shall be joint and saveral. Any Borrowar who co-signs 't�;�___
<br /> , this Securiry Instrument but does not exacute the Not�:(a)�ti co-sibning this Sacurity Instrvm�nt only to mortgage, grant —�,
<br /> and convey that Borcower's interest in th� Prapr.rty under the tenns of this Sec:uriry Intitrument; (b) is not prrsonnlly �:
<br /> obligateei to pay thc sums secur�l by this Sec:unty Instrument; anJ (�:) agrrxs that I.ender and any ather Borrower may
<br /> ,�' agr�e to extrnd,modify, forhear or mak� any accommodxtions with regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrumtlnt ar tha � �
<br /> Note without that Borrowar's consent. '��!` -
<br /> '� 13. Loun CharRes. If the loan sec:urecl by this Sr�:urity Instrument is subjec:t to a law which sets maximum loan _ r,-_��
<br /> `r charges, and that law is finally interpreted so thut the interest or oth�r loan charges callac:tecl or tu h� collected in r�---
<br /> ,�" connection with the Inan axce.eci the �rmittrci limits, then: (a) any such loan chargz +hall be reciuced hy the amount .'��'.3�.
<br /> +4� nee�.tisary to recluce the charge to the perrruttecl limit;and(b)xny xums xlready collacted from Borrow�r which�xceacleci ��
<br /> j parmitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Ixnder may choose to make thi, r�fund by r�lucing th� principal owed -
<br /> under th�Note or by making e direc:t paymant to Borrower. lf x refunJ reduces principal, the recluction will F�e treateci as a �
<br /> partisl 14 payment without any prepxyment chart;e unJer the Note. _-•_==
<br /> � Notir�. Any notice to Borrower pravidcd for in this Security Inxtrument shall be givcn by delivering it or by ��--
<br /> tnailing it by fint class mail unlatis epplicuMa law reyuirc;s use of xnother methoJ. Th� noticC shall he dirr,�:tecl tn tlia :�_'��,�._
<br /> Property AdJrass or xny other sddress Bonower designat�.ti hy notice to Lender. Any notice to Ixndar shsll be giv�n by ____
<br /> � first class muil to L.ander's sddress stat�cl heroin or any other address l.ender d�.tiignNta�by notice to Bonower. Any notice __
<br /> `'� providcxl for in this Security Instrument shaU be deemecl to havn been given to Borrower or Lc:ndar when given as providr,d _._
<br /> in this parxgraph. -_'��=.---.--:
<br /> " � 15. Governfnfi Luw;Severubl8ty. Thiti Se�:urity Instrumant•hall b� govern�l by fecleral law and thn law of the �;�,��
<br /> ,jurisdietion in which the Property is located. In the c:vrnt that any provision or clxu.��:of this 5ecuriry Insteument or the .,,:���
<br /> Not�eonflicts with applicxbl� law, ,uch conflict shall not aff�:t other provisions c�f this Se�urity In�trumCnt or die Note . �,,:
<br /> which can be given effect without the cunflicting provision. Te>this end th�provisions of this Sr,�:urity Instrument anJ the ;4�y.,,•
<br />' Notc are declareJ to he severxhle. ��'���:a
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borco�ver�hall be �iven e�ne conformeJ copy of the Note and of this Security Instrumant.
<br /> 17. Tcunsfer oF the Property nr u Bene�lciul Ante��t in Borrower. lf all or any part of the Pr��;+erty or Nny _
<br /> - intercst in it ix so1J or trxnsferred (or if x henefic:iHl interact in Borrower is sold or trantiferred and Borrower �s not x =_
<br /> - natural�rson)without I.ender's prior written cons�nt, Lxnder mxy,at its option, royuire immediate puyment in full of xll •
<br /> sums securr,�i by this Sec:urity Instrument. However,this option shull not be exerciseel by LenJer if cx�rcise is prohibitrcl `
<br /> _ by futernl luw xs of the date ot this Se�uriry ln�trument.
<br />- If L.cnJer�xercise.�this option.Lender shall gn�e Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall proviJe s period I
<br /> = of not less thxn 30 Jay�from the date thC notice fs Jelivend or mailecl within which Borrowrr must pay all sums�ec:urecl ;
<br /> Form 3 8 9l9 ngo o/ I i
<br /> BANKERS SYSTEMS.�NC..S7.CLOUD.MN 6G303 11 800�397•234 7 i FURM Mn�I�NE 2•a�S 1 I
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