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' ------._. . ... . . <br /> -- .�r+�+� <br /> .��. .. � . <br /> �'s �• ;� <br /> . . +t�G�;._. <br /> , ,�. . -� _ ... <br /> t � ' , � ' .,,.�1: —.. <br /> - . , .. � � . �- ..�v:� .�.ir-:�-�. <br /> , . . . .. .. -•�'.' ��. <br /> , �.!wJ <br /> i._. <br /> 1 --- <br /> t , <br /> . . , 98— �La��t��4�. <br /> ' � tt�e power oF sstle, and the sule� IncludlnR the payment of the '1'rustee's fees actually incurred, not to exeeed � <br /> � .....................� af the pHncipal amount of the note ut the tlme af the declarution of detault, and reusonuble <br /> .<•-`�"'"" attorneys' fees aspermftted by Isw; (b) to all sums secared by thls Secudty Instrument; and (c) �u�y exce.s.v to the <br /> ���»•�••�"�" person or persung le�{ally entitled t[�(t. <br /> '� 22. Reconveyance. Upon paym�nt of all sums sr,c:ured by this Se�urity Instrument, Ixn�lcsr shaU rr.yuest Trust�to <br /> reconvey thn Property and shaU surrend�r this Sec:urity Instrument and all notes Cvidencing deht se�:ured by thiti Sr,�:urity <br /> Instrum�nt to Trust�. Trustee shall reconvey thc� Property withaut warranty and without charg�to the person or persoati _ <br /> - • Ic�gally entitled to it. Such p�rson or parsoru;shall pay apy rrcardation costs. <br /> 1.3. Substitute Trustee. i.ender, at its option, may from time to timc ramove Trustee and appaint a succassar <br /> trustea to any Truste� appointeci hareunder by xn instrum�nt recorded in the county in which this Security Instrumdnt is <br /> recorded. Without conveyancC of the Proparty, tha suceessor trusteC shall succeecl ta all tha title, power and duties <br /> conf�ned upon Trustea herein and hy applicable law. <br /> 24. Request for Notice.v. 8orrower reyuests that copies of tha notices of default and sala be sent to Borrow�r's <br /> '' address which is tha Propart�y Address. <br /> !�• 25. Riders to Ihls Secur[ty Invtrument. If one or mor� ridars erC r.xec:utecl by Borrower and recordrei togathnr _ <br /> � with this Security]astrument,the covenants and agrr.ements of each such rider shall bz incorporatecl into and shall amend <br /> and suppt�ment tha covanants and agree,men�c of this Sac:urity Instrument as if tha ridar(s) wzre a part of this Security <br /> Instrument. [Check applicabld box(as)� <br /> 0 Adjustable Ratc�Rider ❑ Condominium Ridcr ❑ 1-4 Family Rid�r <br /> �• ❑ Graduat�d Payment Rider ❑ Plannecl Unit Development Rider ❑ Hiweekly Payment Ridzr <br /> ❑ Balloon Rider ❑ Rat�Improvement Rider ❑ Second Hom�Ridtlr <br /> ❑ Other(s)[specify] <br /> �, BY SIc1NIN(�BF.IAW, Borrower accepts and agr�s to tha termti and covenants containzd in this Security Instrumant <br /> � and in any rider(s)axecuteci by Borrawer and recordeJ with it. <br /> -- --. � <br /> .ss��_ �.� <br /> - . � <br /> '�*- I�-rt �,� .. (Seal) <br /> ... . . .... ...%��"""'"'_-_,........ <br /> �� . �` ��K -Bonower <br /> „ � . <br /> ' � 506-58-7628 <br /> � Soc:isl Sacurity Numt�r........... ................................ <br /> : � .._ ,f- '�/'r,�� �. �3r.?�. ..... Sex - <br /> y "����1��%A� ._ <br /> ��'�.2r��sICfOC.'K... -Borrower •-- <br />'. � � Socixl Security Number......SA`�-4.4-�,7.0:1....................... - <br />- r <br /> . .. r_ <br /> [Space Beiow Thia l.ine For Acknowledgmsntl ` <br /> . <br /> �;. <br /> ' , STATE OF�� <br /> . ,1 County of. ...................... <br /> . Tha foregoing instrument wxs acknowir,�geci b�forz me this..R��[��:.3i...�-.��7.................................... j <br />�- �t , .................................(date).hy.....,�,�N,R,���:ANA:Q�I`��I��r..�.����..��r���..��..��i�.. �, <br /> , ��- <br /> .(name of penon xcknowledgr,�i). <br /> + . My Corrunission expire.v: � <br /> _ f ' ._-: <br /> . Y .�. .. ..... .1/..."..l..L'�l�t`...�`�. <br /> ...................................... . <br />_ III GENERAI NOiAR St�le ol Nehr��Y� �Noce�y Pubuo <br /> CURIE R.MINf,ER <br /> M�Comm.Exp.M��15,1998 <br />_ � <br /> z ! <br /> - � BANKERS SYSTEMS.INC..ST.ClOUD.MN 6830211•800•397•79411 FORM MD•1•NE��b181 Form 3028 8/90 Ipage 6 of 61 I <br /> . I I <br /> J <br />- '� � . <br /> 1 <br /> . ._._._. .... <br /> . ____.. __ . _ ... ._.. ... ._. ._. ..._. __. <br /> � _.. _._. .. .. .. _ <br />