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<br /> �.:�;.� ,- abandaned Property. Borrower shn11 Nso bc in defaultrof Lender (ar f ledgo pro ide�lder with asiy�matedal .
<br /> "•'� '`- materinlly felse or inaccurate informntton or stutementa ,
<br /> inforniation) in conncctioa with tho loan evideurxd hy thc Note, Inctudtng. but not limited to, rcpreseniatlons
<br />����� conctming fiorrower's occup�icy of tho Property as 8 p�n��eIITf Aorrower af ulres fee dt c o the Praperty�thc �1:
<br /> '�i leasehold, Horrower shall comply wl�t tho pnovisions of the lens �I _-_
<br /> leasehold nud fce title ahall not be merged unless Lcnder agrcxs to the merger in wciting.
<br /> ' �•i G.Condannotian.The proceeds of any award or clalm for damnges,direct or consequendal,in connecdon with
<br /> v�j any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for cflnveynnce in place of condemnation, are !-''
<br /> ' hereby assigned and shall be paid to Ler,der to the eatent of We full amount of tbe indebtedness that eenvaics�ngaid �,.
<br />'.'�-����1 :� under the Note tind this Security Iasuument. Lender shell e{►ply such praceeds to ttte redeiction of thx nndebu:dn:.�.s _
<br />_`.='=��'"''`� �!nder the Note and this Securlty Instnunent, firat to any delinqueat �mounts appbio� ia the onler grovided in _
<br /> •�.• '' s paragraph 3,nad then to prepayment of prinncipal. My apglication of c.�_pm�.;,�is to t�s principal sh�ll nat ext�nd or �
<br /> .t,,:��
<br /> ����+'!�'•., � postpone the due dau of the monthly paymente, whicii arc r�feaed to in para�raPh 2. or change the nmount of sucb ,�
<br /> �� paymeats. My�xcess prua�es over an amount re9uired eo pay all outstandIng indebt�dness under the Note and tknis �:
<br />•�%`-'�_t. ��`,�• ��ty Insmvareen.e s�i�11 be p�id to the endry legally entitled thereto. ---
<br /> v r , Borrower sh�l pay all
<br /> ,�. 7. Chur�� ¢�o Borrower and��d��°giti�ns°�tt�iat�notei cluded in pazagraph 2•B�rrowerahall gay =
<br /> ��;;�R;�, govemmental or municipal charges,
<br /> - '==s�•.�.. these obligations on time directly to the entity which is owcd thc pay�ent. If failure to pay would adversely affecc
<br />' �� Lender's interest in the Property, upoa Leader's request Bor:awer shall pramgdy fi.amish to Lcnder s:ccj��ta �_
<br /> ,.-�;;.,�� evidencing thase payments.
<br /> -_�%"�'�?�` If Borrower fails to make these paymeats or the paywents requirecl by paragraph 2,or falls to perfarm any other
<br /> -�.`�;�-� covenants and agreemeata contained im thia Security Inst�ent, or there is a legal proceeding that maY g�B�ifi�tly
<br /> ;.,�R affect Lender's rights in the PcopenY (sucn as a pro�lug in�a�uptc�.f�P=4L�P�ation or to eitfand�[�E.TB
<br /> �'�':.�� regulations),then Lender may do and pay whatever is nece�sary to protect the value of the PropertY
<br /> - •�' ' r�ghta in the Property,including payment oi taxes,hazard insurance aad ather items meadoned in paraBraph 2_
<br /> _'�:�-� pny amounts disbursed by Leacter under this psaagraph shall become an additional debt of Boaower aatl be
<br /> ��^�'''� �ecured by ehi8 Se�urity, 1n��ment, These amounts shall benr inurest from tho date of dlsbursemont. a�the Note
<br /> �� rate.and at the opdoa of i.ender,shall be immediately due and payable.
<br /> ;�;�; Borrower�hall promptly discharge any llen which hns prtoriry over this Security InsmwAent unless Bano�vet:
<br /> -- ---- (a) agrees in writin8 to th�PaY�nt of the obligatioa secured by the liea in a marmer acceptable to Lender, (b)
<br /> contests in 600d feith the lien by,or defenda against enforcemeat of the lieu in, legal prcicadings �uuhic�ia tha
<br /> I.ender's opinioa operau to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) secures fcom the holder of U►e liea an
<br /> _y ,,T� agreement satisfactory to Lender snborcliaating the lien to this Securiry Inscrumeat•If Lender deterrnines that anY Pact
<br /> ��� of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain prlority over thia uecurity Iusmiment, Lcnder u�y give
<br /> - ° Borrower a notice{dcnafyin� the lien. Borrower sh�ll satisfy the lten or take one or more ef the aetions set forth
<br /> above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> S.Fees.I.ender may collcet fees and chazges authorized by the Secretary.
<br /> 9.Groundc for Acceleratlon ot Debt. p y,.
<br /> ---_ (a)Det�Wt. Lendar may,exapt as Ilmitat by regulations issued by thc Sectetary, in the case of a rrunt
<br /> -� '�`��''�� defaulta.requln 9mmediate payment in full of all sums sccuted by this Securiry Instrument if:
<br /> — ' (i)Borrower defaults by failin�to pay in full any monthly payment requ3red by tchls Sxurity Instniment
<br /> prior to or on the due date oi the next monthly pa}miant,or
<br /> - (ii)�orrower defaults by ftuling,for a pedod of thirty days,to perform any other obllgations contained
<br /> .::.=;-;��-�.; in this Se�uriry I�suument.
<br /> •�°"� (!b)S�le�'Vithout Credti Approval.Lender s'h�l, if permitted by applicable law(including Secd�n 341(d)
<br /> _�_�:� of ttte (3am-SC. dermain Ocposi3�ry InstitaHons Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and wi�h a�c 7�rior
<br /> ;-____-�� apprava!of the Secretary,cr.cNire immediaze payment in full of all sums secured by this Security[�uuxnent
<br /> _ _ -�� if:
<br /> --P�-�',,:�'
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