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[. <br /> � <br /> � �I , <br /> -. � �6�,. iG9967 �� . :: <br /> ..� <br /> � ��� (i)All or patt of the Properry,ora beneficial interest in a trust owning all or part of thc Property. is sold <br /> or othetwise transferred(other than by devise or descent),cwd <br /> ��,y� (ii)17�e Property le not occupied by the purchnssr or grnntee as his ar her principal residence, or the <br /> ��L��- _._. purch�ser or graatee does so acupy the Propetry but his or her credlt has aot been Approved in <br /> :�� accordHace with the requirements of tha Secretary, <br /> da <br /> - -�-- �: (e)No Wnlver.If circumstances occue ihat would peimit Lender to require immediate pnyment in full, but <br /> - � � �:, '� Lender does not require such naymea�s,Lender does aot waive Its rights with respecc to subsequent cvents. _ <br /> •.�� (d) Regulattons af HUD Secreta=y.En many circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary wiU limit <br /> �- L.endcr's rights,in the case of�uymant defaults, to require imraediate payment in full and foreclose if not <br />� , t�;, pnicl.This Security Insen►ment does n�t authorize acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by neguladons �;._ <br /> ,-',. � of the Secretary. �.. <br />`„��'���• ' (e)Mortgage 1Vot Insured•Botrower agra�.s t� if this Securtry Insuvment and the Note are not detem�ined _ <br /> _.:�.....,{'� ; - <br /> ""���~�'� • to trs eligible for insusance �inder�he Natianal I�ousing Act within 60 daya frora the date hereof. Lender _ <br />�`"�,'"`' '� j mn .at its option, require immeciiate payment in full of all sums secur�d by this Security Instrument. A =__ <br />;:�;r:;, ��,;;:� Y <br />-'�--�,� :.f�.`S�;'��; written statemeut of any authodzed agent of the Secretary dated subs��ent to 60 days from the date hcre�f, <br /> � �' �' r�"`` declining tm insiire thIg S��t�riry Insinuneat and the Note, si�all F�e deemed concluaive proof of such � <br />,,_�.r,� ,. ;:;-i,;,, - <br /> �.�;��. 4 ineligibiliry. Notwitbstnndis�g the fosegoing, this option may not be exercised by Lender whea the <br />.,, ,:. <br /> ,��,•• unavailabUiry of ineurance is solely due to Lender's failure to rcmit a utnrtgage lusurance premfum to e <br />,_-� Sxrctary. _ <br /> r,:: �,�;, 10. Refinstatement. Aorrower ha� a dglzY to b� reinstated if Lender has requdred immediate paymeat ln full <br />'ti.':f}�°� becuusG of Horrower's failure to pay rm aiuount due under the Note or this Security Inst�wment. This right apFlies '- <br /> _,;.,�y,�n�� even after foreclosune procecdinge az'c insd�uced. To reinstate the Securtty Inscrumcnt. Borcower shall tonder in a <br /> ��_��;� lump sum all amouats required to bring Bort�wer's account current including, to the eatent they are obligadons of <br /> --"=-�� �n�n�ynT nnrler thic CeCU1'itV IA&tivrilt2Ut,farxLosure costs and reasonable and custon�ary ucorneys'fees and expenses <br /> =°Y°�— properly assaciated with the forec]osure procoeding• Upon teuutatement by Borrowar, s�'4:s Security instrwnenc and <br /> '"` ' [he obligattons thai it secures sh�ll remain Lsi effert as if Lender had not cequired 'ac�nediate paymcnt in fvll. <br /> �_..�Y���:., <br /> �„��� However, Lender is aot rcquired to permit reinstatement if: (i) Leader 6as Kcccpted �reinstatemeat afler the <br /> commencement of fo�eclosure pmceedings witbin two years immediately prcr�ding the commencem.ent of a current <br /> --°_-°� fortclosure proc.eeding, (ii) reinstaument will preclude foreclasore on dlffcrent grounds in the future, or (iti) <br /> reinstatcmeat will adversely affect the privriry�of the lien created by this Securlty Insmiment. _ <br /> 11. Borrower Not Itdeased; Forbdnace By LeadN'Not m WAiver. Bxunsion of the dme af payaxnt or <br /> --- modificadon of amortizatian of the sums sa�red by this Securiry Insuumsnt grentrd by Lender to aay successor in <br />'•"�' interest of�orrawer sHall not operate to reloase the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Bonower's successor in <br /> ��� interest. Lender ahall not be requic+ai to camunence Praceedings against any successor ir►interest or refus�to exund - <br /> —' time for pay�ent or otheiwise modify amonizadon of the sums secured by this Securi.ty Insaunx:nt by reason of any <br /> �•,,4 demand ma�io by the odginal Borrosv=r or Borrow�r's succ�essoss in iaterost•MY forbeaaz�RC�by Lender in eaercisin� <br /> :�,.r�r�c�; any right or nmedy sha11 nat bc a wuiver of or preclude the cxercise crf any right or rea:ecSy. <br />�':=.�A��; 12. Succesaors s+na Assigaa Bound;Jotsit and Several Ltai�flity;Co,Sigiax.'iho oovtnant�aad agroeinenta <br />-- • of this Securiey Inst�a�menc shall bind and lxaefit the successors and assigns of�,ender oad Fbrrower. subject to the _ _ <br /> -.::� provisionn of paragrnph 9(b). Borrower's covenHnts and agreemants shall be Joint and several. Any Borrowor who -- <br /> - ---- co-sig�s nlvs Security Insuument b�t does n�t execute the Note: (a) is co-signing thfs Sc��eity Insuument only to <br /> mottga�c,grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under tLe ur�ms of ttus Stcurity rnst►ument:(b) <br /> is not person�ily obligated[o pay tb.e sum�secured by this Security Instn�ment; and(c)agrees that L�ndox and any _ <br /> - -- - other Borrower may agree to extend,onociify. forbear or make any accommodations witt►re8ard to t�e 2er.�ts of this _ <br /> - �v;;�v�i• Seciuity Insuument or the Nou wit�xuut that�orrower's consent. ��� <br /> -:;t�,t t:: <br /> __.----=:;'�u`��c <br /> �. <br /> -- - �� <br /> _-_-:,,:� �. <br /> _ -- ��� - <br /> - �:-_=��, <br /> •��.. �'�� <br /> __. ,..,w��,.;• . . <br /> ��-�.ysi , K ��4R(MLl iasoa� rp�ea�e �n�u��s:�h <br /> r`��� R L <br /> --N�{�:_'f^��, <br /> u,��``'� <br /> s <br /> ^;;�{:: • .. <br /> ��� , ��.,, , -. <br /> ,., ,.,Q ... .�.�. �.,.� <br /> _��.�i�. . .. , .. � . .. .\� ,,. . , s,� - . , <br /> ' R . �` ��:t`�'��., " <br /> s . . . .� *- <br /> . .. . -; ..,_,. .r . .. . <br /> . . .. . �- .. :r: ., ., - � <br /> , ., . � <br /> _ ., . , •� �� <br /> � , , _ � . - , <br /> " ° • " ,. � . ; , <br /> '.\. • .S` • . � �i. 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