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<br /> If the amounts held by Lendcr for Escrow Yt�ms eacer.d the amounts permitted to ba lield by RESPA, 1Lender ;�-_;..
<br /> sball account to iiorcow�r fnr tl�e excess funds as required by RESPA, If the amounts of funds hel�!by Lenc�er at any
<br /> ,��,;
<br /> � ' ' tlme is not suffislent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may notlfy the Borrower and rr,qulre Borrower to
<br /> `^ make up the shortage as perinitted by RESPA. ,`=r_:
<br /> `�'�•'� The Escrow Fuuds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt. If -
<br /> �, •-
<br /> IIorrower tenders to Lender t�a full payment of all such sums, Borrower's account shall be crcdited with the bsilance :'x.
<br />_�, remaining for all instniltnent itcros(n). (b), and(c)and any mortga�c insurance premium installment that L.cader has :.'
<br /> _ .t.:...:
<br /> , '° uot beconie obligated to pay to the Secretary, and Lend�r shall promptly refund any eacess funds to Borrower.
<br /> • �• � � Immediately prior to a foreclosure salo of the Properry or #ts acquiaiaon by Lender, Borrower's account shall be �,_°_-°
<br /> , credited with any balnace rernnining for all iastallmente for items(a).(b),and(c).
<br /> ��•,`;
<br /> ,.�:'�. ., 3.AppUcation of Psyments.All payments undar paragraphs 1 and�ehall be applied by L,ender as follows: �_:_-
<br /> �I:�:� ,�: � �,ro the mortgAge iasurance premium to be pald by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly ci+�rge by the p_-_
<br /> �,y���;;t;:�,•,. ;, Secretary instead of the monthly mortgag�insurance premiwn:
<br /> - `"•"�'°`^�"'' �i to aay taxes, gpecial assessments,leasehold paymenta or ground renu,and fire,flood wd athcr hazard
<br /> -�:":;�,il'�,±f i;�i'yi�.�r, � _
<br /> "�.�: �?�.``l�;`;�:: insurance premiums,as requtred; .
<br /> ..,3�:��'::
<br /> .�,;�<<'4���`;,;.•'•`t Thizd,to intemst due under the Note;
<br /> Fourtl�,to amortizati�n of the principal of the Note;and _._
<br />_�;��,;;�:,r � , �,w late chazges due undcr the Note.
<br /> '.�. ` 4.FYre,I�1oad und Other Iiazard Insurance.Borrower shall insurc all improvemeats on the Property,whether
<br />-i�;f�� now in eaistence or subsequently erected,against any hazardx,cASUaldes,and canttngencies,including fue.for which �
<br />:<;�;,�;�;;,;.=�. Lender requires insurance. This lnsurence shall be malntained i+n the amounts and for the periods that Lender
<br />:;�-*r'"'r'� requires. Boaower shall also insure all improvements on the Prc��erty. whetlier now in eRistence or aubsac�ucndy r;,';";:�
<br /> -.....�
<br /> ��:�;=•- � erected,against loss by flooda to tue eaunt requirad by the Secretary.All insuaance sball be carrieci with com anies �_.
<br /> �:��;Ls�,`-�� '.. p —
<br /> - r__ .. approvat by Lender.'fhc insurance policies and aay nnewala shall be held by Lender and shall include loss payable
<br /> _�„:;�{'�,�� clausea in fuvor of.and in a form acceptable to,Lender. —
<br /> - ln the ev�nc oi Ioss.lSOITOWCI BhaU givo Lcut�i iuunc�nw L"vtitc Y,j IIS�i.I,�dar�y s�^.�e gz:a.°of!�.°ff��i --
<br />_--=__--�1�; �':.:
<br /> �_�t•Y�a,�,. made promptly by Borrower.Each insurance compAny concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment --
<br /> —M�' for such loss direcdy to Lender, instead of to Bonower and to Lender jointly. All or aay part of the insuraua
<br /> __=_�`-��'_., �; pmceeds may be applial by Lender, at ita opdon,either(a)to the rcducrion of the iadebtednes�s under the NoUe aad
<br /> — this Secudty Tnstniment.first ta any delinquent amounts applied ia We order ia garagraph 3,and thon ta prepayment
<br /> — of principal, or(b) to the ratoradon or repair of the daznaged Property. Any applicarion of the proaeds to ihe
<br /> - - principal shnil uot extcnd or postpone the due date of the montWy payments w3�ich are referred ro in pasagraph 2,or
<br />-_ — chsnge the amount of such payments. Any excess insurance proceeds over an acttount xequired to pay all outstanding
<br /> �'- indebtednese undcr the Noto and this Security Instrument shall bc paid to thc eatity legc�ly enHtled thereto. _
<br />��� In the ovent of foreclosure of thia Sauriry Inatrument or qther traasfer of ttde to the Paoperty that extingutshes
<br /> -----' the indebtedness, all right, title and interest of l3orrower ia and to insurance policies in foice shall pass to We M
<br />_.�"°"-�`a, purchaser.
<br /> — --- g,paupaacy�PreserP4tion,M�lntens�ace and Protectton ot the Propeity; Borrower's Iaen,��pficatlon;
<br /> � L�aseholds. Bomc►wer Ehall occupy, e.ctablish, aad uce the Property as Bonower's principril residenc�o wlthin sixry
<br /> -�'� days aftex the executioa oF this Securlry Instrument(or withi�sixty days of a latsr sale or transfer of the Property)
<br /> � and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal resid�nce for at least one year after the date of
<br /> :��� ocrupancy,unless Lender detem�ines that requinment vvill cause undue hardship for Bonower,or unle�s extenuating _
<br /> J�`"� circumstaaces 01�6t W111Ct1 BTC beyond Bonower's control. Borcowcr shali notify I.ender of sur�y axtenuating -
<br /> ' citcumstances. Borrower sbell not commit waste or destroy,damage or substantially change tl�e Praperty or allow the
<br /> "-'.� Propecry to deter�orate.reasonable wear and tear excepted. Leader may inspect the Pxoperty 1f the Property is vaeant
<br /> ` or abaadoned or the loan is ln default. Lendsr may talce rcasonable action to protect and preserve such vacant or
<br /> _ �_
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