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.. ;.._y <br /> {.•.,t � •.,a. <br /> r <br /> .'-;;.�. .r� - . . ��-r.. <br /> ' .-.'.+: . � . . <br /> ".. . . , . ' �� ' � � . . . . . . . ..._y� ,, w►n.w.S'w ' <br /> .._... .r...�..1'.�.'l:i._�........... .. . .. _ .. . . ..t. .. • _ - _ _...•_— _ . <br /> } . .. , , "wi.-------- <br /> --_-�.a.��:. <br /> • ,�.. , <br /> ' /r <br /> ��� �0��� � <br /> � Ipi1h �udgmant could result In I�Nelturo ol tha Nroporry ar othcn�lao mstcrialiy Impalr lho Ilcn crcatcd by thls Socu�ity Insirumcnt or Lendcr'o I �-� <br /> security inlerabi. 8orra•rrer may cure �uch a deit��d1 nnd re:notnlo, ae provlded in paraflreph 16,by�u31n4 iho nclion or procoedinp to bo � <br /> � dl3missad with a rulinfl thnl.In Lender'e pood lelth doterminatlon,preclude�foAeiluro a1 lha Bonower's interesi in ihn ProNc�iY u� otP�ci i���tr�i�l <br /> �� <br /> Imp�irment ol lho Ilon created by thl3 Sacurity Instrument or Lendos's eocudty Interest. BoTOwer aheh etso be In defauit II Borrowor,during tho , R <br /> ionn applicntion process, gave matorialty(alse or Inaccurete InTo►m+dlon or atatemente to Lender(�r teiled to provido Lendar with any mnterinl „ <br /> inlormetlan�in connection with ihe lonn nvldonced by tho Note,li�cludlne�,but not Ilmlted to,representatlons concaminp Borrower's occupancy o1 <br /> ' Iho Propedy ns e prtnr.ipal rosldence. II this SeCUrlry Instrument is en a leasehold, Borrowcr shnU compry with nll Ihe provlslons ol tho Icnaa. <br /> il�orr�wer ncquires leo title to tho Property.the leacehold end tha lee titie ahall not merge uniess Lender egrees to tha merger In wtlll�g. .. <br /> � 7. Protectlon of Lender's Rlght9 In tho Property. 11 Bortower faila to peAorm tho covenanto and aucheaaeaB oceadle '- <br /> " �n �r��s Secur�ty Instrument, or there Is a legal proceeding that mny olgnlilcantiy nfleat Lender's rfghte In the Property ( P 0 <br /> m bankruplcy, probate.1or condemnfltlon or lotieiture or to enforCe lewe or�egulaUone),then Lender may do and pey lor whatovet Is neceseery <br /> io protect the va!ue of the Property end Lender's �ights In the PropeRy. Lendera eC!ons may Include payfnp eny aums secured by e Ilen whlah v <br /> hes prioriry over this Securily Instrument,eppeadng In court, paying reaeonabte ettomcys'iees and enterinfl on the P�opeiYy to mnke repelre. <br /> Althaugh Lendor may take acilon under thla paragraph 7,Lender doea not have to d0 ao. •.;., ;�•, - <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thls paragr�ph 7 ehall became additlonal debt of Bertower secured by thls Security Inatn�ment. 4r.�.•`�,. <br /> ,,.:f.LiiaiY.��- <br /> Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ather tertns ai piryment,these amounts shall bear Interest from the date ot disbursement at the t•� <br /> Note rate and shall be psyable, wfth interost,upon notice hom 4ender to 9orrower requesting payment. ::_,;%__-`=----, <br /> 8. Mortgage Insuranee. It Lender required martflage insumnce aa n conditlon of maWng the loan aecured by thls Secudty Inswmunt, ��:_--• -- <br /> .. .,�.:;_ <br /> . BoTnwer shall pay the premhmu requirnd to malntain the morlgnge Insurance In eHect. It, tor any reason,tho mortgnge insurance coverage •� •, ��_ <br /> ^,�. . requued by l.ender iapses or ceases to be in eHect, Bortower shall pay tho p�emlums raquired to obtain coverage substantially equlvalent to the . <br /> mongage msurance previousy in eHect,at e cost substanttally equlvalont to the cost to Bor�ower ol tho mortgage Insuranee pravtously in e9(ect, . � - <br /> �` Irom an aitemate mortgac�e insurer approved by Lender. I1 substanUally equivRlent mortgege Insurance coverage Is not evelleble, Bortower shall pay .. _ ,_� <br /> - � �* tp Lender each monih a sum equal to one-twetfth o1 the yearty mortpage Inauranc�e'ts aa Ia oas�roserve in Ileuoof mortgaga In urnnce.n Loss reserve �� ��,, . 'i�'j 4 <br /> �": �, lapsed or ceased to be fn eHect. Lender will accept, use ctnd rotaln 4hese paym • •� �____ <br /> �' p paymer�ts may no lonper tte r2quired,at the option of Lender,it mortgage insurance coveraga(in the amaunt and for lhe pedod thet Lender ..ti,�. y�. ,�" <br /> / ^� - - — -- <br /> requires)provided by an insuror approved by Lender egain become�avallabie and is obtafned. Bortower shall pay the premiums requlred to _�f ^T��, <br /> �` maintain mortgage fnaurance in ettect,or to provide a losa re�erve,ur►1N the requfremenl(nr ntortgeoe tnsurance ends In accordance with any �'��� <br /> '' written agreemanl between Bortower end Lender or applicable law. <br /> _:, 9. Inspeetion. Lender or tta agent may malce reasonable enUfes upon nnd Inspectlons of the Praperty. <br /> Lender shal! fllve Bortower r <br /> _i��_=___� »�,��� q,�tip�imn of or oriar to an Inspection speciTytng reasonable cause tor the Inopection. .,���,;,n p �r,nnddnr+atlon _ '� <br /> �%' F 1p. COltdemnAtlOD. The proc�eds of any award or claim for damngee, direct or conaryuc�����z�%n��%��• -••�•-�• � e <br /> � •"!'�. or other tekin ot any pert of the PropeRy,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemnatlon,nra hareby asstgned end shall be pafd to Lender. _ <br /> .y,' , 9 <br /> - '�'�?i;Ff' In the event of a total taking of the Properry, lhe proceeds stiall be applied to the numa secured by thte Secutity Instrument,wherthc�r a not <br /> a,y, �` . <br /> �� then due.with eny excess paid to Borrower. In the event ot e perUal taking oi the Property In whkh the fair market value of the Property <br />`'`�' ' immediatety betore the tal:ing is equ91 to or greater than the amount of the sums aecured by thls Securiry lnatrument Immadiately betore the taking, ..; <br /> uniess Borrower and Lend�r otherwise 3grea in wdting,the sums seeurod by thls Security Instntment shdl be redueed by the amount of the , G <br /> . praceeds multlplied by the following tractlon: (a) the total amount o1 sums secured Immed)ately betare the taking,divided by(b)the talr tr�a�Cet ,�_ <br /> value ot the Property Immediatety betore iho taking. My bnlance ehall be pntd to Borrower• In the evmt ot e partial taWng of the Properiy In ` <br /> which the talr market velue ot the Property immedlatelyr before the taking la lesa then the amount of tho sums secu�ed Immedletely betoro Ihe <br /> taking, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless appticable Isw othe+wise provides, tho proceeds ahall be appiled <br /> to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the eums are then due. <br />- ' � ry, ., If the Praperty Is abandoned by DoROwer,or it.ufter notica by Lender to BoROwer that the condemnor oNErs to make an award or aettle aeu�--�� <br />-` ' "��'��r;,•`` n clefm lor damages.Bortower felis to respond to Lender wlthin a0 daye atter the date the nottce Is gNen, Lender Is nuthorized to colleet — - <br />''"���� '����r:��- and eppy the proceeds. at Its opt�on,either to restoretlon or repwir of the Piroperty or to the suma seared by thlg Securiry Instrument, <br />?ri: • �+ whether or not then due. <br />= Unless Lender and Bortower othenvlse agree In writing,eny applicaUon oi procaeds tm prineipd shall not extend or postpone the dua <br /> date ol tho monthly payments referrad to in paragrophs 1 end 2 or change the amount of suc7� peymenta. _ <br /> � � 1 1. Borrower Not Released; Forebseranca By Lender Not e Waivea Extcnston ot the t!me lor payment or modmwUon �_�_�_ <br /> =- - of amortiratian o1 the sums aewred by thls Security Instrument grented by Lende+to any succe�sor in intetest of Bortower shatl not - <br />':,�,-� operate to retease the Iiabluty at the�riginal Bonower or Borrower's ouccessore In InteresL lenda shall not be requlred to commenco c__�_____ <br /> -. ��.� � proceedings egainst any successor In Interest or refuse to e:dend time tor payment or olhenvise modiTy nmortizaqon ot the sums secured ,�,.��_ <br />=- �� hy this Securiry Instrument by reason of e�ny demand made by the original Bortower or Borrower'e succossor�in (nterest. Any to�bearance �+�`�� <br />- ., �� .�;.,������.�.�r <br /> . .. .`{.�."�� .�_.. <br />- � by Lender in exercfsing any�Ight or remedy shall not ba a walver of or preclude the exerc�se of eny right or remedy � ;Y�,' <br /> -,�t:•;:;,_;,:�� , <br /> ���'��� 12. Successors and Assig�s Bound; Joint and Several Liabiltty; Co-signera. The covenents and agreementa of � �;sr�� <br />° ,,�::f,.�.. �;.::_.._.�__�- <br /> 3•., f� this Security Instrument shall bind and benofit tho successore and asslgna ot Lender nnd Borrowx, subJe�t to tho provislona ot perag►c+ph <br />;•' : � <br /> 17. 6orrower's cavenents and agraements shall be Joint and st�veral. Any Borrower who ca3lgns this 5ecurity Instmment but doos not r'�„��;;_ <br /> - �:,.�,..7 execute the Note: (a) Is co-siflning thls Secudty Inst►umer►t onry to mortgage,grant and convey that Bortower's Interest In the Property 4Ce��;;� <br /> ''T':�;.`1.•..;���.�.,4--- <br />- • under ine tertns ot thfs Security Instrument: (b) Is not person311y obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument;end (a) , . �5V- `w <br />- �'it':�,';`" agrees ihat Lender end eny other Bonower may ugreo to oxtend,modity,tott�ear or mako any aceommodatlons with regard to tho terms ot �;..��.,;�.�: <br /> � tA:s Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. �. . .`:, •�• <br /> • 13. Loe� Cha�geS_ II the loan secured by thfs 3eturity��strument Is subJect to a icaw whlch seta maximum loan chargos, and . , Y:_�,. <br /> thel law is �nalty interpreted so thet tho interest or other loun aherges collected or to be co7�ctcd In connection wilh the loan axceed ' <br /> - the permitted Ilmits,then:(a) any such loan charpo shall 6o reduced by the emount neeeaeery to reduca tho charge to the permitted , <br /> ' ,..,, , <br /> � _ _ •_ _ Iimit: nnd (b) eny sums already coilected lrom Borrower which exceeded pemdttod Itmits wUl be retunded to Bertower. Lendr.r may choose <br /> _. . .�--- - .��__._....� �.,a....,.� tf n ratund reduces DTitt• -�-_ :-°_-- _- <br />-. - - -- .._ <br /> • to maka this refund by reducinp tho p�incfpal owed untler tne noce or oy mnN��y n��..�wr•���• •---°-••-� - - - - - <br /> � cipal.Ihe redu�tlon wlll bo trcutod as e partial prepayment without any propayment charqe under the Note. <br /> 14. NOtices. Any notice to Borrower provided tor In this Security InaVument shali be gNen by delivaring it or by mnlltng it by flrst <br /> class mail unless appiicable iaw requfres uso of another mathod. 7he notice shall 6e direcled to tho Property Addroas or uny other uddress <br />' ' aopa 3 0�5 Fortn 3028 9190 <br /> . \!IZl1:1•��.IS.'41, <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> � � ... ....---.. _.. .. _ .. . � .. - - <br /> � ,� . . ... ... _- --�- -- --- _ . .. ... <br /> _ . . . . . - -- �.J(--'------ <br />